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Miniatures Adventure => VSF Adventures => Topic started by: KeyanSark on October 20, 2008, 08:42:32 AM

Title: Poison labels
Post by: KeyanSark on October 20, 2008, 08:42:32 AM
Who knows what the evil geniuses in this forum can do with these labels...?



Title: Re: Poison labels
Post by: argsilverson on October 20, 2008, 10:19:03 AM
Very nice. I was looking for some similar!

Not only poisons, but can be used in industrial processes as well!
No where is a model of a large bottle with knitted protection?
Title: Re: Poison labels
Post by: The_Wisecrack on October 20, 2008, 10:46:54 PM
very nice, i see a snake oil salesman coming on. thanks for the bookmark.
Title: Re: Poison labels
Post by: Bako on October 21, 2008, 04:32:39 AM
Thanks for the find, they'll be useful I'm sure.
Title: Re: Poison labels
Post by: argsilverson on October 21, 2008, 10:17:40 AM
and another link with some more images:

Title: Re: Poison labels
Post by: Argonor on October 22, 2008, 01:54:51 PM
Did you notice the crater labels:


They could be used for... well, crates, but also for commercial posters, I guess..?
Title: Re: Poison labels
Post by: argsilverson on October 22, 2008, 02:08:22 PM
Did you notice the crater labels:


They could be used for... well, crates, but also for commercial posters, I guess..?

Brilliant idea!

By the way searching the web there is a lot of dowloads for various paper goods.
There is some good sites offering from pizza and cigar boxes to banknotes and even a paper piano model! Mostly suitable for the girls dolls like Barbie and so but with a good resizing can work with 28mm miniatures. In fact if you have time to search the web you can find many useful images suitable to make paper "models" for use in our campaigns. Banknotes [and even coins] of virtually any era, labels, signs, flags, boxes, posters, advertisements, newspapers and magazines, opera and theater giveouts and so on. When my daughter was younger I used to print for her many of these stuff for her. She never used them!

And another idea. If you get a photo, say of the shelves of Scott's warehouse  -of Antarctic fame-  ou can model it in virtual 3D. Just stick the photo on some foam material you have cut in shape and voila, no need to paint it.
Title: Re: Poison labels
Post by: argsilverson on October 22, 2008, 02:18:03 PM
One problem I noticed.

Internet is dominated by english [and  american english] so, the most search results from american -mainly- and english sites. This happens to me since the official languages my PC uses are Greek and English [I have to set US or UK].

Maybe you guys with other official languages in your PC, perhaps, can find more easily results from other sites. 
Title: Re: Poison labels
Post by: Argonor on October 23, 2008, 10:43:39 AM
Good idea! I noticed that someone is searching for German chocolate adverts - maybe googling for 'Schokoladereklamen' or something like that would do the trick!
Title: Re: Poison labels
Post by: argsilverson on October 23, 2008, 11:17:14 AM
Good idea! I noticed that someone is searching for German chocolate adverts - maybe googling for 'Schokoladereklamen' or something like that would do the trick!

the answer is:

"We did not find results for: Schokoladereklamen. Try the suggestions below or type a new query above."

Maybe there is no website with german chokolates advertisements!
Title: Re: Poison labels
Post by: Argonor on October 23, 2008, 11:58:57 AM
Hmmm... I'll have to experiment a bit with searching different things in not-english  ;)
Title: Re: Poison labels
Post by: Zephalo on October 24, 2008, 03:45:49 PM
You should try:

Schokolade Reklame

(Two words, not "Reklamen", that brings over 46,000 entries, e.g. that one (http://www.alte-dosen.de/gallery.htm) with old tin cans.

Title: Re: Poison labels
Post by: argsilverson on October 31, 2008, 11:44:58 AM
Yes finally I found more (including Schokolade Reklame)

It is in ephemera section and you can find lots of advertisements etc.
Also, very interesting old postcards, of virtually anything:

Here is the link:
