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Miniatures Adventure => VSF Adventures => Topic started by: Malamute on October 30, 2008, 08:43:28 AM

Title: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Malamute on October 30, 2008, 08:43:28 AM
Acting on a fine suggestion from Dodge here is a thread for promoting anything that maybe suitable for VSF. Figures, vehicles, buildings, toys for converting etc.

 Feel free to add whenever you see anything that might be useful, so we can create a list for reference and to wonder over for years to come. :)

I'll kick off with my first suggestions. There are loads of them so get posting...

Ironclad Miniatures - 28mm comprehensive range of finely cast steam tanks and vehicles and a growing range of 28mm figures including home service British, Prussians, Victorian characters and soon the French and Russians.

Redoubt Enterprises - 28mm range of home service British troops and artillery. Also large steam tanks and vehicles. Their ACW and Zulu wars range also have useful figures. Beware though that the figures are taller than many other 28s.

Westwind Productions - massive range of Victorian era figures in their Gothc Horror range including London Bobbies, Zendarian troops and all manner of period characters etc.

Over to you. :)

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Dewbakuk on October 30, 2008, 09:31:30 AM
The London Warroom (in the US) - Sellers of the Parroom Station range, which includes many national powers and Martians of many kinds. Also includes numerous battlesuits and vehicles. Also retailers of the Lyzard Gryn colonial weapons range for adding period guns to scratch built vehicles.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Thunderchicken on October 30, 2008, 09:59:52 AM
Some that spring to mind (I'm sure I'll think of more):

Scheltrum Miniatures - lots of 28mm vehicles, figures and other sundries.

Brigade Games (U.S) - carry a range of 28mm figures under their GASLIGHT section.

Armorcast - some suitable 28mm vehicles under the steam tech section.

Jeff Valent Studios - offers figures under the Great Rail Wars range.

Warrior Miniatures - quite a large collection of 28mm figures under the England Invaded range.

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: argsilverson on October 30, 2008, 10:03:18 AM
I will add the following:

Tiger miniatures: German Colonials, balkan wars; Greeks,Turkish,Bulgarian and now recently released Serbian infantry, with a no khaki painting, suitable for VSF etc. Irregulars of the Balkans, Tribals for NW frontier.
Dutch colonials. Greek Evzones with earlier uniforms [1897] and Cretan gendarmes that cry out to be used in some VSF setting. Spanish American war with lots of figures suitable for VSF.

OG miniatures: Some of their WW1 miniatures can be converted to be used in VSF.
Colonials also. The boxer rebellion sailors is a must for any period from VSF to Pulp.
OG has lots of ranges and you can find useful minis all over the ranges, like civilians of the ACW

Copplestone Castings: Sailors, guns and darkest africa types which are very useful.

Eureka mminiatures: The PAX LIMPOPO range is the VSF!!!! lancers on unicycle and cuirassiers on penny farthing, civilians, policemen, thugs, personalities, mechanics for VSF, pedal driven artillery, prussian spy, kriegshosen, bavarian clockwork mechanics [just to name a few] plus a very nice Hansom cab! Added to them: QUeen Victoria Herself!

Wessex Games: armed policemen [bobbies]

The Foundry: FPW prussians, bavarians etc, French, Crimean British, Russian, Turks etc, Darkest Africa [characters a must!] plus civilians. The Foundry specials including a young Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, Sherlock Holmes etc also a must!

Perry Miniatures: some of their Sudan range as well as civilians from various ranges very suitable.

I would also add Scarlet and Rose miniatures as well as The Little Lead Soldiers ones: Both have ranges with Victorian types, paraders, bands etc. Scarlet and Rose has even a diorama of Queen Victoria's Jubilee celebration with coaches, guards, Queen's Victoria party etc. They also have some hunting parties that could be used also in Ascot!

Tradition of London has or distributes some lines [incl. Tradition of Scandinavia]
offering the Kaiser and his sraff in full dress uniform, plus some edwardian drivers and characters, dancing ladies and so on.

Warrior miniatures: England Invaded british, germans, turks etc!

Front Rank: some Jacobite Scots might be pressed in service!

Furthermore many minis, mostly form colonial and old west ranges, might be pressed in service. [See crusader miniatures, Pulp Figures etc etc]


Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: argsilverson on October 30, 2008, 10:06:57 AM
And the list goes on:

Chiltern miniatures: a range of victorian characters.

Askari miniatures: french, italian and Russian colonials.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: argsilverson on October 30, 2008, 10:41:19 AM
Let's mention:

Renegade miniatures: prussians [the early ww1 stuff] french and british!
I feel also their Lowlanders are useful, too!

GWM: also lowlanders and maybe some germans, too!
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: argsilverson on October 30, 2008, 10:43:11 AM
Checking my referencies, I found out that GZG has a steam tank, too!
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: thejammedgatling on October 30, 2008, 11:12:59 AM
O.k, so here's my 2 cents...in no particular order...

frontier models do a very nice martian walker kit, 22cm high

black hat miniatures do some great 18mm VSF stuff, though their cephalapods could work for 28mm.

forgeworld...ooooh don't get me started. Some of their stuff could work so well for VSF. The Death Corps Krieg stuff would be great for VSF Prussians methinks, and I like some of their Talin stuff as possible French. Also like some of their Tyranid stuff (the spore bombs and rippers spring to mind) plus of course the Kroot, who make a great martian race.

comet miniatures make a few models with conversion possibilities or just keep as is.. the Nautilus for example

HLBS make some nice bits and bobs such as an armoured train

Unfeasibly do a nice range of French F.L also

The plastic range of Star Wars minis are a great basis for many VSF creations. One e-bay site I have found for this is:

Have we mentioned Ramshackle Games yet? Their Spider is a must. I have three of them.

