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Miniatures Adventure => Future Wars => Topic started by: Michka on June 14, 2013, 08:33:32 PM

Title: Michka's 40K stuff... (Genestealer Cult Goliath added 7/3/17)
Post by: Michka on June 14, 2013, 08:33:32 PM
Recently I got a hold of a bunch of old metal Genstealers. There are a few hybrids in the batch as well, but I found the pure strain Genestealers fascinating. I've painted up plastic Genestealers for years now, but I never took the time to do a proper 'eavy Metal style paint job on them. Given the nature of 40K in the last few editions you always needed quantity, and you needed it fast. Since I stumbled into this gold mine I wanted to take my time painting these up. Anyway, here are the first batch.


I also planned to mix in the old style plastic Genestealers, but they just didn't look right next to the metals. (Forgive the bad paint job on the old plastic here. He's an example of what I was trying way back when. I got better.) 


I realized the problem was the position of the rear arms. With a bit of cutting and pinning I think I got these plastics to match up pretty well.


They're by no means a perfect match, but they look right when mixed into a big group.


Since I was doing some higher quality painting on my Genestealers I figured I'd give a couple Imperial Guardsmen an upgrade.


I'm happy with the guards so far. I need to paint up some more though, or they won't last for very long.

Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Andrew May on June 14, 2013, 09:23:47 PM
Love the genestealers! I'm pretty sure I painted a green one exactly like yours when I was a kid!
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: beefcake on June 15, 2013, 12:57:40 AM
Very jealous of the metal genestealers. They look great!
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: dijit on June 15, 2013, 06:28:52 AM
Those are some really nice minis and lovely paintwork.
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Suber on June 15, 2013, 10:17:17 AM
I love the choices of colours and how you have managed to get along all those in such a great way. Both Genestealers and Guards look terrific!
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Chico on June 15, 2013, 05:54:09 PM
Love your Purestrains alot, if you have no use for your Hybrids i'm sure i can trade you a few metal and plastic Purestrains of the same era for them :)

Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: AKULA on June 15, 2013, 06:17:26 PM
Lovely PJ  :)
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: FramFramson on June 15, 2013, 08:25:07 PM
Great old minis! Love the guards too!
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Elbows on June 15, 2013, 09:33:18 PM
I miss the older slightly more campy nids...some of their new stuff is great, but the old stuff has a bit of charm to it.  Good lookin' minis.
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: rob_alderman on June 15, 2013, 11:13:04 PM
Love them, they look great! :)
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Jonas on June 16, 2013, 11:52:56 AM

I have mixed the plastic and metal genestealers too in my horde.

I love the old metal genestealers, unfortunately I have the later edition with plastic arms.

These look awesome with the metal arms and the great painjob!
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Cypher226 on June 16, 2013, 03:16:18 PM
Looking good - you've made me think twice about selling my old catachans too....  :D
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Michka on June 16, 2013, 03:41:46 PM
Thank you for all the nice compliments.
Jonas: I have some of the plastic armed metal genestealers too. I haven't got to them yet thought. I had three blister packs of the all metal purestrains, and one pack had a missing arm. Turns out the missing arm was in the next blister. I was lucky. It's not like I can send a request to GW anymore.
Cypher226: I've always loved the metal Catachans. They were my first GW models.
Chico: Sorry, but I'm savoring those minis. I take my time when I'm painting this way, and those are going to take even more time.

I've started re-painting my old Hive tyrant too. I'd get him finished sooner if I hadn't distracted myself with other projects.   
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on June 16, 2013, 05:41:39 PM
They all look fantastic!
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Jonas on June 16, 2013, 08:24:02 PM

Jonas: I have some of the plastic armed metal genestealers too. I haven't got to them yet thought. I had three blister packs of the all metal purestrains, and one pack had a missing arm. Turns out the missing arm was in the next blister. I was lucky. It's not like I can send a request to GW anymore.

