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Miniatures Adventure => Pikes, Muskets and Flouncy Shirts => Topic started by: meninobesta on June 21, 2008, 12:41:50 AM

Title: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean! [New - Marines]
Post by: meninobesta on June 21, 2008, 12:41:50 AM

I've been out for a couple off weeks ... because a mixture of work, work and even more work have been keeping me away from the LAF... besides that, this project also took some my time!

when the LotHS rules came out I borrowed them from a friend of mine and thought that piracy would be a nice project ... because life in R&D world can be somewhat stressing!

So ... another project was stacked in my gigantic pile of TODOs ... unfortunately Torradas (my fearsome enemy) also fancied the idea of sailing the the vast seas of plunder! and started working on a vessel of his own (you can see the Pollo Diablo on his blog: El Pollo Diablo (http://meiatorrada.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2008-01-01T00%3A00%3A00Z&updated-max=2009-01-01T00%3A00%3A00Z&max-results=15))

So I could not waste time painting XX century lead while an old nemesis was already plundering old lady's retirement war galleons on the shore of Tortuga and started my own ship!

I've started building the boat around Mid March... with a couple of days devoted to my 15mm british recce army for fow (because of a really big tournament that took place here in Portugal in the beginning of May. If you like wargaming tables, check this from a French Chap that took some really nice photos of the event: http://zoom13.club.fr/tournoilisbonnefow2008.htm)
And managed to finish the boat in the beginning of June

But lets start from the beginning:
Bought some cardboard (the one with foam in the middle) for the overall structure, a couple of wood rods, used 2mm thick balsa sheet I had bought a couple of years ago, some string, a couple of bits from nautical modelling, white glue, cereal boxes, plaster, toothpicks and lots of cigarettes (I think that counting all the ones I've smoked during this time -> this was the most expensive item in the whole project) and for the figurehead I used an old GW's horse Head.

Took a while seeing some XVIII century boat photos on the net to get some inspiration, and chose to do a sloop! my favourite boat from Sid Pier's Pirates Computer Game! Besides making a somewhat look-a-like boat, I also wanted a gaming piece, so I was very generous with the overall measurements in order to get enough space for a dozen miniatures to walk freely around the deck.

Drew the overall measurements in the cardboard and started to build the ships skeleton:


this was enough for a first skirmish I've made with Torradas for testing the rules...
After the first impression, we came to the conclusion that the ship was too wide for a sloop, so I opted to do a merchantman instead, since this would be a nice preying element for the buccaneers and a way for me to make a honest living out of the Caribbean, and in the end rejoice myself with a couple of lead governor daughters who happened to be pursuing a handsome rich gentleman with a nice year income instead of rotten scab-infested pirates with really bad healthcare insurances!

Back to the drawing board... I needed to add a fore castle (think this the correct term in English) to add a bulkier look to the ship, so I've added a front structure to the ship, and covered the whole thing with thin cardboard stripes:

after all the planks were glue, I started to put all the ship's protections in balsa wood ...
during this time I used plaster to fill all the gaps in the model, and sanded it to get a smooth apearence.
almost in the end the ship looked like this, you can noticed the plaster yet to be sanded in the side of the ship:

this was the final version of the hull, you can also notice that I've added two openings for the cannons, and already had the first items for the masts:

after the hull was done I had to add railing all around the deck to avoid the overall monolithic look, unfortunately this adds a little love-boat feel to the ship but it breaks the monotony! Also used fine grating to do the widows (this was an idea from Torradas). The anchor and the wheel are pieces from "Artesania Latina" which is a company that sells naval modelling bits!

the masts were just pretty straightforward to do, even added a gallows nest, and for the lower sails I've used folded newspaper:

You can see the newspaper clearly in this photo, in order to get a sturdier effect I covered the lower sails in white glue, the first sails were already in place, Used thin cardboard to do them and used pins to pin them in the masts. Note the banner poles added, these are removable in order to use this fine vessel for several nations or even the pirates:

the final version of the ship with all sails in place in three different angles! I've opted not to make the ship in full sails in order to have more space for the crew to wander around and to give more sail diversity! I didn't add ropes to the ship since this would certainly ruin the playability



the undercoat in dark brown!

in the middle of the hull blockpainting

the hull fully painted

and the final version:

and I also managed to paint a couple of deck hands in order to command the boat (while I paint the royal marines)

So, it's done :) It was great fun to make, and I've learned that for this type of work you should make a decent plan and spend sometime in the beginning thinking of the details, because if you don't -> you'll waste time trying to fix things that should have not been made a certain way!

