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Miniatures Adventure => Future Wars => Topic started by: CC2IC on May 25, 2015, 12:57:19 PM

Title: (COMMERCIAL) Visit the StarCrush Universe! (Blog Updated)
Post by: CC2IC on May 25, 2015, 12:57:19 PM
Join us for the world premiere of the first video for the StarCrush Universe!
http://starcrushminiatures.blogspot.ca/ (http://starcrushminiatures.blogspot.ca/)

Title: Re: Visit the StarCrush Universe!
Post by: CC2IC on May 26, 2015, 12:29:29 PM

The StarCrush Universe is newly created with the goal of bringing our new line of starship miniatures to life. So what do we have to tell you about the universe? We are hoping this universe will provide a vibrant and energizing background for your gaming experience. So here are some of the basics about StarCrush.

1. Commorium is only one planet in a much larger Empire. Or more correctly the Commorium Quadrant which is ruled and governed from the planet Commorium is part of something much larger than itself. It exists in a universe that something much larger is happening and they are only one player on a much bigger stage. The Commorium Quadrant, although an old and staid member of the FREP, is on the edge of the Federated Republic in an area that was previously considered the edge of known space. Recent improvements in technology have allowed the movement of exploration teams into a new frontier beyond the Commorium Quadrant, and has resulted in the meeting of a new and alien race.
2.  The Federated Republic Empire of Planets (FREP) is the larger governing body of a whole series of planets, republics and empires that are brought together under one ruling senate. Why did we do this? The intention here is that you can use the Commorium miniatures as part of a much larger galaxy spanning empire in your current campaign if you want too. Refered to as "The Federated Republic" or just simply the empire, there are over 100 different groups of planets united under the banner. Most groups govern themselves and meet at the senate to discuss more galaxy spanning issues.
3. The Xothic are a new race of aliens previously unknown to the Federated Republic. They have shown up in an area of space that was previously uncharted and that there has been no known adversary for the last millennium. They have been very aggressive so far and non-communicative with the Commorium. There will be more revealed about the Xothic in upcoming videos and blog entries.

This is a brief overview of the universe of StarCrush. More will be revealed as we move forward so please stay tuned for more information.
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) Visit the StarCrush Universe!
Post by: Momotaro on May 26, 2015, 02:59:47 PM
I think you'd do better if you just gave us some facts.  Fluff is cheap...

1)  These are the X-Wing scale ship sculpts that Bob Murch showed a while back.  Going into production now?

2)  What else is coming out?  More ships?  A game?  What's cool about it?

3)  Prices?  Kickstarter or traditional release schedule?  International availability?

4)  When will all this be available?

I did like those minis, and it's good to see them find a home.  Sorry to be a grump  ;)
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) Visit the StarCrush Universe!
Post by: CC2IC on May 27, 2015, 12:10:26 AM
Answers to big questions.
We are rolling out lots of information in the upcoming month about these miniatures as we build interest.

1) Yes these are the ships that Bob Murch showed.

2) There are at least two more ships scheduled for the initial release. (The bad guys)

3) It will be an upcoming KS, stay tuned for details.

4) June KS with shipping in September or thereabouts (planned).

No grump taken and thanks for the insight!
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) Visit the StarCrush Universe!
Post by: Momotaro on May 27, 2015, 03:22:35 PM
Thanks - will be following this with interest!
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) Visit the StarCrush Universe!
Post by: CC2IC on May 29, 2015, 11:44:17 AM
Our Friday blog is up now. We will be releasing blogs about the StarCrush universe on Wednesdays and Fridays for the next month as we move toward the launch of the figure line. On Monday we will be releasing a video installment telling the back story of the StarCrush universe titled the Commorium Incident.
Today's blog is a story which links our two videos together. It tells the story of the Star Cruiser Oberan Dream and their attempts to determine the source of the meteor showers that are plaguing the quadrant.
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) Visit the StarCrush Universe!
Post by: CC2IC on June 01, 2015, 02:24:13 PM
The second video of our introduction to the StarCrush universe is live today. It is called The Commorium Incident Video 2 - Planet Probe. This video continues the story from our last blog and shows the footage that the probe from the Oberan Dream sends back to the crew. The video also reveals more details about the universe and gives more insight into the incident. The video is introduced in a newscast format to provide information in an easily recognizable manner, which means what the announcer says is as important as the images. Please enjoy the video.
https://youtu.be/fOkKODw_9x4 (https://youtu.be/fOkKODw_9x4)
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) Visit the StarCrush Universe!
Post by: CC2IC on June 08, 2015, 12:20:10 PM
The third video of our introduction to the StarCrush universe is live today. It is called The Commorium Incident Video 3 - First Casualty. This video continues the story from our last blog entry which was released on Friday and shows footage from Lt. Tontor Lothnon's reconnaissance mission. Please join us as we continue to introduce the Star Crush universe. https://youtu.be/-q6DzJBBUYQ (https://youtu.be/-q6DzJBBUYQ)
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) Visit the StarCrush Universe!
Post by: CC2IC on June 15, 2015, 12:43:35 PM
It's Monday and that means our new video has been released.
There are four video's now that tell the story of the Commorium Incident which is the first meeting between the Commorium and the Xothic peoples. We will be releasing concept art for the Xothic ships on our blog this week. Please check it out at https://youtu.be/Gx39qih8skE (https://youtu.be/Gx39qih8skE)
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) Visit the StarCrush Universe!
Post by: The_Beast on June 15, 2015, 01:09:39 PM
It's also half way through June, so where's the KS?  lol

I can't believe I missed this thread until now, and I'm the vacchead of the group...