Yeah  lol I have a couple of Squat Thuddguns in blister and one of them is a misspack with two leftsides og the barrels. I was thinking of complaining to GW, but I dount I would get anything out of it. Instead I bought a incomplete second hand Thuddgun, so once I get to it I can still fix it.

About the metal genestealers with plastic arms, I have seen a guy, on the internet somewhere, cutting off the closed hands of the plastic arms and putting on new GW zombie or ghoul hands, it looks much better.

This pic shows the plastic arms with the new hands.

Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Chico on June 16, 2013, 08:56:16 PM
The arms on that conversion are converted Hybrid arms which aren't the easiest things to come by, but looks quite good :)
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Jonas on June 16, 2013, 09:47:23 PM
Yes, I know, but they were also used as arms for the metal genestealers later. I have quite a collection of these arms at the moment, everytime I see one in a friends bits box I liberate it for my Genestealer Cult  :D
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Michka on June 18, 2013, 05:58:14 PM
In the spirit of old school 40K stuff, I have a couple pictures of my Dark Angel Terminators.

(http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x480/Michka5000/moreStarTrekminiatures002_crop_zps9d948b33.jpg[~original /img]

[img width=800 height=501]http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x480/Michka5000/moreStarTrekminiatures004_crop_zps52a38b35.jpg~original)

I just love the look of the old style plastic Terminators. I liked the metal ones as well. Come to think about it I like the new ones too. I guess I just like Terminators.
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Chico on June 18, 2013, 06:11:54 PM
There cool, have any of the prototype Mk1's?
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Suber on June 18, 2013, 09:11:18 PM
They look truly lovely in that old school air :-*.
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Michka on June 20, 2013, 01:30:44 PM
Thank you Chico and Suber. Once I get a couple more finished I can consider running a game of Space Hulk.

There cool, have any of the prototype Mk1's?

No I don't. In fact these Terminators are the oldest 40K minis I have. At least I think these are the oldest.
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Michka on November 07, 2013, 04:54:33 PM
Been a long time since I added to this thread. After working for so long on the Blade Runner project I was in the mood to paint something different. Here goes...


Three more Catachans. I might have to dig out a few more cause these guys were fun to paint.


Two more Genestealers. At this rate I'll be able to play Space Hulk by 2019.


and finally, I cleaned up some of my old Necrons and gave them a spiffy new ancient look. I love the old Necrons, even if they never got a good number of poses. There's just something cool about how archaic they look. I hate the new plastic ones. They look too serious for my taste. I don't like the way the new army plays either. No more slowly lumbering across the board, seeing if the enemy can kill enough of my guys to save themselves. Then again I was always more interested in pushing metal figures around then I was about winning. That's probably why I gave up on 40K a couple years ago. The Necrons were the first 40K army I ever played with. I had lots of Imperial Guard and Tyranid miniatures back in the day, but the only army I had enough models to play with were the old Necrons. My first Necron was a freebie attached to an issue of White Dwarf.

Oh, one more picture, because I have a new terrain piece to show off, and it makes for a silly scene.

Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Mason on November 07, 2013, 05:38:52 PM

Nice work, Michka.
RT is something that should never die.
Love the 'oldskool' vibe coming off of these fellas.

Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Suber on November 07, 2013, 06:08:26 PM
Pretty nice! Love it! :-*
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: cheetor on November 07, 2013, 06:09:13 PM

The necrons and water cooler are particularly nice.  

I enjoy the look of all the necrons, old and new (although the basic trooper is over a decade old now) but the old necrons definitely have an archaic something special in their design.  They look like if you opened them up they might be full of valves rather than circuitry, like Flash Gordon tech.

Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Rob_Jedi on November 07, 2013, 07:44:47 PM
Lovely camo on the catachans and really like old look on the necrons. That water cooler is great. Who makes it?
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Argonor on November 07, 2013, 07:55:44 PM



You almost make me think that I should paint some of my own SH plastic Terminators. They look nice, and the pj seems simple enough to be finished in a few sessions...

How did you get rid of the aerials that cleanly?
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Jonas on November 07, 2013, 08:30:23 PM
I love the new models. All great paint jobs!

