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Other Stuff => Workbench => Topic started by: FramFramson on March 02, 2014, 04:15:15 PM

Title: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: FramFramson on March 02, 2014, 04:15:15 PM
Hi folks, it's "varnish question" time again. I have procured some Windsor & Newton acrylic varnish in both gloss & matte and am petrified about ruining minis I spent so long painting... But of course, if I don't protect them, they'll be ruined anyway, through a slow death by chips & touch-ups.

1) Some instructions for varnishing call for cutting the varnish with white spirit to achieve better, smoother flow, but uh, won't white spirit take paint off? Also I have done some small details in pen (pigma sigma micron .005, which is supposed to be of a high quality, being colour, light, smear and -supposedly - chemical proof when dry), would white spirit interact poorly with this?

2) I've heard that varnishes can dull metallics. What is your experience with this? I have some carefully feathered metallic shading on several minis that I'd hate to lose or repaint.

Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: Mitch K on March 02, 2014, 06:31:48 PM
Do NOT thin acrylic varnish with white spirit! It won't mix.

I've never had W&N acrylic varnish lift or move acrylic paint on minis. Micron type pens are a different matter. I have noticed some colours of some brands will lift. All I can suggest is try it out on a bit of paper primed with gesso or something similar.

I use Pledge/Klear over painted minis to protect them, either sprayed (mixed with Liquitex airbrush medium) or a soft (goat/squirrel) wash brush. After this is dry I use W&N Galleria, either sprayed or brushed. Usually it takes two coats.

Sometimes I will give the mini a coat of Pledge partway through, if I'm happy with the results so far I'll varnish it so I can go back and remove later bits of painting I don't like!

Matt varnish does dull metal, but a slick of gloss over the metalwork at the very end cures this no problem.


Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: FramFramson on March 02, 2014, 11:32:28 PM
Hum, so for specifically acrylic vanrish, would I thin it with... water? I've never seen that.

To be fair, the varnish suggestions I'd seen were for Daler-Rowney, so I don't know if that's an oil based, but then I asked elsewhere and was given a horrified look when I asked about using oil varnish over acrylic paint.

Seems like everytime I search the forums or on google I find a different answer on what to do.
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: warburton on March 03, 2014, 03:04:07 AM
Certainly GW gloss varnish was always meant to be thinned with water.

W&N or Daler Rowney will generallyn sell a medium that may be used to thin their varnishes though I have always just used them neat to good effect.

Metal should be re-glossed after matting to give it a shine, unless you like the matted look!

Layering techniques, in my opinion, are better suited to being varnished (gloss then matted) than blending. In my opinion it brings the technique from a 'stripy' look to a cohesive whole and is an essential part of the painting process.

I have not tried much careful blending style of painting, but I have certainly read that varnishing can cover up careful blending. I remember reading somewhere that many (most) Golden Demon entries (almost always a blended style of painting) are not varnished for that reason - though I do not know the veracity of that...
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: Connectamabob on March 03, 2014, 05:05:12 AM
Hum, so for specifically acrylic vanrish, would I thin it with... water? I've never seen that.

To be fair, the varnish suggestions I'd seen were for Daler-Rowney, so I don't know if that's an oil based, but then I asked elsewhere and was given a horrified look when I asked about using oil varnish over acrylic paint.

Seems like everytime I search the forums or on google I find a different answer on what to do.

The general rule of thumb is to always layer different paint types in descending order according to the aggressiveness of their respective solvents.

Acrylic generally has the least aggressive solvents of the major paint types (short of straight watercolors) by a wide margin, so it should always go at the top of the stack. Acrylics are water emulsion based. They typically use ammonia or alcohol as a solvent, and will be destroyed by anything hotter. White spirits isn't usually water soluble, so it doesn't mix well as a thinner for acrylics, but it will dissolve cured acrylics, so you don't want to use it on top of acrylics.

Thin acrylics with water to be safest. Ammonia or alcohol will get you lower surface tension, but if you use too much, it'll adversely effect the paint's strength when dry. When using an acrylic as a clearcoat, water poses the least risk of damaging or lifting the colors underneath, with ammonia being the next safest.

