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Miniatures Adventure => Railway Wargaming => Topic started by: tin shed gamer on July 08, 2015, 11:51:10 PM

Title: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: tin shed gamer on July 08, 2015, 11:51:10 PM
As usual I've been tinkering with an idea.As there's been some great ideas on how to convert cheep toy train sets into gaming models,
But I've a serious amount of card floating around and only a couple of personal projects on the go,and some free time due later in the month.
So the challenge I've set myself is to make a whole 'train' from scratch using the usual limited materials I use in the tutorials.I intend on using it for Pulp and VBCW,so it's going to have to have an Ealing feel to it,so thirties .
And that's where it falls on its face,because I know begged all about Trains!
So I'm asking for help and pictures ,to come up with the ideal combination of engine,tender, carriages,etc to fill the role.
In return I'll hide away and build it then post a tutorial if so desired,
Thanks in advance Mark.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: Michi on July 09, 2015, 11:59:11 AM
So I'm asking for help and pictures ,to come up with the ideal combination of engine,tender, carriages,etc to fill the role.

I get that you are looking for a British train. Itīs rather easy to build it from cardboard and coffee stirrers.
Could you specify what youīre looking for in particular?
Branch line: Tank engines without tender, 2axle carriages, local and agricultural goods traffic
Main line: Engines with tender, 4axle coaches, bulk haulage

Iīd go for the rural branch line (as I do http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=13533.0 http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=50154.0 ).

Thomas the tank engine episodes are a great source of inspiration for that period (the old episodes with real models, not the new computer animations). You can easily spot how things are built.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: tin shed gamer on July 09, 2015, 02:39:55 PM
Thanks for the reply,
Building the whole thing for nothing including track,using only cereal packet card,isn't an issue,it's just a matter of time,and that's where the cry for help comes from. I've no spare time to research without cutting into the time I have to build it in.
What intend is a more organic approach,for me it doesn't matter if its main line or branch in origin,I'll use a term gamers tend to avoid it's a 'fantasy 'not a direct copy of a real train.So I'm happy to have a Pullman followed by a cattle cart,or a flat bed.
I followed your link,while your engines very nicely done,I feel it's a bit too small,but I've no intention of building the Scott's man ,so I'm stuck as to what's in between  lol.
It's a hybrid of that looks pretty and oh I need one,linked together to form a train. With ability to be mixed up to form other combinations.
As for carriages they could be the top of a two axle on a four axle base the process of building will guide the final look,it's more than possible to come up with a small train in 16-25hours once you've broken it down into tasks.
I though this time rather than wait to be asked how to build it? I'd ask what to build.as I've no real back ground knowledge on the subject ,just hoping this bit of fun doesn't back fire.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: Michi on July 09, 2015, 03:13:41 PM
I though this time rather than wait to be asked how to build it? I'd ask what to build.as I've no real back ground knowledge on the subject ,just hoping this bit of fun doesn't back fire.
Have a look there: https://www.google.de/search?q=thomas+the+tank+engine+toy&biw=1280&bih=876&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=ooCeVfvINoKUUdXDgoAL&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ

Take the faces off the engines and they all look their part. They all are approached to real proto(-stereo)types with no particular ones in mind. Maybe you can find some cheap second hand to convert that match in scale. The wagons and coaches are alright too.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: tin shed gamer on July 09, 2015, 05:02:42 PM
Thank you I understand where your coming from. I'm not out to convert any model nor buy any thing more than super glue.
The picture shows a couple of vehicles made in tutorial,and all the construction methods used on the plane will work on coach work etc,and the others cover everything else,
Half the fun of this project is to stick to the budget or lack of.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: grant on July 12, 2015, 06:05:53 AM
Thank you I understand where your coming from. I'm not out to convert any model nor buy any thing more than super glue.
The picture shows a couple of vehicles made in tutorial,and all the construction methods used on the plane will work on coach work etc,and the others cover everything else,
Half the fun of this project is to stick to the budget or lack of.

