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Miniatures Adventure => Age of the Big Battalions => Topic started by: bill5549 on June 21, 2013, 08:33:37 PM

Title: Waterloo Refight
Post by: bill5549 on June 21, 2013, 08:33:37 PM
I am busy this weekend at a big refight of Waterloo which Iain Gale author of "Four Days in June" has arranged in Edinburgh.

The terrain is very impressive - it is a labour of love by Iain.  We are using Black Powder with some house rule amendments with 10 active players on Saturday and Sunday.  Figure scale is approx 1 to 40.

More to follow on the actual game and how it plays - will post on Saturday and Sunday.

View from French left flank - iain setting up more French figures

View from French right flank - Hougomont in foreground.

View from allied centre with Iain setting up the French Guard

More photos of the layout with and without troops at

Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: Painter Jim on June 21, 2013, 08:45:57 PM
Fantastic looking set up  :o and very looking forward to the battle report.
Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: von Lucky on June 21, 2013, 11:33:18 PM
Shaping up to be an extravaganza!
Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: tomek917 on June 21, 2013, 11:49:53 PM
Fantastic! Looking forward to an AAR!
Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: thebinmann on June 22, 2013, 12:04:43 AM

Can you even reach the middle of that monster table? Or will you be flying across on wires?
Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: thebinmann on June 22, 2013, 12:05:55 AM
PS the ewtra photos are well worth a look?
Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: Dr. The Viking on June 22, 2013, 06:00:36 AM

Can you even reach the middle of that monster table? Or will you be flying across on wires?

This is beyound my comprehension too!

Looks amazing though.
Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: Nikfu on June 22, 2013, 07:56:24 AM
Stunning! Keep the Pics coming! :-*
Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: carlos marighela on June 22, 2013, 08:35:34 AM
That really is mind blowing.  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: valleyboy on June 22, 2013, 10:05:41 AM
superb stuff
Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: General Lee on June 22, 2013, 12:54:58 PM
that is just jaw dropping :o
Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: Jeff965 on June 22, 2013, 06:54:37 PM
Every wargamers dream surely. Fantastic terrain.
Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: janner on June 22, 2013, 07:43:12 PM
Splendid work  :)
Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: Asienieboje on June 22, 2013, 07:53:44 PM
The first day behind us. It was great game. Iain, Bill - it was amazing!
Some pictures on my blog:
http://asienieboje.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/waterloo.html (http://asienieboje.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/waterloo.html)
Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: bill5549 on June 22, 2013, 08:37:22 PM
In 7 hours today with a short bar break we played 9 moves in the game getting us to about 2:15PM in game time.  Great game....

As Napoleon I decided to play the game relatively historically launching D'Erlon supported by 2 cuirassier brigades against the ridge east of La Haye Saint whilst Reille's corps attacked Hougomont but also manuevred to its west.

Poor command rolls held up both attacks especially the maneuvre west of Hougomont.  After a long struggle with losses the French captured 2 of the 3 Built Up Areas that represented Hougomont.  The advance west of Hougomont ground to a halt in the face of a massive move of allied troops to that flank.   A success!

D'Erlon's attack made headway capturing part of the hedgeline and engaging the troops in the sunken road.  His left flank brigade lost heavily to artillery fire and allied cavalry attacks which were driven back by the supporting cuirassiers.  Part of Lobau's corps and 2 reserve light cavalry brigades are moving slowly to support D'Erlon's attack which seems to be stalling.

On the allied left a series of cavalry melees largely ended in draws except for a single British hussar unit which broke through the French lines and after blundering to return is now well on its way to Plancenoit.

All my photos with descriptions at

D'Erlons corps nears its objective - artillery in action

allied troops await the inevitable attack

Move 5 French take the walled garden of Hougomont - En avant!

View from allied left centre.  To left D'Erlons corps heavily engaged.  To right part of Lobau's coorps are engaging La Haye Saint.  On ridge behind rest of Lobau's corps is positioning ready move forward to strengthen D'Erlon.

More to follow tomorrow.

Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: Painter Jim on June 22, 2013, 09:50:35 PM
I just knew that this would get good.  :-*
Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: Paddy649 on June 23, 2013, 07:31:38 AM
Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: beefcake on June 23, 2013, 08:43:59 AM
That is amazing.
Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: Adler on June 23, 2013, 09:17:00 AM
Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: bill5549 on June 23, 2013, 11:24:14 PM
As promised.   Day 2 - In 7 hours today with another short bar break for lunch we played 7 more moves in the game getting us to about 5:00PM in game time.
The long struggle for Hougomont continued until turn 13 when the last of its 3 Built Up Areas fell to the French.  The allied troops massed north of the chateau did not launch any attacks to recover it.  The action west of Hougomont continued  in a desultory style but was certainly enlivened by a disordered British square managing to cause the rout of 2 French cavalry regiments.

Once Hougomont had fallen the French launched a series of cavalry attacks up the ridge between the chateau and La Haye Saint.  This forced the British infantry into square, routed a battalion and overran some artillery.  An attempt by the other half of Lobua’s corps to exploit the cavalry’s success was broken up by accurate British fire.

D'Erlon's attack was not making headway at the sunken road.  So the French commanders withdrew to the valley floor to reorganise, mass their artillery and await the arrival of reinforcements from Lobau’s corps before once again risking an attack on the ridge.

On the allied left a continuing series of cavalry melees ended with some victories for the French but they too withdrew to support the planned attack on the ridge.

The middle guard and the old guard finally took position near La Belle Alliance whilst I threw the Young Guard into Plancenoit just as the first brigades of Prussians arrived on the eastern edge of the table.  The Guard Light cavalry charged and drove the vanguard Prussian cavalry brigade of the field.  Given that the Prussians had arrived before the planned second  attack on the ridge could be launched by D’Erlon it was clear that the French could not win and the game ended at this point.  The game was declared to be a marginal allied victory as the French had taken Hougomont and still had effective troops in the field.

The allied figures all came from the collection of Iain Gale whilst the French came from the collections of Iain, myself, Angus Konstam and Dougie Trail.

All my photos with descriptions at

A truly great game and enjoyable game....Iain plans to replay the game later in the summer.

Action around Papelotte

Fall of Hougomont - and there was no allied counter-attack!

British supply wagons behind a protecting line of squares

End position at Hougomont - still in French hands

Young Guard march into Plancenoit - winning the race - as minutes later Prussian columns appeared on the table from the east.

Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: Emir of Askaristan on June 23, 2013, 11:54:24 PM
Excellent game chaps.
Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: kenohhkc on June 24, 2013, 06:31:45 PM
Title: Re: Waterloo Refight
Post by: Fugazi on June 27, 2013, 12:15:16 PM
What a great inspiration for our own WATERLOO-Projekt for 2015!

This here ist very, very impressive!