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Miniatures Adventure => Pulp => Topic started by: Amalric on June 25, 2014, 01:23:58 AM

Title: Antarctic Snow Cruiser -Ultimate Pulp Explorer's Ride!
Post by: Amalric on June 25, 2014, 01:23:58 AM
A post on pulp planes topic that showed the Staggerwing Beech on top of this thing, reminded me that this would be the perfect Explorer's ride into the hollow earth or Venus or Antarctica or wherever brave men seek fame and fortune.

Antarctic Snow Cruiser

The Antarctic Snow Cruiser was a vehicle designed from 1937 to 1939 under the direction of Thomas Poulter, intended to facilitate transport in Antarctica. The Snow Cruiser was also known as "The Penguin," "Penguin 1" or "Turtle"[1] in some published material.

While having several innovative features, it generally failed to operate as hoped under the difficult conditions, and was eventually abandoned in Antarctica. Rediscovered under a deep layer of snow in 1958, it later disappeared again due to shifting ice conditions.
[from Wiki]

Disappeared huh.  ;)



Title: Re: Antarctic Snow Cruiser -Ultimate Pulp Explorer's Ride!
Post by: von Lucky on June 25, 2014, 03:54:05 AM
That is kinda cool:

The Soviets could even have it! I suspect though it's at the bottom of the ocean.
Title: Re: Antarctic Snow Cruiser -Ultimate Pulp Explorer's Ride!
Post by: FramFramson on June 25, 2014, 05:20:54 AM
Being a giant polar exploration buff, I took one look at the wheels and immediately cringed.

So much fancy technology (for the time), yet they might as well have built the drive train from melted butter! Arrrgh! Bernard Day is rolling his eyes!
Title: Re: Antarctic Snow Cruiser -Ultimate Pulp Explorer's Ride!
Post by: Valerik on June 25, 2014, 05:30:25 AM
Some fool got the scale ALL wrong, with a capital "R"

That damn thing's gotta be at least 1/30, if not 1/24

Why they wouldn't use chains or studs, or anything but slick rubber?

Title: Re: Antarctic Snow Cruiser -Ultimate Pulp Explorer's Ride!
Post by: FramFramson on June 25, 2014, 05:38:41 AM
Well, they did try chains... but apparently they only brought chains for two out of four tires!

It's like the Hester-Trugers (pony horseshoes) all over again!  >:(
Title: Re: Antarctic Snow Cruiser -Ultimate Pulp Explorer's Ride!
Post by: sglancy12 on June 25, 2014, 07:27:27 AM
Is it just me, or does this thing come off like the 1930s version of the Landmaster? Although I have to wonder if the Landmaster would have handled Antarctica better.
Title: Re: Antarctic Snow Cruiser -Ultimate Pulp Explorer's Ride!
Post by: Diplomatist on June 25, 2014, 08:20:58 AM
Gloriously impractical!   :D

I've some postcards of it somewhere...
Title: Re: Antarctic Snow Cruiser -Ultimate Pulp Explorer's Ride!
Post by: Peter@BattleScape on June 25, 2014, 02:39:38 PM
DAMN you all!!!  Now I have ANOTHER outlandish and impractical vehicle to build.....ARRRGGGGHHHHH I MUST resist the urge.....I CAN'T.....just to week, I must not give innnnnnn.....ah C$%P!!!  GIRLS!!! Get Dads supply of plasticard out....and my scale dividers, we have another thing to make... o_o

Title: Re: Antarctic Snow Cruiser -Ultimate Pulp Explorer's Ride!
Post by: Prof. Dinglebat. Phd. on June 26, 2014, 03:05:44 AM
I've got one of these, but it's hardly the same.  :-I
Title: Re: Antarctic Snow Cruiser -Ultimate Pulp Explorer's Ride!
Post by: Valerik on June 26, 2014, 05:07:36 AM
DAMN you all!!!  Now I have ANOTHER outlandish and impractical vehicle to build.....ARRRGGGGHHHHH I MUST resist the urge.....I CAN'T.....just to week, I must not give innnnnnn.....ah C$%P!!!  GIRLS!!! Get Dads supply of plasticard out....and my scale dividers, we have another thing to make... o_o


Go ahead, build two.

I dare ya.

Or, build a master, I'm sure you'd find some takers for a lil' hunka resin like that.

'Course it would hafta have lift off roofs & decks with a complete interior too...

You do know Dave Phipps is madly at work devising a template for this sucker right?

Hell man, you could stage an entire campaign aboard her!!

Dare we dream of a Pulp Alley Expansion: Perilous Pulp Penguins?

Something tells me progress on this project will be glacial...


Men, All Snow is Abominable
Title: Re: Antarctic Snow Cruiser -Ultimate Pulp Explorer's Ride!
Post by: Peter@BattleScape on June 26, 2014, 12:34:10 PM

Are you saying you want to go topless...perish the thought man.....lift of roof...shameful......ok will do it, but I think it will need to be multi part to fit in the vac chamber.

Title: Re: Antarctic Snow Cruiser -Ultimate Pulp Explorer's Ride!
Post by: Peter@BattleScape on June 26, 2014, 12:49:48 PM
I have been making a careful study of the plans in this article with idea to construct said beastie in 1/48 when I came upon something that made realise that:

A) I now cannot make this abomination
B) The reason she was abandoned and no attempt was made to reuse her

it has NO TOILET!!! :o :'( :-X

Can you imagine all that time stuck inside, drinking coffee, having your bladder bounced around by those awful tyres AND THEN having to step outside with a shovel, roll of bog paper and a magazine to read.  You open the door to freezing temperatures and a gale blowing in your face.....then you have to dig a hole and sit with your bare bum hanging out.....no thanks let the Norwegians get to the pole first and they can study the penguins....I will go to the Galapagos Islands to look at there little penguins!!!

Title: Re: Antarctic Snow Cruiser -Ultimate Pulp Explorer's Ride!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on June 26, 2014, 06:11:31 PM
then you have to dig a hole and sit with your bare bum hanging out

I've done that at -25 in the Himalayas and it's no joke, I can assure you, especially at night!!!!!!!!!!!  :o
Title: Re: Antarctic Snow Cruiser -Ultimate Pulp Explorer's Ride!
Post by: MalcyBogaten on June 26, 2014, 06:22:35 PM
Gerry Anderson would be proud!

Marvellous piece of machinery! Utterly mad. I like it. :o
Title: Re: Antarctic Snow Cruiser -Ultimate Pulp Explorer's Ride!
Post by: Traveler Man on June 26, 2014, 07:26:49 PM
I like it, it's delightfully daft!  ;D There's nothing to say some clever boffin in our Pulp worlds didn't perfect a polar cruiser design with indoor plumbing and even hot tub.  ;)

Upper Sandusky is just down the road from us, funny to think it had something like this vehicle rolling through its streets.
Title: Re: Antarctic Snow Cruiser -Ultimate Pulp Explorer's Ride!
Post by: d phipps on June 26, 2014, 09:49:26 PM
Without that cockpit section poking out, it also reminds me of the APC from the Aliens movie.

Very cool! THANKS for sharing.  :-*
Title: Re: Antarctic Snow Cruiser -Ultimate Pulp Explorer's Ride!
Post by: Gun bunny on June 26, 2014, 11:39:58 PM
 :o :o :o
Title: Re: Antarctic Snow Cruiser -Ultimate Pulp Explorer's Ride!
Post by: cuchulain23 on June 27, 2014, 05:12:40 AM
What a cool looking vehicle lends itself well for gaming indeed.