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Miniatures Adventure => VSF Adventures => In Her Majesty's Name => Topic started by: Tehet on July 17, 2015, 02:48:35 PM

Title: Big T Day at the Sanctuary Gaming Centre
Post by: Tehet on July 17, 2015, 02:48:35 PM
To keep the memory of Tony Barnes alive the Sanctuary Gaming Centre is running the annual Big T weekend from Friday Evening to Sunday Afternoon between the 11th and 13th September this year.

For those of you that do not know, Tony was the president of the GCN before he sadly past away on the 10th Feb 2014. Tony was a massive gamer and collector and he was a joy to be around.

In memory of Tony the weekend will be free gaming for all to play games and socialize.

The venue will be open 18:00-23:00 Friday
9:00-18:00 Saturday
11:00-16:00 Sunday

Sanctuary Gaming Centre
St. Michaels & All Angels Church
St. Michaels Street
NG17 4GP

IHMN at the Big 'T'
When this weekend was instigated by myself, as one of Tony's best friends, and Richard, who runs the centre, I promised to bring IHMN to the event.

In that light myself and other members of the GCN/COGS team will be running the following programme...
Friday Evening
We have agreed to run tutorials for both standard and fastplay.
I have designed a very loose campaign using fastplay and standard rules. The actual structure will depend on the numbers wanting to take part. Alternatively we may run several normal games.
We will run at least two large multiplayer games, possible themes may be one based on the unseen 'Lost World' novel sequel and another on 'the Skegby Horror!'.
If you can make the whole weekend fine, if not you are most welcome to partake on the day most suited. The idea is to have fun and give the enemy a damn good spanking!  Rules lawyers and incorrigible rascals will be tarred and feathered.

And better, we will not, repeat, not, be making any charge. All figures are supplied as is all the terrain. All you need to do is appear. Bowler hats and swordsticks are optional.

The Sanctuary has 47 tables, disabled access and toilets, a café and a licensed bar (should a medical imbibement be required) as well as the shop. Being an old Gothic Church, the centre is suitably atmospheric. There are two free car parks within easy walking distance. For those travelling from the colonies and 'Lunnun' there is even a Travel Lodge nearby.

There will be a stock of other games going on should you wish to don your smoking jacket and carry on into the late evening.

If you could PM me or notify me through the Sanctuary Facebook on the Big T events page if you wish to take any part (or if any of you should be interested in putting on your own multi-player games) that would be useful in deciding how to progress the games...
Title: Re: Big T Day at the Sanctuary Gaming Centre
Post by: Craig on July 17, 2015, 03:41:43 PM
This sounds like an excellent event!  :D
Title: Re: Big T Day at the Sanctuary Gaming Centre
Post by: Chairface on July 19, 2015, 12:00:52 AM
What a great way to remember him
Title: Re: Big T Day at the Sanctuary Gaming Centre
Post by: Tehet on September 10, 2015, 09:52:28 AM
Just a quick reminder that this takes place this weekend.

We will be running IHMN games from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. It will all be very informal, as it is practice for the larger shows and events, and companies will be used in 100 point sets, size dependent on the size of the games (fast-play and standard) which thanks to the timely arrival of my G&G boards will vary from African veldt to Industrial city.

Anybody is welcome to come and take part, all figures and terrain supplied.