Absolutely love the plane! A glorious bit of work that is.

Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: Constable Bertrand on July 12, 2015, 08:09:32 AM
Sounds like something a bit bigger than a tank engine, but not too big.

How about 'James' from Thomas?https://www.google.com.au/search?q=G%26SWR+%22Austrian+Goods%22+2-6-0&client=ms-android-optus-au&espv=1&ctxs=2&tbm=isch&tbo=u&sboxchip=Images&source=univ&fir=tOwdtrdkyE_XcM%253A%252Cv3F9JPQwjc66qM%252C_%253B11LpdaDy011MiM%253A%252CDNTKA8_HkgCaEM%252C_%253BmpllO90LBzcknM%253A%252CxDvn4twvosxcOM%252C_%253BIWSvmlFyXHKC_M%253A%252CSMXcmwS-yqRbRM%252C_&usg=__F71upVNbc8-6tcLdDjxe8cX313g%3D&sa=X&ei=PxKiVfL7N-K_mwW3zYCYDQ&ved=0CBwQ7Ak

Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: tin shed gamer on July 12, 2015, 09:22:55 AM
 lol thanks.
But no more Thomas!
I'm looking at images like this lol
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: tin shed gamer on July 12, 2015, 09:34:16 AM
For some reason I can't rename the images,
The water colour gives you an idea of what I'm stuck on,the carriage is for detail,the last is fun but impractical and the sort of thing I'd get side tracked with. lol then have absolutely no use for.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: fastolfrus on July 12, 2015, 10:32:32 AM
How about Eagle comic cutaway illustrations?


Not that that bunch have a steam train (although there is a steam submarine)

But this one is just steam trains

A google search for "eagle cutaway drawing steam train" gives lots of options

The Works bookshop had a book of cutaways a while back

Maybe you're too young to remember the Eagle?

Might also be worth checking Look & Learn (Angus McBride was one of their artists)
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: matthais-mouse on July 15, 2015, 07:50:54 PM
If I am able to come down I can bring books and have a discussion as I have some fantastic books with all the measurements for them in 00 scale which I imagine you could convert the numbers, from ian allan publishing.
I was a railway modeller in my early days and a big train nut so could be quite handy haha.

If I cant get down I could always send you the books?

I think the best one for a first go is a simple locomotive like the G2 locomotive. It is a simple build and looks like a good work horse. here is a link to some facts about the loco...

Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: tin shed gamer on July 15, 2015, 11:23:05 PM
I don't see why not,I'll pm end of next week as I'm downing tools this week .Off teaching in the peaks this weekend,and on Monday we're taking a four day break on the Linconshire Coast (some where nice and flat to recover lol)after that it'll take me a few days to get my hands working again so it will be the best time to visit before I ignore the world and try and catch up.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: tin shed gamer on July 16, 2015, 11:05:14 PM
I do remember the eagle it had wonderful articles on how to build aeroplanes using solid fuel rockets and asbestos paper ! Learnt a lot from there modelling articles when I was younger.
See the problem with me doing my own research is I find things like this,and now I want one ,don't know why but I do :D
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: Michi on July 17, 2015, 08:35:29 AM

See the problem with me doing my own research is I find things like this,and now I want one ,don't know why but I do :D

Wow, Iīve never seen a Shay engine off tracks! Well, itīs not literally off tracks, isnīt it?  ;)
I was aware of steam locomobiles yet, but didnīt know about the conversion of actual locomotives to haul a land train! Pulp at its best - another proof that reality is often more weird than one can imagine.
Running such a monster on solid and flat ground might be working, but in the wilderness? I donīt want to think of angled surfaces, muddy soil, sand or obstacles. Youīd need balls of steel to drive it, I guess!
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: matthais-mouse on July 17, 2015, 08:45:28 AM
Wow, that locomobile looks awesome :D

