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Miniatures Adventure => Future Wars => Topic started by: spacecowsmith on June 19, 2013, 05:08:38 PM

Title: An Alternative Battletech... New Mech Added 11th July!
Post by: spacecowsmith on June 19, 2013, 05:08:38 PM

I've been tinkering with the idea of playing some games based in a bit of an alternative Battletech universe with a slightly less tech dark age type of spin on it but didn't want to spend a fortune buying the official figures so have been footling around with some of the old Mechwarrior plastic figures:

(http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s449/spacecowsmith/DSCF1070_zps8ce9bd24.jpg) (http://s1052.photobucket.com/user/spacecowsmith/media/DSCF1070_zps8ce9bd24.jpg.html)
Davion Mechs on patrol

Theres more pics over on my blog:

http://talesfromfarpoint.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/an-alternative-battletech-universe.html (http://talesfromfarpoint.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/an-alternative-battletech-universe.html)

Essentially the idea is to set the game in a rather alternative universe and before the clan invasion. Theres going to be mechs both below the 20 ton minimum and well over the 100 tom max from the classic battletech game and the Clan invasion when it turns up will involve something a bit different too!

At present I've got some Davion and Kurita sorted out and am hoping to be able to field at least a lance or so of mechs for each of the great houses before moving onto something a bit different.

All the best!
Title: Re: An Alternative Battletech...
Post by: Elbows on June 19, 2013, 07:43:58 PM
Definitely interesting...what makes it so alternative though?  Or is it simply old school Battletech?  You could get some of the pre-3025 technical readouts for inspiration etc.  Surely within the Battletech universe some very Dark Age type communities existed (in fact some definitely did judging by the novels I read as a teenager). I like where you're going with this.
Title: Re: An Alternative Battletech...
Post by: spacecowsmith on June 19, 2013, 08:48:52 PM

I'm planning on going for a high tech setting than classic Battletech and the clans are going to be even more so!

Instead of having a cross between feudal and tech, its going to be a bit more technologically advanced and the mechs aren't super rare. Likewise battle armour and light mechs which stand somewhere between mech and power armour will be in use, such as the Stealth units seen in the Davion force I've been painting!

I'm also going to field some higher tech megacorporate stuff and AI units too!

All the best!
Title: Re: An Alternative Battletech...
Post by: rwwin on June 19, 2013, 09:12:11 PM
That's cool.  I bought a bunch of the plastics when the clix game tanked and they've just been sitting in storage ever since.  Are you going to use a bigger hex board or free-form movement?

Oh, and get back to those robots!
Title: Re: An Alternative Battletech...
Post by: Predatorpt on June 20, 2013, 02:03:32 AM
Glad to see that my old figures are in good hands!

And way more glad to see the Battletech universe get a revamp without using the Clans ;D
Title: Re: An Alternative Battletech...
Post by: Elbows on June 20, 2013, 06:26:43 AM
I wish I had collected some when the clix were still readily available online. 
Title: Re: An Alternative Battletech...
Post by: spacecowsmith on June 20, 2013, 11:31:30 AM

I've finished some Kurita stuff off too!

(http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s449/spacecowsmith/DSCF1072_zpsc98228cd.jpg) (http://s1052.photobucket.com/user/spacecowsmith/media/DSCF1072_zpsc98228cd.jpg.html)

Theres more pics of the full force over on my blog:


I'm actually planning on using Gruntz for a ruleset as it plays more quickly than Battletech with all its endless record keeping so I dont need to worry about hexes and so on.

As mentioned over on my blog, the plastic Mechwarrior stuff does have some scale issues. For example the Cugar pictured above is supposed to be 35 tons while the Black Hawk from the previous post is supposed to be 45 and they are just about the same size. Likewise the vehicles are all rather small as stuff like my Di Morgan assault tank is supposed to be a 100 ton monster!

Still they're cheap and paint up well so I'm not too fussed!

All the best!
Title: Re: An Alternative Battletech...
Post by: Sgt. Scream on June 20, 2013, 04:42:08 PM
Kind of reminds me of my own N-scale Mecha stuff. Especially your infanty.  ;) Me likes  :-*
Title: Re: An Alternative Battletech...
Post by: spacecowsmith on June 28, 2013, 06:03:09 PM

Heres the latest addition to my Davion lance, Kitty DeVries, mech ace!

