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Miniatures Adventure => Post-Apocalyptic Tales => Topic started by: pahvivalmiste on July 04, 2015, 04:27:30 PM

Title: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc (TNT Celtos conversions 20.8.2018)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on July 04, 2015, 04:27:30 PM
EDIT: I have updated a couple of pictures to the thread. The original links do not work anymore due to certain free photo service shutting down. If I find time/energy I will update some of them at some point (if someone's interested in something I can upload that pic, they're all somewhere.


I'm trying to paint some figures usable in 3rd edition Gamma World and some post-apocalyptic skirmish games. Here are some figures painted for fun/RPG. I try to paint these to a reasonably (not excessive) standard.


Collecting figures was fun and I have about 40 from various manufacturers in the queue. I'll try to finish the figures representing characters in our sporadic Gamma World campaign first and then move on to the skirmish warband -style figs.

I'll write a longer intro when I have time ;)

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (4.7.)
Post by: Brummie Thug on July 04, 2015, 09:18:19 PM
Nice paintwork looking forward to seeing your world being populated :D
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (TNT Mutant 19.8.)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on August 19, 2015, 08:15:11 PM
This is a Big Mutant intented for "This is Not a Test" post-apocalytic game. Figure is Heresy's Big Boris with some modifications. Smaller guy is there to give scale.


It does not actually shine, I just took the pic in poor lighting and the varnish was not dry. The base is not complete, I'll put some grass etc. on several figures when I have them all painted to this stage.

Thanks for the comment, Brummie :)
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (TNT Mutant 19.8.)
Post by: SBRPearce on August 20, 2015, 01:38:11 PM
Where did you get That Bow?

Great figures!
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (TNT Mutant 19.8.)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on August 20, 2015, 03:01:07 PM
Bow is scratch-built: green stuff, plasticard, wire and needles/pins (arrows).
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (TNT Mutant 19.8.)
Post by: scarlowe on August 20, 2015, 04:17:34 PM
Nice muties!
Grats on the bow... looks like it came with the model in the first place.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (TNT Mutant 19.8.)
Post by: Deathwing on August 20, 2015, 07:21:50 PM
I really love this warband.  It really is evocative of Gamma World.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (TNT Mutant 19.8.)
Post by: Brummie Thug on August 20, 2015, 09:10:57 PM
Fantastic mutie mate. Love the bow its ace!  :-*
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (TNT Mutant 19.8.)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on August 21, 2015, 04:43:57 PM
Thanks for the comments! I had a little extra spare time and thus I finished a badger and a tree (Gamma World PC's).


Finding reasonable mutant plants is rather hard - I've got a couple from CP Models and Ral Partha (checked Ramshackle games and couple of other manufacturers), plus the Fungoid from Mirliton, but still...

Just to note that bases will receive some grass and stuff, but I'll finish them when I have more models painted (it's messy).
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Badger and Tree 21.8.)
Post by: blackstone on August 21, 2015, 07:56:50 PM
Nice painting on the badger. Where's he from?
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Badger and Tree 21.8.)
Post by: Comsquare on August 21, 2015, 08:02:02 PM
Nice painting on the badger. Where's he from?

Second that.
And please tell where the tree is from as well :)
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Badger and Tree 21.8.)
Post by: Deathwing on August 21, 2015, 09:56:30 PM
Very nice.  My favorite plant model is the dryad type model holding an AK-47 from Ramshackle Games.  Also give Hydra Miniatures a look to:


Finally, GW dryads would work as well.  I aim to have a plant warband for TNT eventually.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Badger and Tree 21.8.)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on August 22, 2015, 05:18:36 AM
Thanks for the comments!

Badger is a Reaper familiar (can be purchased separately, which I did). Tree is Ral Partha's "Demon Tree".

Deathwing: I checked Hydra, but their stuff was not what I was after. Reaper has a funny tree in "Bones" range and there are some single random alien plants elsewhere, but that's pretty much it. Maybe I'll take a second look at Ramshackle.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Badger and Tree 21.8.)
Post by: Mason on August 22, 2015, 06:11:34 AM
Lovely conversions, that bow is fantastic.
The brushwork is pretty fine too, love that badger.
 :-* :-*

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Badger and Tree 21.8.)
Post by: Duke Donald on August 22, 2015, 11:33:17 AM
Great stuff and the badger is amazing.

OI don't know whether this would fit the aesthetics of your Gamma World but if I were looking for mutant plants I'd go for Poison Ivy's plant slaves by Knight Models:
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Badger and Tree 21.8.)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on August 22, 2015, 03:32:13 PM
Thanks for the comments, Mason and Donald.

The badger was very simple to paint (Black, White, Soft Tone, Dark Tone, Thinner/Flow Improver). Maybe I should use that relaxed approach more :)

Duke Donald: Thanks for the tip, I have seen Ivy's slaves but I could not justify paying the asked price for one plant (there's only one that interests me). Also checked ebay at the time... now I have enough stuff for this Project.

And... I also had some productive free time today:


This one is hideous in many ways, terrible mold lines was one of them. It is Black Tree Design's (or some other Black) "Abomination. He will be a "Blob form" mutant in TNT. Bat is from Reaper's modern weapons set.

EDIT: Black Hat!

Next model might take a while as my hobby hours are not that plentiful...
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Mutant 22.8.)
Post by: kidterminal on August 23, 2015, 12:13:02 AM
This is a great thread it has they everything in one Gamma World feel.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Mutant 22.8.)
Post by: Mr Vampire on August 23, 2015, 07:50:35 AM
Finding reasonable mutant plants is rather hard - I've got a couple from CP Models and Ral Partha (checked Ramshackle games and couple of other manufacturers), plus the Fungoid from Mirliton, but still...

Reaper has a Halloween tree that may or may not be along the lines you are looking for.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Mutant 22.8.)
Post by: kidterminal on August 23, 2015, 12:28:21 PM
Reaper has a surprising amount of plant creatures.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Mutant 22.8.)
Post by: Gailbraithe on August 24, 2015, 07:54:23 PM
Hasslefree has their Agarix, which are really great looking fungoids.

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Mutant 22.8.)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on August 29, 2015, 07:04:36 AM
Thanks for the tips about plant creatures, Kidterminal and Gailbraithe! In addition to these I found a resin "Chaos Tree" or something (scenery piece).

I was looking something more plant-like, like a cactus or bush, but I guess market is not that big.

Anyways, here's the next creature - "Inchon with Extra Eyes" from Iron Wind Metals. This has no particular purpose at the moment, I just wanted to paint it at this stage :P I got the feeling that I could have done more with it, but I guess this will suffice.

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Frog-Inchon 29.8.)
Post by: kidterminal on August 29, 2015, 09:08:15 AM
That's a nice figure.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Frog-Inchon 29.8.)
Post by: Deathwing on August 29, 2015, 02:05:55 PM
I like it.  The gloss is perfect for the skin and the transition between the green and browns is well done.

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Frog-Inchon 29.8.)
Post by: Mr Vampire on August 30, 2015, 06:54:47 AM
Love the paint work on the Inchon frog thing.  Looks slimy!!

Eureka Miniatures has some good "mutants" in their newish 28mm Chaos Army, inspired by the art works of Hieronymus Bosch and Pieter Bruegel.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Frog-Inchon 29.8.)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on September 02, 2015, 06:25:15 AM
Thanks for the comments! I might add some tone to the frog to make it a little bit more lively, but I don't know. Maybe when I finish the base.

Mr. Vampire: Thanks for the tip - I've looked at the range and found a couple of figures I could use. I'm not sure if I want buy more figures just yet, but I'll put these to the memory slot.

Anyways... here's the next figure, Reaper's "Alien Exotic Dancer" with Grenadier Crossbow and a quick scratch-build quiver. This will work as a mutant in TNT game as well as a PC in Gamma World.


I have a feeling that the lady's hair looks better in the pic than in real life... but I guess that's normal :) Also could add some light to the skin, but I'll probably declare this ready.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Alien Dancer 2.9.)
Post by: kidterminal on September 02, 2015, 11:29:38 AM
Interesting conversion.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Alien Dancer 2.9.)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on September 06, 2015, 10:14:59 AM
Kidterminal: I'm not that fond of painting semi-nude women or nude "men", but I could really not think of anything else to represent some of the PC's characters- Blame them :P

I seem to get stuff done - here's the next, Reaper's "Mutant Y":


Pretty Basic, this one will be used in TNT game. Maybe I'll do something for the hair, it's colour looks a bit too samey with the bandages.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Alien Dancer 2.9.)
Post by: kidterminal on September 06, 2015, 03:08:52 PM
Kidterminal: I'm not that fond of painting semi-nude women or nude "men", but I could really not think of anything else to represent some of the PC's characters- Blame them :P
I didn't mean to imply anything I simply never saw this figure used in any other context than as a dancer.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Alien Dancer 2.9.)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on September 07, 2015, 05:58:53 AM
I didn't mean to imply anything I simply never saw this figure used in any other context than as a dancer.

Ok :) I'd really used something else if there had been a suitable thing available, but the dancer will do. Maybe it's a bit awkward but it's representative enough.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Mutant Y 6.9.)
Post by: Duke Donald on September 07, 2015, 08:58:50 AM
If these minis are representative of your PCs, you must have an interesting gaming group  ;).

BTW, concerning interesting "plant mutants", I personally like the the plastic dryads form GW and they could fit with minimal conversion work.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Mutant Y 6.9.)
Post by: Deathwing on September 07, 2015, 02:42:41 PM
Love both.  For the mutant from Reaper, I think some wildly color hair might really pop on the miniature. 

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Mutant Y 6.9.)
Post by: horridperson on September 07, 2015, 06:04:30 PM
Mutant Y looks really cool.  The skin tones and the ugly sores came out really well.  Inconn's glistening froggy pelt is spot on.  The former dancer with crossbow is neat as well.  They all make for a very diverse group of characters.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Mutant Y 6.9.)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on September 09, 2015, 06:22:22 AM
Thanks for the kind comments! I painted the Mutant Y's hair red, but dunno if it makes that much difference.