I shall keep my eyes peeled for a PM but have fun in the peaks and on the Lincolnshire coast :)
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: tin shed gamer on July 17, 2015, 06:58:33 PM
Here's the thing at work,
I've enough information to build the engine,and image of what sort of load is reasonable.Just a case of what type of carriage to use and how to rig (track or ski's ,or both)?
I've decided to build this before I do a thirties style train( mind you these were still in use in the thirties) it'll help iron out any hidden issues before I build a more complex train and track.
As you said a very pulp vehicle and steam punk/ gothic land train( all I can hear every time I look at the idea is"rails? We don't need rails where we're going!"it's a whole game in a sentence !

 lol Matt the Peaks will not be fun,oh no no no. It will not be fun,my name will questioned along with my parentage ,many,many,times before the weekend is done.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: von Lucky on July 18, 2015, 12:24:39 AM
Build it with skis!
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: tin shed gamer on July 26, 2015, 10:50:21 PM
Right ski's it is.

I've also found the engine to build. In of all places a Garden Centre.whilst being dragged round one today in the rain(apparently to relax ironically I've just spent seven days and nights out in the wind and the rain,so trudging around cultivated chunks of out doors is just what I needed to do ((or so I'm told and not go to the pub for a roast and a couple where it's warm and dry))
Right back on subject a 4-4-0 school class seems to fit the bill.It looks the part and is a very basic build only two of each wheel type on each side so keeping all the wheels looking the same it a lot easier.and there's a lot of square shapes,and flat areas behind the wheels to give support.
If I fiddle with the scaling it should be possible to build it around 20-25cm..
Carriages not sure of yet,any ideas?
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: Michi on July 27, 2015, 08:17:49 AM

There is a cheap Dapol kit of it in 00 gauge, that you could use for a conversion (at least salvaging the wheels).
This is a rather modern main line engine (40 were built from 1930 onwards grouping era from 1927-1943) for fast and light passenger trains, therefore you should get four-axle coaches with bogies.

This is the right stock for the SR engine: http://www.semgonline.com/coach/maunco01.html
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: tin shed gamer on July 27, 2015, 10:11:16 AM
Thank you Michi,
I'll go with your suggestion for the axles and bogies. It seems I was spot on with my choice(time wise)the coach work looks a little dull though.
Thank you for the model suggestion  But I really will be making it just out of cereal packet card (for the hell of it and we'll because I can lol) I do make the odd kit infact is a sea plane kit in various stages of chopped up right now. But this is a project just too see how far I can go with the limited budget and materials and I'm putting no time scale on it,this is just for fun. I'll make the previous engine on tracks first,then move onto this one.
But planning ahead is going to be invaluable ,so ideas and suggestions are welcome .
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: matthais-mouse on July 27, 2015, 10:39:45 AM
Hi Mark
The plan book I have has the schools class in it so if I am able to get over, I shall bring it.
It also has the LMS equivalent by Fowler and Deeley, the 4P compound class.

The wagon book may help with designs for the carriages too but mainly the chassis variants.

