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Miniatures Adventure => Post-Apocalyptic Tales => Topic started by: Too Bo Coo on May 11, 2013, 11:30:34 PM

Title: March Hare To Big Boppa! March Hare To Big Boppa! Come In! MOCK UP!
Post by: Too Bo Coo on May 11, 2013, 11:30:34 PM
Hoi All!

I've been, and remain, hard at work on my dissertation.  However, all work and no play, makes Jack into a homicidal maniac at a winter resort....  So in addition to needing to complete my Zombicide and Wild West projects, I wanted to goof around with taking the paint off of matchbox cars with Simple Green.  Simply?  It works.  3 day soak min.

Then I got to looking at my newly deskinned Fold Falcons. All 4 of them...

So a trunk came off here, some detail came off there and now my Main Force Patrol squad is starting to shape up....

Here is some very early work.  I began with the March Hare.  That's a Ford Falcon XA, which had slightly different details, some of which I could approximate, others I really didnt want to get that involved...

What I did do:
Removed the side scoops, removed the door handles, removed the back fin.  

I did a little damage to the back truck, so green stuff to fill it in, and to be filed down.  

The hood is different from the XB, which is the model of Matchbox. So I began to fill in the detail and I'll add the correct 'hump' after this next stage.

I trimmed down the area from the top back down the side of the back window and then over the top of the quarter panel.  i tried to alter the shape to be closer to the 4 door model.

I then used made a stencil to change the 2 door model to a 4 door.  Here is where things went south.  I brilliantly decided to try and scribe the new door with a dremel....  it worked out as well as you can imagine.  That is why there was so much green stuff on the drivers side. I'm fine with the body being less than pristine, but this was obscene...  So then I realized a sharp file would be far more precise....  So the passenger side shows the '4 door' better.  I'll use some plastic strip to make new door handles later on.

Once all this dries I'll sand down where I need to and then finish working on the hood before finalizing the doors.  From there I need to make the roof wing as well as a light bar. And then the back rim flares.

I'm going to make a plea in the Bizarre section, but I thought I'd try here as well.  I found that Lite Brite pegs cut down work PERFECTLY.  However, here in the Netherlands, they seem to be stupidly expensive for only needing a dozen or so...  So if anyone had children who have this toy but dont use it, I would be very indebted if you could spare 10 blue and 5 red.  I'd be happy to compensate you for them!

Here are my to date pics!
Post by: Too Bo Coo on May 12, 2013, 12:35:51 PM
Title: Re: March Hare To Big Boppa! March Hare To Big Boppa! Come In! MOCK UP!
Post by: Too Bo Coo on May 12, 2013, 10:03:00 PM

I have a basic mock-up for the March Hare!  I'm pretty happy with the results so far, as always feedback is most welcome!

Thanks Scurv!

Title: Re: March Hare To Big Boppa! March Hare To Big Boppa! Come In! MOCK UP!
Post by: Za Zjurman on May 12, 2013, 10:46:34 PM
very nice, will be following this thread,

Title: Re: March Hare To Big Boppa! March Hare To Big Boppa! Come In! MOCK UP!
Post by: Too Bo Coo on May 13, 2013, 09:45:19 AM
Cheers Mate!  I dont think I'll get much further than a base coat on this before I return to painting my gang!  But I have a great paint project afterwards.  The it's Zombicicde time again.  UGH!

Title: Re: March Hare To Big Boppa! March Hare To Big Boppa! Come In! MOCK UP!
Post by: The Breaker on May 13, 2013, 10:11:45 AM
Looks cool! Where did you get the cars from?
Title: Re: March Hare To Big Boppa! March Hare To Big Boppa! Come In! MOCK UP!
Post by: former user on May 13, 2013, 11:41:03 AM
interesting project

Could You do me a personal favor and crop Your pictures, please? It is a bit difficult to spot the car among all those orange tiles.
Title: Re: March Hare To Big Boppa! March Hare To Big Boppa! Come In! MOCK UP!
Post by: Too Bo Coo on May 13, 2013, 05:07:00 PM
@ Breaker

The car is just a Hotwheels 73 Ford Falcon that I did the conversions to.  I know the car is available this year as well.  I LOVE 20mm, a car is under $2.00!

@ former user

I'll certainly try!  I'm not so hot on the camera.....
Title: Re: March Hare To Big Boppa! March Hare To Big Boppa! Come In! MOCK UP!
Post by: former user on May 13, 2013, 05:51:19 PM
if You windows, then the picture manager helps
if You Mac, ask someone
it's not magic, just cropping
Title: Re: March Hare To Big Boppa! March Hare To Big Boppa! Come In! MOCK UP!
Post by: Constable Bertrand on May 14, 2013, 09:30:04 AM
Nice work, it sure is a good size with a huge range to choose from.

Just a question, I'm not sure how well filled the old door lines are, the 2nd side is cleaner, could you use a little more milliputty and sand it out? Either that, or for the next one, just leave it as a 2 door? The number of doors is a very minor thing if the car has the right "feel" to it (ie lights, fins, paint and rocker cover)
Title: Re: March Hare To Big Boppa! March Hare To Big Boppa! Come In! MOCK UP!
Post by: Too Bo Coo on May 14, 2013, 09:45:47 AM
@CB  Cheers Mate!  I've been using the feel test for the door lines, the drivers side is much better than the other. I'm not sure if you read my intro, but I got a little nutzy with the Dremel at first and tried to scribe the new door lines with it... so I needed much more putty on one side over the other.  I'm not too worried about this car, it's more a 'test run' to see how it all works and the limits I can push the model too.  I've got probably 10 of these cars still in the package :)

I'm going to build the whole fleet and all three Yellow cars are 4 door and the Black Interceptor is the only 2 door.  They do look different when all is said and done, and it's fun to see what I'm able to work out and what's beyond my meager abilities....

Cheers again Mate!
Title: Re: March Hare To Big Boppa! March Hare To Big Boppa! Come In! MOCK UP!
Post by: Constable Bertrand on May 14, 2013, 09:54:07 AM
Yeah I read the Dremel got a little too excited, but I was looking at the top photo which looked more damaged. The bottom one has different lighting, and it's not as noticeable, so maybe it will be all good.

It's all sent to tryers, so shoot for the moon,  ;D with 10 cars you can always resort to a more moderated effort  lol It is looking good so far!!!