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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: Miniman on June 30, 2013, 07:41:08 PM

Title: A few bones to pick a Tomb Kings project
Post by: Miniman on June 30, 2013, 07:41:08 PM
I have been working on and off for the last 3 years on a Tomb King army mainly because I like the look of this undead horde. However I am moving them back onto their shelf to gain access to my work bench for another new project I can't seem to stop working on. I have come to the conclusion I have too many projects (no bones about it) and distractions like life. I did manage to take some pics of this army from beneath the sands. I am trying to paint the army as a whole instead of a unit at a time and nothing is completely done as yet. So I hope you enjoy them.
Title: Re: A few bones to pick a Tomb Kings project
Post by: Miniman on June 30, 2013, 07:42:56 PM
Title: Re: A few bones to pick a Tomb Kings project
Post by: Miniman on June 30, 2013, 07:46:16 PM
Title: Re: A few bones to pick a Tomb Kings project
Post by: 2ndhandwizard on June 30, 2013, 07:50:23 PM
Nice beginnings. To bad it will be getting put back.

I have a similar problem with to many projects. I stopped buying entire armies after falling short on a very large Vostroyan army. Now I tend to keep my expectations much smaller.
Title: Re: A few bones to pick a Tomb Kings project
Post by: Doomhippie on June 30, 2013, 11:29:52 PM
Painting a complete army would kill me. I'm way too impatient for that. So I can relate to putting it back into the shelf for now. But what you have done so far looks really good. Hopefully you won't give up on that army.
Title: Re: A few bones to pick a Tomb Kings project
Post by: Mason on July 01, 2013, 12:01:23 AM
Some nice work has taken place here.
Looking forward to when you take it back out and continue.

What are you working on now that you cannot leave alone?

Title: Re: A few bones to pick a Tomb Kings project
Post by: Miniman on July 01, 2013, 04:52:38 AM
Thanks for the moral support here maybe that's what I need to finish this heap of bones.
I stopped buying entire armies after falling short on a very large Vostroyan army
What is a Vostroyan army?
Painting a complete army would kill me. I'm way too impatient for that.
I have a lot of armies but only my Wood Elves are completely painted at 6000 points. I painted them unit by unit. When I started the Tomb Kings I was priming them white as you can see on the Ushabti. However that was taking too much time and I switched to the base color "Camouflage khaki" This worked pretty well as the one skelly warrior pictured was based that way. I used a brown wash and a black wash on him then highlighted with Bleached bone. I like the result and will continue that for the rest of his mates. Later adding details with colors.
But what you have done so far looks really good. Hopefully you won't give up on that army.

Some nice work has taken place here. Looking forward to when you take it back out and continue.
Thanks for that. I will not give up on the bone brothers and may do some split time with them and my new project when I get bored with it.
What are you working on now that you cannot leave alone?

25mm Leading Edge Aliens here is a link
So much to, do so little time.
Title: Re: A few bones to pick a Tomb Kings project
Post by: DeafNala on July 01, 2013, 01:55:31 PM
Have FUN with your new project. It won't take all that long to see it to completion...if any army is ever really completed.
Going back 30 something years to my days as a Historical Gamer, it wasn't considered a proper army until it was over 1,000 painted minis. In comparison, a couple hundred Fantasy Fellows doesn't seem so bad at all.
Title: Re: A few bones to pick a Tomb Kings project
Post by: Miniman on October 16, 2013, 04:10:05 AM
it wasn't considered a proper army until it was over 1,000 painted minis. In comparison, a couple hundred Fantasy Fellows doesn't seem so bad at all.
Well said. However I have 6 other fantasy armies that need attention as well.
So much to do so little time.

Good news here I have pulled 3 units off the shelf to start back into this project.
Time to resurrect the dead. Any suggestions now is the time.
Title: Re: A few bones to pick a Tomb Kings project
Post by: Elbows on October 16, 2013, 04:38:21 AM
I adore the elephant - is it custom?  I will say that the actual howdah doesn't seem the match the rest of the army.  It looks a bit Ork-ish or a bit too rough hewn compared to the nice brass work and chariots.

