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Miniatures Adventure => Age of the Big Battalions => Topic started by: itchy on August 22, 2008, 02:23:04 PM

Title: american civil war
Post by: itchy on August 22, 2008, 02:23:04 PM
 I have been a 28mm gamer for a long time with the occasional forray into 15mm especially peter pig stuff, but the other day the excellent  salesman in wargames emporium sheffield talked me into spending £86.00 on 6mm ??? and what a deal the boxed set from baccus contained two complete armies infantry ,cav and artillery ,  officers etc a rule book (polemos) painting guides scenery flags ,the complete thing really.the figures are great easily painted and based (wooden bases included) and the rules play very well in two battle scales.cant reccomend them enough and baccus do the same sort of deal in other periods as well.I never thought i would get into 6mm but hooked now.
Title: Re: american civil war
Post by: keeper on August 22, 2008, 02:34:49 PM
I have been a 28mm gamer for a long time with the occasional forray into 15mm especially peter pig stuff, but the other day the excellent  salesman in wargames emporium sheffield talked me into spending £86.00 on 6mm ??? and what a deal the boxed set from baccus contained two complete armies infantry ,cav and artillery ,  officers etc a rule book (polemos) painting guides scenery flags ,the complete thing really.the figures are great easily painted and based (wooden bases included) and the rules play very well in two battle scales.cant reccomend them enough and baccus do the same sort of deal in other periods as well.I never thought i would get into 6mm but hooked now.

Yep, me too :)  I've been talked into buying quite a lot of Baccus minis over the last couple of years, not least by Pete himself!!  Painting them is a different beast to painting 28mm figs, but fun none-the-less, although I've still got over 1000 Zulus waiting to be finished ...

If you've not done so already, be sure to find the polemos Yahoo group, as there is pretty regular chatter on there about the different Polemos systems that Baccus have created and it is a great place for getting quick answer to any rules queries you have :)
Title: Re: american civil war
Post by: Aaron on August 22, 2008, 04:11:15 PM
I have been sorely tempted by the Bacchus offerings on several occasions now. The ability to game a large sized battle on a normal table really grabs me. I am primarily a painter though and painting 10s and 15s is too much like work for me. I just don't get the satisfaction from it that I do from painting 28s and larger.

Still, I need to get a pack or two of 6mms one day and give it a whirl. I might be pleasantly suprised I suppose.
Title: Re: american civil war
Post by: PeteMurray on August 22, 2008, 04:20:23 PM
I'm sorry Baccus discontinued their little WSS packs - they were a perfect Scooby Snack of teaser into the field. I should know - I won one for free and bought two more.

Look, you can't really go wrong. The figures aren't hard at all to paint, they look awesome massed, and Peter does a great job providing both sensible rules and good figures. Well done, you!
Title: Re: american civil war
Post by: itchy on August 22, 2008, 07:12:35 PM
yeah really enjoying painting them the painting tips and guides on the baccus web site helped and yea i have joined the yahoo group it is one of the better ones answered the two questions i came up with after reading the rules.