Duke Donald: My gaming group.... well... we tried more serious games but ended up with Gamma World... I promise to think about the Dryads.

Here's the next mutant - multi-limbed big fellow from Excalibur Miniatures:


Excalibur has stopped figure production and this was a bit hard to get. Painting was a bit rushed but I just wanted to get my TNT warband to a ready state (excluding the bases). I might get back to it later.

The Mutants:


Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Mutant, Warband almost ready 9.9.)
Post by: kidterminal on September 09, 2015, 11:56:28 AM
Lovely collection. All the naked mutants reminds me of Richard Corbin's Mutant World http://www.comicartfans.com/gallerypiece.asp?piece=341176 (http://www.comicartfans.com/gallerypiece.asp?piece=341176)
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Mutant, Warband almost ready 9.9.)
Post by: Deathwing on September 09, 2015, 01:15:09 PM
One of the best mutant warbands I have seen.  Hands down.

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Mutant, Warband almost ready 9.9.)
Post by: styx on September 09, 2015, 11:37:33 PM
Nice work and great looking warband!
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Mutant, Warband almost ready 9.9.)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on September 12, 2015, 02:13:25 PM
Thanks again for the kind comments!

Kidterminal: There is similarity indeed. Makes on wonder... I guess my painting style is old-fashioned :)

The next mutant is from Space Vixens from Mars: A female D.Tek. Yep, a female D.Tek, whatever that is. Anyways this one had antlers and one of the PC's... nevermind. I put a Reaper knife on it's hand.


Simple work, mostly washes. The picture is unusually dark, apologies about that. I might repaint the tire (greenstuff), it's a bit lazy.

EDIT: we're gonna play Gamma World tonight, I'll surprise the players with these :P
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Mutant, Warband almost ready 9.9.)
Post by: kidterminal on September 12, 2015, 04:04:52 PM
Kidterminal: There is similarity indeed. Makes on wonder... I guess my painting style is old-fashioned :)
Not too surprising since he work was first published around the time Gamma World was first published. The Tire could use some highlights IMO.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (D.Tek 12.9.)
Post by: grant on September 12, 2015, 05:34:34 PM
What a fantastic project! Love your work.

I played Gamma World loads when I was a kid.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (D.Tek 12.9.)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on October 22, 2015, 08:15:53 AM
I haven’t been painting for a while as I started building a post-apocalyptic board for TNT. It will be a modular one with fixed terrain features. Modularity will be achieved using 30 x 30 cm mdf “boxes” that will be filled with foam board. I bought 20 of them which gives a nice 4 x 4 (approx..) board with four spare pieces for variety.

It felt like a good idea to build a lot of stuff, like buildings, from scratch, but I’m also using a lot of commercial scenery – palm trees, bricks, resin cars etc. I have now built most of the buildings and will be finishing all the basic forms before painting. The idea is to assemble the mdf boxes when all foam pieces are ready and then cover the terrain with textures (Vallejo, sand) and paint it. Some pieces will be painted in advance, depending on what seems sensible.

The basic structure is foam board (10 mm) covered in hobby concrete (had to test it… :P). The wooden storehouse is just a frame, I’ll put some damage, rusty roofing and half-rotted wooden board on it. The structures on the bottom right pic are also much more “WIP” than the big concrete buildings.

Lot of work ahead…

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 22.10.)
Post by: Deathwing on October 24, 2015, 02:47:55 AM
Love the scratchmodeling going on here.  Speaking from experiences the pool is really a draw for folks.  My own pool gets many comments.  Get some leaves to thrown in there!  I think yours has the benefit of real depth so definitely play with that some.  Again, this whole thread is just pure win.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 22.10.)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on October 29, 2015, 06:51:36 AM
Thanks, Deathwing. I try to handle the pressure :P I usually don’t like WIP pictures, but in this project I think they might help.

The pool is about 35 mm deep - I was planning to put just a little water effect there to keep it functional as cover, but I'm not totally sure. We'll see.

Warehouse (the construction part) is almost finished. Basically I glued some wood strips as walls and plasticard roofing to the frame. I’ll add some interior stuff (incl. DIY boxes below and some barrels) as well as some scrap roofing and wood. I could also do some nails/pins if I feel like it…


Collapsed tunnel:

I’ll put some Vallejo Black Lava (asphalt) to the cardboard pieces.
Comments and ideas welcome. I promise to post something finished next time 
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 29.10.)
Post by: Constable Bertrand on October 29, 2015, 07:29:26 AM
The warehouse is awesome!!!  8)  8)  8)  8)

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 29.10.)
Post by: horridperson on October 31, 2015, 04:55:33 AM
I agree with the Constable!  The exposed frame on the warehouse looks fantastic.  I really liked the look even before you "dressed" it.  The bare skeleton of the industrial building reminded of a disused local building.  There was a hoist on worm gear that hung at centre and the whole thing was corroded.  It looked sad; great atmosphere post apocalypse.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 29.10.)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on November 19, 2015, 06:24:06 AM
Thanks for the comments! Horridperson, you have convinced me to build an additional skeleton building :)

Just a little WIP update: I have managed to complete the construction of the basic squares - glued the mdf boxes and foams, filled the gaps on the edges etc., built some hills/ruins and started making the asphalt (Vallejo Black Lava).

Fuzzy (4 empty board pieces not included in the pic):


There's enough black lava left to make the asphalt less spotty (I was worried if there was enough when I started). I can also construct a road on one or two more pieces.

Overall I think the board looks a bit empty. This means I'll probably add some bigger terrain pieces (hills, buildings) as well as some small things and details (holes, rubble) here and there. Then I'll have to cover the surface and add some little details... I hope I can start painting in December.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 19.11.)
Post by: Brummie Thug on November 26, 2015, 01:27:14 PM
Wow some ace additions since I last checked in on this thread. Love the Alien crossbow conversion! Inspired!

The terrain board is fabulous it will look cracking when finished.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 19.11.)
Post by: Hupp n at em on November 27, 2015, 01:35:14 PM
Wow, that board looks awesome.  :o :-*  You could always add some separate craters and more car wrecks for flexibility and it'd allow you to finish the boards themselves quicker.  :)
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 19.11.)
Post by: horridperson on November 29, 2015, 10:09:51 AM
Really looking forward to see paint work on those buildings like you lavished on those wonderful figures.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 19.11.)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on November 30, 2015, 06:43:47 AM
Thanks for the encouraging comments!

Hupp n at em: thanks for the suggestion. When planning this I decided not to make anything separate. Making everything fixed makes the whole affair more durable, consistent-looking and easier to store (I have a cardboard box storage system for these). Separate pieces have their own benefits, of course.

There's some more work in process… I post these as these help my motivation – I’ve sorely missed painting some little dudes but continued to build the terrain during my hobby-time :P

I have attached all tall vegetation and covered most of the board pieces with Vallejo Sandy Paste and sand. Tree bark was used on the hillsides as well as on the ground to simulate rocky surfaces.

I’ll build a few details (junk & stuff, some finishing touches) on some of the boards before painting, but most of the resin stuff I bought is already in place.


As an afterthought some trees could have been attached after applying the paste. I had to remove some temporarily to reach certain areas. But this works, too.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 30.11.)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on December 28, 2015, 04:53:11 AM
Just some progress photos – everything is in place and the painting has started. Except that I ordered four more MDF boxes to be able to make this a 6x4 board :P I also ordered a ship from Amera Plastics to make a wreck and some water terrain, we’ll see what comes out of that.

The thing I’m worried is that there’s too little terrain details. The scenery also feels a little low overall – maybe I should have used washers as bases instead of the plastic ones. I have very limited skirmish game experience and I don’t get a feeling of proper setup.


Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 28.11.)
Post by: Hupp n at em on December 28, 2015, 06:19:21 AM
Do you mean low as in you don't feel there are enough taller terrain pieces in the setup? It depends on the ruleset, but oftentimes skirmish games really benefit from having a variety of levels or height on the board.  I am wrestling with that issue currently myself, as my Frostgrave ruins are missing tall towers for sniping/visual effect.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 28.11.)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on December 28, 2015, 06:30:43 AM
Do you mean low as in you don't feel there are enough taller terrain pieces in the setup? It depends on the ruleset, but oftentimes skirmish games really benefit from having a variety of levels or height on the board.  I am wrestling with that issue currently myself, as my Frostgrave ruins are missing tall towers for sniping/visual effect.

I meant both the thing you mentioned and that most of the hills, cars etc. are man-height or below. I think I could construct one three-store building and add a water tower or something somewhere to get more "levels", but the height of above mentoned individual pieces remains as is. I don't really know :P
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 28.11.)
Post by: zizi666 on December 28, 2015, 08:12:07 AM
Since you describe one building(set) as a factory, why not a chimney, a silo, or a windmill.
As you already have a road : trucks or a bus. They're way taller than the cars and offer the possibilty of installing a platform.
barricades and/or junkpiles can be as large as you want them to be.
And there's always the overpass :


Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 28.11.)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on January 15, 2016, 04:33:46 AM
Thanks for the tip, zizi666. Overpass is a bit too heavy for my tastes, but a bus, silo and windmill are good options.

I bought four extra mdf pieces to build a 6x4 table as well as a plastic boat from Amera plastics...

Anyways... I have painted the basic colours (washes) to all the pieces - like this:

I still have to paint some buildings, the plants and details, do some shading and add flock (maybe some extra rubble & pieces).

This piece has some extra shading on the ground colours - I did this and then decided it's better to do all the shades when all colours are finished.

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 15.1.2016)
Post by: DELTADOG on January 15, 2016, 10:18:17 AM
That looks Great!
Could you please give a link where you got this mdf boxes from?

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 15.1.2016)
Post by: Iv.An. on January 15, 2016, 11:10:34 AM
Top-down view on board - old Jagged Alliance :)
Swimming pool :-*
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 15.1.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on January 15, 2016, 03:31:12 PM
Thanks for the comments!