Matt B
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: tin shed gamer on September 23, 2015, 01:00:30 AM
Right I'm back on track,and starting the Shay engine. As I managed to get myself completely sidetracked with my pulp'd Walrus seaplane,then a pulp plane inspired by the seagull speedboat ,and then a fire engine(seems quite random until you factor in the red paint then there's some method to my madness  ;) )
This first view is a simple box frame and tube affair . Nothing fancy or even that neat as there is a layer of more detailed frames to go over the top.There just needs to be something to stick them too,as the majority of it will be hidden it doesn't matter. The whole thing is roughly 12.5cm long .
It will end up being roughly another 2-3cm long,is it to 'scale' no idea lol it's more about how it will look with figures,it's just practice that says that'll be right.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: Michi on September 23, 2015, 08:00:00 AM
Very good start, it looks rather promising! Keep on...
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: tin shed gamer on September 24, 2015, 01:00:26 AM
Getting to look a little more interesting .
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: Andym on September 24, 2015, 08:06:24 AM
Great start! Knowing the rest of your work, this is going to be a stonker!
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: tin shed gamer on September 24, 2015, 09:35:12 AM
That's a bit optimistic  lol
It looks a little rough around the edges mainly because of bleeding . I've used a little more glue than I'd normally use ,as there are so many edges that require sealing to stop the card from fraying,plus securing the coals in the bunker caused glue to pool and leak in some unexpected places (chiefly my on my fingers,but that's the down side of building on your knee,there's less control and accuracy than working at a desk/table).
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: von Lucky on September 24, 2015, 10:01:15 AM
I think you need to invest in one of those tv dinner trays lol
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: Michi on September 24, 2015, 01:06:32 PM
I've used a little more glue than I'd normally use ,as there are so many edges that require sealing to stop the card from fraying

Mark, you use the soaking-card-with-superglue-method, donīt you? I have yet to try that, but I have a clear idea of how to do it and what effects I will receive.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: FramFramson on September 24, 2015, 03:22:14 PM
I'm interested in seeing what you do for rails and wheels. Easy for such things to fit poorly if made out of card, but if anyone can make it work, you can.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: tin shed gamer on September 25, 2015, 03:16:56 AM
Absolutely not,I use it as an adhesive nothing more .To seal edges I apply a thin line of glue,this is absorbed in to the fibres to a depth of roughly. 0.5-1mm.no more than you'd get from normal glueing.I use it because of its speed.
Super glue can and does fume alarmingly when used on card.I'd never soak any thing in super glue.to do so is to risk injury to your eyes,and your lungs.Its an outdated and unsafe method to use glue to soak and form shapes.
Any formed shape you see in my card projects is achieved by layering and sanding,with spots of glue applied where the card is fraying.NOTHING is soaked nor will it ever be.
Thanks for the vote of confidence (no pressure then  lol) Fram,but I'm afraid the 'train' engine is after this one so you've got a while to wait. So it's tracks and skis I'm afraid .

No need for a tray,I can get back in my workshop ,all the commissions have flown the nest today.so I've room to make a mess.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: Andym on September 25, 2015, 09:03:16 AM
You never disappoint! 8)
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: matthais-mouse on September 27, 2015, 02:00:40 PM
This looks great so far.
Cant wait to it complete and painted  :D
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: tin shed gamer on September 27, 2015, 05:38:03 PM
That might take a little longer as I've had to do some running repairs as I put my hand through the the side of the cab,and knock off one of the ski's(not quite sure how I managed it but I did).
The cab was designed to fit two 25mm bases and leave room to add some interior detail.Once I'd put the side through it was obvious that I needed to make some changes otherwise it won't last long on a table..
So I'll glue the roof on and simply reduce the base sizes to 20mm,and put a driver in through the rear of the cab(25mm bases will fit but it wouldn't be easy )
The detailing is plodding along ,with just the chunks of engineering to add on either side.These need to be added to increase the stability of the model as is only balanced when the crew are in the cab,and not stood on the coal bunker.The track units are a little over sized again for stability .
That was the original plan.Having killed the ski's once already I'm definitely leaning towards putting it on a base,which makes all the clever stability tricks pretty pointless ,live and learn ;D
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: Andym on September 27, 2015, 06:11:39 PM
Man the things you can do with card!!......it still amazes me!! :o

Even with your probs, that's still a stormer!!
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine WIP added
Post by: Constable Bertrand on September 28, 2015, 10:52:18 PM
I wondered how the original machine ever stayed level, especially over uneven terrain...

Seems like there is a new entry in this year's carnival ;) (see below)

https://youtu.be/p0CpG5daI5Y (https://youtu.be/p0CpG5daI5Y)

I really like the kebab stick handrails.

Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine WIP added
Post by: tin shed gamer on October 05, 2015, 07:08:27 PM
A quick update.
The engine is finished(just needs a little light sanding and painting of course)
The carriage is a complete fiction (as far as I know) as I've taken detailing from multiple carriage designs the rear is from a Swiss mountain train (the box will have ski's in it at some point),the roof is from a early Russian train( no idea what because I did no more research than 'that looks interesting ')The front flat bed area is there simply to allow for different cargos to fit with the game plot at the time.
The reason for the Heath Robinson feel to the thing is because I intend it be for Pulp and VSF games,so There's no need for historical accuracy .Just a quirky homemade feel.
The second photograph is simply to show why I don't normally use a spray undercoat on card models.As it tends to give an uneven finish. As it lifts up any loose fibres on the card as it dries leaving you with raised areas of fluf,which require removing before painting.
This is greatly reduced when you hand paint the undercoat.

Your no stranger to the dark arts yourself ,so thank you.

I did a bit of reading up on it before answering ,It seems they were in danger of being knocked over when going down hill ,as the loads were on ski's and would tend to move faster than the tracks on the engine,so there was a real risk of jack knifing .
But the engine was used right up till 1929 in the US and I suspect even longer in the case of the ones in use in Russia.
I'm tempted to make a single 'log sledge ' to go between the engine and the carriage (time permitting ) just to give it that extra something. I've no intention of going mad with it as the gaming length remains a concern.(the longest recorded land train was 1/2 km!) but I do think a nod to its timber hauling roots is likely.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine WIP added
Post by: Constable Bertrand on October 05, 2015, 10:00:40 PM
The shay is coming along nicely. The joy of pulp is that anything a bit weird is completely ok, if not normal. So for me, that carriage is spot on, and useful gamewise. :)

A log sled may help, or leave it off and enter it in the steam gymkana ;)

What a strange design flaw that it struggled going over declines/inclines. :?

Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine WIP added
Post by: Andym on October 06, 2015, 07:02:25 AM
Genius! Great work!
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine WIP added
Post by: tin shed gamer on October 07, 2015, 01:19:48 AM
A quick picture of the inside of the cab before I add the roof,and carry on painting (it seem's to have gone up a scale or to as I didnt count on it taking this long to paint)
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine WIP added
Post by: Constable Bertrand on October 07, 2015, 07:31:14 AM
 8) Darn mark, very cool
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine WIP added
Post by: tin shed gamer on October 07, 2015, 06:24:03 PM
 lol I just make this up as I go (just don't tell anyone) .
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine WIP added
Post by: tin shed gamer on October 08, 2015, 02:04:06 AM
  ;D it's just dawned on me,now that this engine is done I'm actually no further on than when I started this thread.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: FramFramson on October 08, 2015, 05:28:04 AM
Nonsense. You're +1 one land train.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,(which Engine?,and what on earth else?)
Post by: Andym on October 08, 2015, 07:07:28 AM
You never disappoint! 8)

I can only say it again! Love it! :-*
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: Michi on October 08, 2015, 08:17:46 AM
Awesome! It looks so good and is yet unseen elsewhere - unbelievable! Thatīs a piece of art.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: matthais-mouse on October 08, 2015, 02:03:11 PM
Swish, awesome indeed matey  :D

If you still need the books for the original idea, let me know and you can still make use of both the wagon and locomotive ones  :)
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: tin shed gamer on October 09, 2015, 07:29:40 PM
Fram your right I'm up one land train,but the aim of this project was to build a train to cover the archetypal British thirties train. Some how I can't see this model chugging through the Home Counties in high summer  lol so I've used up a fair amount of my spare time on a model that takes me no closer to my goal.i I've no doubt I'll use it at some point though.

