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Miniatures Adventure => Age of Myths, Gods and Empires => Topic started by: Irishrover13 on January 14, 2014, 04:02:33 PM

Title: Gladiator Combat. Best rules for young players?
Post by: Irishrover13 on January 14, 2014, 04:02:33 PM
Hi all,

I have started a games club at the school I teach at and I have been asked by some of the boys (they know I am a miniatures gamer), if I have ever played any gladiator games. I have eyeballed a few and bought like red sand, blue sky and victus by Iron Ivan (spelling) but I have never had time to play. But I heard there are other games like SONG OF SHADOWS AND DUST and a few others who's names escape me at the moment. I have Gladiator mini's in 15mm and gamers from age 9 - 14 who want to use them but I need a set of rules work for beginners but will still keep them entertained in a few weeks when they have them figured out. Any suggestions out there? They also need child friendly illustrations.


Title: Re: Gladiator Combat. Best rules for young players?
Post by: Mad Doc Morris on January 14, 2014, 05:29:01 PM
Already checked our gladiator thread (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=38036.0)? There's a collection of topics dealing with rule sets.
For newcomers I'd recommend Ludus Gladiatorius by em4miniatures (LINK (http://www.em4miniatures.com/acatalog/Gladiators.html)) – basic rules and all you need to start in one single boxed set.
Title: Re: Gladiator Combat. Best rules for young players?
Post by: Mister Rab on January 14, 2014, 09:15:11 PM
I have an as-new set of Ludus Gladiatorius (been out of the box twice) if you're interested. Drop me a PM if you are.
Title: Re: Gladiator Combat. Best rules for young players?
Post by: Elbows on January 15, 2014, 09:44:51 AM
My first thought was that EM4 set as well...havent' played it, but pre-painted with fancy dice = simple most of the time.

If you're a Math or Stats teacher, then RS:BS would work... lol (my least favourite system I've seen...horrible)
Title: Re: Gladiator Combat. Best rules for young players?
Post by: Sir Barnaby Hammond-Rye on January 15, 2014, 01:13:28 PM
The one by Arena games plays well. At the US conventions the players are often kids.
Title: Re: Gladiator Combat. Best rules for young players?
Post by: Elbows on January 15, 2014, 10:12:17 PM
Yeah, Arena games can be played very simply as well (with a lot of players) and it has a very minor amount of strategy which might go well with students.