That looks Great!
Could you please give a link where you got this mdf boxes from?

MDF is from East Riding - 300 mm bases and 25x300mm strips. The owner (Tony) cut lips to them when I asked.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 15.1.2016)
Post by: kidterminal on January 16, 2016, 08:17:36 PM
Yes that looks really good!
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 15.1.2016)
Post by: DELTADOG on January 16, 2016, 09:04:52 PM
Thanks for the comments!

MDF is from East Riding - 300 mm bases and 25x300mm strips. The owner (Tony) cut lips to them when I asked.

Thx a lot! I will make a look through his site !
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 15.1.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on February 08, 2016, 06:31:11 AM
O-la-la, the first terrain piece is painted and flocked! Picture quality... well...



Close-up from the back (building!):

Another close-up from the back (don’t get any funny ideas…):

I got really fed up with painting all the plastic plants at once and decided to paint this piece to almost complete stage. I’ll probably paint the flock on the walls and add some green & other stains, but I’ll leave that ‘till the closing stages of the project.

All the other terrain pieces probably (hopefully) require less work than this as they have more paint on them already. Most of the plants are also painted… :D The plants (palms and bushes) would probably look better with some extra work, but I’m not sure if I am willing to put it into them.

Tips are welcome - this was, for example, the first time I used rust effect. I used salt to make the scratches but without an airbrush it was a bit iffy (paint underneath went away when I scraped the salty parts :P).
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Painted board piece 8.2.2016)
Post by: Mr. Peabody on February 08, 2016, 06:40:42 AM
That is a work of art.  :o

Especially love the brickwork and the way everything comes together. Perfect 5/7 would definitely play.

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Painted board piece 8.2.2016)
Post by: Constable Bertrand on February 08, 2016, 07:01:48 AM

The growies on the brickwork turned out really well!  8)  8) I like that, nicely done mate.

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Painted board piece 8.2.2016)
Post by: kidterminal on February 08, 2016, 11:12:29 AM
That's impressive the colors are very natural.  :-* The only thing i would add is some rust to the lamp post.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Painted board piece 8.2.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on February 08, 2016, 03:36:31 PM
Thanks for the comments!

That's impressive the colors are very natural.  :-* The only thing i would add is some rust to the lamp post.

I was not sure about the rust on lamps, but your advice is probably good. I'll do that ;)
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Painted board piece 8.2.2016)
Post by: zizi666 on February 08, 2016, 05:00:49 PM
Great brickwork indeed !
As for the lamp post : yes, add rust if it's a steel one. However if you paint it copper/bronze you could use verdigris for a blue/green accent.

Also, since you don't have access to an airbrush there are some other ways :
liquid rubber/latex, dabbed onto the rusted model with a sponge.Just rub it off after you(ve painted your color over it.
Alternatively you could dab rust colors onto your already painted model with a sponge.
IIRC I used Maskol on these : (http://i1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd388/zizi666/scenery/IMG_3357.jpg)

Oh, you'll need a sponge that's not too dense (or even nature sponge)
Also for rust : LifeColor's rust paint set is awesome, and for a faster method : modelmates rust effect (although this stuff is hell on brushes)

P.S. where's that building from or is it scrachtbuild?
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Painted board piece 8.2.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on February 08, 2016, 05:29:19 PM
Thanks for the tips, Zizi! I've tried masking liquid but that peels of the underlying paint too... Now gotta put that natural sponge I bought from Istanbul in 2007 to use. So far I've used it only occasionally to scare my wife :P

Ed. It's scratch-built (commercial parts).
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Painted board piece 8.2.2016)
Post by: zizi666 on February 08, 2016, 11:44:26 PM
Thanks for the tips, Zizi! I've tried masking liquid but that peels of the underlying paint too...

You can always put a layer of varnish over the rust paint before applying the maskol (I don't think I had to, but if so, I'd have sprayed a layer of anti-shine)

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Painted board piece 8.2.2016)
Post by: supervike on February 09, 2016, 03:16:03 AM
What an absolute treasure of a thread!

Fantastic work from top to bottom.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Painted board piece 8.2.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on February 27, 2016, 07:25:33 AM
Thanks for the comments! Completed two more board pieces:

I might return to these to add some trash/rubble and some green shades, but for now these will do. Any suggestions are welcome as always :)
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Two painted board pieces 27.2.2016)
Post by: Illumini on February 27, 2016, 09:03:09 AM
Amazing looking terrain  :-* Some junk and rubble spread around would take it to 11
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Two painted board pieces 27.2.2016)
Post by: pocoloco on February 27, 2016, 09:30:31 AM
Wonderful work on the minis and terrain!  :-*

It will all look stunning when finished (if one can ever call a project finished :D )

If you need more scatter terrain, have you plans for road signs, billboards, tyre piles, barrels etc?

Btw, great nickname that pahvivalmiste :)
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Two painted board pieces 27.2.2016)
Post by: Constable Bertrand on February 27, 2016, 11:12:52 AM
Wonderful. That warehouse has just enough debris to be still very playable and with enough texture to be interesting. That's my style 8) 8)

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Two painted board pieces 27.2.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on February 28, 2016, 05:02:07 AM
Thanks for the comments!

If you need more scatter terrain, have you plans for road signs, billboards, tyre piles, barrels etc?

Most board pieces already have some items, but I feel this and some others could benefit from extra stuff - Mainly visual/aesthetical like small pipe pieces, coils, trash etc. I have a plan (and somerhing in the closet) :)
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Two painted board pieces 27.2.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on March 23, 2016, 02:05:33 PM
Two more pieces ready, with cars:


Van is from Crooked Dice, wreck from Project Zeke and shot-up car from Ainsty. Road sign is Tamiya and I rushed it... I've managed to paint two other cars and some other stuff but those pieces are not finished yet - wanted to do these to get something done :) Comments welcome.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Two painted board pieces 23.3.2016)
Post by: Hupp n at em on March 23, 2016, 03:10:01 PM
Wow, that's coming along really nicely.  Love it.  :-*
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Two painted board pieces 23.3.2016)
Post by: Mr. Peabody on March 23, 2016, 06:01:00 PM
Really like the 'scrubby' plants! Very effective.

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Two painted board pieces 23.3.2016)
Post by: Constable Bertrand on March 23, 2016, 08:36:57 PM
That ainsty BMW is very cool 8) the scrubs are rather attractive too. I've gotten a few plants but haven't gotten around to turning them into scatter terrain yet. I did a test but my wash/paint wiped straight off them - leaving them glossy again.

What was your approach?

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Two painted board pieces 23.3.2016)
Post by: Arundel on March 24, 2016, 12:30:41 AM
Those look like movie sets. Superb work!
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Two painted board pieces 23.3.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on March 24, 2016, 05:47:41 AM
Thanks for the comments!

Those look like movie sets. Superb work!

Interesting comparison. I blame my long history with GW for cartoonishness :P

I've gotten a few plants but haven't gotten around to turning them into scatter terrain yet. I did a test but my wash/paint wiped straight off them - leaving them glossy again.

What was your approach?

I painted the plants by hand with thick Vallejo White Primer (spray is probably better), white and basic colours and then used a wash with St. Jonhson's. The paint will still come off if you pull them hard enough (really hard and straight pull) with your fingers, but they can take some twisting.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Two painted board pieces 23.3.2016)
Post by: Constable Bertrand on March 24, 2016, 06:41:51 AM
Thanks for the reply, a thorough undercoat sounds promising. Thanks!

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Two painted board pieces 23.3.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on March 26, 2016, 02:36:50 PM
As I had a chance I took A WIP picture of the whole board at it's current stage. I took the whole set out when kids were away and painted most of the plants.

The big picture:

There are three board pieces on the left side of the picture (uppest, third and lowest) that are a bit empty. I've been thinking about putting a large wreck, like a truck, to the junction and maybe adding some LOS blocking fences etc.

There's still a lot to do - some ruins, "waste dump", scatter terrain etc. I'll also add a motorbike, a sofa and some small stuff like tools somewhere. But I feel I'm getting there :P Any ideas are welcome.

Constable: I'll gladly tell about the techniques if I can find time. Almost all of my spare goes to this...
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 26.3.2016)
Post by: DELTADOG on March 26, 2016, 02:46:53 PM
Really Great Table! In my very own personal Taste, I had given the Sand a little more reddish tone to bring it more in the US deserts from the whole atmosphere. In that colorsheme it looks absolutly great either, but brings more the feeling of a middle east desert. In that way its more crossuseable with modern warfare / Middle East scenarios!
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 26.3.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on March 27, 2016, 07:30:54 AM
I had given the Sand a little more reddish tone to bring it more in the US deserts from the whole atmosphere. In that colorsheme it looks absolutly great either, but brings more the feeling of a middle east desert.

Thanks for the comment - it would still be possible to give it more reddish tone with a thin wash or two, but it's Gamma World so anything goes :P
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 26.3.2016)
Post by: Constable Bertrand on March 28, 2016, 12:27:48 AM
Nice table!

I like the variety you have of open terrain and ruins.

I'd personally be tempted to add a few more ruined building tiles, or perhaps some middle eastern style buildings to provide a bit of variety and make the table a bit more multi use. Don't need to though. I'd suggest also some extra scatter LOS blockers too which can move based on the tiles you use.

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 26.3.2016)
Post by: WulframMors on March 28, 2016, 01:21:20 AM
American deserts have a good bit of variation, from red to tan, so I wouldn't be too worried about that.

Great board by the way, looks lovely to play on.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (Board WIP 26.3.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on April 15, 2016, 07:00:22 AM
Constable: thanks for the suggestions. I have a fishing boat and a building planned, but they'll come if/when I build four extra tiles I have in storage. I am against scatter terrain as I've thought this board does not include anything separate/removable :P

Allright... the next seven pieces completed:

Some details:

Ruined building (Marble blocks, plasticard), someone's lair...

