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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: Elbows on April 27, 2014, 08:49:27 PM

Title: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Warhammer Quest!
Post by: Elbows on April 27, 2014, 08:49:27 PM
DISCLAIMER: I do not have patience when painting...so I paint quickly...and...dip everything.  Do no expect anything fancy here.  It's all about speed.

Well, I've been burning a lot of midnight oil the past month or two starting to gather...plan...acquire...paint a dungeon crawl project.  There are two goals here.

1) Acquire a suitable dungeon and miniatures for use with any number of dungeon crawl games currently available...
2) Slowly build a WHQ-esque dungeon crawl game for running at conventions.

Pardon the poor photography - I've a mediocre camera and even more mediocre lighting, etc.  Here is the start to goal number 1:




Mantic Ghouls for use as ghouls, zombies etc.




Games Workshop LOTR Orcs for use as Goblins or additional orcs.


Men-at-Arms (to serve as mercenaries, bad guys, allies, town guard etc.) from a mix of Gripping Beast and Fireforge bits.



Wargames Factory Orcs....as...orcs.


Repainted Heroscape Troll.


Repainted D&D/Heroscape Ogre (recovered from a bad dipping accident when it had turned to goop without my knowledge...love the figure, shame he was ruined)




Wargames Factory skeletons with some Mantic bits thrown in.


The adventure party (or characters who might serve double as bad guys...) so far.  Otherworld in front, Reaper (giants) in back.


A recovered D&D Bugbear...have several more of these on the way, a big pain in the butt - many of the sculpts are terrible and the paint is even worse.

I have a host of other miniatures assembled/primed and ready to continue.  The roadblock currently is the bugbears as I don't like painting them.  I keep sitting down...and then wandering away from my painting station.

I have assembled a rather substantial amount of Dwarven Forge dungeonry and have spent a lot of time painting up my gametiles kickstarter as well as repainting doors, and filling bowtie gaps on the older sets.  Eventually I will post some glamour shots of in-game action.  Thanks for lookin'.

Continued later...

+Large pictures and some more info on my blog (brand new): http://myminiaturemischief.blogspot.com/
Title: Re: Elbows Fantasy Thread
Post by: Elbows on April 27, 2014, 08:52:53 PM
Mods, please delete one of these threads...not sure why it double posted.

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Little Odo on April 27, 2014, 09:44:39 PM
An excellent start there - I actually really like the ogres/bugbears etc. that you say were spoiled. Can't find anything wrong with them. All are nicely painted for tabletop standard - mostly better than what I can achieve, so keep plugging on with the collection.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: manic _miner on April 27, 2014, 09:49:56 PM
 Great selection of miniatures.Like the burnt look on the Ghouls/zombies too.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: doctor_ocks on April 27, 2014, 09:52:56 PM
Great selection of miniatures.Like the burnt look on the Ghouls/zombies too.

Yeah I agree. Those first few pics look really cool.

I don't know why you're so down on your painting. I think they all look solid.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Kyusumu on April 27, 2014, 10:50:54 PM
Great job on these!  I think your brush work looks fantastic  :)

I also have a huge pile of Game Tiles that I'm slowly chipping away at  o_o
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Elbows on April 27, 2014, 11:30:52 PM
Thanks for the kind words...the disclaimer was more intended to immediately let the reader know this isn't a Captain Blood kinda thread...lower those standards a bit before proceeding.  lol  I'm actually fine with my paintwork, as I've always painted very simple (block painting...some dry brush..dip...finish the base) because while I don't mind painting, I have zero stamina for it.  I can do maybe 3-5 guys a night if I'm lucky.  And as mentioned they all look fine while standing over a tabletop, and that's really my goal.

I finished my DF gametiles kickstarter purchase, but I only had two sets (plus the free stuff) so it wasn't a gigantic project.  It was a little tiring but I managed to find a colour set which let me get away with two colours only, and they match up well enough with the older DF stuff.  My blog and this thread will be featuring a large catalogue of DF pieces at some point.  I also bought the Hero Quest 25th kickstarter, so if that ever shows up the pieces will be put into use for my dungeon.  Though at this rate I'll have an entire dungeon's worth of stuff before that ever shows up.

Anyone have advice on quality (reasonably priced) dungeon dressings?  Is Thomarillion pretty much the go to?
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: beefcake on April 27, 2014, 11:35:30 PM
Nice work. They look great. I took me a while to click to the Reaper (giants) bit though.  lol
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: DeafNala on April 28, 2014, 12:36:23 AM
You have a LOVELY array of miniatures there; all SPLENDIDLY painted. GREAT WORK!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Michka on April 28, 2014, 01:33:38 PM
These look really good. I like the look of your ghouls and orcs, and the PCs have a lot of character. This should be a very nice looking game when you're finished, and you're most of the way there already.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Jevenkah on April 28, 2014, 04:53:49 PM
Looks like a fantastic assembly of bad guys for PCs to wrangle with. I'd be happy to sit down at that table and roll! Love to see some action pix when that happens.

I really like the skin tone on the troll. Very gross.

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Treebeard on April 28, 2014, 05:15:26 PM
Great Work. As you said not the best paint ever but very good for tabletop.

One lesson learnt for me, Reaper and Otherworld don't mix very well together.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: manic _miner on April 28, 2014, 06:17:45 PM
 If you are looking for furniture and such for your dungeons you could try Ainsty CAstings and Fenris Games.They have some great pieces in thier ranges to add a bit of flavour to your dungeon.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Smith on April 28, 2014, 06:54:31 PM
Nice take on that D&D ogre. Mine is, coincidentally, being repainted in almost a mirror scheme – grey fur, tan flesh. Nice solution on the axehead as well – large without being comical (as the original sculpt is). The men-at-arms are great – really nice, simple kitbashing after my own heart!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Elbows on April 28, 2014, 07:44:10 PM
Thanks guys,

Yeah the last figure is the D&D bugbear, and I happened to have a couple sprues of the Reaper weapons which are...comically huge by comparison to normal miniatures.  I've made good use of them with the Bugbears though since they're rather stout fellows.

Here are some work in progress pics:


This shows the scale of the Ogre


This shows another Bugbear with one of the Reaper maces...next to a normal Otherworld miniature.  I'm not entirely sure how they expected anyone other than huge creatures to use the weapons...


Some gathered Bugbear conversions


I've also invested a rather decent sum into a number of "Really Useful Boxes" to store my DF kits and the additional stuff, as well as gametiles.


Some DF kickstarter "demon doors" painted


DF kickstarter normal doors painted


I went through and repainted all of the door bases and frames from the original DF doors...next step is to remove the actual doors and paint them all...ick.  lol


Some loot and pillars.  I stopped taking pics because I can't light the photos enough for some reason.  I'll remedy that somehow.

Just so people are aware my stuff came unpainted so the painted stuff you see is done by me, it's not factory painted.  I didn't want anyone ordering factory painted stuff thinking it looks like mine (I haven't seen the factory painted stuff and can't say anything about the paintwork, colours, or quality).  :)

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Modhail on April 28, 2014, 08:12:33 PM
This is shaping up to be an impressive collection. :-*
I especially like that ragtag bunch of men at arms, I may just steal that idea...

When everything is put together, I think it will look very impressive!
Looking forward to seeing this project grow. :)
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Elbows on April 28, 2014, 11:05:03 PM
The Men-at-Arms were some of my favourites to build and paint, a real joy.  The GB and FF stuff is plug-n-play.  I'd imagine if you had a couple different sets from each manufacturer you could come up with some really genuinely cool stuff (particularly for a near-historical setting like Song of Ice and Fire etc.  I'm not in love with up-close photos, but here are some I snapped of the figs.




I really love this lead character (might even be used as a hero on occasion)
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Treebeard on April 29, 2014, 09:15:25 AM
Nice. They can easily defend the guard room of your dungeon.

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Elbows on April 30, 2014, 09:24:48 PM
Bugbear number two just came off the workbench...

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Little Odo on May 01, 2014, 08:46:10 PM
Really nice work. I think that bugbear has turned out especially well.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: joshuaslater on May 01, 2014, 09:10:07 PM
great stuff!   :)
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Elbows on May 01, 2014, 10:17:00 PM
Thanks guys, my blog (post 1 link) has some before/after stuff.  I struggled with the two bugbears because I really didn't enjoy painting them - just...something about the sculpt I guess. Oddly I was super happy with the end result, but just one of those minis that you struggle to finish.  I have four others which are different more interesting sculpts I'm working on.