The Necrons are awesome and makes me want to get some!  lol
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Chico on November 07, 2013, 08:47:28 PM
Rather tasty good job mate
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: warburton on November 07, 2013, 10:10:28 PM
Very nice work - keep it up!
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: spevna on November 07, 2013, 11:21:27 PM
Those are all excellent. Makes me feel guilty for not getting on with mine  :(
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Michka on November 08, 2013, 05:34:29 AM
Thank you all for the kind comments. The water cooler was bought at Rock Con from a dealer called Recreational Conflicts. I think they originally come from Ainsty, but don't quote me on that.
I will get some more old school 40K painted soon, but first I have some repairs to do. This morning after posting the pictures I dropped about half of these guys on the way to the basement. The only damage was to three of the Necrons. The tips of their blasters were bent up badly, which of course means the paint flaked right off. It'll be an easy repair to make, but annoying as hell. The moral of this is you should never move miniatures casually when you are tired. 
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: theottovonbismark on November 11, 2013, 04:59:03 PM
I have to say those Catachan's are some of the nicest ones I have ever seen in terms of a colour scheme that works well.  I will probably have to steal their pants when they are not looking. ;) 
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Michka on November 11, 2013, 05:07:49 PM
I will probably have to steal their pants when they are not looking. ;) 

 :o Now there's a scene I don't want to see.
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Daeothar on December 13, 2013, 01:13:47 PM
A bit late to the party, but those Necrons are pretty dang awesome! 8)

As far as Necrons are concerned, I have a very similar story to yours. My first one was free with a White Dwarf and I like the old metal sculpts over the new ones (although I don't hate them; they're more high tech, but have a whole cool feel of their own. Until GW munchkinned them out with huge monstrous models and huge vehicles etc).

My first (painted and thus playable) 40K army (my RT era Dark Angels were never playable) was made with the old Necrons and many conversions, including Wraiths, a Tombspyder and a Monolith. And I have a WIP DIY Pylon sitting around too.

I recently acquired another large lot of Necrons, so I do plan to revisit them in the near future. I still have about 40 Warriors to paint (not counting the incoming Battleforce), so a determined bout of batch painting could pull this army over the 4000 points with ease! :)

But what I want to know from you; what is the recipy for that awesome bronze look you gave your 'Crons? I love that! Was I not already so commited to the classic paintscheme on mine, I might emulate it...
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Michka on December 15, 2013, 08:49:05 PM
But what I want to know from you; what is the recipy for that awesome bronze look you gave your 'Crons? I love that! Was I not already so commited to the classic paintscheme on mine, I might emulate it...

Sorry for the late reply on this Daeothar. I was trying to to find the notes with the colors I used, but have no idea where it went. Here's what I can remember. I start with a Black primer coat. Then give it a heavy, heavy wet brush of GW Tin Bits. This is followed by a dry-brush of Boltgun Metal. Then I give it some Green Ink wash in selected places. Not the whole thing. Just those places where I want a touch of patina. This is the old GW ink that stains the paint so well. Add a bit of Turquoise in those same places. Line the thing with some black and finally a super light dry-brush of Mithreal Silver. (You can tell I like to dry-brush a lot, can't you?) I believe I have some old school GW Flesh Wash ink dabbed in there as well, but without my notes I can't be sure. Hope that helps.
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Daeothar on December 16, 2013, 07:40:04 AM
No problem, and thanks :)

It certainly helps, although the recipy is eerily similar to what I used for my 'classic' Necron look: Black undercoat, heavy drybrush Tin Bitz, drybrush Boltgun Metal, Black wash/lining, final highlight Mithril Silver...

The only thing I did different then, is the Green and Turquoise, but your end result seems a lot browner (you'll have to take my word for that; I currently have no online pics available ;) ).