Michi I'm glad you like this sidetracked project,if I'm honest I'm not entirely sure what you mean ,are you referring to the engine or the model as the engine popped up with a random steam locomotive search,and the model well that's on the forum and it's just a result of getting sidetracked (as a lot of these projects seem to be results of getting sidetracked from the original idea)
As you,Andym and the three Matt's have all expressed an interest in what I've been doing,then I'd class that as a win,(would have felt a bit paranoid if no one had commented though lol)
So I'll keep plodding along with this project though it's likely to take a while.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: Michi on October 09, 2015, 09:31:59 PM
It looks so good and is yet unseen elsewhere - unbelievable!

Michi,if I'm honest I'm not entirely sure what you mean ,are you referring to the engine or the model as the engine

I meant that it is of such great pulp goodness that it makes me wonder why not anybody else has had the idea to build one yet. At least I havenīt seen it before. I am still most impressed by both the prototypical existence as well as your execution of that paper scratch build. If have built quite a few paper models myself, but did never step that far. Ambitious and rewarding, Iīd say - you know your craft very well.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: von Lucky on October 09, 2015, 09:55:36 PM
It's come out very nice. Such a ugly thing, that somehow still has an air of charm.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: tin shed gamer on October 10, 2015, 12:14:25 AM
With you now ;)
I think the reason no one has looked at using it for pulp is quite simple,when you think of crossing snow you think snowcat not steam train ,and when you think steam locomotive you think of rails not going cross country on ski's and tracks.
I think it's the Heath Robinson nature of the engine that keeps it interesting and adds to the pulp appeal .
Ambitious no just time consuming purely for the number of parts it requires.as for knowing my craft  lol I really do just make it up as I go along no plans just the two photos I've posted.
Here's a quick sketch of an idea for the track and that's petty much all I'll use,to make all the track.(the rest will just fall out of my head as I go.)
I'm just toying with the chicken and the egg question this project raises.before I pick up tools again.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: tin shed gamer on October 18, 2015, 12:42:05 AM
I've decided to go back and finish the land train before starting the track section prototype . Simply because it was bugging the heck out of me, that I'd not painted the carriage section as the engine was of little use on its own.The truth is I'd no clear idea on how to paint it as nothing seemed to fit,the daft idea for a carriage . Until I came across a thread on the Back of Beyond board ,about Russian Train paint schemes.which seemed to be a great idea to turn this into a faded 'dark circus train' (simply because of the colour scheme, not the original topic and use)being re commissioned for what ever scenario it ends up in. So here's the first test panel/ billboard .
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: Andym on October 18, 2015, 07:43:49 AM
I missed the carriage somehow. Lovely!  :-*

Nice idea with tge paint scheme too.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: OSHIROmodels on October 18, 2015, 08:00:33 AM
Ooo, missed this one  8)

Grand as always  :)


Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: dampfpanzerwagon on October 19, 2015, 09:19:01 AM
The engine, now it's finished looks fantastic, you truly are a Master of the Card Art.....

Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: tin shed gamer on October 19, 2015, 06:55:20 PM
Thanks all,
Here's a few more progress pictures . I'm using elements of propaganda posters rather than doing a straight copy of each as that'd take to long and I think could end up looking too busy,for my needs.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: Andym on October 20, 2015, 07:06:32 AM
Loving your progress sir!
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: FramFramson on October 20, 2015, 06:29:12 PM
Interesting... Japanese?
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: tin shed gamer on October 20, 2015, 09:59:32 PM
Its Russian,the 'sun rise'seems to appear alot in the propaganda images.I was worried about using it as an image as it does make you think of Japan rather than Russia.But the more I thought about it .The more useful it seemed , theres a couple more levels of detailing to go over it so it wont be quite so bold.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: Michi on October 20, 2015, 10:42:23 PM
Its Russian,the 'sun rise'seems to appear alot in the propaganda images.I was worried about using it as an image as it does make you think of Japan rather than Russia.But the more I thought about it .The more useful it seemed , theres a couple more levels of detailing to go over it so it wont be quite so bold.

