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Miniatures Adventure => Pulp => Topic started by: Amalric on September 08, 2013, 02:00:56 AM

Title: Ensign Alex and the Missing Archeologist -Chapter 2 The Idol!
Post by: Amalric on September 08, 2013, 02:00:56 AM
Ensign Alex of Harbor Patrol and the Missing Archeologist - Chapter 2 -The Idol!

Chapter 1, The Girl, can be found here http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=57724.0 (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=57724.0)

Shang Kong Harbor, 1937

   Alex snapped a smart salute upon entering Admiral’s Spenser’s Spartan office. Upon seeing Helen, sitting in one of the two chairs before the Admiral’s large desk, he stood a tad straighter, a motion that brought a wry smile to the otherwise stern Admiral’s face.
   “Ensign McAlister reporting as ordered Sir,” and with a nod to Helen, “Ms. Schiffer.”
   “Ensign McAlister,“ she replied with a warm smile, her sweet features causing a quickening to his pulse.
   “Have a seat Ensign. How’s your shoulder?”
        “Fine sir, it was just a graze. It’ll be a scar to tell my children about.”
         The comment brought a blush to Helen's cheeks and she turned hurriedly to look out the window.
   “I heard you had three men injured, how are they?” The Admiral asked.
   “One was just grazed like me, the other two will be some time recovering I’m told. I’ve put in for replacements for them.”
         “I see.” The Admiral began, “Well, I have more important matters to discuss with you Ensign McAlister. We’ve tried interrogating those two pirates you caught. We didn’t get anything from the so called Captain, and all we got from the other man was that they were heading up the Pearl River once they loaded on the cargo, which I presume was Ms. Schiffer. The fact that they were taking her up river seems to suggest that they were not selling her to a brothel here in Shang Kong.”
         Alex’s blood went cold at the thought.
         The Admiral continued, “We have recently discovered that the Black Pants have been working for the nefarious Dr. Lo Fang, the underworld kingpin of old Shang Kong. That he may be involved troubles me as he seems to be involved with every anti Western group we know of, as well as most of the warlords hereabouts. He may even be helping the communists. Ms. Schiffer, please tell Ensign McAlister what you have told me.”
          Helen demurely turned back to face him, her lip trembling. “Well, I had come East to find my Uncle, Professor Tobias Green. He is such a good man, taking care of me after my parents died and paying for me to go to college to study Archeology like him. He is on sabbatical from Vanderbilt here in Shang Kong and wrote that he had recently obtained a small statuette of a type he had long heard about but never seen.” She held up a photograph.
     “Good Lord!” Alex exclaimed. “What in the blazes is that?”
     “I don’t know.” She answered. “But he said he had obtained local funding and was leading an expedition to find where the statuette came from.” Her bright blue eyes started to tear up, “That was the last anyone heard from him. After repeated failed attempts to contact him, I left College to come find him. I had just reached Shanghai when I was kidnapped from my hotel room. I don’t remember anything else until you rescued me last night. Thank you for saving me.”
     “It was my pleasure” He answered earnestly. “What do we do now Admiral?”
     “Well Naval Intelligence is looking at that strange map you found. In regards to the statuette, Ms. Schiffer has volunteered to go talk to the antique dealer her uncle purchased the statuette from to see if he can shine any light on this. I want you to escort her there and back. See that she comes to no harm.”
     “Yes Sir.”


     They walked out of the antique store and walked over to where the Ford was parked.
     “Well that didn’t help us much.” Alex said crestfallen as he held the door for Helen.
     “No, but at least we know where Uncle Tobis might be, as well as what language the writing on the statuette and one the map could be.”
     “Might be. Could be.” He said as he climbed into the car. “It’s all so frustrating.”
     “Let’s try one of the translators the antique dealer suggested. Maybe we can get the markings visible in the photo translated. Then maybe we can find out where the map leads to.” Her eyes sparkled with excitement.
     “Those translators are in Old Town, the old part of Shang Kong, and that’s not a nice very place. You won’t find it in any of the tourist pamphlets.”
     “Then maybe I should have asked for a Marine escort.” She jabbed with a wicked smile.
     “Ouch! OK, let’s go.” He replied starting the car. “But be careful where you step.”