Still; it's worth experimenting, as I really like the look you achieved.
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: steders on December 17, 2013, 09:45:22 AM
Nice stuff!
I never realised how different (and better) the old metal Necrons are to the modern plastics. The paint job you have done is really good but I don't think it would work half as well on the plastic ones, they look too flat.
I will have to find some figures to try out your recipe!
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Commander Vyper on December 17, 2013, 11:27:22 AM
The necrons and water cooler are particularly nice.  

I enjoy the look of all the necrons, old and new (although the basic trooper is over a decade old now) but the old necrons definitely have an archaic something special in their design.  They look like if you opened them up they might be full of valves rather than circuitry, like Flash Gordon tech.

Have to agree with Paul there, perfect for steampunk,  empire of the dead etc... tesla rods etc...
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Michka on May 23, 2016, 04:46:23 AM
It's been almost three years since I added anything to this thread. I considered making a new thread, but having a single home for all my 40K stuff is just to appealing. I'll start off with some really old Space Marines. Went with Crimson Fist colors this time. I'll probably never have a full playable army because I just can't decided which chapter I want.


Next up, Some Vostroyan Imperial Guard. Some of the last metal Guard figures GW made. As such they might be the last guard figures I ever buy. What can I say. I love painting metal miniatures.


Finally, here are some Genestealer Cultists from the new Deathwatch Overkill box.


I really like these figures. If anything would get me back into Games Workshop, it was these new box games. Deathwatch, Betrayal at Calth, and the Imperial Knights game that just came out are awesome. Then again, the number of cool Rogue Trader threads on this forum has been pretty inspiring too. With any luck I'll have something else here before another three years rolls around. 
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Vanvlak on May 23, 2016, 05:55:32 AM
VERY nice - each pic I scrolled down to was better than the previous!
The old school marines - the red stripe down the beak really makes a difference, and makes the Mk 6 helmet (best SM helmet of the lot, in my book) stand out. Nice mud on the Vostroyans; and those eyes on the cultists! Actually, on all of them - they all seem to glow - but the cultists' are particularly menacing  :o 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Mr Papafakis on May 23, 2016, 06:50:21 AM
The white eyes on the marines look cool!

Great paint jobs too :)
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Andym on May 23, 2016, 07:04:45 AM
Fantastic stuff! :-*

I'm REALLY tempted by that Deathwatch box set and your brilliant version of them doesn't help! ;) You've done a great job of them! .....and that first Space Marine figure, the communications officer, he's one of my all time favourite models. You've brought him right up to date with your amazing paint job.
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: majorsmith on May 23, 2016, 08:42:35 AM
Love the Crimson fists! What blues did you use? They look like they've jumped out the 1st edition rule book!
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Michka on May 23, 2016, 09:25:20 AM
Thank you everybody. So happy you all liked these.

Love the Crimson fists! What blues did you use? They look like they've jumped out the 1st edition rule book!

The base colors are Reaper Sapphire Blue and Reaper Blood Red over Testor's Light Earth rattle can spray. Washed the whole thing with GW's Nuln Oil. After that dried I went back over the highlights with thin coats of the base colors till I thought they popped. I did something similar with the Genestealer Cultists, but I used GW's Druchii Violet wash over Sapphire Blue, Reaper Rainy Grey for the flesh, and Vallejo Blue Violet for the cloth. You can tell I have no paint brand loyalty.
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: majorsmith on May 23, 2016, 10:14:50 AM
Thanks for that, it's the blue I was looking yo do mine in, instead I went for the darker blue, which I kind of regret
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Suber on May 23, 2016, 09:02:21 PM
Wooow, pure love there :-*
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: huesped on May 23, 2016, 10:49:15 PM
awesome tread indeed!!!
outstanding paint work there!!!!!
Congrats mate!!!
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K...
Post by: Michka on March 14, 2017, 04:39:49 PM
Just adding some more Genestealer Cultists. These are an alternate paint scheme I'm trying out. Not a proper Old School look, but they may work well in more generic settings. You know, like maybe Star Wars or something...