Overall pretty cool.  I've never been a Warhammer fantasy fan, but always had a soft spot in my heart for the Khemri style fellas.
Title: Re: A few bones to pick a Tomb Kings project
Post by: Miniman on October 16, 2013, 11:30:05 PM
Thanks Elbows. The elephant is actually a old Citadel War Mammoth that I will use as a War Sphinx. So far all I did was replace the crew with the crew from a GW War Sphinx. You are right about the howda looking primitive. It came with this old model and I really don't like the GW War Sphinx howda. However I could spruce it up a bit and add some brass work of my own. Good eye on that point. Thanks again.
Title: Re: A few bones to pick a Tomb Kings project
Post by: Hatemonger on October 22, 2013, 07:33:15 AM
Thanks Elbows. The elephant is actually a old Citadel War Mammoth that I will use as a War Sphinx. So far all I did was replace the crew with the crew from a GW War Sphinx. You are right about the howda looking primitive. It came with this old model and I really don't like the GW War Sphinx howda. However I could spruce it up a bit and add some brass work of my own. Good eye on that point. Thanks again.
Why not just use the chariots, then? Put two chariot baskets back to back. You can probably just order those parts from a bits seller.

- H8
Title: Re: A few bones to pick a Tomb Kings project
Post by: Miniman on March 23, 2014, 03:55:28 AM
Its been awhile however there is now some progress.
I just got this Reaper Mini and will use him as
Grand Hierophant Kahtep.
Worked on converting it by removing the ball and scratch built a scroll.
Title: Re: A few bones to pick a Tomb Kings project
Post by: Miniman on March 23, 2014, 08:31:32 PM
High Queen Kahlida's command group


The archer on the left is just primed, the command models are washed with Devlin mud and the archer on the right has dry brushed bleached bone. Kahlida has only her first coat of a base coat Balthasar gold. She requires highlights yet of either Gehenna"s gold or Auric armour gold.

I would also like to point out that Grand Hierophant Kahtep has joined this unit and now is primed and washed, ready for dry brushing and details.
Title: Re: A few bones to pick a Tomb Kings project
Post by: Miniman on April 18, 2014, 05:07:33 PM
Some more progress
First worked on the gold finishes on the High Queen.
Also highlighted the sand.


Next Semi finished 4 of my Ushabti

Title: Re: A few bones to pick a Tomb Kings project
Post by: Vonkluge on April 18, 2014, 05:38:37 PM
Wonderful stuff! Just a fantastic looking mob!

I would strongly advise against the "paint the whole thing at once" method of working! Rarely have I ever seen it work....many the gamer I know with one of those armies sitting on a shelf for years! Years ago I did a historical "Hun" army like that, by the time I finished (years) I no longer played the game they were intended for  :'( lol.

Smaller "bites" like a unit at a time give you that sense of accomplishment and progress that helps to motivate you along. You wont have the dreadful feeling of "oh. I have to work on that again and I'm still not going to finish" It also allows me to get a few finished units into "play" and further motivates me.

My two cents, and good luck,

Bill W
Title: Re: A few bones to pick a Tomb Kings project
Post by: pocoloco on April 18, 2014, 05:47:46 PM
Very cool project with nice models and top-notch painting!

Is the gold just normal paint or some form of "liquid gold" paint? I have been contemplating trying out the latter for minis but so far no minis that would need such a treatment… maybe soonish with some Ancient Greeks I have a chance for that.
Title: Re: A few bones to pick a Tomb Kings project
Post by: Miniman on April 18, 2014, 11:48:22 PM
Wonderful stuff! Just a fantastic looking mob!

I would strongly advise against the "paint the whole thing at once" method
Thanks for the kind words.
Yes I have already kinda abandoned the whole army at once as you can see with the Ushabti.

Very cool project with nice models and top-notch painting!

Is the gold just normal paint or some form of "liquid gold" paint? I have been contemplating trying out the latter for minis but so far no minis that would need such a treatment… maybe soonish with some Ancient Greeks I have a chance for that.
I am not sure about the "top notch " but thanks for that.
As far as the gold I used the new GW paints and applications.
1st Base with Balthasar gold, then dry brush Gehenna's gold, then wash with Seraphim Sepia and another drybrush Auric Armour gold.
That's what you see on Queen Kalida and the Ushabti.
I may still add another slight drybrush of their "Dry" Golden Griffon.
It's a lot of work but I am pleased with the results so far.