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Other Stuff => Bazaar of Obscurities => Commercial => Topic started by: Silent Invader on April 22, 2014, 12:59:23 PM

Title: (COMMERCIAL) miniatureMOJO server issues now resolved (UD 23/4)
Post by: Silent Invader on April 22, 2014, 12:59:23 PM
My web host is having problems connecting its servers to BT Internet, so attempts to reach the website via BT will result in the page timing out: apparently engineers are working on this.  I am told that the site can be seen via other broadband providers and 3G, etc, which is something.

One other complication is that I use BT Internet myself so I can't access the company database, email, orders, etc or even put up an info notice.  Unfortunately 3G here is at best sporadic and at the present time I can't leave base to search out a better signal.

Ho hum.  Fingers crossed that normal service will resume soon.
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) miniatureMOJO server issues
Post by: Silent Invader on April 22, 2014, 08:19:33 PM
We seem to have lost 3G connectivity as well.   :-[

If anyone is able to check out www.miniaturemojo.co.uk and can get more than just the landing page I'd very much appreciate knowing  :)

Just posted the following on Facebook


Our webhost (ukservers.net) has been having issues today and so our website, email and order management system are down. We have not yet received an indication of when normal service will be resumed. We have sufficient info to process all orders received before the crash but cannot update accounts or send out the usual emails, etc.

As our usual email service is inaccessible, we can be reached using miniaturemojoATgmail.com (replacing AT with the usual).

Our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) miniatureMOJO server issues
Post by: bobblezbob on April 22, 2014, 08:32:35 PM
Just checked your website and was able to navigate between pages. I'm connected via talktalk.

Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) miniatureMOJO server issues
Post by: Silent Invader on April 22, 2014, 08:47:03 PM
Thanks Bozzlebob that's good to know.
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) miniatureMOJO server issues
Post by: Silent Invader on April 22, 2014, 09:30:11 PM
It transpires that the problem is connectivity with BT Internet and some other ISPs, whose attempts to load the page will time out.  We now have patchy access over 3G but things aren't quite as efficient as they should be so please bear with us. Thanks.  Steve
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) miniatureMOJO server issues now resolved (UD 23/4)
Post by: Silent Invader on April 23, 2014, 07:59:09 AM
All now seems to be resolved  :D
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) miniatureMOJO server issues now resolved (UD 23/4)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on April 23, 2014, 08:01:35 AM
Good man  :D

It's amazing how so much can be scuppered when something like this happens  :(


Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) miniatureMOJO server issues now resolved (UD 23/4)
Post by: Silent Invader on April 23, 2014, 08:13:31 AM
It was a right pain as it initially locked out customers of BT Internet (which includes me) and ISPs that use their infrastructure, then as they tried to fix it they had to intermittently take down everyone.

Damn computers.... Wonderful things until they go wrong!