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Miniatures Adventure => Call of Cthulhu => Topic started by: gauntman on September 10, 2008, 03:56:37 PM

Title: On the Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath
Post by: gauntman on September 10, 2008, 03:56:37 PM
In its stillness, I mistook the creature for a massive tree whose shape it resembled. Its slimy black body was covered with gaping maws which opened and closed hungrily spewing putrid jelly, with massive black earthworm-like tentacles crawling and flowing on massive trunkish hooves.  It moved ponderously forward sensing my presence.

Dark Young are closely connected to Shub-Niggurath and are found in areas where the fertility god is worshipped.  Dark Young often act as proxies in accepting sacrifices, devouring noncultists, and spreading the faith.  Even cultists of the Earth Mother, avoid direct sight and contact with such beasts.  Prefering to leave sacrifices for them to consume as they tramp and bellow from the darkness of some unholy glade nearby.  Encounters are rare in the waking world, Mythos tomes speak that in the realm of Shub-Niggurath thousands of Dark Young stand and feed from their mother.

These massive beasts stand 12-20 feet in height.  They are  intelligent and have great cunning, often waiting in perfect stillness within heavily wooded areas where they might be mistaken for trees.  Once stirred, these beasts trample about on their massive hooves, hooting and bellowing in unearthly sounds.  A typical Dark Young has 4 thicker tenticles which can be used to injure, grab and capture victims.  This creature can easily hold 4 humanoid creatures aloft writhing and screaming while they are crushed and slowly consumed. 

Small Caliber Firearms cutting weapons have some but little effect on the creatures thick non-terrene material skin and make-up.  Heat, fire, blast, corrosion, electrical charge and poison attacks have no effect on them at all.

From Grimm's Hangar
Title: Re: On the Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath
Post by: BigMecha on October 06, 2008, 11:10:38 PM
WOW awesome!

smiles can I have one
Title: Re: On the Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath
Post by: Bako on October 08, 2008, 07:34:44 PM
Title: Re: On the Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath
Post by: vikotnik on October 08, 2008, 08:30:43 PM
Man, while I do not like too much how the tentacles turned out(Might be the photo, though!), the body and especially the mouths orifices of that... that... thing...

...are absolutely awesome!!!

Must switch to another topic quickly, sanity's beginnig to fade away...  ;D