You might replace the white by a yellow background. Weīre so used to link red and gold with communism nowadays...
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: FramFramson on October 21, 2015, 01:45:08 AM
That was exactly what I was thinking. Changing the white to yellow would help shift it to a more Soviet look.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: tin shed gamer on October 21, 2015, 02:04:26 AM
Its the photographs that are the issue.The colour is actually alight Turquoise.They were taken in the house,not my workshop.
I'd thought of a sand/gold colour however I chose turquoise to fit with the theme of the  billboard.This will look a little better once the large areas of grey primer are painted,and the detailing to which the 'sun' is a background.
The figures and flag are not showing up very well in the house either.As I add a little more dirt and background weathering.Its becoming less of an issue.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: FramFramson on October 21, 2015, 03:27:42 AM
Oh if you're painting figures or a scene on top of it, then yes, that will also help differentiate it.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: tin shed gamer on October 24, 2015, 05:56:37 PM
Here's a slightly clearer picture of the thing so far. There's still a layer of posters to add. But I think the colours flow well enough for this stage.Still a little unsure on the turquoise. The posters will be the point at which I know wether I've dropped the ball or not. However there's still a lot of detailing to do before I paint the posters to go over the top of this layer.
The reality is the carriage is to short to do this topic justice so it's going to be more of a make do and mend styling,rather than a direct copy.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: OSHIROmodels on October 24, 2015, 06:24:01 PM
Yes, I like that although you're going to have to clean those kitchen wall tiles in the background  ;)


Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: Constable Bertrand on October 24, 2015, 09:31:10 PM
Thats superglue stains, they are made from card too James  ;)

I agree with your assessment that it is a little short for the theme, but other than that it looks fun Mark. I'm not put off by the turquoise, it looks rather white in the photos anyway.

Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: tin shed gamer on October 25, 2015, 12:35:07 AM
It has been suggested that I occasionally use something other than card!
But then I'd have to spend money,and I'm not brave enough to tell my wife I've spent my pocket money lol

Joking aside The first poster is done and has reduced the Japanese feel. Again I'm not out to paint an exact copy of anything ,only a suggestion of the original image.(it's only a card model and nothing but posh scenery,not a commission)I think ,had I painted it a sandy yellow ,the poster would be lost somewhat.

( the tiles are foam card ,stippled with neat PVA,and sprayed grey. Then a couple of washes with the dirty paintbrush water. It's an old gaming tile/board I used for a lotr game. It's slightly better than the view from the window it's covering :D)

Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: tin shed gamer on October 25, 2015, 01:00:54 AM
I was in the process of putting everything away when I put the carriage next to the engine and realised the composition was way off. I planned  on billboards towards the front which ended up making the carriage section look cramped so I've returned to the original 'circus wagon/ propaganda train' set up which sits far better with the height of the engine,and allows more room for figures.
Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: Constable Bertrand on October 25, 2015, 01:29:23 AM
Hectic spoiler Mark, nice one. I prefer that arrangement.  8)  8)  8)

It has been suggested that I occasionally use something other than card!
the tiles are foam card ,stippled with neat PVA,and sprayed grey. Then a couple of washes with the dirty paintbrush water.

NOO!! It was cardboard and not ceramic tiles??!! hahahahaha No Way! lol  lol

Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: OSHIROmodels on October 25, 2015, 07:58:06 AM
NOO!! It was cardboard and not ceramic tiles??!! hahahahaha No Way! lol  lol

That's why I was taking the piss  ;)


Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: Constable Bertrand on October 25, 2015, 09:31:24 AM
Ah, and here I was just having a laugh. Little did I know it was too close to the truth. :D

Title: Re: Stalled Tale from the Tin Shed,1st Engine Finished
Post by: War In 15MM on October 27, 2015, 03:06:08 PM
Wonderful!!!  Richard