These work together (not in the best possible manner) and separately.

I bought some Pegasus cacti (large) which I will add here and there when they arrive. The rest of the tiles are also not that far from completion.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (seven board pieces 15.4.2016)
Post by: Andym on April 15, 2016, 07:05:29 AM
That's a cracking table! :-* It's so full of character!
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (seven board pieces 15.4.2016)
Post by: Constable Bertrand on April 15, 2016, 10:03:58 PM
Very pretty colours shades tones, as expected :D And that is a perfect spot for a siesta, the couch just out of the atomic wind ;)

Very nice mate!

See how you go over a few games, but watch playability / LOS. If guns are a part of your rules you may find shooting happening from turn 1 which may lead to reduced tactics/sneaking.

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (seven board pieces 15.4.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on April 16, 2016, 02:32:03 PM
Thanks for the comments!

See how you go over a few games, but watch playability / LOS. If guns are a part of your rules you may find shooting happening from turn 1 which may lead to reduced tactics/sneaking.

I will keep this in mind. Some LOS issues can be handled by positioning the pieces so that LOS blockers are in the middle. The four hills and the building here can block LOS totally in some places: the tallest hill, the one in the upper right corner of the first pic, is about 5-6 cm over the surface and ruins etc. provide additional cover in the others. Also in every piece except the woods there's a place one can take LOS blocking cover when prone. But we'll see...
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/Post-apoc figures (seven board pieces 15.4.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on May 01, 2016, 09:16:57 AM
Hurrah, the board project is finished!

Well… there are some extra details I’d like to add, but for now this will do. Maybe I’ll find energy to do some extra work after a little break and some 28mm figures. There are a few waiting for this project :)


Thanks for everyone for their comments - I tried liquid latex for the rust effects again and other comments have also been useful. Gotta play some games on this and we'll see if modifications are needed. If there are any improvent ideas etc., they are all greatly appreciated. I can take better pictures of the details and tell some more about the techniques if someone wants it too. Next update will be something different :)
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Board Completed 1.5.2016)
Post by: Andym on May 01, 2016, 09:23:37 AM
LOVE IT!!!! :o Very inspirational!
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Board Completed 1.5.2016)
Post by: uti long smile on May 01, 2016, 09:36:41 AM
Fantastic set-up.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Board Completed 1.5.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on May 01, 2016, 07:45:11 PM
Thanks for the comments!

I personally think this is pretty conventional idea-wise as far as wastelands go, but I did not dare to try anything more fancy (like a huge boat-board etc.).

Here's a list of stuff by different manufacturers that were used in this project in case someone's interested (might miss one or two things):

4D Modelshop (some 1:50 furniture)
Ainsty Castings (resin cars, Utility unit)
Black Cat Bases (litter)   
Chinese aquarium plants (ebay)
Crooked Dice Miniatures (Van)
Decors Miniatures (Plastic furniture)
East Riding Miniatures (MDF Boards)
Fenris Games (resin bits via Hasslefree)
Future Warrior Bike   
GW Typhus Corrosion paint, Water effect
Pardulon Models (resin parts & scenery)
Pegasus Hobbies (palms, cacti)
Project Zeke (car wrecks, plastic bags)
Reaper Miniatures (Banjo, Bones container & reactor)
Sc Johnson’s stone & vinyl floor wax
Serious Play (palm trees & vegetation)
Static Grass      
Tabletop Arts (resin lids)   
Tamiya 1:48 Opel Blitz Tankwagen (bits)
Thomarillion (resin bits, lamps)
Vallejo (Sandy Paste, Pumice, Black Lava, paints, rust pigments, varnish)
Wasteman Miniatures (sofa & armchair)
Zinge Industries (resin bits)

Plastic Putty
Tree bark
Wood strips (hobby store)
Iron wire
Plasticard (Tiles, Corrugated, plain, strips)
MDF Window frames (I can check the company)
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Board Completed 1.5.2016)
Post by: clanmac on May 01, 2016, 07:59:21 PM
Superb looking board. Really excellent.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Board Completed 1.5.2016)
Post by: zizi666 on May 02, 2016, 06:30:21 AM
Awesome !!!
 :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Board Completed 1.5.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on May 05, 2016, 10:30:55 AM
Thanks for the comments on the board. I painted a therapy deer after so much terrain:

Foundry model, painted simply almost just drybrushing and thin washes.

EDIT: Some extra board pics:


Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (White Red Deer, Board 5.5.2016)
Post by: streetkern on May 10, 2016, 08:04:23 AM
Fantastic - the overall set up is brilliant especially the little details like the couches, cars and the swimming pool.

How do you store it all?
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (White Red Deer, Board 5.5.2016)
Post by: Michi on May 10, 2016, 08:12:19 AM
That´s a board to fall in love with!  :o
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (White Red Deer, Board 5.5.2016)
Post by: Silent Invader on May 10, 2016, 08:14:07 AM
What a great project! 8)  :-*
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (White Red Deer, Board 5.5.2016)
Post by: Mason on May 10, 2016, 08:54:17 AM
That is, without any doubt, a top board taken to a stunning finish.
 :-* :-* :-*

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (White Red Deer, Board 5.5.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on May 10, 2016, 12:56:21 PM
Thanks for the comments! I have some simple improvement ideas already... :P

How do you store it all?

I have six heavy cardboard boxes with "shelfs"/"racks", 60 cm x 32 cm x 31 cm each. Some of them take four, some  just three pieces. I planned the height of the pieces to go with this storage option - this is also one of the reasons for "low" terrain.


Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (White Red Deer, Board 5.5.2016)
Post by: Redmao on May 10, 2016, 03:01:27 PM
Wow, with such a setting you'll never get "bored".
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (White Red Deer, Board 5.5.2016)
Post by: zizi666 on May 10, 2016, 03:37:54 PM
Thanks for the comments! I have some simple improvement ideas already... :P

I have six heavy cardboard boxes with "shelfs"/"racks", 60 cm x 32 cm x 31 cm each. Some of them take four, some  just three pieces. I planned the height of the pieces to go with this storage option - this is also one of the reasons for "low" terrain.



Aren't you afraid your shelves might collapse? (just asking as I don't notice reinforcing strips on the sides underneath the boards)
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (White Red Deer, Board 5.5.2016)
Post by: uti long smile on May 10, 2016, 05:02:34 PM
That's very, very good. wonderfully modular.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (White Red Deer, Board 5.5.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on May 10, 2016, 07:38:49 PM
Aren't you afraid your shelves might collapse? (just asking as I don't notice reinforcing strips on the sides underneath the boards)

Good question, I am :P The shelves are attached/reinforced with "barbeque sticks" pushed inside the cardboard (thus not visible in the pic). There are four on each side. I am also afraid of mdf warping, but making the tiles from custom-cut acrylic boxes etc. would have been rather expensive (at least what I found).
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (White Red Deer, Board 5.5.2016)
Post by: Constable Bertrand on May 11, 2016, 11:42:34 PM
Brilliant, it has really come together really well  :-*  :-*  :-*  :-*

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (White Red Deer, Board 5.5.2016)
Post by: War In 15MM on May 12, 2016, 05:36:26 AM
Absolutely great stuff!
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (White Red Deer, Board 5.5.2016)
Post by: zizi666 on May 14, 2016, 06:25:02 AM
Good question, I am :P The shelves are attached/reinforced with "barbeque sticks" pushed inside the cardboard (thus not visible in the pic). There are four on each side. I am also afraid of mdf warping, but making the tiles from custom-cut acrylic boxes etc. would have been rather expensive (at least what I found).

If you have a hot glue gun, you could apply a strip of glue where the cardboard comes together (both glueing and reinforceing)
Or you could glue strips of these in your box and slide your boards directly on to them (no need for an extra cardboard) :
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (White Red Deer, Board 5.5.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on May 25, 2016, 06:07:46 AM
Thanks for the tip, zizi! Might do something like that to feel safer :) Thanks for the comments also.

Here is a TNT Caravanner Rocket Launcher guy (from LA miniatures "No Zone for Old Men"):'


This is for a warband I try to finish fast - there are some quick improvements (purple to the shadows, some "dirt" with brown") I'm considering, but I wanted to post this to show the direction I am heading + to learn some tips. Dunno if it looks too gritty. Base will get some grass.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Caravanner 25.5.2016)
Post by: Mr. Peabody on May 25, 2016, 06:20:03 AM
That looks mighty sharp!

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Caravanner 25.5.2016)
Post by: horridperson on May 25, 2016, 03:30:26 PM
Well done.  A really characterful model and and an excellent paintjob.  Once you add your grass and weathering should "bind" him to his base and setting.  Reallt looking forward to seeing the finish on this one!
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (White Red Deer, Board 5.5.2016)
Post by: zizi666 on May 25, 2016, 11:03:10 PM

"Stay behind me. Let the boomstick do the talking"  ;D

The details on that face  :o. He's definitly a winner.
He'd also make a fine commander for the Boomers in Fallout NV.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Caravanner 25.5.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on May 27, 2016, 06:23:03 AM
Thanks for the comments! I like the Rocket Guy figure myself, thus I finished him first :P

A second Caravanner, a crossbowman (Studio Miniatures Survivor):


This ended up looking even more clean than the previous guy - I think I'll do all the weathering at the same time when the warband is all painted... or not.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Crossbow 27.5.2016)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on May 27, 2016, 01:03:27 PM
Wow, super project!
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Crossbow 27.5.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on June 17, 2016, 09:23:22 PM
Thanks for the comment :)

Been doing other stuff lately, but managed to finish one more caravanner (Hasslefree figure):


Pretty basic stuff (and bad lighting). I use green colour in all figures to give the band some uniformity. I've also made some counters (about 100) for TNT that are in the bottom right corner of the pic. They're two-sided lacquered printer paper on 20 mm clear bases. There are also some commercial ones (jammed and wounded).
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Crossbow 27.5.2016)
Post by: Hupp n at em on June 20, 2016, 01:30:27 AM
Thanks for the comment :)

Been doing other stuff lately, but managed to finish one more caravanner (Hasslefree figure):


Pretty basic stuff (and bad lighting). I use green colour in all figures to give the band some uniformity. I've also made some counters (about 100) for TNT that are in the bottom right corner of the pic. They're two-sided lacquered printer paper on 20 mm clear bases. There are also some commercial ones (jammed and wounded).

