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Miniatures Adventure => Call of Cthulhu => Topic started by: thejammedgatling on September 07, 2008, 01:22:27 PM

Title: Cthulhu/ AWI
Post by: thejammedgatling on September 07, 2008, 01:22:27 PM
Hi there,

I'm thinking of setting up a game of alternate American War of Independance and writing in a Cthulhu Mythos byline. I'm thinking redcoats defending a New England fishing town from hordes of deep ones or American militia fending off Indians supported by the Wendigo etc etc.. Now, I'm new to this part of the forum and have only played Cthulhu as an RPG so know little of the figures available. So sorry if it's an obvious request but ...where do I go for the figures and what rules set should I use to do something like this? Also, anyone else out there done something like this (love to see some pics).

Title: Re: Cthulhu/ AWI
Post by: Captain Blood on September 07, 2008, 01:39:54 PM
Lovely idea.
The Perrys have a huge AWI range for both their own label and Foundry. Pretty much the definitive range(s) I would say.
But if I was starting on AWI, I think I'd find it very hard to resist the 40mm offerings from Front Rank and Trident. Take a look here: http://www.miniatureservicecenter.com/msc-40mm.htm
Both the Front Rank and Trident AWI figures are little short of superlative. Trident also do a matching seafarers range which would suit your proposed scenario a treat.

Unfortunately, I don't think anyone does 40mm Cthulhu though  :(
Otherwise, for this project, I think the 40mm stuff would be the way to go.
Title: Re: Cthulhu/ AWI
Post by: thejammedgatling on September 07, 2008, 01:47:31 PM
Lovely idea.
The Perrys have a huge AWI range for both their own label and Foundry. Pretty much the definitive range(s) I would say.


I already have quite a few of the Perry AWI figures and some buildings to the scale. It was really more the Cthulhu stuff I was after plus anyone who has played something like this before who might have some advice.
Title: Re: Cthulhu/ AWI
Post by: Uncle Mike on September 07, 2008, 02:48:14 PM
I use a number of models from a large range of lines to represent cthulhuish beasties in my games. Obviously the classic Bob Murch stuff is great, lots of Reaper models will also work quite nicely. And Dungeons and Dragons have a lot of cool monsters as well. I  like some old Celtos formorians and even some StarShip Troopers bugs look nasty with the addition of a couple tentacles...last hope, buy a cheapo underwater adventure pack from Toys R Us and hack away.
Title: Re: Cthulhu/ AWI
Post by: JollyBob on September 08, 2008, 09:31:30 AM
RAFM do a lot of Cthulhu stuff (if you are in the UK I think Spirit Games stock them), and EM4 also have a range of beasts. Photos on the site don't do them justice though.
Title: Re: Cthulhu/ AWI
Post by: Argonor on September 08, 2008, 10:01:32 AM
Hmmmm... I like that! It's in line with my idea of 'Victorian Weird Adventure' where I'm going to do something similar, mixing all kinds of genres into a Victorian setting ('Victorian Pulp'?).

We live in a wonderful time where almost everything is possible in gaming, thanks to nice, flexible rulesets, and lots of miniatures for every conceivable period  :D 8)
Title: Re: Cthulhu/ AWI
Post by: thejammedgatling on September 08, 2008, 12:19:11 PM
I like Tim Burton because he inbues a sense of the Gothic into whatver he touches. I watched 'Sleepy Hollow' again and thought just how Cthulhu this could become..


And the headless horseman was a Hessian...so what about a company of the damned in Hessian uniforms led by him...in league with the Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath...

I've just picked up a copy of Two Hour wargames 'Black Powder Battles' which is meant for skirmishing in this period. Anyone played these before and do you think they'll fit with my idea? Oh and thanks for the tips on the figures. The RAFM ones are the ones I've seen before. Any other thoughts on who else might make good figures that you can play as Deep Ones?
Title: Re: Cthulhu/ AWI
Post by: Chairface on September 08, 2008, 05:51:39 PM
Just a thought - Howabout Dreamblade minis - Discontinued and cheap right now, some beautifuly weird sculpts that would match up well with 40mm.
Title: Re: Cthulhu/ AWI
Post by: gauntman on September 08, 2008, 07:56:33 PM
I use Astounding Tales for my Cthulhu Skirmish games.  I have 45 Adventure too but I found Astounding Tales is best suited for my very simple tastes.  It also has some specific rules and stats for the 4-5 general cthulhisque beasties.

Most of my games are set in a Dunwich / Innmouth type board setting (very old rural farm/fishing community).  I use old style barnes, fences, a small graveyard, cornfields ,cottage type homes and Lemax Docks with a few small fishing boats.

As far as miniatures, I heavily use Artizan, RAFM Cthulhu, and Bob Murch's Pulp Figures for 30's period pulp characters.  Most are poorly armed very few have anything greater than a pistol or a book.  I have 6 of each of: Heresy Ghouls, RAFM Deep Ones, Zombies, Robed Artizan Cultists.

Each player normally controls one team of two figures with a theme example Professor and Student research mission.  Gangster and Moll on revenge,  Occultist and friend.  A pack of Deep Ones Ghouls or the reanimator and some zombies.  Usually one of them has something of some tactical team advantage in ways of equipment or skills.

Players are searching random encounter tokens to find 3 tattered pieces of the prize necronomicon or whatever.  There are also three bad omens which can be triggered.  If the third bad omen is activated, a random Cthulhu nasty appears and goes on the rampage attacking the nearest figure.

