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Other Stuff => Workbench => Topic started by: revford on August 01, 2008, 12:18:19 PM

Title: What I painted in July 2008
Post by: revford on August 01, 2008, 12:18:19 PM
Another busy month for me here, this time I ran out of space on the "What I Painted This Month" shelf.  :)


SciFi Troops, the bodies are from Pig Iron and the heads from West Wind.  Some of the accessories,
including parts of the sniper rifle are from Games Workshop.


Space Adventurer, from EM4.


Also from EM4, another pair of Terminator Robots.


Brave Snotling Adventurers, conversions of old Warhammer Quest models.


More Imperial Troops for Star Wars.


A repainted Land Speeder, I also cropped out Luke and Obi-Wan as it now belongs to a different set of


A 40K Tank Commander, based on parts from the Warseer Female Guard project and parts of various Games
Workshop kits.  Sadly I can't afford a tank to put her in yet.


More 40K Tank Crew, this time some Space Wolf ones.  I can't afford a tank to put these in either.


A Gardener from Artizan, destined for Pulp and Cluedo type games.


The VC so far.


A pair of US Army Hueys.


The US Infantry.

All the 'Nam stuff is 20mm plastics from Italeri.


And finally, 20 stands of jungle scenery.  All based on old CDs.

How did everyone else get on last month?
Title: Re: What I painted in July
Post by: JollyBob on August 01, 2008, 12:54:13 PM
Quick off the mark this month, mate! And some lovely stuff there, I think I have some of those Nam grunts somewhere from years ago. Were they made by Esci/Italeri a few years back?

My output has been very poor this month. Two scientists, a dinosaur and a Napoleonic dragoon for my Dad's birthday. I'll stick some pictures up later if I remember. Been concentrating on conversions for a new project instead.
Title: Re: What I painted in July
Post by: revford on August 01, 2008, 02:47:06 PM
Quick off the mark this month, mate! And some lovely stuff there, I think I have some of those Nam grunts somewhere from years ago. Were they made by Esci/Italeri a few years back?

Yes indeed, all the Nam stuff is Italeri 1:72 based on pennies.  All fairly cheap too, both Hueys, 50 Americans and 50 VC came to less than £20.
Title: Re: What I painted in July
Post by: white knight on August 01, 2008, 02:51:07 PM
Pics still crap and leaving out most or all of the highlights, but...

Left to right:
Heroclix Hellbaby - BAM Rock - Artizan Big Joe - Superfigs Golem - Rattrap Sgt. Steve Grant (with steel fist) - Heroclix sprite

And since I don't want to let you wait another week until I can finish the base, here are some pics of the first MaK repaint I did as a test piece for the rest of them (using Pappa Midnight's weathering tips, which of course you can't see well in the pictures... ::)):


vampire in batform, based on a minor conversion (the trousers) of a heroclix Manbat.

2 not so great conversions of not so great minis:

And a little bit on the norse project: Old Glory wounded viking king:
Title: Re: What I painted in July
Post by: Malamute on August 01, 2008, 03:09:52 PM
Three Impervious suits:


And the Hacienda De La Vega:




Strictly speaking I actually did these in june, but never posted to the june thread, so hope you don't mind a late entry! ::)
Title: Re: What I painted in July
Post by: JollyBob on August 01, 2008, 05:27:13 PM
Oh, I like the Hacienda, very impressive.  :-*

Here's the pics of my meagre output as promised.


(http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb155/GrunterPulpit/Frontcrop.jpg) (http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb155/GrunterPulpit/ProfCushing01.jpg)

(http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb155/GrunterPulpit/DadDragoon2.jpg) (http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb155/GrunterPulpit/DadDragoon1.jpg)

I'm absolutely bricking it about the dragoon. Its a present for my dad's birthday next week, and I'm not sure I've done it right. It's as close as I could get from pictures I could find, but if its even the slightest bit wrong, he'll know. And I'll know he'll know. :(

The base is a bit funny as it's to go in one of those plastic display cases, and has a lip all round it. Not entirely succesfully hidden.
Title: Re: What I painted in July
Post by: Malamute on August 01, 2008, 05:35:58 PM
Sir Jolly Bob, I love that scientist. His greying hair and pipe remind me of the stereotypical scientist from the 50's B movies. Beautiful stuff. :)
Sorry can't comment on the dragoon, he looks ok to me. ;)
Title: Re: What I painted in July
Post by: JollyBob on August 01, 2008, 05:50:42 PM
Cheers.  :D

WK, I meant to ask before, are those figs in the top pic (the ones with Hellbaby) all for the same squad in a game? They look great together, proper pulp.
Title: Re: What I painted in July
Post by: white knight on August 02, 2008, 09:26:02 AM
WK, I meant to ask before, are those figs in the top pic (the ones with Hellbaby) all for the same squad in a game? They look great together, proper pulp.

