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Miniatures Adventure => Medieval Adventures => Topic started by: Yemi on December 29, 2013, 08:22:24 PM

Title: Saxon warband - Here we go !
Post by: Yemi on December 29, 2013, 08:22:24 PM
Hello !

I bought about 40 saxon minis last year, and guess how much I painted ? Yeah, not zero but about 5-6 are half painted, and I'm a little disappointed about myself. So there's an objective here : I want to paint every saxon I 've got.

I don't play any game but I love scenery and sometimes painting some minis.. In my entire life, I just painted about 15 minis, so I'm not very confortable about it yet, but hey, if I don't paint I won't get better :)

I don't want it to be intensive but I'll try to add regularly a few new saxons.

My first mini isn't a saxon... haha...  lol It's a plastic figure from the celt warband box from Wargames Factory. It was a test I made last year and will be part of the warband even if he's not really historically accurate.




The following figures will be Gripping Beast real saxons ;)

A little teaser : What is this ?


Yes it's ugly, that's the base for my future warlord, and I promise it will be quite better next time you'll see it :)

Bye !
Title: Re: Saxon warband - Here we go !
Post by: Slayer on December 29, 2013, 08:40:59 PM
your test figure looks good
Title: Re: Saxon warband - Here we go !
Post by: Mitch K on December 29, 2013, 09:30:46 PM
Tasty! Looking forward to seeing more of this.
Title: Re: Saxon warband - Here we go !
Post by: nikephorous on January 04, 2014, 08:19:06 AM
Nice work! Good teaser too!  :D
Title: Re: Saxon warband - Here we go !
Post by: Yemi on January 04, 2014, 03:07:24 PM
Thanks everyone :)

I finished another saxon !

I'm not really happy with his shield, and I'm not confortable with faces (I don't dare painting the eyes yet :D ), but here it is :





I heard you like teasers, so there's a cross for a little scenery I'll make ;)

My warlord is slowly coming, you'll see him soon if you're nice and polite, haha :D
Title: Re: Saxon warband - Here we go !
Post by: Little Odo on January 04, 2014, 05:03:09 PM
Nothing wrong with the shield. We don't really know what designs warriors would have had on them (if any), and if they did, they would have been painted by the warriors themselves so would not have been overly complex like some decal sheets we see (although they too look good). Designs would most likely have been to draw the eye away from the grain of the wood to stop the shield from being split by a well-placed axe blow.
Title: Re: Saxon warband - Here we go !
Post by: Yemi on January 11, 2014, 04:34:18 PM
Hello, I'm back ! :)

Yes Little Odo, you're right about the shields, I don't want to put complex designs on them, but I found hard to use white paint and didn't achieve to find the color I wanted. But now I look at it, I don't find it horrible ;)

My warlord is now finished (pictures aren't very luminous, but here we go !) :






I also made a scenery. A little hill with a saxon cross and a few old birch trees :




A last photo to show the size :


Bye !
Title: Re: Saxon warband - Here we go !
Post by: von Lucky on January 11, 2014, 09:59:09 PM
Lovely work. I really like those birch trees!
Title: Re: Saxon warband - Here we go !
Post by: Mitch K on January 11, 2014, 10:45:09 PM
Lovely work. I really like those birch trees!

Ditto. Those are both beautiful and authentic. Any chance of a description of how you did them?
Title: Re: Saxon warband - Here we go !
Post by: killshot on January 12, 2014, 05:23:03 PM
Nice project so far!  Looking great.
Title: Re: Saxon warband - Here we go !
Post by: Captain Blood on January 12, 2014, 06:27:04 PM
Like the silver birch trees. Very evocative.
Title: Re: Saxon warband - Here we go !
Post by: Hammers on January 12, 2014, 06:31:47 PM

Very cool, he looks a bit like a '70s blagger.
Title: Re: Saxon warband - Here we go !
Post by: Mitch K on January 12, 2014, 07:09:48 PM
Very cool, he looks a bit like a '70s blagger.

I just wish my Anglo-Saxon stretched to "you're nicked, you slaaaaaag!" lol
Title: Re: Saxon warband - Here we go !
Post by: Axtklinge on January 13, 2014, 11:57:58 AM
Nice job painting those saxons!
And love that scenario piece with the cross, congrats!
Keeps us posted!
Title: Re: Saxon warband - Here we go !
Post by: Yemi on January 13, 2014, 09:29:52 PM
Very cool, he looks a bit like a '70s blagger.

Haha that wasn't my intention, but now you mention it... :)

Ditto. Those are both beautiful and authentic. Any chance of a description of how you did them?

I broke a few bamboo sticks (this is how I obtained this "broken tree" aspect), and recovered the stick with Plastiroc (hardening  putty) for an irregular form of the trunk. When it was dry, I just painted the broken part like dead wood, the trunk in white (with yellowish parts), then I added a few dark brown stripes with a fine brush.

It tooks a little time with the applying of the plastiroc but it was pretty easy. I could do a little tutorial with pictures next time I make some. But now I've got to figure out how to make entire trees, with branches and leaves ! :)

Thanks for your kind comments !
Title: Re: Saxon warband - Here we go !
Post by: Mitch K on January 13, 2014, 09:38:32 PM
Haha that wasn't my intention, but now you mention it... :)

I broke a few bamboo sticks (this is how I obtained this "broken tree" aspect), and recovered the stick with Plastiroc (hardening  putty) for an irregular form of the trunk. When it was dry, I just painted the broken part like dead wood, the trunk in white (with yellowish parts), then I added a few dark brown stripes with a fine brush.

It tooks a little time with the applying of the plastiroc it was pretty easy. I could do a little tutorial with pictures next time I make some. But now I've got to figure out how to make entire trees, with branches and leaves ! :)

Thanks Yemi - useful stuff, and certainly something I might try myself.

Thanks for your kind comments !
Title: Re: Saxon warband - Here we go !
Post by: Yemi on January 14, 2014, 03:43:44 PM
I'm waiting for your trees, Mitch ;)