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Miniatures Adventure => Back of Beyond => Topic started by: Stauffenberg on July 14, 2008, 06:09:02 PM

Title: Baron Wrangel - Volunteer Army
Post by: Stauffenberg on July 14, 2008, 06:09:02 PM
Having been very badly bitten by this period, and currently commanding the "Very Armed German Archaeologists, I am now looking to add elements of Baron Wrangel's White Russian Volunteer Army for this period. Any help/advise on organisation, uniforms, equipment, history, etc, etc would be much appreciated.
Title: Re: Baron Wrangel - Volunteer Army
Post by: carlos marighela on July 14, 2008, 08:13:39 PM
Probably the easiest and quickest way, if you are dipping your toe into the period would be to have a look at Mark Plant's Pygmy Wars site. You'll find TO&E info there, some stuff on uniforms and an extensive list of links and references. The RCW Yahoo group is also a valuable resource.
Title: Re: Baron Wrangel - Volunteer Army
Post by: Stauffenberg on July 14, 2008, 09:10:21 PM
Many thanks - off there now.
Title: Re: Baron Wrangel - Volunteer Army
Post by: Ignatieff on July 20, 2008, 10:51:52 AM
Dear Von S,

Good to see that the madness is now biting deeper.  Having just returned from my Alpine retreat I can thoroughly recommend Even Mawdsley's 'The Russian Civil War'.  He is a prof of history at Glasgow University (so obviously a top boffin), and this is a very good general introduction to the subject.  It covers Wrangels campaign is reasonable detail, and helps place some of the more random sections of the Osprey 'White' Books into context.

Looking forward to seeing you at Zwhingwee Junction in the next few weeks.

All the best

Title: Re: Baron Wrangel - Volunteer Army
Post by: Stauffenberg on August 01, 2008, 11:57:14 PM
Many thanks Ignatieff - again.
Book ordered.
Bags packed.
Troops prepared.
Next stop Zwhingwee Junction!
Not long now!

Von S

Title: Re: Baron Wrangel - Volunteer Army
Post by: Brigadier Linn on August 21, 2008, 07:56:16 PM
Well, you had lots of practice at the weekend, refining human wave tactics! Der Baron has taught you all he knows, now is the time to branch off on your own.
Title: Re: Baron Wrangel - Volunteer Army
Post by: Ignatieff on August 22, 2008, 08:35:54 AM
Good to have you on board, Professor Linn, though what really went on down those tunnels between Slan Ties and 'One Lobe' Longhorn will probably never be known lol
Title: Re: Baron Wrangel - Volunteer Army
Post by: Stauffenberg on August 22, 2008, 04:18:49 PM
Brigadier Linn - welcome - human wave tactics still a bit advanced - the weekend's tactic was more akin to lemming wave tactics but we did manage to divert the river and bring irrigation to the parched landscape. I's an ill wind.... etc, etc.

Title: Re: Baron Wrangel - Volunteer Army
Post by: Brigadier Linn on August 22, 2008, 08:07:42 PM
I'll send the bill for the ammunition!
I was very careful to never be in the same tunnel as Slan Ties! One has to be very careful with these cunning orientals.

I too was inspired by the weekend , and have painted up a couple more figures I found in a drawer.
Title: Re: Baron Wrangel - Volunteer Army
Post by: Ignatieff on August 22, 2008, 08:36:30 PM
Who's drawers? :o
Title: Re: Baron Wrangel - Volunteer Army
Post by: Stauffenberg on August 23, 2008, 12:37:18 AM
I'll send the bill for the ammunition!
I was very careful to never be in the same tunnel as Slan Ties! One has to be very careful with these cunning orientals.

I too was inspired by the weekend , and have painted up a couple more figures I found in a drawer.

We could only hope that Slan Ties was as careful - although judging by the  drawer's content it seems unlikely!
Title: Re: Baron Wrangel - Volunteer Army
Post by: Brigadier Linn on August 23, 2008, 01:22:45 PM
It wasn't Slan Ties anyway!, never rummage in a  Chinaman's drawers!
I have tried to persuade Red Ted to join in on this forum, but he probably needs permission from his new found chum V I Blackwood. If he thinks it will cost him money, that might put him off as well.
Title: Re: Baron Wrangel - Volunteer Army
Post by: Rhoderic on August 23, 2008, 01:42:45 PM
What the hell are you guys talking about? Tunnels? A fellow named Slan Ties? Drawers?  ::)
Title: Re: Baron Wrangel - Volunteer Army
Post by: Brigadier Linn on August 23, 2008, 06:08:28 PM
You really had to be there!
Title: Re: Baron Wrangel - Volunteer Army
Post by: Stauffenberg on August 24, 2008, 11:51:04 AM
It wasn't Slan Ties anyway!, never rummage in a  Chinaman's drawers!
I have tried to persuade Red Ted to join in on this forum, but he probably needs permission from his new found chum V I Blackwood. If he thinks it will cost him money, that might put him off as well.

"Me thinks he doth protest his innocence too much"
Title: Re: Baron Wrangel - Volunteer Army
Post by: Ignatieff on August 26, 2008, 05:02:19 PM
What the hell are you guys talking about? Tunnels? A fellow named Slan Ties? Drawers?  ::)

The Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven game we (The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers) had ten days ago.  5m x 2m table, five armies (500+ figures), some great tactics and lots of bad ones.  The Italians came first, beating the Chinese into second place, the two (competing) Bolshevik armies came joint third, and The Mad Baron's Mongol hordes a distant 5th.  Full battle report and piccies to follow once our court photographer gets back from his holidays in ten days time.

Title: Re: Baron Wrangel - Volunteer Army
Post by: Brigadier Linn on September 11, 2008, 07:41:25 PM
I hope it's not Comrade Blackwood that has melted the Channel Tunnel! Most likely he has spilled single malt on the track. Though it's not like him to spill any..................