Well, not originally. But I was just looking at the picture and thinking the same thing.
Although the girl on the far right is supposed to be a British operative (hence the english uniform colours).
Title: Re: What I painted in July
Post by: Rabbitz on August 02, 2008, 09:33:53 AM
WOW Revford.  I thought I had managed to get alot done but my efforts pale against the amount you have managed to churn out.

My July was very productive as I had a game planned and no figures painted for it.   I always seem to get more done when I have a deadline.
So this is what i got done.

4 Bavarian Wind Up merchants

A 10 man Prussian VSF Squad

22 Assorted townsfolk

1 Armoured Penifarthing

3 Clanks with Mortars

3 Clanks with Saws

3 Clanks with Meatgrinders

1 Clank Officer

2 wooden Stadiums

A mountain of Bunting 
(Just a small section shown in pic)

An assortment of Barrels, Boxes and a podium for Queen Victoria to address the crowds

A Very Quick Paint job on a Derailer Tank

35 Trees (A mixture of between 2 and 6 to a base,  I had the bases for 16 already done from the month before so 16 of them were just adding foliage)

Title: Re: What I painted in July
Post by: Malamute on August 02, 2008, 09:49:32 AM
Blimey Rabbitz, thats quite an achievement for one months work. I saw the game and it looked fabulous :)
Title: Re: What I painted in July
Post by: JollyBob on August 02, 2008, 10:00:22 AM
The boy Rabbitz must multiply like his namesake to get all that work done...  :o

Love the clank officer's moustache, that's genius.
Title: Re: What I painted in July
Post by: Lowtardog on August 02, 2008, 01:09:08 PM
Wow what an output, my Mojo has left me with very little painting going on over the last 3 months. I blame it on 7 Hasslefree Ogres I have on the go, I cant do them justice :'(
Title: Re: What I painted in July
Post by: cwchmc on August 14, 2008, 04:58:44 AM
A bit late I know, but I just got the piccies taken tonight.

First 4 Bronze Age Red Men for an ongoing commission project. Most of these will be used in a game at Recruits Convention next month.

Next some hunters for my Recruits game. 4 Foundry, 3 Copplestone and a Pulp:

Last a few random figs I painted just 'cause:

Title: Re: What I painted in July
Post by: Regulator on August 14, 2008, 12:39:34 PM
Wow, nice. I like the pale yellow coat. My favorite is the first guy on the third picture.
Title: Re: What I painted in July
Post by: UncleRhino on August 14, 2008, 01:14:10 PM
Lovely, just lovely work, I can't wait to see the dinosaur hunt, I know folks will oooh and aaaah.

Title: Re: What I painted in July
Post by: warrenpeace on August 15, 2008, 02:09:15 AM
 :-* :o o_o

I don't usually chime in with the "me too" on compliments, but I think those paint jobs are astonishingly good... downright breathtaking.  The subtle shading of the greens and browns is top class.  The shading of purples and teals and red skin on the Martian figures is WOW inducing.

Are you using layered painting, washes, blending, or what techniques?
Title: Re: What I painted in July
Post by: twrchtrwyth on August 15, 2008, 03:41:39 AM
Nice, great glass effect on the doc. 8)
Title: Re: What I painted in July
Post by: cwchmc on August 15, 2008, 02:17:58 PM
Thanks for the kind words everyone.
Warrenbruhn, I primarily used a layering technique on these. I base coat with the shadow color and highlight up from there until I'm satisfied. The only parts that had washes were blacks and leather bits. I make sure my highlight paint is thinned very well to try to make the layers blend as smoothly as possible.
Title: Re: What I painted in July
Post by: BigMecha on October 06, 2008, 03:26:13 AM
very awesome work!

I think they are all wonderful and awesome miniatures!
Title: Re: What I painted in July
Post by: BigMecha on October 06, 2008, 03:31:06 AM
very nice !

thanks for sharing!