Not bad though starting with this:


Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: DeafNala on May 02, 2014, 01:19:43 PM
The Guards painted up SPLENDIDLY & the Bugbear is a WONDROUS transformation. VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Mick_in_Switzerland on May 02, 2014, 05:05:55 PM
Fantastic thread - I really like your ideas and painting :)
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: majorsmith on May 02, 2014, 06:18:48 PM
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: deathjester25 on May 02, 2014, 09:38:44 PM
Would you be able to post up a pic with otherworld adventurers and some of the fire forge guys? Im curious how they match up with historicals
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Elbows on May 02, 2014, 09:39:28 PM
Sure, I'll snap some pics in a bit.

EDIT: Here ya go.  The Otherworld are still a bit slight compared...but they stack up quite well with the Fireforge and Gripping Beast combos.  If anything the OW guys are slightly bigger, because the FF and GB have small plastic droplet bases which I didn't carve off.




Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: deathjester25 on May 03, 2014, 02:57:53 AM
Thanks alot. They do seem to work together pretty good.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Jevenkah on May 03, 2014, 03:22:38 AM
That pointing fighter is keen. Where is he from, if you please?

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Elbows on May 03, 2014, 04:03:43 AM
If you mean the last guy on the right, he's just a mix of Fireforge Crusader bits and Gripping Beast vikings.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Jevenkah on May 03, 2014, 05:01:31 AM
Thanks, that's the one! I was going to ask if you knew specifically which range he was from, but then I really enjoyed looking at all the nice vikings at Gripping Beast and found a different pointing figure, in a pack with a musician and a bannerman. Just perfect for Fantasy Warriors.

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Elbows on May 03, 2014, 06:06:00 AM
Yeah he's a Gripping Beast viking body...cloak/head/pointing arm from Fireforge plastics (Teutonic foot knights I think), then a viking sword and shield from GB. 
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Elbows on May 05, 2014, 07:59:31 PM
A couple more bugbears...not stoked with the poses or the final paint, but they're gameable, particularly for simple dungeon monsters.  There will be a bugbear group shot when I finish the final two next weekend.  As usual, D&D pre-paints with some minor mods, basing, and repaint.



^This guys is going to give me fits fitting him in a dungeon "look at my GIGANTIC WINGSPAN"  lol
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Elbows on May 15, 2014, 07:32:42 AM
Well finally finished the bugbears.  Not stoked about the final two models, but I'm happy the six are done.  Various models with some modifications - poor photos.  They do look a bit better on the table if I'm honest.

I have my first "meh" painted dragon waiting to be flattened and based for tomorrow...for now.  Bugbears!

The final two cast members...

Big trouble...

Notice from the bases, the figures are pretty damn hefty!

Tomorrow, there be dragons. lol
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on May 15, 2014, 10:22:49 AM
Really great work, looking forward to the dragons!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: deathjester25 on May 15, 2014, 11:24:12 AM
Love the group of bugbears. You definitely know how to get the most out of pre paints.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread
Post by: Elbows on May 15, 2014, 07:34:10 PM
The Near Disaster Dragon...

So, I painted up a dragon...applied some dip, and then went to "flatten" it with some Army Paint Anti-Shine.  On rare occasions (not sure if it was the humidity, temperature etc.) the anti-shine ruins the model...it turns browns and dark greys to pale grey and just has a really weird reaction with the paints.  Of course, of all my models it happened on my dragon.  Luckily the paint scheme was originally dark blue with grey, etc...so I was able to salvage some of it.

For an $8 (shipped!) dragon from HeroScape I'm not too upset with it.  It'll be used, but the paintjob was a bit ruined.  I did touch it up a bit after the fact and I'm happy enough with it.  There are some scale shots included - the only modification was the replacement of its base, and subsequent paintjob.





Overall, I'm happy with it for a very very cheap and easy to paint dragon.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Page 3: There be dragons...)
Post by: DeafNala on May 15, 2014, 11:11:51 PM
I'm not really a fan of most Dragons, but that is THE COOLEST Dragon. The Scaly One & his smaller Friends are all VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Page 3: There be dragons...)
Post by: Elbows on May 16, 2014, 02:50:40 AM
I'm actually the same way...I'm really not huge into dragons (and the big beautiful miniatures intimidate me far too much) but I'm quite happy with the subdued finish it ended up with.  The colour palette was based on some old fluff I used when coming up with my own fantasy world.

The ocean to the North of the mainland had a series of large islands scattered about, and the idea of cliff/cave dwelling dragons resonated with me.  The idea of dragons who clung to the cliff face waiting for ocean going vessels (or large fish, whales etc.) to go buy...swooping down on them.  So the grey-scale colour scheme popped back into my head.  I knocked out the dragon in about an hour and a half...and I think if I had a better miniature I'd have spent far more time on it.

Maybe I'll end up doing another dragon at some point, and I'll actually give it the time it needs!  lol  If anyone likes the figure, they're cheap as chips on ebay:


Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Page 3: There be dragons...)
Post by: deathjester25 on May 16, 2014, 05:23:08 PM
The dragon came out great! Especially after seeing what it originally looked like
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Page 3: There be dragons...)
Post by: Elbows on May 19, 2014, 06:11:43 AM
Did some speed painting the other night...some quick Bones spiders (large and huge), and a quick ghostly thing...

Rather poor sculpts and I was impatient so I just whipped em up in an hour or two's sitting.  I used some simple brass pipe to place some of the spiders elevated - along with the ghostly thing.





I dipped another ogre last night and will maybe start work on my giant this evening.  I'm actually churning through the miniatures I have for this project - might need to buy more.  The variety of the miniatures definitely encourages me to paint far more than rank-n-file armies or military miniatures. 

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (More spooky stuff page 3...)
Post by: Dr. The Viking on May 19, 2014, 06:54:48 AM
Nice with the spiders hovering like that. I suppose they're supposed to be coming down the web?
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (More spooky stuff page 3...)
Post by: Elbows on May 19, 2014, 06:59:40 AM
Yep, just wanted something other than slapping them all on the floor... :)  Makes the big sucker look far more menacing.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (More spooky stuff page 3...)
Post by: Mick_in_Switzerland on May 19, 2014, 07:45:18 AM
How big are they - please can you tell me the base sizes? or, better still, plesae make a comparison photo with a human.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (More spooky stuff page 3...)
Post by: Elbows on May 19, 2014, 07:51:05 AM
Here you go Mick.  For the most part all of my normal sized creatures are on 25mm (1") Renedra bases.  Most monsters are on 40mm Renedra bases with the occasional biggun (like the dragon) on other random Renedra bases I had lying around.  My dungeons are all 1" squares, so a normal figure takes up one space - the 40mm take up four spaces are considered "Large".

The normal spiders are definitely big...the large spider is pretty freakin' big.  However they aren't anywhere near as big as the gigantic Otherworld spiders.

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (More spooky stuff page 3...)
Post by: Mick_in_Switzerland on May 19, 2014, 10:04:21 AM

I will have 200 Bones coming in October from their second Kickstarter.
As preparation and out of curiosity, I bought a few Reaper Bones pieces from the first Kickstarter in the bring and buy at Carronade on 11th May.
I have painted them and was quite impressed by the material.

I am planning to order some more and the giant spider is on the list.


Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (More spooky stuff page 3...)
Post by: DeafNala on May 19, 2014, 12:27:58 PM
Speed paint or not the Spiders & the Ghostly Guy look GREAT! The Spiders eyes really stand out SPLENDIDLY...VERY WELL DONE!
Were you going for a "hanging from a thread" look for the Spiders? That's the way they appear to moi...after a moments consideration.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (More spooky stuff page 3...)
Post by: Elbows on May 19, 2014, 07:53:28 PM
Yep, simply wanted more variety - have them looking like they're descending from webs without modelling a bunch of webs.  Running some stuff to the post then I'm going to try to finish this other ogre...he's a bit goofy!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (More spooky stuff page 3...)
Post by: Elbows on May 19, 2014, 11:19:28 PM
So this is a ogre/troll...thing which I received with another ebay purchase.  Originally I wasn't going to use him as he's a bit goofy (replaced his meat clever with an axe) but I painted him up anyway.  The dip I have has gone thick again so he ended up extra-poor.  But..."eh" I'll keep him around.


