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Miniatures Adventure => Pulp => Topic started by: Operator5 on July 22, 2014, 01:05:10 AM

Title: Scenario Cards in Thrilling Adventure
Post by: Operator5 on July 22, 2014, 01:05:10 AM
I posted about character builds previously on my blog.

http://www.rattrapproductions.com/2014/07/19/character-build/ (http://www.rattrapproductions.com/2014/07/19/character-build/)

Now I'm going to share a little about Scenario cards. One of the things that is similar between .45 Adventure and Thrilling Adventure is the use of random events to help spring traps and such on the players. For Thrilling Adventure, they have been slightly altered in that players will be drawing cards to use against other players or as a benefit for themselves. It makes the cards much less game controlled and far more player controlled (which is something I wanted). I'm going to have nearly 36 scenario cards for the GenCon playtest games. It may seem like a lot, but with 6 players, it means that each player will play less than 6 cards over the course of the game.

And again, like .45 Adventure, MOST of the cards are not designed to kill opposing models, but to delay them or force them to burn resources they need. One of the categories of Scenario card is the Guardian. The guardian can be any creature that pops up to foil all players. It can be as simple as a junkyard dog to as nasty as the Flying Polyp below! When these appear, the player who caused it to appear places it within 3" of another model. For it to act, the player who placed it draws a card from their Action deck and uses the values on it for the action. At the beginning of the next turn, players bid for control of the Guardians on the board. They play a card from their Action Hand and whoever plays a higher value, can control the Guardian for that turn. The one exception is that a Guardian already in base contact with a model, must attack it.

Title: Re: Scenario Cards in Thrilling Adventure
Post by: twrchtrwyth on July 22, 2014, 08:50:00 PM
Looks interesting. Is Thrilling Tales more skirmish orientated as opposed to .45 Adventures more RPG flavour?
Title: Re: Scenario Cards in Thrilling Adventure
Post by: Operator5 on July 23, 2014, 04:15:55 AM
Thrilling Adventure is definitely a bit more Skirmish oriented. There are still plenty of pulp RPG elements to it, but unlike .45 Adventure, the wound system is much more streamlined so you can have more on the board.

I'll be posting about the Playtest Rules tomorrow. They'll be up for FREE download.
Title: Re: Scenario Cards in Thrilling Adventure
Post by: magokiron on July 24, 2014, 03:23:57 AM
Thrilling Adventure is definitely a bit more Skirmish oriented.

I'll be posting about the Playtest Rules tomorrow. They'll be up for FREE download.


I'll be checking them.

Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Scenario Cards in Thrilling Adventure
Post by: twrchtrwyth on July 25, 2014, 11:57:12 PM
Thrilling Adventure is definitely a bit more Skirmish oriented. There are still plenty of pulp RPG elements to it, but unlike .45 Adventure, the wound system is much more streamlined so you can have more on the board.

I'll be posting about the Playtest Rules tomorrow. They'll be up for FREE download.
Title: Re: Scenario Cards in Thrilling Adventure
Post by: twrchtrwyth on July 26, 2014, 03:39:04 PM