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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on August 04, 2013, 12:37:32 PM

Title: My Generic Orcs (pg3: Mantic Trolls)
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on August 04, 2013, 12:37:32 PM
At the moment I find myself working away a lot and not being able to get to my usual club and not having the time to paint that I usually do.

Due to this I've been painting my way through a smallish box of Orcs I've had stashed away for a few years, with the aim to have a generic Orc army to play God of Battles, Kings of War and Warhammer to play in the odd weekend event I can get to.

I've tried to pay attention to the skin and shields and the rest has mostly been drybrushed, washed or just given one highlight. I've found by doing this I can knock out a small group (5 cav, 10 infantry e.t.c.) in a weekend so I feel I'm still accomplishing something each week.  

This weekend I finished off a unit of 5 Orc Boar Boys and thought I'd show off where I've got to so far.
Title: Re: My Generic Orc Force
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on August 04, 2013, 12:39:01 PM
These are my Orc Heavies. They will see service as Ironskins, Morax or Black Orcs

I have some more on order from Renegade in order to beef the unit up to a playable size.
Title: Re: My Generic Orc Force
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on August 04, 2013, 12:41:11 PM
A shaman (which I'm not overly pleased with - might highlight the snout of his boar cape a bit, any other ideas?) and the boss from the Orc Heavies (An outstanding model - One of my fav Kev Adams sculpts)
Title: Re: My Generic Orc Force
Post by: killshot on August 04, 2013, 12:42:18 PM
Looking good!
Title: Re: My Generic Orc Force
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on August 04, 2013, 12:44:55 PM
And a shot of the army so far.

I'm looking to replace the shields on Ruglud's Orcs and find some to go on the Old GW Big Uns - anyone have any Ideas?
Title: Re: My Generic Orc Force
Post by: Spooktalker on August 08, 2013, 02:44:07 AM
Nice painting! I especially like the Renegade ones and I think I can see they are big enough to be black orcs, which I couldn't tell for sure before. Am I right?

I would also say go with bigger pics generally, and especially that last group shot--it's tiny, can't see much.

Also, don't listen to any voice that says you need a certain number of figures per unit to start playing. What you have now is absolutely "playable." Even if you have 50 figs per unit it doesn't get to a "realistic" 1:1 figure ratio. Any figure ratio works for gaming. You could say 1 fig represents 100 or whatever you want. Make it your game and start having some fun! :)
Title: Re: My Generic Orc Force
Post by: deathjester25 on August 08, 2013, 03:05:46 AM
That's a really nice orc army. Love the mix of older and newer minis.

As far as shields go I like the ones that come with the wargames factory orcs. They have some wooden styles plus some cresent shaped metal ones.

Title: Re: My Generic Orc Force
Post by: Andrew May on August 08, 2013, 07:29:40 AM
Nice, I thought Renegade had stopped selling the fantasy lines for some reason.
As Spook says, start playing if you like, even at 1:1 a small number of Orcses will fancy a rumble!  ;)
Title: Re: My Generic Orc Force
Post by: Vermis on August 08, 2013, 10:23:58 AM
Nice work!

A shaman (which I'm not overly pleased with - might highlight the snout of his boar cape a bit, any other ideas?)

Maybe, but that's it. He's looking good. :)

I'm looking to replace the shields on Ruglud's Orcs and find some to go on the Old GW Big Uns - anyone have any Ideas?

Hasslefree shields? (http://www.hfminis.co.uk/shop?category=armoury~fantasy) (Some Kev Adams ones, no less!) Or some dark age shields from historical sellers?
Title: Re: My Generic Orc Force
Post by: eilif on August 08, 2013, 12:21:08 PM
Nice work. Looking forward to seeing how this army grows!
Title: Re: My Generic Orc Force
Post by: Bloodysword on August 08, 2013, 01:31:23 PM
Nothing better then a well painted Orc army! great job.  I love those boar boys.
Title: Re: My Generic Orc Force
Post by: DeafNala on August 08, 2013, 03:05:00 PM
The mix of minis, all with SPLENDID paint jobs, work well together...love the Group Photo. GREAT WORK...keep us updated as things develop.
Title: Re: My Generic Orc Force
Post by: Neldoreth on August 09, 2013, 12:14:23 AM
Great stuff, looking forward to seeing more!

Title: Re: My Generic Orc Force
Post by: warburton on August 09, 2013, 01:26:40 AM
Excellent, looking forward to seeing more. Very inspiring as I have plans to do a similar force soon
Title: Re: My Generic Orc Force
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on August 11, 2013, 04:10:24 PM
Thankyou for all the kind comments.

I managed to get an Orc shaman mounted on a boar done this week (current GW model) as well as 3 more old GW Orc Big 'Uns
Title: Re: My Generic Orc Force
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on August 11, 2013, 04:11:25 PM
Nice painting! I especially like the Renegade ones and I think I can see they are big enough to be black orcs, which I couldn't tell for sure before. Am I right?

I think they are, here's a comparison pic:
Title: Re: My Generic Orc Force
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on August 11, 2013, 04:12:58 PM
I also did a little bit of work to the shaman and took a slightly better pic.