He's on a 40mm base and similar in size to the ogre from the first post.  He's supposed to be some kind of executioner so maybe I'll find a role for him.  I started my giant last night but didn't have the motivation to really finish it - maybe tonight.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (More spooky stuff page 3...)
Post by: DeafNala on May 20, 2014, 12:29:38 PM
The Big Guy may not be a state of the arts piece, but he has a lot of charm & character...nicely painted too despite the dip caveat. GREAT WORK & a FINE addition to the crew!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (More spooky stuff page 3...)
Post by: Michka on May 20, 2014, 05:13:02 PM
Something about the hood reminds me of Scorpius from Farscape. Goofy or not, he's hard to ignore. I think you did a nice job on him.
The spiders look really nice. Very dynamic and properly creepy. I'd never be able to have that many spiders. My wife is terrified of the things, and I'm not a great fan either. The photo of the Otherworlds Gigantic Spider is enough to creep me out.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (More spooky stuff page 3...)
Post by: Kyusumu on May 21, 2014, 01:49:17 AM
Thanks for your posts and pictures Elbows!

It's been great help and inspiration for me, much appreciated :)
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Giant update page 4...)
Post by: Elbows on May 24, 2014, 10:09:22 PM
Here is the giant update!  Or is that an update about a giant?  This is a pre-paint troll of some sort, but he's big enough that I'll be using him as a giant for my game.  Overall he turned out far darker than I was planning but I'm too lazy to repaint him.  I'm happy enough with the result.  His weapon was originally a comically sized "bam bam" club, which was cut down and I added a clever blade which I removed from another pre-paint to make his weapon smaller.  The model is nice and hefty but has very scant detail so it was a little annoying to paint.



About to step on a silly elf...
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Giant update page 4...)
Post by: deathjester25 on May 24, 2014, 10:34:42 PM
Awesome giant! The clever came out great. Once again I gotta mention you are a master at making pre painted minis looks good
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Giant update page 4...)
Post by: Elbows on May 24, 2014, 10:40:22 PM
If by master you mean "I know how to dip things..." then yes...yes I am.  lol  I've always been a "paint stuff okay and get it in on the table kind of guy"!*

*The only player in 14 years amongst my friends to ever field a completely painted 40K army...

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Giant update page 4...)
Post by: deathjester25 on May 25, 2014, 12:46:20 AM
So you just dip them? I thought you touched up the paint jobs first.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Giant update page 4...)
Post by: Elbows on May 25, 2014, 06:28:42 AM
I do, but it's nothing more than one colour block painting (no shading, highlighting etc.). 
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Giant update page 4...)
Post by: DeafNala on May 27, 2014, 02:25:47 PM
The mini & your SPLENDID brushwork create an IMPRESSIVELY INTIMIDATING Giant. GREAT WORK!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Giant update page 4...)
Post by: Elbows on May 27, 2014, 10:05:52 PM
Thanks Deaf, I sure wouldn't want to run into him in the dark...but he could probably punch the dragon in the face and knock it out...

This thread'll be on pause for a short while - I've almost run out of miniatures!  lol  Only have a few left to base and prime and paint.  Maybe time to find some lizardmen and some ratmen.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Giant update page 4...)
Post by: Elbows on August 01, 2014, 08:24:54 PM
I went on a painting purge after painting up 90 miniatures in about 3 weeks, so I slacked off.  Then I was delayed because I didn't want to paint my horribly boring Gladiator slaves...well I finally finished them, and moved on to my last remaining fantasy miniatures.

The following are everything I have left (Lizardmen on the way, and plenty of Hero Quest stuff etc.).  I may move onto furniture and dungeon dressing after I get/paint my lizardmen.  I do have some more Otherworld adventurers I could paint up too...

(Having lighting issues, sorry about the piss poor pictures)


Three new heroes.  Otherworld, Reaper (giant!), and a plastic kitbash.


I replaced this fella's head so excuse the double mail coif.


Plastic kitbash.  He turned out pretty well (better than the picture allows it seems...)


Reaper giant fellow.  He's armed to the teeth and I'm really chuffed with him, though he looks far better in person and at about 2' distance!  As always the above figures will be characters OR NPCs, OR bad guys...as the situation demands.


Didn't want to paint this guy very much but here's my Bones stone golem.


And a Bones griffin I was terrified to paint.  I hate  feathers and fur.  It's good enough to use but I was really not enjoying this one.  Now I'm happy it's done and I don't have to worry about it!


And as always, minis on 25mm rounds, and monsters on 40mm rounds.  My dungeon is nicely populated now (about 85 minis so far).
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Bad guys and Good Guys, page 4...)
Post by: beefcake on August 01, 2014, 08:44:46 PM
Very nice. The feathers turned out really well.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Bad guys and Good Guys, page 4...)
Post by: Legion1963 on August 01, 2014, 09:24:53 PM
Yeah....i dig the way you dip  8)
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Bad guys and Good Guys, page 4...)
Post by: Elbows on August 01, 2014, 09:30:37 PM
 lol  Getting the whole griffin body in that little can was...interesting.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Bad guys and Good Guys, page 4...)
Post by: Legionnaire on August 01, 2014, 09:58:38 PM
I wondered off the well trodden OW trail and took a dive into Fantasy land (I've just joined my first RPG game in years, Pathfinder) and you have some very very cool minis as usual here Elbows  :D. Only done one Fantasy mini in my life, might post a picture.

My painting has been much easier (although strangely enough I paint even less now these days) since I discovered Army Painter. I've dipped about 100 DC Heroclix (no repaint whatsoever, just dip) and they looked a lot better straight up, but when I've painted a mini I prefer to just brush on.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Bad guys and Good Guys, page 4...)
Post by: Elbows on August 01, 2014, 10:03:34 PM
Yep, I've been rather pleased.  You'll see when I do large batches some spots show up where dip congealed etc.  But I've dipped all my OW, all my gladiators and all of my fantasy folks and been chuffed with it.  Block painting + dry brushing + dip + flat + a bit of work on making the bases look nice = absolutely fine by me.  I told a buddy of mine who said my minis have been looking better and better --- it's no more skill, I'm just learning how to cheat better.

 lol  I do have issues keeping my dip from getting too thick.  I use some mineral spirits to thin it, and I need to better secure my pots I guess.  Even at $25 I still get a ton of miniatures done even if I use have the can.  I also have some wood finish to try --- it'd be great if I can find a good one which works as well.  Between their amazing primers, sprays and dips...I'm an army painter fan for sure.  Nothing like priming/spraying and being able to paint within the time it takes me to walk back upstairs.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Bad guys and Good Guys, page 4...)
Post by: DeafNala on August 02, 2014, 02:38:46 PM
The Lads both large & small look WONDERFUL...FINE additions to your collection. Brushwork & basing are VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Bad guys and Good Guys, page 4...)
Post by: Anttipa on August 04, 2014, 11:05:08 AM
Nice work, I like the earthen tones and the bit dirty look of the adventurers. They look rather... medieval :) The big guys look very good too.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Bad guys and Good Guys, page 4...)
Post by: Elbows on August 06, 2014, 01:18:09 AM
Curious...I've been enjoying my childhood favourite audio-book, "The Black Cauldron" based on Lloyd Alexander's Chronicles of Prydain.  I'd like to assemble a few key bits so that I could reimagine the story or at least the setting.

I don't imagine anyone ever made a notPrydain series of minis.  Anyone have ideas for the following?

The Horned King (I think I could kitbash this easily enough...)

The Disney version would be fine also.

Kinda like this iteration.


Gurgi (small furry creature)



And who makes decent Wyverns?  Everything else is easy and common to cover.  Oh and I suppose I could use a quality pig and a suitably large impressive cauldron... lol
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Bad guys and Good Guys, page 4...)
Post by: maxxev on August 06, 2014, 08:27:27 AM
One of those reminds me of PPs lord of the feast, but I would probably jsut get hold of a new GW wild rider torso, a skull, some dryad bits for the horns and greenstuff the "legs" if it were me.

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: Elbows on August 17, 2014, 09:04:59 PM
Painted up seven DHL Classics Lizardmen from Reaper.  I rushed the paintjob and while I'm not stoked with it - I find them very acceptable.  I have an eighth model I'm not using because it's a stupid sculpt, and a ninth model which is going to be a different looking "leader" model for them.  The final "tribe" will be eight models.

Again excuse the lighting - taking pictures in the daylight ruins my lighting set-up...I may take better pics eventually.



Ordered up two Pathfinder Wyverns to start my Gwythaints as well...and placed a hefty order with Thomarillion to begin the process of filling the dungeon.  Eventually I plan to add a large photo diary of Dwarven Forge kit as well to my blog...eventually.  Starting back to work tonight after a summer's break so my updates will be less frequent.  But the dungeon is about 95 models strong at the moment!