(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4033/35563265181_0b7c0bf0ec_c.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/WbB2Jv)
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K... (New colors for Genestealer Cult added 3/14/17)
Post by: Diablo Jon on March 14, 2017, 04:56:27 PM
Your first Genestealer cultists were lovely but these guys are even better. I'm really digging that colour scheme.
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K... (New colors for Genestealer Cult added 3/14/17)
Post by: Michka on March 14, 2017, 06:01:00 PM
Thank you Diablo Jon. I really enjoyed painting these. And wouldn't you know it, I found this combination after I finished all the cultists from the Deathwatch: Overkill box.
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K... (New colors for Genestealer Cult added 3/14/17)
Post by: Andym on March 14, 2017, 07:28:33 PM
I like the black rifles? 8)
Title: Re: Michka's 40K... (Shadow Wars terrain and more Genestealer Cultists 5/29/17)
Post by: Michka on May 30, 2017, 12:24:26 AM
Can't really call this an Old School thread anymore, as I'm painting too many current GW products. I was bitten by the Shadow Wars bug the first time I saw a photo of the terrain. It's taken way, way, way too long to get this first batch of terrain done, but here it is.



This is most of the stuff from the basic box, along with some promethium Pipes. I painted all of the pieces completely rusted out, just like the scatter terrain I was doing recently. Then I used the salt technique to to create hold-out areas. Then sprayed it was Testors rattle can paint. Then a whole lot of Nuln Oil over everything. Sponged on some chipping on the edges and it was done. Not the quickest method of painting, but I'm happy with the results.

And since I'm making all this terrain I might as well start painting up a Kill-Team. Here are all the orange clad Genestealer Cultists I've finished so far.


I have another box set of Shadow Wars terrain to finish. No idea when that will get done. Hopefully I'll get another update made in the near future.

I suppose I should start reading the rules now.
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K... (New colors for Genestealer Cult added 3/14/17)
Post by: Predatorpt on May 30, 2017, 12:49:36 AM
Wonderful work! The way the colors of the scenario contrast with the figures is stunning  :o
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K... (New colors for Genestealer Cult added 3/14/17)
Post by: Michka on May 30, 2017, 05:34:50 AM
Thank you Predatorpt. I try to paint terrain somewhat dull so the miniatures stand out. Glad it worked this time.
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K... (New colors for Genestealer Cult added 3/14/17)
Post by: Major_Gilbear on May 30, 2017, 08:10:35 AM
It's been a while since I came by this thread, but your recent work is looking amazing. I especially like your various interpretations of the Genestealer Cult figures. :)
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K... (New colors for Genestealer Cult added 3/14/17)
Post by: Michka on May 30, 2017, 03:25:16 PM
Thank you Major. I think the Genestealer Cultists are the best miniatures GW have put out in years. I love all the creative uses people are finding for the body lately. Seen them as Imperial Guard, Chaos Cultists and even basic civilian. They're just so useful.

I haven't been posting as much as I should lately. Between the slow progress on the Shadow Wars terrain and the frustrations of uploading photos I've been slow to grab the camera. Here's hoping I get better about taking pictures again.
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K... (New colors for Genestealer Cult added 3/14/17)
Post by: majorsmith on May 30, 2017, 04:25:36 PM
Those scenic look great, and that genestealer colour scheme really pops, love the weapon colour too
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K... (New colors for Genestealer Cult added 3/14/17)
Post by: Elbows on May 30, 2017, 06:44:45 PM
Yep, those fellas are delicious.
Title: Re: Michka's Old School 40K... (New colors for Genestealer Cult added 3/14/17)
Post by: Michka on May 31, 2017, 01:56:43 AM
Thank you majorsmith. I still have lots of terrain to paint. Oddly, finding enough space to take pictures of the terrain is the hardest part.

and Thank you Elbows. Not sure how edible GW plastic is, but I have tasted the paint a time or two.
Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Shadow War Armageddon terrain added 5/29/17)
Post by: Michka on June 03, 2017, 04:33:40 PM
Here's the Crane from the Galvanic Servo-Hauler set.