This figure has popped up in a lot of people's Post Apoc collections and I had never really given thought to ordering it but ugh, your version is just lovely and may have just broken the camel's back.  :)
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Caravanner 17.6.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on June 20, 2016, 07:00:41 AM
Thanks for the comment! After posting this I painted the skirt in darker green as all the colours are rather light.

This figure has popped up in a lot of people's Post Apoc collections and I had never really given thought to ordering it but ugh, your version is just lovely and may have just broken the camel's back.  :)

I think the main selling point of this figure is that it looks rather modest and ordinary compared to most available female figures. At least I do not want every post-apocalyptic female figure to be some kind of leather-clad bimbo, That she's reloading the shotgun is a also nice touch.

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Caravanner 17.6.2016)
Post by: zizi666 on June 20, 2016, 09:10:14 AM
At least I do not want every post-apocalyptic female figure to be some kind of leather-clad bimbo, That she's reloading the shotgun is a also nice touch.

Then you must love these :

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Caravanner 17.6.2016)
Post by: Hupp n at em on June 20, 2016, 03:37:27 PM
Thanks for the comment! After posting this I painted the skirt in darker green as all the colours are rather light.

I think the main selling point of this figure is that it looks rather modest and ordinary compared to most available female figures. At least I do not want every post-apocalyptic female figure to be some kind of leather-clad bimbo, That she's reloading the shotgun is a also nice touch.

Yeah you're probably right, I very much try to avoid those kinds of figures.  lol
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Caravanner 17.6.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on June 22, 2016, 06:08:10 AM
Then you must love these :http://www.lead-adventure.com/images/pa_09.jpg

Those are a bit too cartoonish! Ok the one of the left is funny, especially for an apache-themed warband... :P

The next lady, a leather-clad bimbo!


Could return to colour saturation and a few edges, with Hasslefree figures one always gets a feeling that one should put in more effort.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Crossbow 27.5.2016)
Post by: Sinewgrab on June 22, 2016, 07:27:23 AM
This figure has popped up in a lot of people's Post Apoc collections and I had never really given thought to ordering it but ugh, your version is just lovely and may have just broken the camel's back.  :)

I love this figure, myself.

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Caravanner 17.6.2016)
Post by: Earther on June 22, 2016, 09:50:10 AM
The next lady, a leather-clad bimbo!


Could return to colour saturation and a few edges, with Hasslefree figures one always gets a feeling that one should put in more effort.

Love it! She's absolutely great.  :-*
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Leather-clad bimbo 22.6.2016)
Post by: phreedh on June 22, 2016, 09:51:07 AM
What a lovely thread! Fantastic paint jobs, and what a table! Impressive!  :-*
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Caravanner 17.6.2016)
Post by: zizi666 on June 22, 2016, 11:07:47 AM
Love it! She's absolutely great.  :-*

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Leather-clad bimbo 22.6.2016)
Post by: basaint on June 27, 2016, 11:09:37 PM
Cool painting on the NOTfuriosa :)
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Leather-clad bimbo 22.6.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on June 28, 2016, 07:04:43 AM
Thanks for the comments! And special greetings to phreed whom I remember from Oldhammer forum :)

Cool painting on the NOTfuriosa :)

I don't know who or what is "Furiosa". Got to google :P

I was travelling for a couple of days, but now the next Caravanner is ready:

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Bow Bimbo 28.6.2016)
Post by: zizi666 on June 29, 2016, 06:09:24 AM
Looks like another winner to me.
Love the toned down colors on your figs.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Bow Bimbo 28.6.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on July 13, 2016, 09:19:04 PM
Thanks for the comment, zizi :)

I've been working on a small diorama (still little WIP). Not strictly post-apoc, but I guess will go. Any comments appreciated. Need better pics, though:
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Little diorama 13.7.2016)
Post by: beefcake on July 14, 2016, 05:41:50 AM
Great job on the diorama. My eyes are glued to those shadows. Well painted!
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Little diorama 13.7.2016)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on July 14, 2016, 06:39:42 AM
:D  Awesome!
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Little diorama 13.7.2016)
Post by: Michi on July 14, 2016, 08:54:18 AM
Brilliant! Kurgan and McLeod in their final battle - couldn´t be better!!!
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Little diorama 13.7.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on July 24, 2016, 04:57:40 AM
Thanks for the comments! I'll do a little more shading to the floor, but otherwise that'll do.

Meanwhile I painted some Critters for a demoish setting I'm running at a convention:

Giant Scorpion (Thomarillion) and Giant Tick (Reaper Bones):

Giant Rats (Ral Partha):

Little Medbot (Black Cat Bases):

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Critters and bot 24.7.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on July 27, 2016, 04:50:06 AM
I made some small additions to the Board (If I leave these into cupboard I'll forget them :P).

Mantic Truck - added to an existing empty piece:

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Board additions 27.7.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on August 04, 2016, 06:50:30 PM
Some almost genuine Gamma World for a change! It's a Cren Tosh!


For those few who are not familiar with this creature: it's a lizard fish capable of telekinetic flight. It can also shapechange itself into any lizard. It prefers to be a fish, though.

Simple paintjob, tree is of the wire type. Model is from Reaper aquatic familiars. Exact lookalike was hard to come by, go figure.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Cren Tosh 4.8.2016)
Post by: Bullshott on August 04, 2016, 10:11:40 PM
Another great thread that I've missed until now. Keep up the good work :)
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Cren Tosh 4.8.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on August 08, 2016, 09:25:24 PM
Keep up the good work :)

Thanks for the encouragement, been feeling a little tired painting the same style lately. I finished another Reaper fish (Herkel, probably :P) and a simple pig (Redoubt):

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Pig and another Fish 8.8.2016)
Post by: Hobby Services on August 08, 2016, 09:52:57 PM
For those few who are not familiar with this creature: it's a lizard fish capable of telekinetic flight. It can also shapechange itself into any lizard. It prefers to be a fish, though.

Well of course it does.  Who wouldn't prefer to be a fish?

Lovely work, makes me very nostalgic for my high school Gamma World campaign.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Pig and another Fish 8.8.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on August 09, 2016, 06:44:30 AM
Who wouldn't prefer to be a fish?


Lovely work, makes me very nostalgic for my high school Gamma World campaign.

Thanks... this feels nostalgic to me too. It's kind of silly to work on a Yexil conversion when the whole system is kind of obsolete, but no can do :)
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Pig and another Fish 8.8.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on August 16, 2016, 03:59:01 AM
Dabber on the right and Serf on the left:


Bombshell Miniatures Sidekicks had a figure that was perfect Gamma Word Dabber - they're small raccoon men... "Serf" figure was sold as a "Nazi Vampire". I hastily slapped a rifle to the other hand so that it can be used in TNT as a mutant. Figure is not that great as such, but was the best lookalike I could come up with at this time. http://gammaworld.wikia.com/wiki/Serf

I'll add some grass to the bases when I have finished a bigger bunch of figures. Next I'll try to finish the caravanners...
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Dabber and Serf 16.8.2016)
Post by: Mason on August 16, 2016, 08:54:22 AM
I have no idea concerning the background to your setting but I do have to say that I really like your painting style, and the basing work so far is excellent.

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Dabber and Serf 16.8.2016)
Post by: The Dozing Dragon on August 16, 2016, 09:08:24 AM
Somehow missed this thread! Lovely work.

Edit....just been through the thread and am VERY impressed!
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Dabber and Serf 16.8.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on August 16, 2016, 01:35:47 PM
I have no idea concerning the background to your setting but I do have to say that I really like your painting style, and the basing work so far is excellent.

Well the setting I'm using might get confusing at times... basically I am doing Gamma World 3rd edition RPG stuff overlapping with This is Not a Test (TNT) skirmish game rules :) The idea was originally to just get miniatures for my playgroup's Gamma World characters, but then I figured out there might be a miniature game with mutants somewhere. And then it escalated... some stuff here is/will be just for fun (representations of Gamma World creatures) and some has been collected and painted with TNT in mind (warbands).

In case someone is interested in the Gamma World setting, someone has written a nice article about it: http://www.headinjurytheater.com/gammaworld.htm

It's nice to learn that you like the painting. I've purposedly tried to use light colours and colour/dark washes in these, before I've mostly painted with more saturated colours.

Somehow missed this thread! Lovely work.

Thanks :)
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Dabber and Serf 16.8.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on September 04, 2016, 01:37:56 PM
Finished five "caravanners" - Four Hasslefree and one Studio Miniatures (Crossbow):


Whole Caravanner Warband:


Bases for the last five will get some grass.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Five Caravanners 4.9.2016)
Post by: Mason on September 04, 2016, 05:55:13 PM
Lovely subtle palette on those figures.
Very nice indeed.
 :-* :-*

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Five Caravanners 4.9.2016)
Post by: Muzfish4 on September 06, 2016, 11:53:39 AM
Indeed - this group look the part totally.  Even Fire Chief McY-Fronts fits in well which is a huge achievement as such a miniature with a different paint job could  easily draw attention away from the rest of the crew.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Five Caravanners 4.9.2016)
Post by: Andym on September 07, 2016, 06:32:20 AM
Brilliant! The pattern in the the guy first on the left is particularly well done! :-*
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Five Caravanners 4.9.2016)
Post by: uti long smile on September 08, 2016, 11:35:05 PM
Wow. They're superb.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Five Caravanners 4.9.2016)
Post by: clanmac on September 10, 2016, 01:33:25 PM
These are beautifully done. Love that chequered shirt.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Five Caravanners 4.9.2016)
Post by: Constable Bertrand on September 15, 2016, 12:23:47 PM
Stunning warband paintwork  :-*  :-*, and nice selection of figures  8)

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Five Caravanners 4.9.2016)
Post by: Espritfigs on September 15, 2016, 12:38:17 PM
great job ... I love the fish !!!!
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Five Caravanners 4.9.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on October 01, 2016, 06:54:09 AM
Thanks for the comments! "Fire Chief McY-Fronts" is really not that nice figure but it has good gear ruleswise :P

I switched to mass production and completed a "Tribal" warband for TNT. I used Gamma World Archivists as inspiration (a group that collects artifacts but rarely uses them - tribals are poor in TNT):


Robed human figures are old "Brotherhood" figures from West Wind's "Vampire Wars" -range. The "priest" is from the same range but from different pack. I cut most weapons off from their hands and put something else there (various manufacturers). Dogs are "Karmanthi Demons" from Dark Eye/Ral Partha.