PS: Added a quick and simple "how to" to show how I've done all of my miniatures.  Nothing fancy, but could be some useful tips for beginners or people just getting into painting...allows a good result with relatively little time invested.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: beefcake on August 18, 2014, 08:46:50 AM
Very nice. I really need to get into my painting mode again. Those are very cool.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: warburton on August 18, 2014, 01:21:41 PM
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: DeafNala on August 18, 2014, 01:48:28 PM
I'm not for some reason or other a big fan of Lizard Guys; HOWEVER, than Gang of Reptiles look OUTSTANDING...I love the skin/hide colors. GREAT WORK!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: Elbows on August 18, 2014, 06:50:36 PM
Funny you should say that - I'm not a particularly large fan of Lizardmen myself.  I'm just trying to cover all my bases.  While we're on the subject - anyone suggest any non-GW ratmen?  I also need to replace a Minotaur I didn't like... lol
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Bad guys and Good Guys, page 4...)
Post by: Comsquare on August 18, 2014, 07:25:32 PM
Curious...I've been enjoying my childhood favourite audio-book, "The Black Cauldron" based on Lloyd Alexander's Chronicles of Prydain.  I'd like to assemble a few key bits so that I could reimagine the story or at least the setting.

I don't imagine anyone ever made a notPrydain series of minis.  Anyone have ideas for the following?

The Horned King (I think I could kitbash this easily enough...)

The Disney version would be fine also.

Kinda like this iteration.


Gurgi (small furry creature)



And who makes decent Wyverns?  Everything else is easy and common to cover.  Oh and I suppose I could use a quality pig and a suitably large impressive cauldron... lol

What about the Northstar Weird Sorcerer for the Horned King?
Or the Gamezone Chaos Wizard 2

And maybe the Wendigo from Wyrd as Gurgi
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: Elbows on August 18, 2014, 08:33:21 PM
Com, those are some great suggestions - I'm digging the Gamezone guy.  The Wendigo looks good, but I'll need one without a base.  Excellent suggestions though - I'd almost bet that Chaos Sorcerer was inspired by the Horned King.  I'll be looking into that quite seriously.

Also, finished up "The White Lizard" (snicker snicker).  He'll be the leader for the lizardmen, or can serve as an NPC or a Lizardman character if it comes to that.


Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: DeafNala on August 18, 2014, 08:34:26 PM
Funny you should say that - I'm not a particularly large fan of Lizardmen myself.  I'm just trying to cover all my bases.  While we're on the subject - anyone suggest any non-GW ratmen?  I also need to replace a Minotaur I didn't like... lol

The Rat Scum minis from Grenadier now Mirliton are really very nice & a different take on the Beasties than G.W.:

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: Elbows on August 18, 2014, 08:41:20 PM
Ooohh, I quite like those.  Are they of reasonable scale?  I know rats should be much smaller, but where do they fall on the 25-32 range?  I like them very much though.  I had looked at Black Tree Design as well - a little old school, cheap, but I've heard bad things about their order system in the past.

I quite like those Mirliton ones though.  May go that direction.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: Comsquare on August 18, 2014, 08:42:50 PM
Com, those are some great suggestions - I'm digging the Gamezone guy.  The Wendigo looks good, but I'll need one without a base.  Excellent suggestions though - I'd almost bet that Chaos Sorcerer was inspired by the Horned King.  I'll be looking into that quite seriously.

I think the Chaos Sorcerer was inspired by Feg from the "Slaine" comics ;)
And, by the way, the Wendigo comes without a base, just a simple tab...might have a spare one for you :)
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: Elbows on August 18, 2014, 08:48:40 PM
Hmmm, I'd definitely like to see a pic of the Wendigo sans-base then...I'll get a googlin'.  Never seen the "Slaine" comics, so I'll take the low road and immediately say "well, OBVIOUSLY the comics ripped off of..."  lol

PS: Just found him - the mini looks really good.  I'll probably look into acquiring one.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: Comsquare on August 18, 2014, 08:50:44 PM
Maybe  ;)  lol
Will make you a pic
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: DeafNala on August 18, 2014, 09:05:04 PM
Ooohh, I quite like those.  Are they of reasonable scale?  I know rats should be much smaller, but where do they fall on the 25-32 range?  I like them very much though.  I had looked at Black Tree Design as well - a little old school, cheap, but I've heard bad things about their order system in the past.

I quite like those Mirliton ones though.  May go that direction.

Here's a Group Portrait of my friend floedebolle's Rat Guys. The Mirliton/Grenadier is second from the left in the back row:


...I'd say he's roughly the same size as a G.W..
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: Comsquare on August 18, 2014, 09:08:24 PM
Guess the pic has to wait until tomorrow, can't find the small guy right now  :?
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: Elbows on August 18, 2014, 09:31:01 PM
Com, I found pics online - he looks good.  I'll snatch one up for cheap on ebay soon.  Thanks for the suggestion!  Deaf - I think I'll probably give those a swing when I get a few other things painted.  Excellent help guys.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: blackstone on August 18, 2014, 10:28:56 PM
Great thread this. Have alot of those plastic d&d miniatures. Nice to see them repainted.

Here's a rather nice wyvern!

wyvern (http://www.ralparthaeurope.co.uk/shop/ral-partha-fantasy-c-37/heroes-and-horrors-c-37_38/01050-wyvern-p-1236.html)
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: Elbows on August 18, 2014, 10:36:07 PM
Black, that's a tasty morsel right there.  I ordered some Pathfinder pre-paint Wyverns, so I'll see what I think of them.  Thanks for the heads up!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: Elbows on August 20, 2014, 07:51:33 PM
(grumble grumble) so I received two Pathfinder pre-paint Wyverns.  I like the sculpts and the size is perfect.  However, unlike my other pre-paints, these are freakin' terrible.  Chalky, chunky paint --- really obscuring the already minimal detail on the figures.  What is the best method for stripping off some paint?  Anyone have suggestions for pre-paint stripping?  Does Simple Green melt plastic miniatures?

Thanks for any advice - I'd like to salvage the minis.

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: DeafNala on August 20, 2014, 08:04:35 PM
I haven't tried Simple Green on soft plastic, but it works great on the hard stuff.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: Elbows on August 20, 2014, 08:23:52 PM
Hmmm...well I have two.  Which means I can try one.  lol
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: DeafNala on August 20, 2014, 09:53:54 PM
You could try doing a quick dip & then brush & rinse. Once the paint starts coming off soaking isn't really necessary.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: Elbows on August 20, 2014, 10:44:40 PM
I just brushed them with acetone a few minutes ago - results were okay.  Unfortunately it turns out the chunky/crappy stuff wasn't solely paint --- the sculpts are just rather poor.  I'll be seeing what kind of silk purses I can make out of these sows ears.  I think some trimming/filing and hopefully a reasonable paint scheme will help.  I'm all out of other miniatures so a pair of Wyverns is all I have to screw around with at the moment!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: Michka on August 22, 2014, 03:35:50 AM
Wait a minute... You're all out of miniatures? In some parts of this world, them's fightin' words.
Someone need to get this guy some plastic minis. Stat!  :D
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: Elbows on August 22, 2014, 10:06:10 AM
To be fair I have 20 moderns, a couple dozen pirates and plenty of plastic sprues of "bits" I could concoct if needed.  I even have two gladiator figures left I'm being lazy about.  However, as far as "current projects" go...I'm almost tapped out.  I have a huge box of Thomarillion coming in the mail, and god help me when my Robotech Kickstarter stuff ships... lol

This fantasy project is being handled in a "buy...paint...finish" method so far, and it's working out well.  I have two wyverns dipped, it'll be another 24-36 hours before they can be flatted/based properly and presented.  Not stoked with them, but passable given the trouble I had with the minis.

PS: Some kind fellow from Europaland is shipping me a figure so I'll have something to paint shortly!  lol
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: Elbows on August 23, 2014, 12:55:47 AM


Pair of wyverns --- details about the build over on my blog.  Not stoked, but they're usable.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: DeafNala on August 23, 2014, 02:51:36 AM
Whether they're cool or not is your call, but they look TERRIFIC in the photos. I really like the colors you chose. GREAT WORK!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: Elbows on August 31, 2014, 08:50:53 AM
Added some new stuff...


A Skeleton King, an Owl Bear (eh...), and some treasure piles, trap doors, and skeleton piles (all on the blog).


Some free-standing walls for traps etc.