Enamels are the next step down. These are oil based, and can't be thinned with anything that has water in it. They will be all but impervious to the standard acrylic solvents when dry, but can be dissolved by their own solvents. White spirits aka mineral spirits is the typical solvent for enamel, but turpenoid, turpentine, and lacquer thinner (in ascending order of aggressiveness) can be used too. Same cautions as above apply: if your thinner solvent is too hot, you run the risk of damaging the paint underneath your current application, so choose accordingly. For example: never thin enamel with lacquer thinner unless you're airbrushing, as lacquer thinner dissolves EVERYTHING, and is only "safe" (to paint, not to you) when aerosolized because much of it evaporates before it lands on the model.  You don't paint enamels on top of acrylics because A) the hotter solvents can soften/dissolve the acrylic, and B) residual moisture in the acrylic can adversely effect the enamels' adhesion.

Lacquers are the bottom rung. They have the hottest solvents, and are the toughest when cured. They make for durable primers, and solvent stable basecolors on which you can wet blend enamels. Do not paint them on top of other paint types unless you are spraying. Lacquer thinners evaporate lightning fast, so unlike enamels you actually can spray them safely on top of more easily dissolved paint types provided you are very careful. Never brush them over other paints though.
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: Atheling on March 03, 2014, 09:54:15 AM
Hum, so for specifically acrylic vanrish, would I thin it with... water? I've never seen that.

To be fair, the varnish suggestions I'd seen were for Daler-Rowney, so I don't know if that's an oil based, but then I asked elsewhere and was given a horrified look when I asked about using oil varnish over acrylic paint.

Seems like everytime I search the forums or on google I find a different answer on what to do.

Well, varnishing is the Dark Arts  lol.

I've cracked it though  ;) :)

Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: Orctrader on March 03, 2014, 08:23:53 PM
...To be fair, the varnish suggestions I'd seen were for Daler-Rowney...

LINK (http://www.orctrader.co.uk/Articles/Varnish.html)

But you have W&N acrylic.  Certainly don't thin with white spirit.

ANY varnish you have...read the label on the bottle.  Although it is likely not intended for figures there will be something about thinning.

ANY varnish you have...test it on a figure you don't care about.  Just take any figure.  Paint it.  If it's some dreadful miniature you never wanted to paint anyway, even better. 

Some bright colours, some dark colours. 

Allow the paint to "set." I leave a figure at least 24 hours after painting before varnishing.

With W&N try this.

Flat brush - good quality - never been used for painting.  Wash and allow to dry.

Your test figure.

"Dust" with big, soft brush to make sure no debris, hairs, etc.

Apply varnish, one coat, very thin, sparingly. Too little is better than too much because you can always do a second coat.

Allow to dry for at least 24 hours.  (What's the rush?  Ruined figures are ruined forever.)

Now, your test figure.  Take a good look at it.  Under the light how does it look?   

(With W&N water-based Galeria acrylic matt varnish...I don't thin it at all.  Very watery.  Not "flat" enough for me so I added matting agent.  Another story...)
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: Mr. Peabody on March 03, 2014, 08:54:25 PM
Connectamabob, your information covers a lot of ground, but I got the impression you were suggesting that white spirit based solvents will not work over acrylics. Please correct me if I got the wrong impression.

Thing is, I use odourless studio quality white spirit and turpentine (again studio quality) washes all the time over acrylic paint and other acrylic media (like Future/Klear floor polish) and these have never dissolved, melted or eaten into my acrylic paintwork.

I don't think varnishing is a 'dark art', but there certainly appears to be some confusion around it. Spray can matte finishes have always been a bit unpredictable, but the Vallejo matte varnish I apply via brush or airbrush has been absolutely reliable. I follow the instructions on the bottle.
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: Connectamabob on March 04, 2014, 05:17:12 AM
Connectamabob, your information covers a lot of ground, but I got the impression you were suggesting that white spirit based solvents will not work over acrylics. Please correct me if I got the wrong impression.

They only "don't work" in the sense that there is a higher risk of smearing the paint underneath. It won't interfere with the curing of anything. Once eveything's dried, it'll all be just as good.

Thing is, I use odourless studio quality white spirit and turpentine (again studio quality) washes all the time over acrylic paint and other acrylic media (like Future/Klear floor polish) and these have never dissolved, melted or eaten into my acrylic paintwork.