The figures are not that great, but they were cheap and easy to convert. The selection was also good (12 different guys). WW produces new, more expensive and much better Brotherhood range, but I did not want to spend on that this time.

I was going to paint an archivist symbol to every figure but did not have enthusiasm to do it in the end... grass is also not there yet.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Tribal Warband 1.10.2016)
Post by: Mason on October 01, 2016, 09:04:54 AM
Love the colour scheme and those dogs are great, not seen them before.
 :-* :-*

Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Tribal Warband 1.10.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on October 02, 2016, 08:15:22 AM
Thanks for the comment, Mason! I found the dogs when searching for mutants and various animals - Ral Partha really has a lot of interesting stuff.

I pondered about the things I still intend to paint for this project: there are still four warbands (Reclaimers, Peacekeepers, Raiders, another Mutant warband), a caravan, freelancers/universal stuff like power armour guys and 40 zombies in the queue for TNT. For Gamma World/TNT there are some creatures and monsters... We'll see if I get everything done by summer :P
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Tribal Warband 1.10.2016)
Post by: Brummie Thug on October 02, 2016, 08:36:35 AM
These all look fantastic. Saw you post them up on the TNT FB Group. Great thread.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Tribal Warband 1.10.2016)
Post by: beefcake on October 02, 2016, 10:44:42 AM
What a great variety of stuff here. Love the new additions. All painted superbly.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Tribal Warband 1.10.2016)
Post by: Hupp n at em on October 03, 2016, 07:48:55 PM
The figures are not that great, but they were cheap and easy to convert.

Maybe it's your painting but I thought the figs looked pretty good!  lol
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Tribal Warband 1.10.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on October 09, 2016, 03:41:20 PM
Thanks for the comments again. This time I have only a single figure and a little sneak peek for the stuff to come:

"Massive Mutant" by Mad Puppet Miniatures:


Painted this mostly with glazes over white undercoat - the shades are a bit darker/deeper in natural light, but this is still pretty white. Might use some colour to spice things up if I come up with an idea, but might be I leave this as is. The upper right corner pic has some stuff (for scale and sneak peek) .
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Massive Mutant 9.10.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on October 13, 2016, 06:00:36 PM
"Mortimer", Four A Miniatures:


Shotgun is an addition (Reaper Miniatures). Not a perfect match, but will do. Painted in similar style as the previous guy. Could add some violet/red perhaps.
Title: Re: My Gamma World Mutants/TNT Post-apoc figures (Mortimer 13.10.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on November 05, 2016, 05:28:34 PM
Three Lead Adventure Miniatures human types with minor skin problems/mutations finished:


These were painted for a painting challenge on a Finnish miniature forum - the "November painting challenge" is to paint a set of three figures each week in thematic style. Theme is chosen randomly from a list and you have six pre-selected sets (and one joker) to choose from in the beginning. The first theme was barren/bleak which felt a bit easy for this post-apoc setting stuff I'm working on.

We'll see what comes up next (and if I have time to paint three figures per week... although I chose relatively simple stuff). These were pretty straightforward and finished in advance :P These are to be used as hillbilly survivors/settlers/slightly mutated persons in TNT setting.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Three LAM mutants-humans 5.11.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on November 13, 2016, 09:30:27 AM
West Wind Road Kill Rednecks/Militia (to be used as reclaimers in TNT):


Figures were cheap and the quality matches the price. Not that fun to paint although they're kind of cute as sculpts. The theme was "triad" and I went with classic RBY :P
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (West Wind Rednecks 13.11.2016)
Post by: clanmac on November 13, 2016, 12:34:50 PM
Those rednecks are ace - wonderfully subtle style.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (West Wind Rednecks 13.11.2016)
Post by: Argonor on November 14, 2016, 03:08:26 AM
Fantastic stuff! :)
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (West Wind Rednecks 13.11.2016)
Post by: horridperson on November 15, 2016, 09:34:51 AM
Awesome stuff all around.  The paint must glide off of your brush; So smooth.  If those Brotherhood are cheap you did wonders with them.  I think I like those dog/karmanthi demons best; Something about your painting style that makes their coats appear so lifelike.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (West Wind Rednecks 13.11.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on November 20, 2016, 03:25:47 PM
Awesome stuff all around.

Thanks for the kind comments!

This week I finished a Badder (Off the Wall Armies Badger), Ark (Dark Eye-Ral Partha Wolfman) and Hoop (Interloper Miniatures) for Gamma World :P


Hoops are human-sized rabbits that can turn everything into rubber. 'Nuff said...

EDIT: Badger manufacturer
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Gamma World Humanoids 20.11.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on November 26, 2016, 05:56:05 AM
Some little thingies:


The figures from left to right are 1) freebie from Twilight Miniatures, 2) CP Models Fishman and 3)CP Models Grey. This weeks theme of the November painting challenge I took part was "changed/weird" and I just took the easiest three-figure set I had left. The pic is not the best and I was kind of tired (I should have come up with some kind of idea for the fishman's cloak), but I'm still happy that I managed to finish the challenge. There might be an use for these in Gamma World/This is Not a Test too.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Little creatures 26.11.2016)
Post by: Papa troll on November 26, 2016, 10:24:27 AM
Great and curious. Wonderfull collection!
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Little creatures 26.11.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on December 12, 2016, 07:11:54 AM
Thanks for the comments again :)

Finished ”Reclaimer” rank and file for This is Not a Test. These could be called something like ”Rust Belt Reavers” – they have found a stash full of old clothing suitable for a group that seeks to rebuild pre- apocalyptic civilization.


This warband still needs a couple of robots and armoured guys. These are a bit more quickly painted, colourful and cartoony than some other stuff I’ve done – I blame the November painting challenge on the Finnish forum as it dictated the first three guys here :P
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Six TNT Reclaimers 12.12.2016)
Post by: Dr Mathias on December 14, 2016, 07:33:24 PM
Excellent! The 'cartoony' look is largely because of the color scheme but it makes sense and ties the different manufacturers together really well. I like this group quite a bit, very cool.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Six TNT Reclaimers 12.12.2016)
Post by: uti long smile on December 14, 2016, 10:12:36 PM
Love this thread.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Six TNT Reclaimers 12.12.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on December 19, 2016, 08:20:21 PM
Excellent! The 'cartoony' look is largely because of the color scheme but it makes sense and ties the different manufacturers together really well. I like this group quite a bit, very cool.

I kind of like it myself, reminds me of old Citadel days... thanks for the comment (uti too :))

Painted two simple mutants - Ral Partha/Iron Wind "Roach Spirit" and Heresy "Wereturtle". These can be used in TNT as feral mutants or something. Turtle might get a gun and there are some little things I might touch, but otherwise these are ready to go.


Shades are actually little darker, but my light is acting up again :P

Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Roach Spirit and Wereturtle 19.12.2016)
Post by: Mason on December 19, 2016, 09:03:27 PM
Love this thread.

Me too!

Another great update.
Loving those Reavers and the muties look great, especially the Roach fella.
I tend to spend ages checking out your basing work, too.
 :-* :-*

Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Roach Spirit and Wereturtle 19.12.2016)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on December 20, 2016, 07:36:06 AM
Me three.  It's a real inspiration-train of awesomeness!!!
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Roach Spirit and Wereturtle 19.12.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on December 20, 2016, 12:14:26 PM
Love is in the air...

Thanks for the nice words. Keeps me going in times of... well... erm...

I tend to spend ages checking out your basing work, too.

This is interesting. Almost all bases for this project are already built and painted with earth tones (figures attached, I paint the little details along with the figure). I've mass-produced them in a couple of batches by attaching random bits, bark etc. and then covering them with Sandy paste and sand.

Me three.  It's a real inspiration-train of awesomeness!!!

I'm glad to learn this! I've mostly used commercially available stuff and sometimes I just wish I had more time to build/convert stuff like the bow on the first page (well I could do that, but then I'd have finished much less stuff). 

Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Roach Spirit and Wereturtle 19.12.2016)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on December 20, 2016, 07:37:47 PM
I'm in the same boat, I dont have as much time as I'd like to convert.  So I mostly go straight commercially bought.  However, your ability to mix ranges in such a fluid way...the minis all look like they belong together, is really great. 
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Roach Spirit and Wereturtle 19.12.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on December 25, 2016, 08:32:20 PM
However, your ability to mix ranges in such a fluid way...the minis all look like they belong together, is really great.  

I've been able to cherry-pick from different lines :P

Here's an old VOID Tactical Teratosynth. It will be used as TNT Reclaimer (the previous warband, Rust Belt Reavers) Wreck-it-Bot.


Could, perhaps, use some more dirt/shades, but will do for now. Lots of stuff to finish for this project :)
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Tactical Teratosynth 25.12.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on December 29, 2016, 06:43:17 AM
I (relatively) quickly finished three big mutants that had been waiting on my table. These are usable as big mutants/abominations in TNT. The guy on the right is solid metal, pretty hefty and thus also usable as paper weight.