Treasure piles from Thomarillion


Some bone piles...


Trap doors from Thomarillion

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Owl Bear and trap doors, etc.)
Post by: DeafNala on August 31, 2014, 03:02:37 PM
COOL STUFF! I love the Skeleton King, but they are all VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Owl Bear and trap doors, etc.)
Post by: warburton on August 31, 2014, 11:35:11 PM
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Owl Bear and trap doors, etc.)
Post by: Elbows on August 31, 2014, 11:38:20 PM
Thanks.  I'll maybe start on some of my Thomarillion stuff tonight, and I've received a couple of pre-paint minotaurs I'm going to try to salvage.  Also have a Gurgi on the way from a fellow here, and a large snake en route.  Next purchases will remain ratmen of some sort, and eventually I'll have to plunge for a bunch of boxes/crates/bags and other "store goods" to litter throughout the dungeon. 
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Owl Bear and trap doors, etc.)
Post by: beefcake on September 01, 2014, 07:44:54 AM
The wyverns look great. I've never bought and preprinted pathfinder stuff, do they paint up easily, material takes new paint well?
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Owl Bear and trap doors, etc.)
Post by: Elbows on September 01, 2014, 10:08:33 AM
Well I think all of my other pre-paints have been D&D or Hero Scape etc.  If all Pathfinders are painted in the horrible chalky paint I can hardly recommend them as it's too much work.  But yes, when stripped all of the pre-paints take primer very well.  I've hard plasticizer will bring out some sheen after a while in some of them - we'll see.  The D&D pre-paints etc. are perfectly fine to simply prime and start painting.

I'll be very hesitant to look at more Pathfinder pre-paints after the Wyverns.  There are more pictures on my blog. 
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Owl Bear and trap doors, etc.)
Post by: Elbows on September 24, 2014, 11:41:32 AM
Minor update.  I've spent more time putzing around with other projects lately.



A random pre-paint Minotaur.  Weapon swap, re-base and re-paint.  I actually like the figure okay but the detail was extremely soft on this figure so it ended up being pretty..."eh".  The dip doesn't take well to poorly defined models.  It looks fine on the table top.


Some more boring stuff...I have a load of resin bits I'm painting up.  Not my favourite task.  I do have a handful more henchmen to paint, and at some point I need to slow down on this project since I have two Kickstarters which are months/years away which I plan on using.  The dungeon stuff is DF and is essentially done.  Here is a test-dungeon I did up the other day.




And some fellas on the workbench.

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Owl Bear and trap doors, etc.)
Post by: DeafNala on September 24, 2014, 12:51:16 PM
Now THAT is how a Dungeon Crawl should look. WONDERFULLY INSPIRING!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Owl Bear and trap doors, etc.)
Post by: Michka on September 24, 2014, 01:05:10 PM
Even on the fantasy boards, you couldn't help putting some Robotech in the background. Nice mug.
The Dwarves Forge set-up looks great. I especially like the tavern layout with the boats at dock. 
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Owl Bear and trap doors, etc.)
Post by: hubbabubba on September 24, 2014, 01:18:27 PM
That looks fantastic.

looking forward to seeing more.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Owl Bear and trap doors, etc.)
Post by: Elbows on September 24, 2014, 06:42:18 PM
Whoops, fixed the first three pics! 
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Owl Bear and trap doors, etc.)
Post by: Constable Bertrand on September 26, 2014, 09:11:28 AM
Elbows, how have I missed this??? A lovely pile of stuff you have there, it's rather comprehensive - especially all the doors and dungeon bits!!! It looks fab.

Now THAT is how a Dungeon Crawl should look. WONDERFULLY INSPIRING!


The dungeon tiles are great, how did you do them - I'm guessing its a set from somewhere?

Your FF/GB kit bashes are super, they really work to add variety to the figures.

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Owl Bear and trap doors, etc.)
Post by: Elbows on September 26, 2014, 09:55:45 AM
The dungeon is 80% Dwarven Forge resin sets, and 20% some of their new "plastic" gametiles (which are great by the way).  I actually picked up this stuff 5-6 years ago when I had a lot of extra money.  I figure every gamer should have some kind of dungeon.

It's a bit restrictive and very time consuming to set it up, but it's worth it every now and then.  I've got some plans in the works for adding a bit of elevation and some form of entrances.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have both Hero Quest 25th, and Dungeon Saga on the way now, so all of those goodies may find service in the dungeon here as well (or likewise, I can use all of my painted stuff for those games).

I'll try to assemble a group shot sometime soon of all the stuff. I'm being lazy about tackling the other dozen "terrain" bits.  This will likely be a never-ending project, but the bulk of the project is at least out of the way (plenty o' dungeon, plenty o' figs).  Now I have to find a game to play with it all.  I've got a dungeon crawl of my own but it's such a slow process it may never see the tabletop!  :D
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Owl Bear and trap doors, etc.)
Post by: Constable Bertrand on September 26, 2014, 11:09:18 AM
Well the collecting shows Elbows, a very nice set it is!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Lizardmen!)
Post by: phreedh on September 26, 2014, 11:42:11 AM
(grumble grumble) so I received two Pathfinder pre-paint Wyverns.  I like the sculpts and the size is perfect.  However, unlike my other pre-paints, these are freakin' terrible.  Chalky, chunky paint --- really obscuring the already minimal detail on the figures.  What is the best method for stripping off some paint?  Anyone have suggestions for pre-paint stripping?  Does Simple Green melt plastic miniatures?

Thanks for any advice - I'd like to salvage the minis.

I know it's too late in this case, but I have had moderate success with denatured alcohol. So far, I haven't experienced any melting (as with acetone) or other adverse effect on the actual miniature. In some cases (such as a D&D minis dire badger) the paint just went away - I hardly had to scrub. In other cases (various Star Wars prepaints) the paint have been much more stubborn and only some paints were removed. I have the same problem when stripping second hand plastic kits. Some acrylics won't budge (metallics, often) while others just wash off.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Owl Bear and trap doors, etc.)
Post by: Elbows on September 26, 2014, 07:45:55 PM
Yep, I find with "most", predominantly the D&D pre-paintes, the paint is very thin, and the models work fine if I just prime directly over it.  Those wyverns were a whole other story...like they used some kind of paint-batter.  They were terrible.  lol
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Elbows on November 02, 2014, 02:23:46 AM
I've been painting on/off a bit lately, but not much.  I've started back at work, so my free-time has been cut short.  I'm also leaving for 10 weeks worth of training so this will be the last update for quite some time...indeed until some time in 2015 I'd imagine.


Some more dungeon dressing stuff...still have more of this sitting around but I'm being lazy.


Four henchmen figures (NPC's, player characters, bad guys etc.) and a figure to represent "Gurgi" from the Prydain books.


The Gurgi figure was shipped to me from a fellow on this site - from Germany!  Many thanks!  It is a tiny figure but turned out just ruddy enough.


Henchmen #1 - the lantern bearer from Otherworld minis.



Henchmen #2 - pack bearer...this guy was subject to a dipping mistake (way too thick).  I may go back and paint over him, but I'll probably leave him be.



Henchmen #3 - the "lootsman" as I call him.


Henchmen #4 - the scribe...note his eyes are not quite as noticeable at table-top level.  In this pic he looks super creepy!


What's next?

Well, a new job.  I'll be moving etc.  So again, until some time in early 2015 my project will remain at home in boxes.  I did pick up some lovely Tre Manor sculpts from Reaper recently and my favourite vampyre figure.  Also I'm still waiting on Hero Quest and now Dungeon Saga so this project has a lot of future work.  I do think I'll be slowing down my acquisition (as I have so much stuff coming in the mail sometime in the next year and a half).  When I return home I'll be dabbling in the odd adventurer, henchmen, and terrain pieces.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Elbows on November 02, 2014, 07:19:17 AM

I snapped this pic while I was moving miniatures around.  This is the full set so far...lots of plastic and lead piling up!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Comsquare on November 02, 2014, 07:43:31 AM
Great collection :)

And nice to see Gurgi painted  :D
Well done
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Elbows on November 02, 2014, 07:52:44 AM
Thanks for sending it to me!  lol
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Eithriall on November 02, 2014, 08:53:44 AM
Wow... i really like the "realistic" way you did your Henchmen. Very nice painting.  :)
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Kyusumu on November 02, 2014, 09:16:51 AM
These look fantastic Elbows!  Inspiring work as usual.  Thanks again for posting :)

Best wishes and hope every thing goes well with the move and your new job.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Modhail on November 02, 2014, 10:32:49 AM
That's an impressive lot!  :o :-*
Best of luck on the move and job.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Gibby on November 02, 2014, 10:47:06 AM
Amazing! I really like your painting style!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Momotaro on November 02, 2014, 10:55:02 AM
You have a lovely painting style Elbows - neat, and a good eye for colours and combinations.

