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Miniatures Adventure => VSF Adventures => In Her Majesty's Name => Topic started by: TheBlackCrane on June 05, 2013, 12:45:31 AM

Title: Adventures with Greenstuff (IHMN "conversions")
Post by: TheBlackCrane on June 05, 2013, 12:45:31 AM
Bit of a long post, and by way of proviso I should first say my skills with greenstuff are rather rudimentary, and when I use it the results usually look rather better once painted. However, here are a few of the figures I picked up at Salute with added greenstuff 'bits';

First up a couple of Ironclad Miniatures 'Sporting gentlemen with guns'; the chap on the left has his patented heavy leather "bulletproof" (ahem) vest and some sort of blunderbuss-type firearm. On the right is chap who I would really like to call 'Bloody Stupid Johnson', but since that would be to plagiarise Terry Pratchett I shall settle for something like 'Flipping Daft Ernie' - a customised faraday coat designed to divert arc strikes into his monocular targeting array, routed via his hat of course. I'm going to come up with a chance roll for this which gives the possibility of an extra boost to SV (more than the +1 of the basic array), but which also might just blow his hat off, destroy the array, or provide the reasoning behind his name!



Next up, a couple of troopers who will be the guards/cannon fodder for the Royal Antiquarian Company; the original figures are Empress's Pippin's Academy Guards; rear figure has some sort of hunting rifle, front figure has either an arc rifle, or perhaps some sort of repeating shotgun, I'm not sure quite what yet, but it has wires and things sticking out of the back into kit on his back...


Finally, a couple of military types, probably going to be either regular army reinforcements or troopers for my Extraordinary Tea Company (or Empire Tea Company, you get the idea).

Trooper with a military arc rifle


and a chap with the Steam-Throwing Ordinance for Military Personnel -STOMP (Mark I): I'm trying to work out some rules for this - thinking along the lines of a flamethrower, but 2-handed, so I might have to reduce the effectiveness or increase the points value, and also make note of the fact that most armours will probably stop hot steam. Mind you, if it gets in amongst metal armour it might be nasty. Anyway, this will be written into the company spiel when I do one.

(http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_YXnD4bAEB0/Ua56Oo23HPI/AAAAAAAAANI/7SkiRELo4XM/s320/DSCN0634.JPG) (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-kQjU5sUY6V8/Ua56PmqXB5I/AAAAAAAAANQ/ZaDocm-WMcs/s320/DSCN0636.JPG)

So, hopefully the conversions will get better as I practice with the greenstuff; if anyone does have any suggestions as to how I can extend uniform coats into greatcoats that would be handy, because all my attempts have been pretty awful.

Glad for any feedback on the figures!
Title: Re: Adventures with Greenstuff (IHMN "conversions")
Post by: Diceplague on June 05, 2013, 01:34:59 AM
Looking very good so far! Canīt wait to see those chaps with some paints on them!  :-*
Title: Re: Adventures with Greenstuff (IHMN "conversions")
Post by: Dewbakuk on June 05, 2013, 07:33:39 AM
thinking along the lines of a flamethrower, but 2-handed, so I might have to reduce the effectiveness or increase the points value,

Just increase the cost by 5 points. Essentially include the cost of the Strongman talent into the weapon.
Title: Re: Adventures with Greenstuff (IHMN "conversions")
Post by: Mason on June 05, 2013, 11:02:21 AM
For someone with 'rudimentary' GS skills, these look pretty good to me.
Having just started messing around more often with the stuff myself, I appreciate the difficulties involved.
I also know that paint can hide my worst offenses, so had a little chuckle at that part.

One thing I would suggest would be to use wire and guitar string rather than GS for the tubes etc. It just makes life easier.

I like these and the ideas behind them.
Very imaginative!

Title: Re: Adventures with Greenstuff (IHMN "conversions")
Post by: steharan on June 05, 2013, 11:38:47 AM
I second mason on the guitar string comment although I disagree with your rudimentary statement,  they look great.  Looking forward to the painted article.
Title: Re: Adventures with Greenstuff (IHMN "conversions")
Post by: The_Beast on June 05, 2013, 02:26:51 PM
For someone with 'rudimentary' GS skills, these look pretty good to me.
Having just started messing around more often with the stuff myself, I appreciate the difficulties involved.

Damn! No,  just damn!  :o

Quote from: Mason
I also know that paint can hide my worst offenses, so had a little chuckle at that part.

Alas, there are still some manufacturers who depend on that.

As for these, and I repeat myself...


Title: Re: Adventures with Greenstuff (IHMN "conversions")
Post by: LCpl McDoom on June 05, 2013, 04:55:36 PM
Many thanks for the inspiration - I just know that somewhere, I have some green stuff. Wonder if it's still fit for use??
Title: Re: Adventures with Greenstuff (IHMN "conversions")
Post by: TheBlackCrane on June 05, 2013, 11:32:00 PM
Thanks all for the kind words :D
They've now made their way to the painting queue, so hopefully in a couple of weeks or three (I'm not a quick painter...) I can show off the finished versions, alongside some 'unadorned' counterparts. I'm thinking on the uniform colours for the Antiquarian troopers, maybe something in green.

Great suggestion for pipes and tubes, I never thought of using wire/guitar string - so much easier!