Title: Re: My Generic Orcs (pg2 - God of Battles)
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on September 07, 2013, 10:34:54 PM
I managed to give the orcs their first outing this weekend at Foundry's God of Battles game day

Here's a quick shot of what I took (one unit of Ironskins, two of war orcs with a shaman and a goblin chariot, borrowed from my goblin army, in support) and a slightly ropey shot in their 2nd game. Jake Thornton took lots of photographs using his snazzy iPad which I expect will have come out a lot better and will probably sneak onto his blog.

The Orcs managed 1 win and 2 losses on the day, I thoroughly enjoyed myself though and am very impressed with the God of Battles game.

I'll try and put together some photos of the new units tomorrow if the light in my flat is any good.
Title: Re: My Generic Orcs (pg2: God of Battles)
Post by: Spooktalker on September 08, 2013, 06:23:37 PM
The chariot and goblin are great and thanks very much for the comparison pic! I have some of Kev Adams harlequin great orcs earmarked to use as black orcs but I might prefer the renegade ones, or some combination. They were going to put out some new ones in connection with GoblinAid, I wonder how that is going.
Title: Re: My Generic Orcs (pg2: God of Battles)
Post by: Dr. Moebius on September 08, 2013, 07:16:56 PM
That's really cool  :-*

Great choice of miniatures, fantastic overall look of the army.
Looks like big fun to play with or agianst them.

Love the Elite Boyz!

Reminds me to paint up my Heartbreaker old school orcs from Kev Adams.

Thanks for posting.

Dr. Moebius
Title: Re: My Generic Orcs (pg2: God of Battles)
Post by: dijit on September 08, 2013, 10:44:45 PM
Lovely painting. It sounds like it was a good day by all accounts.

I've had a single game of God of Battles and quite enjoyed it too. Simple, yet compelling. I found the biggest limitation is set unit size, which made things a little difficult using my existing mini collection as not all units are up to strength, but otherwise a good game. We're considering starting it in 15mm, as the minis are cheaper, and it's easy to paint the required number.
Title: Re: My Generic Orcs (pg2: God of Battles)
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on September 10, 2013, 05:57:18 PM
My Ironskins (or Black Orcs, or whatever a big nasty Orc is in the game I'm playing!)

without a doubt some of my favourite miniatures
Title: Re: My Generic Orcs (pg2: God of Battles)
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on September 10, 2013, 05:58:51 PM
My Goblin Jester, who spent Saturday calling forth the Gods to his aid (with moderate success)

A foundry miniature and another Kev Adams piece.

(coming later in the week - some tasty Mantic trolls)
Title: Re: My Generic Orcs (pg2: Ironskins and Goblin Jester)
Post by: Lowtardog on September 10, 2013, 06:15:25 PM
What a cracking army 8)
Title: Re: My Generic Orcs (pg2: Ironskins and Goblin Jester)
Post by: dijit on September 10, 2013, 07:17:22 PM
What a cracking army 8)
Yes, very nicely painted.
Title: Re: My Generic Orcs (pg2: Ironskins and Goblin Jester)
Post by: Chico on September 10, 2013, 09:30:22 PM
Yup i have to say i'm a fan, well done :)
Title: Re: My Generic Orcs (pg2: Ironskins and Goblin Jester)
Post by: einarolafson on September 11, 2013, 08:25:31 PM
Yup i have to say i'm a fan, well done :)
Me too. Fantastic!!
Title: Re: My Generic Orcs (pg2: Ironskins and Goblin Jester)
Post by: DeafNala on September 11, 2013, 09:20:29 PM
All the Green Guys are WONDERFULLY DONE, but I LOVE the Jester! GREAT WORK!
Title: Re: My Generic Orcs (pg2: Ironskins and Goblin Jester)
Post by: Mo! on September 11, 2013, 09:27:38 PM
Can you still buy that jester somewhere I'd love to get some dearly!
Title: Re: My Generic Orcs (pg2: Ironskins and Goblin Jester)
Post by: PatrickWR on September 12, 2013, 05:27:09 PM
What a spicy army! I'm a sucker for generic, non-branded armies and this is just about perfect!
Title: Re: My Generic Orcs (pg2: Ironskins and Goblin Jester)
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on September 12, 2013, 05:52:08 PM
Thankyou all for the kind comments.

Can you still buy that jester somewhere I'd love to get some dearly!

I got him in a pack of landschneckt war orcs from a buy it now auction on ebay, I'd bet they are still on there.
Title: Re: My Generic Orcs (pg2: Ironskins and Goblin Jester)
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on September 12, 2013, 05:53:43 PM
Here is my first unit of Trolls, they are from Mantic games, I really like them - its just a shame they aren't more poseable. For the price though I don't think they can be beaten.

Title: Re: My Generic Orcs (pg2: Ironskins and Goblin Jester)
Post by: Lowtardog on September 13, 2013, 07:43:08 AM
Here is my first unit of Trolls, they are from Mantic games, I really like them - its just a shame they aren't more poseable. For the price though I don't think they can be beaten.

Lovely work on them, not my cup of tea but cracking paint job, Wonder if you could put ogre kingdom heads on them