Great collection!

Anyone know who makes "Gurgi"?
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Elbows on November 02, 2014, 11:58:59 AM
The Gurgi is a Wyrd miniatures thing from Malifaux --- sent to me by Comsquare.  Thanks for the compliments guys!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: DeafNala on November 02, 2014, 12:09:36 PM
The new additions look WONDERFUL & the Group Portrait is REALLY IMPRESSIVE. WELL DONE all around!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Treebeard on November 03, 2014, 11:08:14 AM
These henchmen are a great addition.
Glad to hear you have a new job. You should consider bringing a painting kit to your training.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Elbows on April 26, 2015, 03:34:44 AM

Well, I'm back.  Kinda.

I have been with my new job for around 5-6 months now.  Disliking every second of it.  I have moved, and have a new apartment.  I've just brought up my painting stuff in the past month, and I'm missing some stuff.  Time to order some primer, dip, etc.

I did something crazy the other night though.  I actually played a dungeon game.  I invited some friends over and ran a game I made up in about ten minutes and it was a blast.  Might be pursuing that.  While I had the stuff on the table I made another dungeon for another game, and decided to snap some pics of miniatures in the set-up.

Note my "0" miniatures painted this year.  Hoping to change that.  Going to find some ratmen and then I have four more Kickstarters worth of miniatures which will end up joining this project over the next few years.

Who needs furniture in the living room?

Some adventurers take a wrong turn.

The Lootsman debates giving up gold in trade for his life.

Some navigational errors befuddle this group.

You may want to figure out that map a little sooner...

Well I guess we're not going that way.

Big guy vs. bigger guy.

Yeah, I'm going to leave that portcullis down for a bit...

Whoever chose this staircase is an idiot!

Back down the stairs!

Ahhhhh treasure....

Ahhhhh dinner...

Dinner plans just changed!

Nothing to see here.  Just a room full of collapsed skeletons...(whistles)

This cave has a bad attitude

Rock, paper, sword?

I hope to take some in-game pics next time my friends are over.  It only took me 13 years to actually run a dungeon crawl!  I can't wait to actually get back to painting.  Not a lick in 6 months.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Furt on April 26, 2015, 05:21:45 AM
That is a thing of beauty mate.  :o

What an awesome setup and miniatures!!  :-*  :-*  :-*

So much Dwarven Forge must have cost a fortune!!!  :o
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: bandit86 on April 26, 2015, 06:25:32 AM
Great stuff!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: randycarter on April 26, 2015, 07:06:22 AM
Hold on man, you don't like your current job, bit we all like your game table!
Rally great stuff  :-*!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: beefcake on April 26, 2015, 07:16:15 AM
Very nice. Very jealous :)
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: warburton on April 26, 2015, 10:10:24 AM
 8) awesome! Quite a set up and lovely photos.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Duncan McDane on April 26, 2015, 12:04:02 PM
Kudo's on wat you did with some cheaply prepaints. They turned out to be quite nice figs that look great on display too. Amazing to see how they work together with some of the more "serious" wargaming figures.
Really inspiring, bought myself a 2 euro cheap dragonto see if I can do something with it ( needs a bit of work though, since the teeth are "safe for toddlers aswell" size ) :).
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: rumacara on April 26, 2015, 12:34:20 PM
Wow... :o :o
Gorgeous. :-* :-*
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: DeafNala on April 26, 2015, 01:30:59 PM
That is how I picture an ideal D&D/RPG game...BEAUTIFUL terrain & WONDERFUL miniatures. GREAT STUFF!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Elbows on April 26, 2015, 02:29:48 PM
Thanks for the comments.  Funny how playing a single game can really motivate you sometimes.  I've been churning away at the rules (think they could turn into something I'd thoroughly enjoy).

I started planning a dungeon crawl rule set late in college, or...12 years ago.  I went back and forth with how I wanted to play the game - including a huge tome of indepth background etc.  New races and an entire world.  I gave that up when I realized I was trying to make a full RPG at that point.  I picked up the dwarven forge stuff when I had more money (though I picked up some lately of the rubberized stuff which is quite good) in a different career field.

I think I have maybe 12-15 sets of the resin stuff.  I really wish I had more Tavern pieces and was very sad to see that Dwarven Forge's recent Kickstarter went away from their normal pieces.  I would have bought in on many tavern sets.

I mentioned in another thread, I have the following Kickstarters (hopefully) on the way:

Dungeon Saga
Hero Quest 25th
Blood Rage

So I have a lot of furniture, monsters and minis on the way.  More than I'll probably ever paint!

A year or so ago I thought I had the rules figured out and started on the card artwork.  I'll take these cards and modify them or do something similar for the new rules I made up.





Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: weismonsters on April 26, 2015, 10:07:22 PM
Looks like a great setting for a game.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Kyusumu on April 26, 2015, 11:11:10 PM
FANTASTIC pictures!!! Two thumbs way up  :)

Thanks again for posting Elbows, you've inspired me to drag my pieces out and begin chipping away yet again.  I laugh every time I look at my lead mountain  lol

Hope things with your new job take a more positive turn soon!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Elbows on April 26, 2015, 11:34:40 PM
Thanks for the well-wishes.  I'm already looking for other opportunities.  On the plus side I just prepped a couple of figures for painting.  Once my new primer/dip/brushes etc. arrive I'll actually have something to show for 2015!

I also printed up several hundred pages of old dungeon crawl notes I've accumulated over the past 10+ years.  Hopefully I can use some of my old ideas with the new project.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Hupp n at em on April 27, 2015, 12:12:59 AM
Really like your use of the various plastic medieval kits to assemble some of your adventurers!  Are those by chance the wargames factory skeletons?
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Elbows on April 27, 2015, 12:52:21 AM
Yep, the later version of the WF skeletons - with some bits from Mantic skeletons thrown in (helmets, some faces etc.).  They're "eh".  They work but they're very spindly.  Easy to put together, and I used the sprues to make the collapsed skeleton bases too.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Treebeard on April 27, 2015, 05:28:24 PM
Welcome back !

Just wow ! Impressive all around.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Dungeon dressing and henchmen!)
Post by: Elbows on July 11, 2015, 01:12:21 AM
Well...after no less than nine months of not painting anything (new job, new apartment...crappier life) I finally put some paint on a handful of Tre Manor sculpts I picked up, and the gorgeous Vampyre.

Once again, crap pictures, but it felt good to finish some stuff.  I admit I put some paint on the Vampyre a couple weeks ago, and hated it.  I had only painted maybe 25% but I hated it.  I walked by the paint desk every day, feeling as if I had forgotten how to do anything hobby related.

Then I finally bit the bullet, sat down one night last weekend and started painting.  Slowly it came back to me, and I'm glad.  I won't be matching my painted numbers from last year (I had the summer off - working at a college has its perks) but at least some stuff.  Also, I couldn't help but think the wizard here is awesome and I may end up running him Frostgrave if Audrey ends up hosting a game some time for me!

Tre Manor Reaper Wizard (metal)

Tre Manor Reaper Barbarian...really don't like this guy, but I wasn't going to waste him.


Tre Manor barbarian I like...a rather crap picture though.  Looks better at game height (sigh)


Lovvvveee the Nosferatu feel from this guy.  I saw it (better painted!) in someone elses thread and ordered it that night.  Love the sculpt.



I picked up a few of Tre's Bugbears which made it into Bones material.  Those'll be next.  I had worked on a eye beast but disliked it so much I binned it.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Chipping away at the hiatus...)
Post by: Legionnaire on July 11, 2015, 09:34:06 AM
Welcome back Elbows.

I think we all struggle a bit at times with the 'painting mojo', I only have a small collection and buy/ paint what I use (no lead mountain here!!!!) and currently signed off sick for the first time in my life with bad neck/shoulders. That has given me a bit of valuable time though to make some headway on a few small projects (Strange Aeons).