What I posted were sort of beginners general guidelines, not absolute rules. Different paint formulations will be more or less sensitive, and with the good technique you can break those guidelines with all but the most fragile of paints.

When I say "dissolve", I don't mean it'll eat the paint off or liquify it or anything like that. What I mean is it'll temporarily soften it, making it easier to smear it or contaminate other colors. If the undercolor is fully cured, there's usually little to no risk when spraying (unless you're spraying in thick wet coats, which is bad form regardless), and if you're using light strokes with a soft brush, you can be pretty safe.

With clear media undercoat (like Future/Klear) you'd never see smearing anyway even if it was happening... because it's clear. Which is hugely useful. I've known modellers who spray Future between major color stages specifically so they can strip the upper color (by solvent swabbing, not soaking) without visibly effecting the undercolor should they have to. I've used Future to buffer a Tamiya white undercoat so I could wet-blend enamels on top using turpentine (it worked BTW).

Worst incidents I've had have been with clear lacquer topcoats applied with a brush. That's extremely tricky and the one thing I'd say to avoid as a categorical rule. Only takes, like, two brush strokes at most before you're wiping colors all over the place. I've also seen clear acrylics curdle or cloud when exposed to the wrong solvent, but that seems to be more of a brand formula thing, not something that reliably applies to all acrylics with a given solvent.
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: FramFramson on March 04, 2014, 05:55:13 AM
Well, I certainly plan to experiment on some secondary minis before going on to do my main characters.
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: Mr. Peabody on March 04, 2014, 06:26:14 AM
They only "don't work" in the sense that there is a higher risk of smearing the paint underneath. It won't interfere with the curing of anything. Once eveything's dried, it'll all be just as good.

What I posted were sort of beginners general guidelines, not absolute rules. Different paint formulations will be more or less sensitive, and with the good technique you can break those guidelines with all but the most fragile of paints.
You rock. Great post and solid information. Thanks for taking the time to follow up!
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: maxxon on March 04, 2014, 06:35:20 AM
I've found that brush on acrylic varnishes can lift inks.

I do some detail works with technical pens (Rotring etc.) and sometimes use calligraphy inks. These will generally NOT be waterproof even when "dry" and they will smear if brush on varnish is applied on top of them.

That's one reason why I switched to spray varnishes already many years ago. Even though the solvent is harder, the spray application is less "wet" and there is no physical abrasion involved as would be when using a brush.

Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: Mitch K on March 04, 2014, 09:38:51 AM
I've found that brush on acrylic varnishes can lift inks.

I do some detail works with technical pens (Rotring etc.) and sometimes use calligraphy inks. These will generally NOT be waterproof even when "dry" and they will smear if brush on varnish is applied on top of them.

That's one reason why I switched to spray varnishes already many years ago. Even though the solvent is harder, the spray application is less "wet" and there is no physical abrasion involved as would be when using a brush.

I've been using inks for over thirty years and I've found it a bit of a black art. Calligraphy inks are very often not in the least bit waterproof and even going near them with later layers of paint/ink will lift them, never mind varnish.

W&N spirit based drawing inks are shellac based and generally very waterproof. Alcohols will lift them, in theory, but in practice you need to really work at them quite hard and to remove them you need you need to go to organic solvents like acetone (or even stronger thinks not usually found outside laboratories...). And they're a bit hard on brushes too.

Rotring black ink is more or less bombproof. Used in the lab it seems to resist more or less anything this side of chloroform and caustic soda (neither of which I would recommend for miniature painting. Or a lot of other things lol)

I don't have much experience of the other colours Rotring produce as I use other things for this effect.

Acrylic inks either on brush or Rotring pen seem to vary. W&N Galleria, thinned with water and a touch of flow improver doesn't lift them, but Pledge/Kleer certainly can, although it seems to take some effort and to be slightly random. Daler-Rowney seem more resistant than Liquitex, but this is based on a survey of only a small number of colours from each range.

Pre-manufactured pens in my experience are the biggest issue, and the only way I have found to get around the problem is to try each one out before I use it in anger (also handy so I know roughly how much staining power each one has).