       “Don’t look now, but we’re being followed.” Alex hissed.
      Things had not gone well. The first translator refused to talk to them after seeing the photo and the map. Visibly frightened, he showed them the door and closed shop. The second translator wouldn’t even open the door to them and when they left, walking through the narrow mazelike streets of old town, Alex noticed that they were being followed.
      “This way!” Alex grabbed Helen’s hand and pulled her down a different filthy street than the one that lead to their car. Alex walked as fast as his bad left leg would allow and just when he thought they had made it back to the Ford, they found themselves in a dead end. The street was empty and as they turned, they heard a cruel laughter behind them.
     "What do you want!?" Dmenaded Alex.
     "Just give us the girl!" The older Tong member said with a sneer, brandishing a knife and hurrying towards them.
     Alex stepped in front of Helen, but she was not to be intimidated. She swung her purse full into the face of the thug threatening her. He back handed her with his pistol sending her flying backwards as Alex then deftly dropped one then the like he was back in the ring at Annapolis.
As Alex caught his breath, 2 more Tong came running around the corner!
Alex and the pistol armed Tongster fire wildly as the one with the chain runs at them. Alex is clipped and falls down!
But as the chain swinging Tongster reaches him,
Alex comes up and pulls Helen behind the corner!
And his Colt spits death!
Alex peaks around the corner, exchanging shots with the last Tongster!
But his Colt soon finds the mark!
And the alley is quiet once more.

What does the Shang Kong Tong want with Ms Schiffer?
Will Alex recover?
Will the Navy make the goons talk?
What do the marking on the idol mean?
Stay tuned for Chapter 3 - The Stranger!

Title: Re: Ensign Alex and the Missing Archeologist -Chapter 2 The Idol!
Post by: Traveler Man on September 08, 2013, 02:06:24 AM
Thrilling stuff!  :) I like the scenery, that alley looks the business. I'm looking forward to the next installment.
Title: Re: Ensign Alex and the Missing Archeologist -Chapter 2 The Idol!
Post by: General on September 08, 2013, 03:13:53 AM
Top notch!  I look forward to future episodes.
Title: Re: Ensign Alex and the Missing Archeologist -Chapter 2 The Idol!
Post by: magokiron on September 08, 2013, 03:16:18 AM
Second chapter of of a FASCINATING pulp adventure.

I really enjoyed both AARs (and appreciate the link to refreshen the memories).

Waiting to read more.

Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Ensign Alex and the Missing Archeologist -Chapter 2 The Idol!
Post by: d phipps on September 08, 2013, 04:03:15 AM
Very cool! Love the photos!  :-*
Title: Re: Ensign Alex and the Missing Archeologist -Chapter 2 The Idol!
Post by: Prof. Dinglebat. Phd. on September 08, 2013, 05:06:16 AM
I could hear the shots echoing in the alley and feel the tension all the way from here.  ;)
Title: Re: Ensign Alex and the Missing Archeologist -Chapter 2 The Idol!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on September 08, 2013, 12:28:35 PM
Brilliant! I will stay tuned!
Title: Re: Ensign Alex and the Missing Archeologist -Chapter 2 The Idol!
Post by: Conquistador on September 08, 2013, 02:22:50 PM
Well done! :o   :-*   :)

And while Pulp isn't one of my favorites you told sa great story so far.


Title: Re: Ensign Alex and the Missing Archeologist -Chapter 2 The Idol!
Post by: FramFramson on September 08, 2013, 05:15:21 PM
Are those paper walls? They came out very well!
Title: Re: Ensign Alex and the Missing Archeologist -Chapter 2 The Idol!
Post by: Amalric on September 08, 2013, 07:13:09 PM
Are those paper walls? They came out very well!

Yes, I tweaked some photos and printed out on cardstock then glued some foam core scrap on back for rigidity.


I'm going to try and make some folding buildings next.