This took way longer to paint then it should have. Mostly because I started with a white primer instead of the Averland Sunset spray that GW sells. I haven't bought any of the GW sprays yet, but that one is on my list. I love this color. Such a stupid name for Industrial Yellow-Orange.

And here's my favorite thing about the set. The carrier also fits the Armored Munitorium containers.

I really like this set. No idea when I'll finish off the two tractors. Probably after I find some Averland Sunset spray paint.  :D
Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Galvanic Servo-Hauler Crane added 6/3/17)
Post by: axiom on June 03, 2017, 04:59:12 PM
Excellent colour choice and really nicely painted. I'm gutted I didn't pick up a set immediately as it looks like these might not come back into stock any time soon.
Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Galvanic Servo-Hauler Crane added 6/3/17)
Post by: Elbows on June 03, 2017, 05:09:32 PM
Yeah, excellent job on those.  I've never been enamoured with any of GW's terrain, but the crane/hauler set is something I may actually pick up.
Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Galvanic Servo-Hauler Crane added 6/3/17)
Post by: Michka on June 04, 2017, 04:52:59 AM
Thank you Axiom and Elbows. Averland Sunset is my new favorite color. Still not a fan of GW base paints, but the colors are lovely.

I figured out another trick to this set after assembling the two tractors. It looks like the crane's engine piece can replace the body of one of the tractor. The attachment points on the side of the engine match the treads from the smaller tractor. Now I need another set just to get a third tractor style.
Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Galvanic Servo-Hauler Crane added 6/3/17)
Post by: horridperson on June 04, 2017, 07:18:15 AM
that is some fine looking terrain Michka  :-* !  The drab colours and weathering sell the location as abandoned and derelict.  I'd like to send my miniatures there but wouldn't want to make the trip myself :D .
Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Galvanic Servo-Hauler Crane added 6/3/17)
Post by: Vanvlak on June 04, 2017, 07:46:54 AM
That came out splendidly. I hadn't realised the container fits the trailer, that's the sort of clever design work I like in models. Nice work with the yellow  8)
Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Galvanic Servo-Hauler Crane added 6/3/17)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on June 04, 2017, 07:52:39 AM
Great thread  :)


Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Galvanic Servo-Hauler Crane added 6/3/17)
Post by: Wachaza on June 04, 2017, 11:03:39 AM
The recent GW terrain is really good and that paintjob really brings it out. Lovely.
Looking forward to that new objectives set.
Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Galvanic Servo-Hauler Crane added 6/3/17)
Post by: Michka on June 04, 2017, 03:33:16 PM
Thank you Horridperson. (Now there's a sentence you don't write every day.) I really like to make terrain dull so the miniatures stand out. The Crane and construction pieces don't really fit that thinking, but it just looks right.

Thank you Vanvlak. I saw the trailer thing in a tiny blurb in the recent White Dwarf.

Thank you Mr. Bibbles. How's the Star Wars project coming along?

Thank you Wachaza. I just found out about the Objectives yesterday. Now I need them! Need them bad!
Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Galvanic Servo-Hauler Crane added 6/3/17)
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on June 04, 2017, 08:38:05 PM
The colour is perfect, they look really good.
Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Galvanic Servo-Hauler Crane added 6/3/17)
Post by: Mason on June 04, 2017, 10:44:40 PM
Seeing your version of the crane just emphasises that I really MUST have a set of these things sooner or later.
Great paintjob on the beastie.
 :-* :-*

Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Galvanic Servo-Hauler Crane added 6/3/17)
Post by: Michka on July 03, 2017, 05:32:21 AM
Well, after much hair pulling and eye gouging (Thanks Photobucket), I've set up a photo hosting account on Flickr. And for my inaugural post, I bring you a Galvanic Servo-Hauler Tractor.



