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Miniatures Adventure => Medieval Adventures => Topic started by: rumacara on July 07, 2014, 10:30:40 AM

Title: Help Wanted - Portuguese wars of independence
Post by: rumacara on July 07, 2014, 10:30:40 AM
Hello all

By the late 14th century some english troops campaigned in the iberian peninsula under the command of John the Gaunt, allying with Portugal on is strugle for independence from Spain.
At the battle of Aljubarrota (1385) there were english archers a few man at arms and nobles present.

I would need ithe english nobles blazons to paint a small force for saga wargames so any information regarding this would be great.

Many thanks

Title: Re: Help Wanted - Portuguese wars of independence
Post by: NurgleHH on July 07, 2014, 04:35:04 PM
I hope this helps:

This is the coat of armes, when he was the kastilian claimant of the throne (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/17/John_of_Gaunt_Arms.svg/220px-John_of_Gaunt_Arms.svg.png)

This was the coat of armes, when he demanded the Throne of Kastillia and Leon (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/John_of_Gaunt-Castile_Arms.svg/220px-John_of_Gaunt-Castile_Arms.svg.png)

Interesting project, hope you show us more of it.
Title: Re: Help Wanted - Portuguese wars of independence
Post by: von Lucky on July 07, 2014, 10:31:57 PM
Searching for just "Aljubarrota" in Google Image search returns a lot, no idea if it's useful.

Is there any Portuguese (or Spanish) company that makes flags/decals for wargamers? Maybe they've covered the battle.
Title: Re: Help Wanted - Portuguese wars of independence
Post by: rumacara on July 07, 2014, 11:14:42 PM
Hello all

NurgleHH, many thanks for the blazons. John the Gaunts blazons are the easyest part, the problem is finding the english nobles present in the battle or at least the ones that campaign in Portugal and Spain. Those are the one iīm after.

Von Lucky, google images are also easy to find and about the portuguese, english, spanish and french armies i have a lot of information regarding equipment. Again its the blazons that i cant find. About the flags its easy because i only need the portuguese ones and 1 or 2 from england. I will use the cross of st. George because it was present plus 1 or 2 more. The portuguese companies are inexistent. The spanish companies only have the spanish flags. They dont like much talking about this battle. ;)

What i want to paint in long term is a few mounted man at arms (english and portuguese) some dismounted man at arms again from the two countries and some english archers (the easyest task). But i wanted the correct blazons of the nobles present.

If there is a book in english that shows the campaigns in Portugal and Spain of John the Gaunt that might be usefull.


Title: Re: Help Wanted - Portuguese wars of independence
Post by: commissarmoody on July 08, 2014, 03:21:38 AM
There are lots of companies that will make the blazons for you. Just have to hunt around on the net for a bit.
Title: Re: Help Wanted - Portuguese wars of independence
Post by: Atheling on July 08, 2014, 06:05:45 AM
I'm not sure what your English is like but Jonathon Sumption, HYW Part Two, Trial by Fire, goes into a lot of detail about the Black Prince's Iberian campaign and includes info on Najera and Aljubarrota (to be honest it would be much easier to get info on the Battle of Najera than Aljubarrota).

I can't remember off hand if he mentions many or a few but half the chivalry of England, France and many another neighbour were vying for places to join the Black Prince on his Najera campaign (not so many for John of Gaunt's chevachee I would feel).

Hope that this helps, the book is a good read and is overflowing with detail. Nothing wrong with doing a bit of the old research IMHO  ;) :).


Hello all

NurgleHH, many thanks for the blazons. John the Gaunts blazons are the easyest part, the problem is finding the english nobles present in the battle or at least the ones that campaign in Portugal and Spain. Those are the one iīm after.

Von Lucky, google images are also easy to find and about the portuguese, english, spanish and french armies i have a lot of information regarding equipment. Again its the blazons that i cant find. About the flags its easy because i only need the portuguese ones and 1 or 2 from england. I will use the cross of st. George because it was present plus 1 or 2 more. The portuguese companies are inexistent. The spanish companies only have the spanish flags. They dont like much talking about this battle. ;)

What i want to paint in long term is a few mounted man at arms (english and portuguese) some dismounted man at arms again from the two countries and some english archers (the easyest task). But i wanted the correct blazons of the nobles present.

If there is a book in english that shows the campaigns in Portugal and Spain of John the Gaunt that might be usefull.


Title: Re: Help Wanted - Portuguese wars of independence
Post by: rumacara on July 08, 2014, 10:47:10 AM
Hello all

Darrell, my english reading its better than the writting one.  lol
Thatīs a good tip about the book. I will try to find it on amazon uk.
About Aljubarrota there werent much english nobles present. The problem is knowing their names. After that i can search for their coat of arms.
70% of my reading is in english (Bernard Cornwell, Simon Scarrow, and a lot more). Translations to portuguese are a crap.

Many thanks


Title: Re: Help Wanted - Portuguese wars of independence
Post by: Atheling on July 08, 2014, 12:06:20 PM
Hello all

Darrell, my english reading its better than the writting one.  lol
Thatīs a good tip about the book. I will try to find it on amazon uk.
About Aljubarrota there werent much english nobles present. The problem is knowing their names. After that i can search for their coat of arms.
70% of my reading is in english (Bernard Cornwell, Simon Scarrow, and a lot more). Translations to portuguese are a crap.

Many thanks



If I can ever find the time I'll re-read the chapters on Spain and Portugal. You may have to wait a while as I'm very, very busy at present.

Title: Re: Help Wanted - Portuguese wars of independence
Post by: rumacara on July 08, 2014, 12:38:02 PM
Hello all

Darrell you rock. :D
No hurries on that for i have 2 projects to do before that.
Nevertheless i will try to find the book also because i want some more information about the subject and the english view also interests me.

Many thanks

