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Miniatures Adventure => Pikes, Muskets and Flouncy Shirts => Topic started by: cheetor on July 08, 2014, 02:23:09 PM

Title: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: cheetor on July 08, 2014, 02:23:09 PM

Im looking for a 28mm parrot or three to go with a pirate project.  A couple of years ago I would have gone straight to MegaMiniatures but these days I am struggling to find what I am looking for.

I am happy to buy from the US if thats what it takes, but as I am based in Europe, a European supplier would probably work out more costs effective.

I am also in the market for monkeys :D

Can any of you helpful folk point me in the right direction?

Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: white knight on July 08, 2014, 02:28:22 PM
Brigade Games have a sprue for that in their Carribean Empires range:

Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: Just John on July 08, 2014, 02:47:15 PM
And a monkey pirate


http://bombshell-miniatures.highwire.com/product/monkey-first-mate (http://bombshell-miniatures.highwire.com/product/monkey-first-mate)
Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: cheetor on July 08, 2014, 03:04:13 PM
Thank you both.  Those are exactly what I am looking for.

The shipping maths is a bit grim though.  I will have to see if I can round up some other co orderers...

Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: styx on July 08, 2014, 05:33:15 PM
Check out Black Cat Bases....they also have a pirate pets area...
Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: cianty on July 11, 2014, 08:52:58 PM
If you can find the now OOP Black Scorpion pirate accessories sprue - that one had a parrot, a small monkey and lots of weapons.
Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: matthais-mouse on July 11, 2014, 09:08:12 PM
Im in the UK but will happily consider a co-order if possible?
That first sprue looks fantastic to me and could acquire several  lol
Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: cheetor on July 12, 2014, 10:46:05 AM
Check out Black Cat Bases....they also have a pirate pets area...

I have a couple of suitable BCB items already, but unfortunately as they have yet to fulfil an order that I placed with them last August, with no response from any attempt that I have made to contact them I have to rule them out.  Details on their ongoing lack of order fulfilment is in this thread (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=59375.0). 

So BCB is not an option unfortunately :(

If you can find the now OOP Black Scorpion pirate accessories sprue - that one had a parrot, a small monkey and lots of weapons.

I looked for that sprue nut was disappointed to find that it was OOP.  I might try to track one down.

Im in the UK but will happily consider a co-order if possible?
That first sprue looks fantastic to me and could acquire several  lol

Im interested in two of the sprue shown above.  Being based in Ireland would add a bit of cost, but as those sprues look like they could be taped between two pieces of cardboard and popped in an envelope I imagine that shipping from the UK to Ireland wouldnt cost more than £1.

Drop me a PM if you are interested in something like that matthais-mouse.

Thanks for your help everyone.

Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: pacarat on July 14, 2014, 04:35:15 AM
 i could use a couple of those sprues, too.

I'll be at Historicon this coming weekend.. If Brigade Games is there (they were last year) i'm going see if they have these with them.

If anyone over the pond is interested, i can pick up some, and send them over - thinking a padded envelope wouldnt be too much postage.

Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: Hawkeye on July 14, 2014, 10:09:33 PM
Paul, if you go the Brigade Games route, or even Reaper (who MUST have parrots and monkeys in their animal/familiar line - I'll go check now), I don't mind ordering it and then sending it your way over the pond - it shouldn't cost much to put them in a padded envelope. Let me know - happy to do it for you.

So, are your space-orks in the market for some colorful fauna? Great idea for them, if that's the case. On an entirely unrelated note, I've painted a few models this year, so if I can take a half-decent picture or two, I'll finally post something on the forum!

[EDIT] Just checked Reaper, and they do have a parrot (flying, though, not ready to be seated on a shoulder), and they have a number of monkeys, including a couple of powder monkeys. If it's a case of needing a couple of things from Reaper, and the parrots from Brigade games, let me know. It's no problem.
Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: cheetor on July 15, 2014, 03:06:04 PM

Hi guys.  Thanks for all the offers of help :)

Pacarat - If you were willing to pick up four sprues of the parrots and send them on to me then that would be fantastic.  I have spoken to matthias-mouse and I will then forward him two of the sprues.  Let me know if that sounds ok to you.

Hawkeye - PM incoming :)

Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: pacarat on July 15, 2014, 03:11:57 PM

Hi guys.  Thanks for all the offers of help :)

Pacarat - If you were willing to pick up four sprues of the parrots and send them on to me then that would be fantastic.  I have spoken to matthias-mouse and I will then forward him two of the sprues.  Let me know if that sounds ok to you.

Hawkeye - PM incoming :)

No prob. Will let you know once I get to the con.

Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: cheetor on July 15, 2014, 03:13:25 PM

Great, thanks.  Keep me in the loop and I will get you cash once you know if you can manage it.

Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: pacarat on July 20, 2014, 01:13:55 PM
No joy on the parrot sprues. Talked with Lon from brigade games. They did not bring any of those sprues to the con... :(

Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: cheetor on July 22, 2014, 03:51:52 PM
No joy on the parrot sprues. Talked with Lon from brigade games. They did not bring any of those sprues to the con... :(


No problem at all pacarat, thanks for trying.  I will try to get an alternative arrangement worked out with Hawkeye.

Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: shredder on July 22, 2014, 04:10:48 PM
Not sure if these are useful as monkeys for you… probably not :-)


http://www.forlornhopegames.co.uk/product/2045-chimpanzees/category_pathway-12 (http://www.forlornhopegames.co.uk/product/2045-chimpanzees/category_pathway-12)

Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: cheetor on July 22, 2014, 04:14:03 PM

Not sure if these are useful as monkeys for you… probably not :-)

Well, a monkey is a monkey (or chimpanzee) after all, but I am looking for a more Disney interpretation of a pirate monkey.  Probably wearing a fez and/or waistcoat, that sort of thing.

Thanks though :)
Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: pacarat on July 22, 2014, 05:14:46 PM
No problem at all pacarat, thanks for trying.  I will try to get an alternative arrangement worked out with Hawkeye.

Given more lead time we could have arranged for him to bring some... Not like they would take up a lot of room... :)
Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: matthais-mouse on July 22, 2014, 06:54:16 PM
Its a shame they couldnt be sourced at the comvention but I am arranging with cheetor for an alternative route.

As for monkeys, the empire ammo monkey with the state troops handgunners may be worth looking at :)
Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: cheetor on July 23, 2014, 12:29:29 PM
As for monkeys, the empire ammo monkey with the state troops handgunners may be worth looking at :)

What range is that matthias-mouse?  I tend to focus on sci-fi figures almost exclusively, so I dont have a broad knowledge of the sorts of ranges that feature powder monkeys :)
Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: matthais-mouse on July 23, 2014, 12:59:38 PM
What range is that matthias-mouse?  I tend to focus on sci-fi figures almost exclusively, so I dont have a broad knowledge of the sorts of ranges that feature powder monkeys :)

They are from the games workshop range.
Here is a link to the part http://megabitzshop.com/index.php?a=4344

Hope this helps.
Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: cheetor on July 23, 2014, 02:32:22 PM
Hope this helps.

It certainly does, I had no idea that miniature even existed and its exactly what I was looking for.  I just picked one up over on Facebook :)

Title: Re: 28mm Parrot?
Post by: matthais-mouse on July 23, 2014, 02:42:54 PM
It certainly does, I had no idea that miniature even existed and its exactly what I was looking for.  I just picked one up over on Facebook :)

Glad I could be of assistance :)