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Other Stuff => Workbench => Topic started by: Dr. Zombie on July 20, 2014, 05:18:21 PM

Title: [Army Painters 2014] Orcs and Goblins for God of Battles
Post by: Dr. Zombie on July 20, 2014, 05:18:21 PM
I'll try and se if this can motivate/shame me into getting something painted. The plan is to paint up an Orc army for God of Battles.

This is the starting point.
(http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t75/Fredejensen/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-07/3B42BAFE-EC78-4657-A542-764C31C9EA73_zpssbrc65cj.jpg) (http://s157.photobucket.com/user/Fredejensen/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-07/3B42BAFE-EC78-4657-A542-764C31C9EA73_zpssbrc65cj.jpg.html)

The attentive reader will note that this is 15mm miniatures that is because there is a quite strong 15mm God of Battles community* here in Denmark.
I am on my summer holiday and it is just not realistic that I will get anything serious painted. So my goal for August 1st is to have a unit of Goblin archers, who are already painted up based and ready.

Stretch goal will be to get some basecoat on a unit of Orcs.

*in the loosest terms of the word. More like I know 4 or 5 other people who does 15mm God of Battles. But then again i no zero who does it in 28mm...
Title: Re: [Army Painters 2014] Orcs and Goblins for God of Battles
Post by: grant on July 20, 2014, 05:24:51 PM
What are those 8 floating/flying things in the back? Look intriguing!
Title: Re: [Army Painters 2014] Orcs and Goblins for God of Battles
Post by: Argonor on July 20, 2014, 05:47:06 PM
I'm doing it in both 28mm and 15mm (just received my 15mm Copplestone barbarians the other day, and in 28mm am using LotR minis for some armies, plus almost have a 24 pts QP Lords of Undeath ready).

I intend to have a table with 2 28mm Middle-Earth armies ready for Attic Attack II, and I hope to have a full 24 pts 15mm army ready for Horisont VI (if they find an appropriate venue for the event).
Title: Re: [Army Painters 2014] Orcs and Goblins for God of Battles
Post by: Dr. Zombie on July 20, 2014, 06:02:28 PM
The flying things in the back are giant bugs carrying a wicker basket containing a goblin. All the minis are from Ral Parthas Daemonworld.
Title: Re: [Army Painters 2014] Orcs and Goblins for God of Battles
Post by: grant on July 20, 2014, 06:06:25 PM
The flying things in the back are giant bugs carrying a wicker basket containing a goblin. All the minis are from Ral Parthas Daemonworld.

How freaking cool are they? Just checked them out on the Ral Partha site. All the goblins are really inspired!
Title: Re: [Army Painters 2014] Orcs and Goblins for God of Battles
Post by: Dr. Zombie on July 20, 2014, 07:12:00 PM
And they are even better in real life. It is really a shame that Ral Partha has such craptastic pictures of their minis. It is almost like they don't want to sell anything.
Title: Re: [Army Painters 2014] Orcs and Goblins for God of Battles
Post by: Vermis on July 20, 2014, 07:34:10 PM
*in the loosest terms of the word. More like I know 4 or 5 other people who does 15mm God of Battles. But then again i no zero who does it in 28mm...

More than good enough! :)

That's a nice-looking army you've got. I'm looking forward to see how the bugs turn out, meself. What will they count as in the GoB lists?
Title: Re: [Army Painters 2014] Orcs and Goblins for God of Battles
Post by: Dr. Zombie on July 20, 2014, 07:54:30 PM
They will count as Raptor Riders.
Title: Re: [Army Painters 2014] Orcs and Goblins for God of Battles
Post by: Dr.Falkenhayn on July 21, 2014, 01:19:59 AM
a Promising Start for sure  :P Will follow this with interest,do you have any 15mm Copplestone Minis for Comparsion regarding Size,Casting/sculpting Quality?i thought the Demonworld Stuff hasn't aged too well,i might be wrong  ;D
Title: Re: [Army Painters 2014] Orcs and Goblins for God of Battles
Post by: Ray Rivers on July 24, 2014, 01:51:46 AM
Looks interesting!

Good luck with your project!
Title: Re: [Army Painters 2014] Orcs and Goblins for God of Battles
Post by: former user on July 24, 2014, 01:10:40 PM
good luck with Your project!

Your line-up looks very impressing! Maybe too impressing.....

in order to avoid a demoralizing effect, I suggest that You make a list and plan on paper, with a rough schedule, and lock away all units but the one You are working on ad the one You will be working on next.
Make sure You look at only one WIP of painting and one WIP of being assembled and basecoated, but have all the time unobstructed view of the ones that are finished. The sight of an unfinished mountain of lead might be disheartening. Plus, You should always stay focused on the one unit You are painting, and nothing else.

unless of course You are a quick and performative painter, in which case You don't actually need the challenge.
Title: Re: [Army Painters 2014] Orcs and Goblins for God of Battles
Post by: Archie on July 24, 2014, 08:17:16 PM
Hey me and my son play God of Battles in 28mm - nice to find another player! (Even if you are in a different country.

I've put together an army of Amazon warriors and I'm using the Orc stats. for them.

Okay now you have to admit ... raptor riders are the worst unit in the game! (Nice figures but they aren't going to last long at all!)
Title: Re: [Army Painters 2014] Orcs and Goblins for God of Battles
Post by: Dr. Zombie on July 24, 2014, 08:43:44 PM
@former user Believe me I know. I have a whole system of hiding unpainted minis away and keeping the painted ones in sight. This was just a lineup to show the whole project.

@Archie. I know the unit is rubbish, but the minis I am using was a must have and I think they fit the stat line of raptor riders best.

Thanks for the encouragement guys. It definately helps with the motivation.
Title: Re: [Army Painters 2014] Orcs and Goblins for God of Battles
Post by: former user on July 24, 2014, 09:30:55 PM
pictures are just fine for the motivation, I do that too, only with single units  ;)

I know the unit is rubbish, but the minis I am using was a must have and I think they fit the stat line of raptor riders best.
that's the spirit - have played imperial guard for many years, even before the new army book  o_o
Title: Re: [Army Painters 2014] Orcs and Goblins for God of Battles
Post by: Dr. Zombie on September 29, 2014, 07:32:54 AM
I am failing HARD at this. In fact I haven't painted a single Orc or Goblin. I have been distracted with a combination of being lazy and playing with my new airbrush.

But now Orctober is almost upon us and I have every intention of trying to eventually get back into maybe painting some greenskins. - Or just one as a show of god faith...