(http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s449/spacecowsmith/DSCF1058_zpsc00bb7fc.jpg) (http://s1052.photobucket.com/user/spacecowsmith/media/DSCF1058_zpsc00bb7fc.jpg.html)

(http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s449/spacecowsmith/DSCF1065_zps540effe6.jpg) (http://s1052.photobucket.com/user/spacecowsmith/media/DSCF1065_zps540effe6.jpg.html)

More pics and info can be found over on my blog:

http://talesfromfarpoint.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/davion-ace-mech-pilot-kitty-devries.html (http://talesfromfarpoint.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/davion-ace-mech-pilot-kitty-devries.html)

Sgt Scream! Your project along with Spaceman Spiffs awesome work was what inspired me to start the project!

All the best!
Title: Re: An Alternative Battletech...
Post by: eilif on July 04, 2013, 05:35:24 AM
Really liking your repaints! The pink one is pretty bold, but looks great with the repose.

Our club games in 10mm sci-fi using almost exclusively rebased mechwarrior clix figs.   However, only one of us has done any repainting as the rest of us were able to trade until we had armies of the same faction.

Even years after the clix game died, cheap lots still come up for sale and it's still just about the most affordable way to get into sci-fi mass battle gaming.
Title: Re: An Alternative Battletech...
Post by: Grimmnar on July 04, 2013, 07:30:47 AM

Heres the latest addition to my Davion lance, Kitty DeVries, mech ace!

(http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s449/spacecowsmith/DSCF1058_zpsc00bb7fc.jpg) (http://s1052.photobucket.com/user/spacecowsmith/media/DSCF1058_zpsc00bb7fc.jpg.html)

Pretty Kitty. :-)
Which Mech is that? Blackhawk? I still dont have all the Clix Mech designs memorized yet.

Sgt Scream! Your project along with Spaceman Spiffs awesome work was what inspired me to start the project!

Yeah, aint they both stinkers at that? There are a few others but these two are the main "bad" influence. :-)
Got HCon coming in a couple of weekends. Hoping to find a nice lot for sale.

Title: Re: An Alternative Battletech...
Post by: Patrick R on July 04, 2013, 08:53:28 AM
Very nicely done.  I have to say that I quite liked their mech designs, but the random packaging was against me, when the Jade Falcon set came out I drew the ONLY workmech in the entire set twice in a row and then gave up.  I never drew a single proper mech out of all the sets I got ...
Title: Re: An Alternative Battletech...
Post by: spacecowsmith on July 11, 2013, 07:51:17 PM

Heres the latest addition to my Battletech Project:

(http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s449/spacecowsmith/DSCF1060_zpsd900a65d.jpg) (http://s1052.photobucket.com/user/spacecowsmith/media/DSCF1060_zpsd900a65d.jpg.html)

Wilsons Hussars are a down at heel mercenary company that the Draconis Combine have hired to cause the Federated Suns some trouble. More pics can be found over on my blog along with some assorted ponderings on some of the old school Battletech books!

http://talesfromfarpoint.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/wilsons-hussars-captain-david-wilson.html (http://talesfromfarpoint.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/wilsons-hussars-captain-david-wilson.html)

All the best!
Title: Re: An Alternative Battletech... New Mech Added 11th July!
Post by: Elbows on July 11, 2013, 08:55:23 PM
Looks good - isn't that a clan mech?  Captured I assume? 
Title: Re: An Alternative Battletech... New Mech Added 11th July!
Post by: spacecowsmith on July 11, 2013, 09:42:26 PM

Indeed it is! Sadly all the mechs I have are either clan or civilian mods!

I've also sculpted up a Jenner for my Kurita but have run out of bases so can't paint it up yet!

I'm doing a bit of a revised battletech too so the clans aren't featured as yet, although they may be at some point in the future. I just picked up some heavy gear stuff to represent battle armour and am seriously pondering moving from 10mm to 15mm scale so I can use some of the lovely figs available out there!
Title: Re: An Alternative Battletech... New Mech Added 11th July!
Post by: Vinlander on July 13, 2013, 01:36:16 PM
Wilson's Hussars. Classic.  ;D

Nice job on the mech's. I'll follow this project with great interest!