The figs from the front (Attica Games Miniatures "Slithereen Brother", Fenris "Son of Yog-sot-hoth" and Wasteman "Cherub":


Backside and some extra pictures (with Hasslefree figure for scale):

Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Three Big Mutants 29.12.2016)
Post by: Dr Mathias on December 31, 2016, 03:45:55 PM
Ghastly looking. I love 'em.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Three Big Mutants 29.12.2016)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on January 04, 2017, 04:19:33 PM
Ghastly looking. I love 'em.

Thanks! I was thinking they might be a bit pale - the reddish shades a deeper in better lighting, but the skin tones are still on the "white man's burden" category.

The first model of the year is finished - A Blight for Gamma World!


The figure is RAFM Hunting Horror. A bit big, but will do. Blight as such is a three-meter long flying worm that reflects light and is thus able to attack unseen... I tried to get some kind of effect simulating this by using metallic paints and subtle shades without using too much time. There has been an official model for this (original Grenadier Gamma World range)...

Link (3rd edition contains a slightly different description): http://gammaworld.wikia.com/wiki/Blight
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Blight - Gamma World - 4.1.2017)
Post by: uti long smile on January 04, 2017, 10:28:01 PM
Great additions!
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Blight - Gamma World - 4.1.2017)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on January 08, 2017, 05:42:40 AM
Redoubt Sheep and Mirliton Fungoid finished:


I'll paint a Raider Warband for TNT next. If everything goes smoothly it seems I could finish this wasteland project by the end of 2017 :P
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Sheep and Fungoid 8.1.2017)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on January 24, 2017, 08:36:10 PM
Raider Girls finished - for TNT.

Brought to me and you by Copplestone, Crooked Dice, Lead Adventure, Excalibur and Hasslefree:


Crooked Dice girl's armour could perhaps use a little rust or something to make it more lively. There are some other tweaks I could do too, but there are eight more types for the Raider Warband waiting.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Five Raider Girls 24.1.2017)
Post by: Dr Mathias on January 24, 2017, 08:57:15 PM
Wow, I love the way your painting ties all those different manufacturers together.  :-*
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Five Raider Girls 24.1.2017)
Post by: RedGobbo on January 25, 2017, 08:20:52 AM
Great paint job as always. I love your wasteland bases, what is your recipe for them, what colors do you use?
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Five Raider Girls 24.1.2017)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on January 25, 2017, 09:37:56 AM
Wow, I love the way your painting ties all those different manufacturers together.  :-*

Thanks! These figures are differently proportioned but I think they go together all rigth. Excalibur Amazon has a bit too big head and Copplestone's sculpting style is rather original to my eye from group coherency point of view, but I tried to select thematically similar and sensibly equiped (game-wise) figures. Also.. this project is not-so-serious Post Apocalypse :)

Great paint job as always. I love your wasteland bases, what is your recipe for them, what colors do you use?

Thank you for the comment too. I have a feeling that I've painted a bit much in this (same) style, but I'll try to finish this project this year...

The bases are painted by hand with
1) thin white primer (keeps the sand in place)
2) unbleached titanium (light brown-white, "bonewhite" etc.) or just white - not that big deal
3) white drybrush

4) After this I've used three washes (order has varied)
Very thin wash of something brown
Very thin wash of umber shade, Army painter Soft Tone or something
Very thin wash of Sepia Ink etc.

One or two of these have been thinned with SC Johnson's, others with water/thinner

5) Some Soft Tone/ Strong Tone/ Dark Tone Ink to places that look too light, some Brown Ink near places with rusty metal.

Looks complicated... So it's basically white + a few thin washes :)

With this project I painted the earth to the bases first and in batches - so it was mass production. I finish the details (rusty metals, mushrooms etc.) when I paint the model.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Five Raider Girls 24.1.2017)
Post by: RedGobbo on January 25, 2017, 07:09:46 PM

The bases are painted by hand with
1) thin white primer (keeps the sand in place)
2) unbleached titanium (light brown-white, "bonewhite" etc.) or just white - not that big deal
3) white drybrush

4) After this I've used three washes (order has varied)
Very thin wash of something brown
Very thin wash of umber shade, Army painter Soft Tone or something
Very thin wash of Sepia Ink etc.

One or two of these have been thinned with SC Johnson's, others with water/thinner

5) Some Soft Tone/ Strong Tone/ Dark Tone Ink to places that look too light, some Brown Ink near places with rusty metal.

Looks complicated... So it's basically white + a few thin washes :)

With this project I painted the earth to the bases first and in batches - so it was mass production. I finish the details (rusty metals, mushrooms etc.) when I paint the model.

Thanks a lot, I will definitelly try this technique although each time I'am trying to use washes things go south very fast  :D.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Five Raider Girls 24.1.2017)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on February 12, 2017, 03:01:56 PM
Extra terrain piece finished:


This was a bit difficult... I built the tower twice (first version was round but it was too heavy and the texture was problematic) and somehow I ran out of ideas as I just wanted to have something tall on my board (my other buildings are two floors tops). I could maybe add a bird's nest and droppings to the top and maybe a little tech-debris, but this will do for now.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Extra board piece 12.2.2017)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on February 21, 2017, 11:12:40 AM
Board in action! :P

TNT practice game with just 6 regular guys each side (Caravanners vs Mutants). I was planning to take better pictures next day, but it was very dark and rainy…

Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Extra board piece 12.2.2017)
Post by: Andym on February 21, 2017, 02:54:29 PM
That's a great addition to your board! :-* It now looks like the Vietnam set of Full Metal Jacket.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Extra board piece 12.2.2017)
Post by: Earther on February 21, 2017, 03:44:40 PM
Love it!  :-*
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Extra board piece 12.2.2017)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on February 23, 2017, 06:28:30 AM
That's a great addition to your board! :-* It now looks like the Vietnam set of Full Metal Jacket.

Thanks for the comments! I was wondering whether the structure is too tall, but I think it worked all right.

Full Metal Jacket comparison is spot-om :P That did not cross my mind when I was building the tower.

Someone said this set looks like "Fountain of Dreams" game (palms and ruins). Now I'm planning to paint a TNT gang of Killer Klowns and building a terrain piece containing a fountain...
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Extra board piece 12.2.2017)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on February 25, 2017, 05:58:41 PM
Caravan for TNT - Copplestone Baggage Yaks (3) and Dark Eye Mule. Nothing fancy, but it's nice to have these instead of proxies.


Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Caravan 25.2.2017)
Post by: dinohunterpoa on February 25, 2017, 06:44:54 PM

pahvivalmiste, great work on the girls, your painting scheme really ties them up together like a sisterhood of battle-hardened road warriors, CONGRATULATIONS!

I liked very much your caravan as well! I've used those Copplestone yaks in my own PA setting for some time - until I replaced them with dinosaurs - because every game is better with dinosaurs IMHO! ;)

Keep going and showing us that inspiring stuff of yours! :)
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Caravan 25.2.2017)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on February 28, 2017, 04:30:38 PM
Vor Neo-Soviet Power Armour (sold by Ral Partha/ Iron Wind Metals):


I kind of like this model as it has certain character... there are some issues with the sculpt, but I think it works. I painted some sort of camo pattern to the suit, dunno if it's too light. Assault rifle might look better with some other colour than dark green (I'll repaint those parts if I feel like it, so probably not :P).

I've used those Copplestone yaks in my own PA setting for some time - until I replaced them with dinosaurs - because every game is better with dinosaurs IMHO! ;)

Keep going and showing us that inspiring stuff of yours! :)

Thanks for the comment. I'm not that convinced about dinosaurs, but these yaks were practical as well as relatively cheap and cheerful :)
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Vor Power Armour 28.2.2017)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on March 09, 2017, 06:49:17 PM
Killer Clowns!


These figures are made by Moonfleet Miniatures (available via Black Cat Bases). There are at least five more clowns to come so I can make a TNT warband (Raiders or Caravanners or...). The idea came when someone said my terrain reminds him of "Fountain of Dreams" PC game. Clowns were the main villains in that one, set in post-apocalyptic Florida (never played it).

Not that beautiful figures, paintjob a bit rushed, but will do. These ain't that serious :)
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Killer Clowns 9.3.2017)
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on March 09, 2017, 06:52:04 PM
What a scary bunch. Well done.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Vor Power Armour 28.2.2017)
Post by: Grimmnar on March 14, 2017, 05:15:28 AM
Killer Clowns!
Shoot them in the nose, in the nose!

Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Killer Clowns 9.3.2017)
Post by: joshuaslater on March 14, 2017, 02:44:44 PM
Keep rockin' Heikki!
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Killer Clowns 9.3.2017)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on March 23, 2017, 07:33:15 AM
Thanks for the comments :)

Keep rockin' Heikki!

I'll try, but no need to call me names :P

Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Killer Clowns 9.3.2017)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on August 31, 2017, 10:52:59 AM
Hello, long time no see.

I decided to continue this thread even though most of the pics are not linked anymore. I updated some strategic ones along the thread and go on from here, maybe fixing stuff later.

Here is the new stuff I've done:

Mutants CP Models and Brother Vinni:


Hasslefree Mutant Grant:


Demonblade Mutant:


Wasteland DJ - Copplestone Rocker


Almost all mutants I have done:


Some other stuff:

Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (New stuff 31.8.2017)
Post by: pocoloco on August 31, 2017, 11:39:06 AM
Awesome group pic!  8)

I guess one can't ever have enough mutants?  :D
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (New stuff 31.8.2017)
Post by: dinohunterpoa on September 01, 2017, 04:28:45 AM

AH...WEH...SSOME!!!  :-*
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (New stuff 31.8.2017)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on September 01, 2017, 06:45:03 AM
Thanks for the comments :)

I guess one can't ever have enough mutants?  :D

True to an extent - mutants were the reason I started this project :) I still have some humanoids left to paint and then some plants... and there are some Mutants from Brigade Games and Rebel Minis that I've considered, but they're U.S. based and I don't fancy paying the postage. And then there are some smaller manufacturers, various pieces in various ranges and also some old and new Judge Dredd stuff that would work here...
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (New stuff 31.8.2017)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on September 02, 2017, 08:24:07 AM
Depend-o-Bot, "official" TNT miniature (World's End Publishing):

Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Bot 2.9.2017)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on September 11, 2017, 06:40:39 AM
More mutants:


Harlequin Miniatures Babylon 5 Soul hunter will work as a psyker. Not necessarily the best model stylistically, but will do. The other guy on the right is CP Models Doppelganger with added samurai sword and pistol.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Mutants... 11.9.2017)
Post by: pocoloco on September 12, 2017, 07:46:09 PM
That doppelganger is quite sinister looking fellow. Nice additions those weapons that you gave him/her/it.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Mutants... 11.9.2017)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on October 01, 2017, 09:03:19 PM
I like the Doppelganger too...