It's not really a boat in the modelling sense of it (It wasn't my real objective to do that), it has loads on inaccurate bits, but it is a damn fine vessel for wargames!
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean!
Post by: imurdentist on June 21, 2008, 12:52:05 AM
This is one awesome piece of art!
I wish I had the skills and patience to do something like that!
I like your Deck Hands as well... :D
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean!
Post by: carlos marighela on June 21, 2008, 01:28:46 AM
Wow I really like that! Excellent work.
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean!
Post by: Skrapwelder on June 21, 2008, 01:35:31 AM
Really excellent work. You show the lines of a ship very nicely without sacrificing game play space. 

The only suggestion I have to offer is to take a look at using old artist paint brush handles for your masts. The taper in the handle makes all the difference towards looking like a real mast.

Really top of the line work.

Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean!
Post by: warrenpeace on June 21, 2008, 02:24:35 AM

The only suggestion I have to offer is to take a look at using old artist paint brush handles for your masts. The taper in the handle makes all the difference towards looking like a real mast.

That's a really great tip, Skrapwelder!  I have noticed that chopsticks have a nice taper to them.  I need to get over to the Asian market and see if I can pick up a box of them.  The size would be more appropriate for the spars than for the masts, though.
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean!
Post by: bandit86 on June 21, 2008, 04:56:16 AM
That was fantastic  :o   some day I'll get around to one of those myself.  I love seeing things come together like that. Thanks very much for sharing you high sea adventure in the making.  There was only one thing missing (besides the cannon) what are you going to christen her?
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean!
Post by: Malamute on June 21, 2008, 08:24:53 AM
Superb piece of work and a great work in progress report.  :) ;D
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean!
Post by: Grimm on June 21, 2008, 08:35:26 AM
 :o Wow !! realy nice !!
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean!
Post by: uti long smile on June 21, 2008, 09:35:36 AM
Nice work!!
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean!
Post by: Lowtardog on June 21, 2008, 11:49:27 AM
What a lovely crafted ship may she sail the 7 seas in peace (or not ;))
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean!
Post by: Gallowglass on June 21, 2008, 12:54:58 PM
 :o :o :o

VERY nice.
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean!
Post by: Ray Rivers on June 21, 2008, 06:17:25 PM

Very nice.  A wonderful ship to be sure.  And has already been said, thanks for the WiP shots as well.
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean!
Post by: theoldschool on June 22, 2008, 03:41:52 PM
That's a beautiful piece of work, true craftsmanship
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean!
Post by: Tom Reed on June 23, 2008, 02:44:34 PM
BEautiful piece of work, and quite playable too.
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean!
Post by: meninobesta on June 25, 2008, 11:42:11 AM
Thanks all for the comments! :)

I was hopping to add more painted crew during this week ... but work has won again ... and probably I will only do that during the weekend!

PS: Most Probably the ship will be named Bucephalus, because it's an ancient Greek name and as so it could fit nicely into every nationality (this was my fathers idea and he also took Pegasus no name his ship! which is a very nice name)! it also works nicely with the horses head in the prow of the vessel!

Thanks again for the kind words!
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean! [New - Marines WIP]
Post by: meninobesta on June 25, 2008, 10:45:21 PM
my first pic is just to show that I'm not new to lace painting (which is something I rather enjoy), you can see the current state of my Brit/Portuguese army of the Peninsular War, but all of this in 15mm ...


but painting in 28mm you really have to work out the detail, so this is my current state of the British Marines, which are giving me more hard work than the usual XX century khaki clad soldiers: the pipping is green because the only reference I found for Marines of the early XVIII century had these colours:

If you put your ear against your screen you can ear the 15mm British infantry waiting to be painted saying:
"Oi you lousy Bastard, just stop painting those Damned Lace lovers and turn your pencils to us real men! At least WE go to war and get killed by real ammo and not by some strange tropical disease or rum overdose!"