Well there you have it. Over thirty years of painful experience distilled to these few lines. Hope it helps someone avoid some of the holes I've fallen into lol

Merry meet again!

Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: Argonor on March 04, 2014, 12:15:38 PM
This is a little off topic, but I got the impression from some of the above that white spirit will soften or dissolve acrylic paints.

Is that so, and can it be used to rinse painted plastic minis without any bad effects?
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: Mitch K on March 04, 2014, 12:26:55 PM
This is a little off topic, but I got the impression from some of the above that white spirit will soften or dissolve acrylic paints.

Is that so, and can it be used to rinse painted plastic minis without any bad effects?

I have never found that white spirit softens or dissolves acrylic paints with a rinse/wipe. It can be slightly different if you leave it to soak for a while, when it can swell the paint, giving a "crackleure" type effect.

Why would you want to rinse a painted mini?
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: Argonor on March 04, 2014, 12:37:42 PM
Why would you want to rinse a painted mini?

Sometimes I buy second hand minis. They often have a paintjob I don't like, or are simply too cluttered in primer/paint to look good. Thus, I want to remove the paint to be able to give them an approvable paintjob.

I usually use a material known as 'brown soap' hereabouts, but sometimes it just isn't enough to lift the primer, so I'm always looking for other solutions.
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: maxxon on March 04, 2014, 01:10:35 PM
This is a little off topic, but I got the impression from some of the above that white spirit will soften or dissolve acrylic paints.

Once acrylic paint dries, it is basically a (relatively soft) plastic coating. Any solvent that attacks plastic attacks acrylic paint too. And vice versa, though the miniatures plastic is generally much more resistant.

What you want is solvent that works on acrylic paint but not on the various other plastics used for miniatures these days.

That can be a balancing act and you may experience especially fine surface texture "softening"...

If there is a varnish layer protecting the paint, that may very well be impervious to any solvents that wouldn't negatively affect the model as well.
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: Argonor on March 04, 2014, 01:14:36 PM
Once acrylic paint dries, it is basically a (relatively soft) plastic coating. Any solvent that attacks plastic attacks acrylic paint too. And vice versa, though the miniatures plastic is generally much more resistant.

What you want is solvent that works on acrylic paint but not on the various other plastics used for miniatures these days.

That can be a balancing act and you may experience especially fine surface texture "softening"...

If there is a varnish layer protecting the paint, that may very well be impervious to any solvents that wouldn't negatively affect the model as well.

Yeah. I know. The advent of plastic miniatures made life a lot cheaper - and more difficult!
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: maxxon on March 04, 2014, 01:21:42 PM
Yeah. I know. The advent of plastic miniatures made life a lot cheaper - and more difficult!

Some people even stipulated that moving all production to plastics was GW's evil plan to stop second hand trade -- I personally wouldn't go quite that far in conspiracy theory.

Personally I prefer metals for almost everything.
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: Mitch K on March 04, 2014, 03:34:55 PM
Ah, that makes total sense! Surgical spirit/methylated spirit will usually strip acrylic without affect styrene. Dilute caustic soda is another option. My experience is that neither of these affects the castings, but might affect any glue joints, depending on what was used to assemble the figures.

There used to be a product called "modelstrip" that was sold for removing paint from model aircraft (which usually have a finer level of surface detail than we are used to). It was a caustic product and so in the UK the Royal Mail wouldn't carry it, but this or something like it might be worth a look.

Just avoid xylene, like someone I know did with some Tamiya 1/35 scale figures...
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: Connectamabob on March 05, 2014, 12:59:14 AM
In my experience white spirits/mineral spirits will lightly erode polystyrene (what most injection molded plastic models/figures are made of) if you scrub with rag. A bit like wearing something down with polishing compound. Toothbrush scrubbing is probably safe, I'd guess, but I've never tried.

