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Miniatures Adventure => Future Wars => Topic started by: Vulture on March 09, 2015, 07:31:17 PM

Title: FUBAR - 15mm Sci-Fi - Expanded Version
Post by: Vulture on March 09, 2015, 07:31:17 PM
Hi everyone

Thought I’d put a short posting out about a version of the FUBAR rules I’ve been working on.  FUBAR was originally authored by Craig Cardwell who had the aim of the creating a set of workable rules for modern/sc-fi combat that would fit on one side of A4.

These basic rules have now been adapted for a whole range of settings and periods, a full list of which can be found here: https://fubarwargames.wordpress.com/downloads/ (https://fubarwargames.wordpress.com/downloads/)

After trying many many other rules sets myself, I settled on FUBAR to use with my 15mm Sci-Fi.  That said whilst I’m happy to have a Quick Reference (QR) sheet on a single side of A4, I wanted extra bits and pieces added, along with more detailed armour rules - all laid out in a longer format.  I’ve therefore generated my own FUBAR expanded version.
It can be downloaded for free on this page of my wargaming Blog.  http://vultureswargamingblog.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/fubar-15mm-sci-fi-rules.html (http://vultureswargamingblog.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/fubar-15mm-sci-fi-rules.html)

My general ramblings on the Blog about FUBAR as a whole and a further sub variant covering 28mm Sci-Fi, can be found here: http://vultureswargamingblog.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/FUBAR (http://vultureswargamingblog.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/FUBAR)

Happy to field any questions anyone might have  :)

Kind regards to all


Title: Re: FUBAR - 15mm Sci-Fi - Expanded Version
Post by: Froggy the Great on March 10, 2015, 01:23:17 AM
Nice!  I'll take a look, especially the armor rules.
Title: Re: FUBAR - 15mm Sci-Fi - Expanded Version
Post by: Vulture on March 10, 2015, 07:01:29 AM
Nice!  I'll take a look, especially the armor rules.

Cool  :)  Look forward to your thoughts as I know you've played FUBAR before  :)

Title: Re: FUBAR - 15mm Sci-Fi - Expanded Version
Post by: Dargoth on March 10, 2015, 09:26:28 AM
Ummm did you photoshop the flying stand out of that hovertank picture or is this some magnets magic?
Title: Re: FUBAR - 15mm Sci-Fi - Expanded Version
Post by: Earther on March 10, 2015, 09:33:44 AM
Great stuff Vulture and thanks! Loving the Laserburn dreadnaught armour in your shots!  :D
Title: Re: FUBAR - 15mm Sci-Fi - Expanded Version
Post by: Froggy the Great on March 10, 2015, 12:05:47 PM
a) I want that gigantic plane in your pics.
b) what is the difference in your rules between Overwatch and On Guard?  As far as I can tell (haven't finished the document yet) OW gives a +1 and OG gives a -1 and they're otherwise identical.  Why would you ever go OG?

Also, I may have to appropriate some of your mods for my version.
Title: Re: FUBAR - 15mm Sci-Fi - Expanded Version
Post by: Vulture on March 10, 2015, 12:25:25 PM
Ummm did you photoshop the flying stand out of that hovertank picture or is this some magnets magic?

It's possible that some photo editing was involved...  :)
Title: Re: FUBAR - 15mm Sci-Fi - Expanded Version
Post by: Vulture on March 10, 2015, 12:35:38 PM
Great stuff Vulture and thanks! Loving the Laserburn dreadnaught armour in your shots!  :D


Many years ago I had a bit of an arms race with some friends of mine.  We had a no holds barred every figure we had, all day game using Imperial Commander across 6 tables. 

In preparation for that I got myself 40+ Laserburn Dreadnaught guys (still produced by 15mm.co.uk) and 40+ Power Armour and modified them to carry all manner of Double Barrelled weaponry (Support Bolters, Heavy Lasers, Missile Launchers, Gatling Guns).  We ended up with over 250 figures per side, plus a smattering of tanks.

They went through his force like a hot knife through butter :)  A battlefild mini-nuke subsequently took a lot out, but it was great fun :)  Still some of my favourite figures :)   
Title: Re: FUBAR - 15mm Sci-Fi - Expanded Version
Post by: Vulture on March 10, 2015, 12:42:57 PM
a) I want that gigantic plane in your pics.
b) what is the difference in your rules between Overwatch and On Guard?  As far as I can tell (haven't finished the document yet) OW gives a +1 and OG gives a -1 and they're otherwise identical.  Why would you ever go OG?

Also, I may have to appropriate some of your mods for my version.

As you've probably guessed the spaceship is from Thunderbirds  :)

If you fail your Initiative roll, you go On Guard.

Question for you.  What rules do you use for Assaulting vehicles ?  I only spotted this ommission recently.

Talking of vehicles, stats for over 100 are on that spreadsheet you can download off my blog.  If you wanted an extra adding just let me know.

Kind regards
Title: Re: FUBAR - 15mm Sci-Fi - Expanded Version
Post by: Froggy the Great on March 10, 2015, 12:52:20 PM
OW vs OG - That makes sense, I like that!  So basically OW is saving up an aimed fire action for later in the turn.

Infantry assaulting vehicles:  I also appear to have a gap here.  I have vehicles ramming each other or infantry, but not vice versa.
Title: Re: FUBAR - 15mm Sci-Fi - Expanded Version
Post by: Vulture on March 10, 2015, 07:04:18 PM
OW vs OG - That makes sense, I like that!  So basically OW is saving up an aimed fire action for later in the turn.

Infantry assaulting vehicles:  I also appear to have a gap here.  I have vehicles ramming each other or infantry, but not vice versa.

Another advantage of OW is that it persists until you either voluntarily remove it (at the start of turn) or when you fire.  In other words you don't need to keep activating that unit, to re-set OW.

How about these for some Vehicle Assault rules.  
1)  A squad attacks successfully on a 4 to 6.  Soft skins are destroyed.  
2)  None Power Armoured Infantry do Glancing damage (Table eight) to armoured vehicles.  
3)  Power Armoured Infantry roll on the penetration chart (Table 9).

Title: FUBAR - 15mm Sci-Fi - Expanded Version - Version 3-6-0
Post by: Vulture on March 13, 2015, 07:44:15 PM
Just updated the rule pack to Version 3-6-0 incorporating the new Infantry Close Assault vehicle rules from the previous posting.

Kind regards to all


Title: Re: FUBAR - 15mm Sci-Fi - Expanded Version
Post by: sundayhero on March 14, 2015, 04:04:46 PM
interesting, thanks for sharing !
Title: Re: FUBAR - 15mm Sci-Fi - Expanded Version
Post by: Bravo Six on March 14, 2015, 06:39:16 PM
Geez Vulture, you did a lot of work on that!  :o Looks great! The vehicle XLS sheet is a nice piece of work as well.

Title: Re: FUBAR - 15mm Sci-Fi - Expanded Version
Post by: Vulture on March 14, 2015, 10:44:24 PM
Geez Vulture, you did a lot of work on that!  :o Looks great! The vehicle XLS sheet is a nice piece of work as well.


I love the selection of vehicles available in 15mm Sci-Fi.  Happy to extend the listing if anyones wants any extra ones adding :)

For your entertainment, a little vid I did a few years back :)

https://youtu.be/-Cf7mE9QivM (https://youtu.be/-Cf7mE9QivM)