so ... back to my painting station and listen to some more Czech Republic GrindCore and see if these folks are finished by the weekend! :)
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean! [New - Marines WIP]
Post by: Furt on June 26, 2008, 12:26:17 AM
Love the look of your marines and their officers :) - what are your plans for them? Are they for LotHS?
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean! [New - Marines WIP]
Post by: Gluteus Maximus on June 26, 2008, 09:53:38 AM

so ... back to my painting station and listen to some more Czech Republic GrindCore and see if these folks are finished by the weekend! :)

Well, I've never tried that, but it seems to be working well for your painting!   :-*

My current favourite painting music is Disturbed and Rammstein.

I've tried nice quiet relaxing music, but it doesn't seem to work as well as a good old dose of metal  lol

I like the brown undercoat - I use that for LOTR Orcs, Trolls etc but haven't tried it with historicals for some reason. It should work very well for Colonial khaki. Why have I never thought of that before  :?
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean! [New - Marines WIP]
Post by: Paul Hicks on June 26, 2008, 11:48:46 AM
What fantastic ship, just chock full of great character, well done.

Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean! [New - Marines WIP]
Post by: Gallowglass on June 26, 2008, 12:01:35 PM
I like the brown undercoat - I use that for LOTR Orcs, Trolls etc but haven't tried it with historicals for some reason. It should work very well for Colonial khaki. Why have I never thought of that before  :?

I've started using a brown undercoat on some Plains Wars Indians that I'm working on - mainly because there's quite a lot of skin. I decided to try a dark grey undercoat for some other figures and that seems to be alright ( I was out of black one evening!).

Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean! [New - Marines WIP]
Post by: meninobesta on June 26, 2008, 01:06:38 PM

they will be for LotHS mainly ... but if any other game appears, these guys won't mind too much about it!

Regarding the brown "undercoat" I guess this is some sort way of painting I got from painting ww2 minis... and since I'm not a very skilled painter (just a very patient one) I just keep doing what looks right to me, and try not to invent too much! - just keeping with old habits.

But I usually spray undercoat in white, then give a an overall flat brown paint job, and then a black wash in top of that in order to hide all white spots I forgot to paint. Since Brown is an organic colour it goes well with all flesh and natural tones, and also red and yellow! for some greens, whites and blues I sometimes give a base coat of black in those areas and start block painting from there!

PS: relaxing music doesn't work for me!  lol
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean! [New - Marines WIP]
Post by: Aaron on June 26, 2008, 03:29:49 PM
I have an Osprey somewhere that has one plate of marines for the period. It lists green, yellow, and possibly white (IIRC) as correct facing colors. I went for green on my own as well.
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean! [New - Marines WIP]
Post by: meninobesta on June 26, 2008, 10:26:26 PM
this was my reference... from the Funcken books!


Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean! [New - Marines WIP]
Post by: meninobesta on June 29, 2008, 11:04:01 PM
As I Promised! :) 





Now I only need to make a decent set of guns and paint the gunners :)
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean! [New - Marines]
Post by: Furt on June 29, 2008, 11:31:15 PM
That looks really impressive. The marines look intimidating!  >:(

Couple of questions.

The marines and crew are Foundary, but I don't recognize the officers (the two swordsmen, axeman and captain). Where are they from?

Is this a starting crew for LotHS? Does the swordsmen represent lieutenants and the axeman the midshipman?

Great work again.
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean! [New - Marines]
Post by: meninobesta on June 29, 2008, 11:44:23 PM
The marines and crew are Foundary, but I don't recognize the officers (the two swordsmen, axeman and captain). Where are they from?
They are also from Foundry, from the marlburian range:
Used the standard bearer as an officer... and with that pose he shall be called Cpt. Darling :)

Is this a starting crew for LotHS? Does the swordsmen represent lieutenants and the axeman the midshipman?
most likely yes! and the captain will be the Darling Guy! I've also painted the drummers, that can be used as midshipmen! or some other thing!

Thanks again! :)
Title: Re: A New Merchantman In The Caribbean! [New - Marines]
Post by: carlos marighela on June 30, 2008, 03:39:34 AM
Marvellous stuff, you just need to add a royal cypher in white to the front of those marines' caps.