That said, I wouldn't use white spirit to soak for stripping. It's overkill, and it can effect the plastic. Contrary to what Maxxon said, the acrylic polymer in acrylic paint is not nearly as solid/inert as molded plastic, and there are a number of common cleaning solvents that will strip it without touching the model itself. Brands vary according to location: here in the US a product called "Simple Green" is often recommended, In the British isles there's a product called "Dettol". Here's a recent thread on stripping: http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=63213.0

However, if you live in a country/area with different brands or fewer options, I recommend 90% isopropyl (rubbing/disinfectant alcohol). Soak for a day or two, and most anything that isn't solvent-fused to the plastic (like a lacquer primer, or those "plasti-coat" spray paints) will peel off like wet paper when you scrub. Not always safe to use on resin, but for metal or polystyrene it is completely safe.
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: Blackwolf on March 05, 2014, 03:41:22 AM
Fram this may be of interest;


  I do the non-varnish thing all the time now,works for me :)
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: maxxon on March 05, 2014, 06:02:13 AM
Not always safe to use on resin, but for metal or polystyrene it is completely safe.

That was kinda my point. Plastic figures come in a huge variaty of materials these days in addition to the traditional polystryrene and polyethylene.

But that said: I've used pine soap solution for stripping (it's really a byproduct of the forestry industry so I've no clue if the pure stuff is available elsewhere). It works pretty well, but it doesn't really dissolve the paint -- it seems to attack the bonds between materials and the paint will peel off instead of melting off like with a hard solvent.

The downside is that it will also attack glue joints so you may end up with component parts instead of a model. It's also not very effective on solvent-based primers.

Here's something to consider: If the problem with the figure is overeager application of spray primer and/or varnish, it may well be in unrecoverable condition.
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: FramFramson on March 05, 2014, 06:05:11 AM
Fram this may be of interest;


  I do the non-varnish thing all the time now,works for me :)

That's bully for him, but in Pulp Alley you lay figures down all the time. Using unprotected figures on a board with any kind of abrasive terrain really seems foolish. I mean, I can scratch off paint with my fingernail pretty damned easily if I want - it's still just an incredibly thin plastic shell.  

It also seems like he's got some dullcote in there. So... he is still adding a protective layer. It's just a light one and he's half-pretending he's not actually adding it. :/
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: Blackwolf on March 05, 2014, 07:01:30 AM
Whoa,only a suggestion mate :) Thought you might be interested.
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: FramFramson on March 05, 2014, 07:56:02 AM
Sorry, didn't mean to bite the hand! That came off a little harsher than intended.

I'm just skeptical of that fellow's suggestion that his advice is a universal replacement for varnish. I don't think it's at all suitable for people who expect their minis to get heavy handling (or even tumbling) or who expect others to use their minis, and that's a lot of situations.

I'd agree that acrylic paint is tougher than some folks assume, but that's still ultimately not all that tough.

Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: maxxon on March 05, 2014, 08:22:46 AM
I'd agree that acrylic paint is tougher than some folks assume, but that's still ultimately not all that tough.

Primer and surface prep has a lot to do with it.

When I first got acrylics in the 80's, I painted them straight on like I had done with enamels previously and didn't bother with varnish.

It peeled right off at the slightest touch, especially from the then new plastic shields, which I probably had not even washed...

Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: FramFramson on March 05, 2014, 07:17:51 PM
Well, the thing is that there's a difference between soft abrasion (picking up or handling figures with your hands) and hard abrasion (knocks, scrapes on sharp or hard objects, etc.). YOu can prep for adherence such that acrylic holds really well, much better than normal, but you can still scrape it off with a nail head.
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: Connectamabob on March 06, 2014, 10:51:55 AM
But that said: I've used pine soap solution for stripping (it's really a byproduct of the forestry industry so I've no clue if the pure stuff is available elsewhere). It works pretty well, but it doesn't really dissolve the paint -- it seems to attack the bonds between materials and the paint will peel off instead of melting off like with a hard solvent.

That's the way isopropyl works too. It doesn't usually dissolve the paint so much as dissolve the bond, so the paint sloughs off in bits like wet paper.  I haven't had Isopropyl attack glues, but then I'm kinda hard-core about my choices in glues.

Here's something to consider: If the problem with the figure is overeager application of spray primer and/or varnish, it may well be in unrecoverable condition.

Yeah, solvent primer on a plastic mini will never come off. You can usually get much of the paint down to the first color coat off the primer though.

