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Miniatures Adventure => The Second World War => Topic started by: Helen on September 05, 2008, 08:50:40 AM

Title: Army Group North Miniatures (AGN) News
Post by: Helen on September 05, 2008, 08:50:40 AM
Hi Folks,

I wish to share with you the latest news by Vincent from AGN:

"Hi All,

I just wanted to apoligize for our webstore which has become rather
out of date lately. We are working to get that sorted out, but in
the meantime I thought I should put up a list of the models we have
got into production so far this year which are available but which
you cannot currently find on our webstore.

$20 British MkI Bren Carrier + crew
$20 British MkI Scout Carrier + crew
$30 Soviet SU-76m
$40 Soviet T-28
$35 German SdKfz10/4 mobile 2cm flak + crew
$30 Italian L3/35 tankettes (2 in a pack!)
$20 Italian L3/35 flamethrower tankette + trailer

I think that covers everything so far. Just send us an email if you
are interested in any of the above, and with any luck we will have a
nice new webstore sometime soon.

Oh yes, and in the works right now are the PzIIIL and the M3 Honey