Seven (or six, plus strongman) Killer Clowns finished!

Left to right - 4 x Black Cat Bases, Gringo 40's, CP Models, Black Hat


The whole band:


TNT Demo game at the club... I'll try to get a campaign started after Christmas. Before that I try to finish some zombies etc.

Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Killer Clowns 1.10.2017)
Post by: Andym on October 02, 2017, 06:29:20 AM
I’ll say it again, that table is awesome! :o

I love the thought that even after a world apocalyptic disease has nearly wiped everyone out and turned them into brain-munching zombies, that people in your world still want to dress up as clowns! lol
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Killer Clowns 1.10.2017)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on January 14, 2018, 10:03:05 PM
Antediluvian Miniatures Iguanodon, which will work both as young Kamodos for Gamma World and Landsnapper for TNT. I have 30+ zombies in the queue, after those we can start the campaign (in march hopefully).


I considered Forge World Magma Dragon, which in my opinion would have been a better match for Kamodos (without wings), but the work involved in sculpting (hiding the wing holes), size (too big for Landsnapper) and price tag made this one win in the end. The scales were a bit crudely detailed, but otherwise this model is nice IMO.

Adult Kamodos would be 30 cm high and about 90 cm long in 28mm scale... :P
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Landsnapper/ GW Kamodos 15.1.2018)
Post by: Terry37 on January 15, 2018, 03:12:21 AM
Very interesting figures you have done. Some of them remind me of the creatures in Nicholas Smith's Extinction Series.

Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Landsnapper/ GW Kamodos 15.1.2018)
Post by: uti long smile on January 15, 2018, 12:54:19 PM
I do so love this thread!
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Landsnapper/ GW Kamodos 15.1.2018)
Post by: clanmac on January 15, 2018, 01:29:13 PM
Lovely paint job in the Kamados. :-* :-*
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Landsnapper/ GW Kamodos 15.1.2018)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on January 21, 2018, 11:54:08 AM
Thanks for the comments - they always make one smile.

I did not finish the Zombies, I painted an old Copplestone Future Warrior car instead:


A while ago there was talk about Kickstarter expansion including cars and enlarging the board size to 6x4 in This is Not a Test. So I've started working on a couple of additional board pieces (one with bus stop is here, built but not painted) and I also bought some cars... This was a bit of an experiment with metal medium and turquoise. So nothing too fancy, but serviceable. I am not sure if I should put these on bases to differentiate from scenic elements.

I do so love this thread!

I might order that old Pardulon buggy if it becomes available, along with some plant creatures ;)
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Future Warrior Gang Car 21.1.2018)
Post by: Brummie Thug on January 21, 2018, 08:18:27 PM
Fantastic thread. Keep up the excellent work.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Landsnapper/ GW Kamodos 15.1.2018)
Post by: uti long smile on January 21, 2018, 09:15:13 PM
I might order that old Pardulon buggy if it becomes available, along with some plant creatures ;)

Cheers! The Fungoids are out now, buggies in April I hope. A few more scratchbuilding bits out this month too.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Landsnapper/ GW Kamodos 15.1.2018)
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on January 22, 2018, 09:43:57 AM
Cheers! The Fungoids are out now, buggies in April I hope. A few more scratchbuilding bits out this month too.

Cool (just found a picture of one, probably work as an FAV). Not wanting to derail the thread but when do you start tempting us with your vehicle range?
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Future Warrior Gang Car 21.1.2018)
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on January 22, 2018, 09:44:45 AM
Nice job on the car and the Iguanadon gets a "thumbs up" (boom... Tish!).
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (Future Warrior Gang Car 21.1.2018)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on February 11, 2018, 12:15:22 PM
Greater Gnash Worm and some normal Gnash Worms for TNT (Alternative Armies Sandworms):


I realized I have only a few encounters for TNT and got & painted these quickly. Not that spectacular models, but have and serve their purpose... I think.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Gnash Worms 12.2.2018)
Post by: beefcake on February 12, 2018, 07:57:38 AM
Nice to see some of my sculpts painted up. No not spectacular, You've done a good job with them though. :)
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Gnash Worms 12.2.2018)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on February 12, 2018, 09:15:01 AM
Nice to see some of my sculpts painted up. No not spectacular, You've done a good job with them though. :)

Thanks for the comment - you've done a fine job with them, my comment was not meant to be overtly critical towards sculpting! I kind of tried to express that they are relatively simple, representative models and fine as such. I suppose that has also been the design philosophy. There were some problems/inconsistencies with edges in details as well as some mould line issues, but I really do like them :)
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Gnash Worms 12.2.2018)
Post by: AngusH on February 12, 2018, 10:36:31 AM
Saw these on the TNT FB page - love them! I've got the Reaper worm already for my Gnash worm, but I'm thinking about these guys for the 'Worms of the Wastes' scenario from the Kickstart the Wastelands PDF.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Gnash Worms 12.2.2018)
Post by: beefcake on February 12, 2018, 06:00:51 PM
 :) even if it is critical I'm one to use it to improve things rather than throw my toys. Apparently alternative armies tell me it has already gone through  one set of molds within a couple of weeks of release. Thanks for the words.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc figures (TNT Gnash Worms 12.2.2018)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on March 03, 2018, 03:26:30 PM
I painted some old Judge Dredd Muties/Perps for a nostalgia feeling... and for a(nother) mutant warband :)

Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc (GW Judge Dredd Perps/Muties 3.3.2018)
Post by: uti long smile on March 04, 2018, 09:26:21 AM
Lovely stuff!
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc (GW Judge Dredd Perps/Muties 3.3.2018)
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on March 04, 2018, 07:59:48 PM
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc (GW Judge Dredd Perps/Muties 3.3.2018)
Post by: Mason on March 04, 2018, 08:26:20 PM
Lovely brushwork, as usual.
You have really nailed your style.
 :-* 8)

The only down side is the fact that I now feel the need to trawl ebay for some old JD figures......
 >:D ;)

Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc (GW Judge Dredd Perps/Muties 3.3.2018)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on March 05, 2018, 07:18:17 AM
Thanks for the comments!

You have really nailed your style.

The only down side is the fact that I now feel the need to trawl ebay for some old JD figures......
 >:D ;)

Sometimes I feel this style could be more colourful, but I think I'll leave colour experiments to other projects...

Luckily I ebayed the old stuff I "need" already before publishing these :D
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc (GW Judge Dredd Perps/Muties 3.3.2018)
Post by: Constable Bertrand on March 10, 2018, 09:41:39 AM
OOh i like the sandy colours of your colour palette. 8) 8)

I like the worms and JD muties,  :-* they have the mix of' nasty' and 'silly' just right for tabletop gaming.

Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc (GW Judge Dredd Perps/Muties 3.3.2018)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on August 09, 2018, 05:31:58 AM
I've been a bit lazy painting lately, but I finally got a TNT campaign group together at the local wargames club! Thus I painted a couple of "Creature Hazards" to use with the scenarios.

Three Heresy Waspquitos ("Big Skeeters"):


Reaper Bones Dragon Plant ("Fungal Crawler") and three TNT rats:

Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc (TNT Critters 9.8.2018)
Post by: Dr Mathias on August 12, 2018, 04:06:52 AM
I love that last group of critters, very interesting.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc (TNT Critters 9.8.2018)
Post by: Andym on August 12, 2018, 09:31:23 AM
Brilliant! The Wasps are great! :-*
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc (TNT Critters 9.8.2018)
Post by: pahvivalmiste on August 20, 2018, 08:48:36 PM
TNT Campaign starts tomorrow and I managed to finish my warband by a wide time margin...

"Psychic Lord" (Celtos Amanthas with shirt on):


Banner Bearer (Celtos Fomorian Shaman - Staff replaced with standard):


I tried my best to make these fantasy figures to work in a post-apocalyptic gonzo setting :D

My starting Warband:


Brilliant! The Wasps are great! :-*

I love that last group of critters, very interesting.

Thanks for the comments! Painting the wasps was a really frustrating - e.g. the pledge-thinned dark tone used for shadows stuck to the wrong end of the wings even when I dried the models upside down :)
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc (TNT Celtos conversions 20.8.2018)
Post by: clanmac on August 20, 2018, 11:43:29 PM
That war band is awesome - great combination of miniatures.
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc (TNT Celtos conversions 20.8.2018)
Post by: Mason on August 21, 2018, 12:45:19 AM
Some lovely new additions to the project, that weird warband looks great!
 :-* :-*

I am loving those Celtos creations too as I have the same 'need' to convert something when I see it.
 8) :D

Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc (TNT Celtos conversions 20.8.2018)
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on January 22, 2023, 04:54:44 PM
An older thread but one I only just recently came across. I think it is worth remarking on as well as perhaps revisiting again for folks who have seen it before. Lots of great designs and ideas here that are applicable to current games.

Great work on he board as well as all the various minis! 👍
Title: Re: My Gamma World/TNT Post-apoc (TNT Celtos conversions 20.8.2018)
Post by: Earther on May 05, 2023, 10:26:33 AM
Fabulous project, great figures and excellent terrain. Bravo!