That wizard looks very 'Christopher Lee'ish' and all the figures are splendid work, well done mate  :D.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Chipping away at the hiatus...)
Post by: deathjester25 on July 11, 2015, 07:10:20 PM
Good to see your back to painting! Nice work on some of my favorite reaper minis. I just picked up that wizard last week too. Sadly he's still bare metal
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Chipping away at the hiatus...)
Post by: warburton on July 12, 2015, 11:06:20 AM
Nice :)
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Chipping away at the hiatus...)
Post by: DeafNala on July 12, 2015, 01:15:49 PM
The latest additions are OUTSTANDING...the Wizard & Vampire are especially so. GREAT WORK!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Chipping away at the hiatus...)
Post by: Elbows on November 03, 2015, 06:54:59 PM
(picks up the cracked leather tome and blows on it...a cloud of dust spirals into the air, settling to the floor in the dim twilight of the cell...)

So, I've taken a break from my blitzkrieg assault on my Battletech skirmish and decided to get back to some of the dungeon stuff.  We played a game of Frostgrave the other night and while the game was...not awesome, it immediately made me want to get back into painting some fantasy figures.  Starting out small.

Some hounds from...Reaper?  Not sure.  Needed some dogs, and while they're comically proportioned and a bit large overall, they'll do the trick.

Really like the Tre Manor bugbears even though they're a pain to paint.  Wanted to replace some of my other bugbears I didn't like.  I just realized I forgot to paint the toe-claws on one of these fellas.  Also, ignore the super odd bend to his club?


And an internet cookie to whoever can guess what brilliant film I was watching when I decided to kitbash up some odd undead fellas.



I also assembled a couple of collapses skeleton bases (wanted more than my original six) and have primed another small group of men-at-arms.  I'm going to add a handful more ghouls/zombies, some skeletons and then it's time for some monsters.  I do have ratmen waiting in the wings as well.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Cobwebs!)
Post by: tyrionhalfman on November 03, 2015, 07:18:42 PM
Nice collection. Well converted and painted. Are they inspired by Big Trouble in Little China? Thanks for sharing
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Cobwebs!)
Post by: Elbows on November 03, 2015, 07:20:30 PM
Yep.   :D  I was sitting there with a sprue of Steppe Warriors in my hands...while I was watching the movie.  Immediately decided to take a crack at some unique figures.  Hence the weird hands and silliness.  lol
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Cobwebs!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on November 03, 2015, 08:28:46 PM
So much eye candy!!!! :D
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Cobwebs!)
Post by: Furt on November 03, 2015, 08:49:36 PM
Great additions mate.

Love the floating/flying/leaping skeleton.

Good to see you back at this.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Cobwebs!)
Post by: DeafNala on November 03, 2015, 10:13:02 PM
Doggies, Bug Bears, AND ESPECIALLY the Kung Fu Living Impaired are all BEAUTIFULLY painted & ,in the case of the K.F.L.I., converted. VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Cobwebs!)
Post by: Corporal Chaos on November 03, 2015, 11:20:15 PM
Outstanding collection and painting!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Cobwebs!)
Post by: Kyusumu on November 04, 2015, 03:56:40 AM
They look great!  Thanks for sharing, I always draw some inspiration from your work Elbows  :)

I love the jumping figure, great character on that one.  Would be great fun to plop that down on a few surprised characters and watch their faces  lol
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread (Cobwebs!)
Post by: Elbows on November 05, 2015, 08:44:51 PM
Trying to make the most of my current unemployment...it's time for some more bad guys.  I decided I wanted to bump my groups of minions by a handful for each group (make sure to have around 12 or so).

Four more ghouls/zombies

Four more men-at-arms

Some more piles o' bones and a small pedestal with baddie magic book

A rather gigantic weapon cabinet...but I have it, so I'll use it (it stands about twice the height of the average figure!)

And some jail cell doors I quickly constructed out of plasticard bits

And...one poor prior occupant.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : No escape!
Post by: pocoloco on November 05, 2015, 09:12:07 PM
Those dungeon pics on page 9!  :o :o :o

Super cool project, great to see you got back at this.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : No escape!
Post by: Elbows on November 05, 2015, 09:20:26 PM
I'll try to do another fun photo shoot when I set up my table for Saturday.  See if I get any other figures done tonight.  My goal for the end of the year is 50 figures painted...so I have some work to do, but I think it's possible.  Depends on how soon I get back into a job.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : No escape!
Post by: DeafNala on November 06, 2015, 02:36:21 PM
COOL STUFF! I LOVE the Skeleton hanging through the bars. GREAT WORK, one & all!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : No escape!
Post by: Constable Bertrand on November 06, 2015, 08:52:10 PM
Great use of your extra time Elbows, those guys look great. the one suck in the bars gave me a laugh lol

Best of luck finding something.

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : No escape!
Post by: Elbows on November 09, 2015, 09:36:51 PM
And some more stuff knocked out while it's rainy and cold here.

Some Ratmen from GW Skaven figures...added wicker shields and de-spiked/de-horned most of them.  Not in love with the way the colour scheme ended up, but I only have to do eight more, so I'll probably leave it.

A handful more spiders to flesh out my henchmen groups (12 spiders now)

And a terrible Bones figure that I almost binned.  Some skeletal king or something, I did him up as a Wraith but the detail was quite bad...and it took paint even worse.  If I hadn't finished him, I'd have tossed him.  Now that he's done he can stay and skulk around in the dungeon looking stupid and ugly.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : No escape!
Post by: Too Bo Coo on November 10, 2015, 11:07:44 AM
I REALLY like the undead king guy!  And your paint really made him pop!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : No escape!
Post by: Reed on November 10, 2015, 11:21:40 AM
I particularly liked the spiders. Where are they from?
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : No escape!
Post by: audrey on November 10, 2015, 04:12:17 PM
I particularly liked the spiders. Where are they from?

I believe they are Reaper Miniatures - Bones Spiders

Nice stuff Elbows. Maybe Thanksgiving weekend we can finally get in a dungeon crawl game if you aren't out of town.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : No escape!
Post by: Elbows on November 10, 2015, 05:46:45 PM
Unfortunately I think I may be out of town that weekend.  We'll see!

PS: Yes, they're the small Bones spiders, come two to a pack.  They're on 25mm bases for scale reference.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : No escape!
Post by: Kyusumu on November 10, 2015, 09:42:08 PM

They look great Elbows!  Lots of character and I've always been a fan of how you base your figures.  The color scheme and bases always mesh well.

It makes me feel better to know that I'm not the only one who has issues with some of the Bones figures, I've definitely also struggled with some of them.  But for all of that, regardless the figure you completed still looks good and definitely table ready.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : No escape!
Post by: Elbows on November 10, 2015, 11:29:58 PM
Yeah, I stand by my opinion...the smaller they are, the worse they are.  The spiders are Bones but are forgivable because they have zero detail and I paint them in under a minute or two.  And they're just spiders, but smaller more detailed characters suck in Bones.  On the flip side the Bugbears from the last page are Bones as well but they're twice the size of the skeletal king and they worked a treat.

I'm willing to "try" plenty of stuff in Bones because it's so cheap and I still always look for big monsters in the material.  Overall, not a huge critique, that skeletal king was just one of the worst minis I've ever painted.  lol
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : No escape!
Post by: Elbows on November 19, 2015, 10:10:12 PM
Ready for the most boring update yet!  Terrain!


I'm in the process of "cleaning up" the hobby table, so I've got some dungeon stuff sitting in the wings patiently waiting as I tackle a bunch of bits and bobs that have been sitting on my desk (some Battletech trucks, some gladiator tokens, etc.)  More to come in the next week I hope!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : No escape!
Post by: Elbows on January 12, 2016, 07:07:37 PM
A result from cleaning up the hobby table...sorry the pic is again too dark.


A "scarecrow" who'll serve as a dungeon beastie, automaton, golem, etc.  I decided to go with some blood instead of straw for his innards.  Love the figure. It's a Wyrd miniature from Malifaux.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : No escape!
Post by: pocoloco on January 12, 2016, 07:21:55 PM
Ooh, that's wicked!  :o

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : No escape!
Post by: Globlin on January 12, 2016, 08:45:58 PM
Weird! I like it, reminds me of a monster from one of the Warhammer short stories in the Marius Thulmann witch hunter series by C L Werner. Great thread, lots of dungeon crawl inspiration here.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : No escape!
Post by: Too Bo Coo on January 13, 2016, 02:20:42 AM
Very cool Mate!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Damned Ratmen!
Post by: Elbows on February 19, 2016, 08:54:06 PM
Finally got over my painter's block and finished the twelve Ratmen...didn't enjoy painting these guys.  Glad they're done.