The games are about an hour a piece usually.  Its great when a Cthulhu baddie appears too.  In our last two games, a swarm of rats (D&D mini) appeared and ate all the Deep Ones I was using and most of the heroes before some poor soul escaped the map with a tattered Necronomicon.  The other game ended worse with the most terrible of baddies in my monster collection being summoned "Caller in the Dark"  (another D&D  mini).  It was a blast but no one survived as the heroes with the necronomicon drove a vehicle into the beastie and died a horrible death.

I think the best thing to do is limit you scope somewhat and focus on a specific setting.  A rural fishing village setting is great for countless Ghoul, zombie, Deep One, conflicts with out of town pulp adventurers.

Good luck.

Title: Re: Cthulhu/ AWI
Post by: thejammedgatling on September 09, 2008, 01:29:02 PM
I use Astounding Tales for my Cthulhu Skirmish games.  I have 45 Adventure too but I found Astounding Tales is best suited for my very simple tastes.  It also has some specific rules and stats for the 4-5 general cthulhisque beasties.

I think the best thing to do is limit you scope somewhat and focus on a specific setting.  A rural fishing village setting is great for countless Ghoul, zombie, Deep One, conflicts with out of town pulp adventurers.

Good luck.


Thanks..I'll pick up a copy and have a look. A friend of mine has scratchbuilt an amazing Sleepy Hollow villlage which  I was going to try to put a harbour onto.
Definately a skirmish setting is best and the whole thing is scenario driven. I'm even thinking I might try gaslight and tweak the rules a bit.

RAFM do a lot of Cthulhu stuff (if you are in the UK I think Spirit Games stock them), and EM4 also have a range of beasts. Photos on the site don't do them justice though.
Yes these are great minis...I'll have to pick up a few, though I'm in Australia
Title: Re: Cthulhu/ AWI
Post by: gauntman on September 09, 2008, 02:00:25 PM
I really want to recommend finding a set of Lemax Docks.  It is a company that does collectable miniature christmas houses.  They are one of the best miniature purchases I ever made.  Perfect in scale and detail.  You can search Lemax Docks here for images of them.  They will make your fishing village.

Title: Re: Cthulhu/ AWI
Post by: Argonor on September 09, 2008, 06:22:53 PM
I really want to recommend finding a set of Lemax Docks.  It is a company that does collectable miniature christmas houses.  They are one of the best miniature purchases I ever made.  Perfect in scale and detail.  You can search Lemax Docks here for images of them.  They will make your fishing village.

I just purchased some Lemax stuff from here:

Title: Re: Cthulhu/ AWI
Post by: thejammedgatling on September 10, 2008, 07:31:30 AM
I really want to recommend finding a set of Lemax Docks.  It is a company that does collectable miniature christmas houses.  They are one of the best miniature purchases I ever made.  Perfect in scale and detail.  You can search Lemax Docks here for images of them.  They will make your fishing village.

I just purchased some Lemax stuff from here:


Thanks for that.I looked at some of this and they look good. I have already purchased the paper stock buildings from Fiddlers Green (they do an entire New England village) and am going to use them as templates for foamcard construction.Or you could just use them as is. Have a look and see what you think:


Title: Re: Cthulhu/ AWI
Post by: Argonor on September 10, 2008, 07:39:38 AM
I think I'll have to buy them...  >:(  ;)

They're in HO scale and smaller, though... no use to me then, after all (bugger!)
Title: Re: Cthulhu/ AWI
Post by: Rabbitz on September 10, 2008, 08:17:26 AM
I think I'll have to buy them...  >:(  ;)

They're in HO scale and smaller, though... no use to me then, after all (bugger!)

You could always scan them and blow them up on a printer to be the right size
Title: Re: Cthulhu/ AWI
Post by: Argonor on September 10, 2008, 08:25:09 AM
I think I'll have to buy them...  >:(  ;)

They're in HO scale and smaller, though... no use to me then, after all (bugger!)

You could always scan them and blow them up on a printer to be the right size

Nah, the resolution would be awful - I'd have to go to a copyshop to use a xerox of some kind. Expensive and troublesome - especially as I want the printed on 190 gsm light cardstock.

I've mailed them with a petition for 1/60 scale versions... maybe, just maybe...  ;)
Title: Re: Cthulhu/ AWI
Post by: thejammedgatling on September 10, 2008, 04:10:12 PM
I think I'll have to buy them...  >:(  ;)

They're in HO scale and smaller, though... no use to me then, after all (bugger!)

You could always scan them and blow them up on a printer to be the right size

Nah, the resolution would be awful - I'd have to go to a copyshop to use a xerox of some kind. Expensive and troublesome - especially as I want the printed on 190 gsm light cardstock.

I've mailed them with a petition for 1/60 scale versions... maybe, just maybe...  ;)

I bought the e-mailed pdf versions, not the hard copy. You can scale them to what size you like before printing. Or if you're familiar with photoshop then re-sizing them will partly fix the resolution issues. It took me about 20 minutes to resize 10 of them. But not so much of an issue for me as I plan to just use them as templates anyway to scratchbuild. However, the dimensions of the buildings are important as several of these are based on real buildings.
Title: Re: Cthulhu/ AWI
Post by: Argonor on September 11, 2008, 08:55:34 AM
They are not pdfs, then?

I'm not sure how to break up a pdf I did not create myself  :?
Title: Re: Cthulhu/ AWI
Post by: Breten on September 11, 2008, 09:00:50 AM
If you have the full version of Adobe, it's as easy as saving them as JPG's.  It'll strip each page into a jpeg.
Title: Re: Cthulhu/ AWI
Post by: Argonor on September 11, 2008, 09:28:37 AM
If you have the full version of Adobe, it's as easy as saving them as JPG's.  It'll strip each page into a jpeg.

Well, officially I have 5.0 LE... but maybe I do have a full version... somewhere...

Sounds easy, anyway  :)