I tend to prefer games of larger ships, but find the fellow on the right most intriguing as such. Not that I've shied away from the occasional game of X-Wing.

As for the videos, I'll be giving them a watch soon.


Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) Visit the StarCrush Universe!
Post by: CC2IC on June 17, 2015, 11:31:21 AM
It's Wednesday and that means our newest blog entry has been posted. Visit our blog to learn what it takes to be the pilot of a starfighter in the Star Crush Universe. starcrushminiatures.blogspot.ca (http://starcrushminiatures.blogspot.ca)
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) Visit the StarCrush Universe!
Post by: CC2IC on June 22, 2015, 12:48:58 PM
This week we release our Kickstarter preview video. This video is done in a slightly different style to our Commorium Incident videos.
We will be releasing the preview to our Kickstater later this week. Please stay tuned.
http://starcrushminiatures.blogspot.ca/ (http://starcrushminiatures.blogspot.ca/)
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) Visit the StarCrush Universe!
Post by: CC2IC on July 01, 2015, 03:48:45 AM
 Kickstarter Launching Tomorrow!
Crucible Crush Productions is pleased to announce that we will launch our new fundraising program for Star Crush Miniatures at kickstarter.com. Look for this program coming tomorrow. To view the Kickstarter preview please visit https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1313980061/1133551828?token=547ffe3b. Support us by clicking on our link tomorrow and pledging your support. Also, visit us on Facebook at Star Crush Miniatures to get all the updates.
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) Visit the StarCrush Universe!(KICKSTARTER) Launched today!
Post by: CC2IC on July 01, 2015, 11:54:36 PM
Our Kickstarter has gone live today. Please support us at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1313980061/star-crush-starship-miniatures-production (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1313980061/star-crush-starship-miniatures-production)
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) Visit the StarCrush Universe!(KICKSTARTER) Launched!
Post by: CC2IC on July 04, 2015, 05:33:13 PM
We are now Funded!
That wasn't really difficult as we have the figures ready to go, but still good news.

This Kickstarter has gotten off to a slow start so please let us know what you would like to see in terms of starfighter miniatures, we can certainly look at adding these things as stretch goals!

Thanks for your support.
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) Visit the StarCrush Universe!(KICKSTARTER) Launched!
Post by: black hat miniatures on July 04, 2015, 05:58:12 PM
To be honest, one thing that would put me off your kickstarter and company is that I can't see anything on the KS page or your website that tells me who you are? No personal details about the 50 years in the gaming industry and no physical contact address...

Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) Visit the StarCrush Universe!(KICKSTARTER) Launched!
Post by: CC2IC on July 05, 2015, 12:01:30 AM
Posted the address on the site.
The KS supplies the information about who Bob Murch is and why he is doing a new company.
Thanks Mike
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) Visit the StarCrush Universe!(KICKSTARTER Funded)
Post by: CC2IC on July 08, 2015, 12:52:06 PM
We are funded and our first Stretch Goal has been announced.
Free shipping to anyone that is an Early Bird supporter, which means in before the $2000 mark.
Come over and get some great starship models! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1313980061/star-crush-starship-miniatures-production (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1313980061/star-crush-starship-miniatures-production)
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) Visit the StarCrush Universe!(KICKSTARTER Funded)
Post by: CC2IC on July 24, 2015, 02:09:40 AM
We have added two new designs to the pledge so the basic pledge is up to 18 miniatures for $110 CAD plus shipping. Shipping is also free right now if you get in before we hit $2000. Come join us on Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1313980061/star-crush-starship-miniatures-production (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1313980061/star-crush-starship-miniatures-production)
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) Visit the StarCrush Universe!(KICKSTARTER Funded)
Post by: CC2IC on July 29, 2015, 01:02:36 AM
Last 48 hours is coming up! Join us for a great deal. Free shipping is still available.
Title: Re: (COMMERCIAL) Visit the StarCrush Universe! (Blog Updated)
Post by: CC2IC on August 14, 2015, 12:53:43 PM
Our blog has been updated with two new entries in August.

Fridays blog is up and as promised today we look at the Star Crush Starfighter Miniature Game. This blog discusses movement and how we handle it in Star Crush and some of the reasons why. For more information check out the blog at http://starcrushminiatures.blogspot.ca/