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Damned Ratmen!
Post by: Devoted of Slaanesh on February 19, 2016, 11:34:38 PM
Finally got over my painter's block and finished the twelve Ratmen...didn't enjoy painting these guys.  Glad they're done.

But they look good. Like your paint style mate. :D
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Damned Ratmen!
Post by: Elbows on February 20, 2016, 12:11:18 AM
Thanks, I had some motivation in the form of a couple of cowboys I'm desperate to paint (sitting behind them in the queue).  I have a couple more fantasy figures to paint up, but I'm actually narrowing down most of what I wanted...probably going to pick up some more terrain bits.  Then perhaps I could actually start on the damn game!  lol
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Damned Ratmen!
Post by: ZeroTwentythree on February 20, 2016, 05:42:05 AM
I agree, they look good. I like the shield choice, too.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Damned Ratmen!
Post by: DeafNala on February 20, 2016, 01:33:32 PM
The Rat Guys look TERRIFIC despite being a pain to paint...GREAT brushwork & some nice color choices do their thing. I would never have though of Cowboys as a motivating factor, but different strokes & all that. VERY WELL, if reluctantly, DONE!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Damned Ratmen!
Post by: Devoted of Slaanesh on February 20, 2016, 03:45:45 PM
Well I would love to see a battle report than.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Skeletons and a Thiefing Mule?
Post by: Elbows on February 22, 2016, 08:14:43 PM
Trying to finish up some stuff I have laying around.




An Otherworld pack mule I've had assembled/based/primed sitting on the table for over a year, and a Thief I cobbled together from some Frostgrave sprues I took in on trade.  Threw some armored skeletons together using Perry foot knights, Wargames factory heads and GW arms.  Will probably do at least 5-6 more of these guys at some point.  Didn't love painting them oddly (I like Perry plastics but the detail is a little soft and makes painting/dipping less effective.

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Skeletons and a Thiefing Mule?
Post by: Constable Bertrand on February 22, 2016, 08:36:10 PM
The mule is great Elbows 8) 8)

As an aside, which plastic skelly do you prefer for fantasy gaming/dungeon crawls? WGF or GW VC?

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Skeletons and a Thiefing Mule?
Post by: Elbows on February 22, 2016, 08:50:22 PM
Hmmm...tough question.  The GW are way too...GW for me?  I hesitated to even use the weapons on those figures (their weapons are gigantic).  I definitely prefer the Wargames Factory guys, but they're super spindly and annoying to assemble (and I'm always afraid of breaking them).

My biggest beef with the GW skeletons is that they don't make a lot of sense.  They're nice plastics and I may use some heads and bits now and then...I may take a swing at using some torsos.  However, they're a skeleton unit with flare which seems weird.  To me, skeletons would be re-animated warriors from other armies...vs. animated skeletons adorning their shields etc. with - wait for it - more skulls and undead stuff!  ???

In an ideal world I'd just use Otherworld metal skeletons - they're wonderful.  lol
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Skeletons and a Thiefing Mule?
Post by: audrey on February 22, 2016, 09:49:20 PM
I like the kit bashed skeletons. They do look like they are raised adventurers.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Skeletons and a Thiefing Mule?
Post by: Mo! on February 22, 2016, 09:53:26 PM
Really like the skellies!!! Great stuff all around!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Skeletons and a Thiefing Mule?
Post by: Elbows on February 22, 2016, 10:51:27 PM
I like the kit bashed skeletons. They do look like they are raised adventurers.

While it doesn't show in the picture, the green-shirted skeleton actually has the same black diamond logo as the men-at-arms...I figure it's the local baron/knight/power in my game world and other skeletons will share the iconography with their pulse-enhanced brothers.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Skeletons and a Thiefing Mule?
Post by: Golgotha on February 23, 2016, 12:12:14 AM
For "nothing fancy and speed painting" you really have created some really pleasing results and the benefits of your approach are clear - too may of the rest of us perhaps sit on our lead piles instead of getting them going and enjoying the gaming - do keep up your style and momentum - it works.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Skeletons and a Thiefing Mule?
Post by: Elbows on February 23, 2016, 12:42:33 AM
(gets a tattoo "PAINTED NOT PRETTY")  lol
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Skeletons and a Thiefing Mule?
Post by: Constable Bertrand on February 23, 2016, 06:51:41 AM
In an ideal world I'd just use Otherworld metal skeletons - they're wonderful.  lol

hahaha Yeah, me too!  ;D

So the question is which ONE box of plastics get the closest to that 'look'?
Mantic? No! Silly evil skull faces  >:(
That leaves VC with motifs removed or fiddly WGF in my book.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Skeletons and a Thiefing Mule?
Post by: beefcake on February 23, 2016, 09:55:09 AM
Very nice work. The thief is cool.
I love the otherworld metals.
Plastic skellies I like are the WGF ones. So quick to paint. However I think my favs would be the old warhammer skeletons circa early 90's (maybe earlier?) probably helps they were my first plastic kit.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Skeletons and a Thiefing Mule?
Post by: Reed on February 23, 2016, 03:21:16 PM
hahaha Yeah, me too!  ;D

So the question is which ONE box of plastics get the closest to that 'look'?
Mantic? No! Silly evil skull faces  >:(
That leaves VC with motifs removed or fiddly WGF in my book.

Mantic skeletons with GW VC skulls.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Skeletons and a Thiefing Mule?
Post by: Elbows on February 23, 2016, 04:08:33 PM
The Mantic skeletons I have are rather slight, all one-piece (except heads/shields I think?) and don't fit visually with anything else I have.  I do use some of their heads etc.  I think perhaps older Citadel skellies might be a decent compromise.  For skeletal bits, definitely Wargames Factory but they're OOP until Warlord re-release them.  I'm sure some boxes are still floating around. 
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Skeletons and a Thiefing Mule?
Post by: Constable Bertrand on February 23, 2016, 08:17:24 PM
Ah you don't say, I wondered why my local gaming store didn't have any :(

You may have some bits?
Pm sent.

Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Skeletons and a Thiefing Mule?
Post by: DeafNala on February 24, 2016, 01:55:38 PM
OUTSTANDING They all look SPLENDID...especially the Mule. GREAT brushwork & basing. VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Skeletons and a Thiefing Mule?
Post by: psyberwyche on February 24, 2016, 02:12:01 PM
This is such a great thread!  :-*
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Skeletons and a Thiefing Mule?
Post by: Elbows on March 20, 2016, 06:29:32 PM
Well, some buddies of mine and I were gaming a few weeks ago when we decided to up and try Warhammer Quest again (something I hadn't played for nigh on 20 years).

Luckily for me my friend had the old boards, doors and most of the miniatures.  It helps that our gaming group has a veritable bevvy of fantasy miniatures, particularly old Warhammer miniatures.  My friend has several full old 1990's Warhammer armies in fact.  So, going through our email group we gathered a few volunteers and played a few games - and will likely play many more!  It was exactly as I remembered it, only this time full of nicely painted miniatures (granted some are still underway!).

Anyway, I decided at once to play my old high school character, the Dwarf Trollslayer.  I assembled my figure in private for the reveal on the first day of gaming.  He's...not your normal trollslayer.


I was so dreadfully tired of Scottish dwarves with gigantic red mohawks I went another direction entirely.


Here he is charging forward with the Barbarian...one of our two starting hero groups who met their fate yesterday (failed both games!)

And when I was about to go home, I was griping about not having much in the way of fantasy miniatures to paint...lo and behold my buddy tossed me an unopened blister from 1995 (21 years!).  A pit fighter for Warhammer Quest!  I was pretty nervous about painting him because my buddies all paint way better than I do, but I hope I did him justice (leaving the base for my buddy to finish to match his stuff).  I hate the figure but it was pretty fun to paint.


Again I strayed from the overly common red-n-black-80's-metal paint scheme he's always issued.  Hoping to get a few more games in sometime soon!

PS: It was great to find a use for my miniatures finally!  I was able to use my spiders, bugbears (stand-in beastmen), ghouls etc...finally earning their place on the table top!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Warhammer Quest!
Post by: wolfen on March 20, 2016, 07:29:26 PM
I am so very jealous right now! Quest is the best.
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Warhammer Quest!
Post by: LordOdo on March 21, 2016, 09:23:18 PM
No red haired dwarf but you do a red haired pit fighter  lol

I think he's painted very well!
Title: Re: Elbows' Fantasy Thread : Warhammer Quest!
Post by: Elbows on March 21, 2016, 10:46:20 PM
Yeah it was either reddish brown or he-man gold!  lol