I think these look so much better after you scrap the skulls out of the wheel hubs.
Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Galvanic Servo-Hauler Tractor added 7/2/17)
Post by: horridperson on July 03, 2017, 06:12:57 AM
The brown weathering/grease build up on the yellow looks excellent.  Some chipping or a spot colour on that headlight would look nice too.  Your paint definitely makes me want one of my own.  A fine looking piece! 
Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Galvanic Servo-Hauler Tractor added 7/2/17)
Post by: 3 fingers on July 03, 2017, 06:59:49 AM
Love it,definitely better de skulled!
Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Galvanic Servo-Hauler Tractor added 7/2/17)
Post by: No Such Agency on July 03, 2017, 02:48:30 PM
I'm always baffled that Photobucket still exists.  It's a total turd of a "service".  But I get that a lot of people have images hosted on it and migrating is a pain.

Anyway, cool tractor, that grimy yellow is grease-a-licious!
Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Galvanic Servo-Hauler Tractor added 7/2/17)
Post by: blacksoilbill on July 04, 2017, 12:50:47 AM
Superb yellows there!
Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Galvanic Servo-Hauler Tractor added 7/2/17)
Post by: Michka on July 04, 2017, 02:53:03 AM
Thank you horridperson. I really should have finished the headlight. You always notice these things after you've uploaded your photos.

3 fingers, I have to agree. I don't remove every skull, but I'll take them out whenever possible.

blacksoilbill, Averland Sunset is quickly becoming my favorite color. I bought a can of the spray paint, and now have to try not to paint everything yellow. It looks so good with Agrax Earthshade. 

I know what yo mean No Such Agency. I was just on Photobucket to try to remove a couple photos, and it was such a pain I just gave up. 

I give you, the Genestealer Cultist's vehicle of choice, the Goliath.



I replaced the big weapon on the side with a small slotta-base painted with hazard stripes. Said base is removable. (and I still have a twin-linked autocannon around here somewhere.) That big gun just doesn't look right on a piece of constrction equipment. I wanted the vehicle usable in other settings. The cultist with the heavy stubber is removeable, which means I can set this thing down in a street scene, construction site or colony in any near-future/cyberpunk setting. I think this model would look great for Infinity, Aliens, Blade Runner, Shadowrun. What do you think? 
Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Genestealer Cult Goliath added 7/3/17)
Post by: blacksoilbill on July 04, 2017, 07:04:51 AM
More yellow, more awesome! And I definitely like the move to get rid of the gun. Really makes this a great utility vehicle.
Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Genestealer Cult Goliath added 7/3/17)
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on July 04, 2017, 09:22:57 AM
Nice general purpose vehicle. Excellent paint job.

I have to admit to expecting to see a combo of genestealers and Necromundans that make Catachans look like wimps ^___^.
Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Genestealer Cult Goliath added 7/3/17)
Post by: Mason on July 04, 2017, 10:00:11 AM
Lovely work, Michka, you have really nailed those yellows.
 :-* :-*

Really makes this a great utility vehicle.

I really like the Goliath but it seems pretty pricey considering it is quite a small vehicle.

I have to admit to expecting to see a combo of genestealers and Necromundans that make Catachans look like wimps ^___^.

I am glad I was not the only one....

Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Genestealer Cult Goliath added 7/3/17)
Post by: Daeothar on July 04, 2017, 10:34:00 AM
Oh bugger; that vehicle passed way under my radar, and seeing yours, I now very badly need one... ::)

Great work on the yellow and you're right; the spraypaint and shade work very well together. Too bad I'm already comitted to another shade of yellow (and another recipy) for my Imperial Fists, or I'd start using yours instead!

The idea of leaving the guns removable certainly is a good one; I like my terrain to be as versatile as possible too :)
Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Genestealer Cult Goliath added 7/3/17)
Post by: Andym on July 04, 2017, 02:23:55 PM
Nice work Michka! 8) That's a great wee vehicle!
Title: Re: Michka's 40K stuff... (Genestealer Cult Goliath added 7/3/17)
Post by: MattW on July 04, 2017, 11:46:53 PM
Lovely Goliath, I agree that it looks much better without the guns on the side. Have you thought about making some kind of detachable claw/crane arm that could sit in that slot?