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Miniatures Adventure => VSF Adventures => In Her Majesty's Name => Topic started by: Mingans Marauders on April 27, 2014, 09:29:52 AM

Title: "Wounds" and scenario ideas
Post by: Mingans Marauders on April 27, 2014, 09:29:52 AM
Today I happended by a local game store and I couldn't help picking this beauty up.


Besides doing some sort of The Lost World/ Land of the Lost/ Jurassic Park type game I got to thinking of a IHMN scenario. Say something like Lost World(the second Jurassic Park and not the Doyle book) where the T-Rex stomps around San Diego, but replace San Diego with "Sort of London like city" in the Victorian times. The game would involve the various players running their companies and trying to kill/capture/ stop the Rex while dealing with each other. Following basically the same idea the The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen write up on the blog site.

Now here is the "grey" area I need some major thoughts on. Something big like that is going to take ALOT to take down, even with something like Arc or bigger/ harder punching weapons. What about giving "wounds".
Following the same basic mechiances of you hit, I fail the pluck, I fall or die. Insted of the fall or die he gets a check, and say he has a total of five checks(could be less, could be more).

Yeah there is various talents, plucks, armor, etc that could be given to it. But I've played a few games where the mightest of walkers were taken down with the luck of the dice roll. Which is fine when your dealing with the companies and numbers, but this being the "main" core of the scenario would be horrible losing with a lucky shot.

In theroy he'd always be moving around the board unless he A. Kills someone and finishes his snack or B. Has someone/group pinned in a building. So there would be minus's being taken. But at the same time
I would almost remove a few of them simplely because of its massive size.

I know a few of you have included dinos in some of your games so I wanted to hear what you have done. Plus just get some ideas from everyone.

Title: Re: "Wounds" and scenario ideas
Post by: Craig on April 27, 2014, 09:38:56 AM
That is a brilliant figure!

I have no problem with a huge dinosaur like this having 'wounds'. The reason we did not go for wounds in the original IHMN rules was because of the book-keeping angle and honestly the combination of Pluck and Armour is usually good enough.

But in using a single giant Dinosaur in a 'Bad Jack' style scenario I can see how it having wounds would make the game more interesting. Alternately making it Fanatic or Numb + Berserker, and adding Terrifying could be enough.