Never had a problem with varnishes, regardless of thickness or type. Just need the right solvent/cleaner. My big gun has been a product called "Super Clean", which will destroy anything short of primer solvent bonded directly to the plastic (probably destroys the primer's integral bonds thoroughly though).
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: maxxon on March 06, 2014, 11:48:11 AM
I haven't had Isopropyl attack glues, but then I'm kinda hard-core about my choices in glues.

I only strip figures I bought second hand, so it's hard to tell which glue was used in the assembly.

And quite frankly I haven't done much of that lately. I'll rather spend a little more money and save my hobby time for something I like doing...

Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: Connectamabob on March 06, 2014, 02:27:55 PM
To be fair, I think I've only ever stripped a second-hand model once that I can remember. I prefer buying as pristine as possible, to the point of rejecting something altogether if it isn't sufficiently so, and am not very nostalgia oriented. My experience with stripping comes mostly from occasionally bollixing up a paint job and having to start over.
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: hubbabubba on March 07, 2014, 10:31:55 AM
I've been using Vallejo Brush on, mat and gloss, diluted with destilled water, and shot through an airbrush.

2 coats of gloss, one or two coats of mat depending on how effective the first coat is.

It's gives a good level of protection to the figs, and has given me fairly consistant results.

I have had a few problems with clouding when shooting the mat, especially with blacks and dark greys.You just need to be careful to put on a really light coat and let it dry for at least 8 hrs, (says 4 on the bottle but better safe than sorry,) before repeating.

What Orctrader said is excellent advise, if you know you're going to varnish the fig, and that varnishing dulls down the colours and flattens contrast, then paint accordingly. Exagerate the contrasts and don't worry so much about super smooth blends. It can actually speed you paiting up.
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: FramFramson on March 07, 2014, 05:32:36 PM
Well, are there any acrylic varnishes that DON'T dull colours and reduce contrast? Or at least not noticeably?

Because I do engage in some rather subtle shading in my figures.  :?   I'd hate to think that my current options are now 1) Ruin my carefully-painted figures or 2) Ruin my carefully-painted figures.
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: hubbabubba on March 10, 2014, 10:53:59 AM
I've heard a lot of people swear by the Daler-Rowney or W&N brush on water soluable acrylic picture varnishes.
I can't tell you anything about them because I've never tried them, but Orctrader gets good resullts with them :)
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: Connectamabob on March 10, 2014, 12:05:27 PM
Well, are there any acrylic varnishes that DON'T dull colours and reduce contrast? Or at least not noticeably?

Because I do engage in some rather subtle shading in my figures.  :?   I'd hate to think that my current options are now 1) Ruin my carefully-painted figures or 2) Ruin my carefully-painted figures.

I may be wrong about this, but IIRC it's an optical effect, not a chemical one. Like having a clear layer on top of the paint increases the amount of polarization in the light reflected by the surface, maybe, or some sort of diffraction/subsurface scattering effect (those are just guesses: I don't remember the actual particulars). Basically the fact that a clear top layer is present is what does it, not so much what said layer is made of.
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: FramFramson on March 10, 2014, 06:57:29 PM
Well, I've got the Windsor & Newton already, and I'm committed to making some experiments before going nuts on my main figures, so I'm not as frantic about it as it may seem. I certainly might err on the side of thinner coats though.
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: hubbabubba on March 28, 2014, 09:18:54 PM
I took some before and after photos of the last lot of minis I varnished.

This one had two coats of gloss and one of matt.

As I stated before, Vallejo brush on, diluted and shot through an airbrush.

There's some difference in picture quality, but in general not much change.
 I'll rečat though that I have had clouding in the past, but it's still my favoured method of those I've tried.

Let me know how you get on with the W&N.

(http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m188/son_of_stephen/Pentisilea_zps696eb54e.jpg) (http://s104.photobucket.com/user/son_of_stephen/media/Pentisilea_zps696eb54e.jpg.html)

(http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m188/son_of_stephen/PentiileapostVarnish_zps451cfda6.jpg) (http://s104.photobucket.com/user/son_of_stephen/media/PentiileapostVarnish_zps451cfda6.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Couple of varnish questions
Post by: FramFramson on March 28, 2014, 11:58:44 PM
Seems like it's killed the colours and highlights a bit (though the latter might just be the camera flashing off a glossier surface in the first picture?)