Scale-link is a great model shop for various bits and bobs:

Blue moon seem to do several Victorian ranges

Wargames factory now do plastic brits...good for conversions etc

Old crow models/ Ainsty seem to do a fair few which might be useful (sewers, trader town etc) for terrain:

And while ofn the terrain subject don't forget your Hirst Arts stuff:

Wyrd miniatures seem to have a few good ones, such as the steampunk arachnids:

And don't forget Reviresco for some really interesting VSF model airships, boats and ship fittings:

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: argsilverson on October 30, 2008, 11:14:39 AM
and my last suggestion for today:

Just received through the courtesy of a friend some samples of the Helion Prussians!

Lovely and very interesting figures:

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: answer_is_42 on October 30, 2008, 11:33:33 AM
For those brave few who play 'Land Ironclads':

Wessex Games - The creators of 'Land Ironclads':

Brigade Models - Producers of Land Ironclad Miniatures:

GZG - Martian War Machines suitable for LI:

Irregular Miniatures - 2mm Infantry etc. Awful site though.

Second City - Martians based upon Jeff Wayne’s musical. Suitable for LI:

That’s all I can think of for the moment, enjoy.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Ray Rivers on October 30, 2008, 11:36:19 AM
Thanks to everyone with their links.  (Hopefully there will be more.) 

We needed this sticky very badly.  Especially for those who are on the edge as to whether or not to move into VSF.

Thanks again.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Malamute on October 30, 2008, 11:57:55 AM
We needed this sticky very badly.  Especially for those who are on the edge as to whether or not to move into VSF.

You know its the sensible thing to do, go on give into temptation, join us....  ;)
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: keeper on October 30, 2008, 11:59:50 AM
For larger scale games, Baccus has a good range of 19C armies in 6mm scale

Amazon Miniatures has a few useful odds and ends, if you're prepared to search their catalogue

Fenris Games have some items in their ebay store that could be useful, especially some of the scenic items, but also that fantastic mausoleum!

Plus all of those already mentioned, of course!
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Ray Rivers on October 30, 2008, 12:11:07 PM
We needed this sticky very badly.  Especially for those who are on the edge as to whether or not to move into VSF.

You know its the sensible thing to do, go on give into temptation, join us....  ;)

I've been wanting to ask for a sticky for weeks now... but it only adds to the torture...   o_o
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: argsilverson on October 30, 2008, 12:54:24 PM
another link:


austrians and Italians of the italian independence wars.
lots of figures with a different look!
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Bullshott on October 30, 2008, 01:16:31 PM
Redoubt Enterprises - 28mm range of home service British troops and artillery. Also large steam tanks and vehicles. Their ACW and Zulu wars range also have useful figures. Beware though that the figures are taller than many other 28s.

Also look at Redoubt's Boxer Rebellion range. These figures are 'traditional' 28mm in height, so more compatible with other manufacturers' ranges. As well as Chinese, this range covers all the European powers in the legation siege including armed sailors from various nations, British, US and German marines and Japanese infantry. Perfect for raising small forces for various countries.

Dixon Miniatures make a very nice Dahomey Wars range of 'small 28mm' (compatible with Foundry). The range includes very nice 1890s French in tropical uniforms - both marine infantry and Foreign Legion in sun helmets. Perfect for central Africa, Indochina (Vietman) and other tropical climates.

Warzone (now sold through Prince August) - this range includes very economical bags of plastic(ABS) Imperial (Sci-fi WW1/2 British) and Bauhaus (Sci-fi WW1/2 Germans). All the plastics have separate heads, so are perfect for conversions (although the Bauhaus hardly need this as they come with nice piclelhaubes). Also look for the Bauhaus Vulkan battlesuits.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Malamute on October 30, 2008, 03:59:52 PM
Honourable Lead Boiler Suit company have a comprehensive range of Home service order British figures including the household cavalry. Although they are not listed on their website, a phone call or email will provide a list of what is available.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Tommy20 on October 30, 2008, 04:11:49 PM
RAFM's Space: 1889 line should rightly be considered the progenator of all that has followed for VSF miniatures.  Their "Soldiers OF The Queen" set the standard, and are still some of the finest figures available.  The original Martians are still available as well, and have been expanded upon since the demise of GDW.  Their Riel Rebellion line has some nice HS figures, although more appropriate for those gaming a bit earlier in the period, since they're armed with Sniders.

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: brigadegames on October 30, 2008, 05:12:02 PM
http://www.brigadegames.com (http://www.brigadegames.com)

VSF - pretty broad category

Brigade Games Gaslight Adventurers
Brigade Games Adventurers
Brigade Games Lost World Explorers

Obviously we have a large WWI range including some Germans in Picklehaubs

We also still have some Eureka Pax Limpopo remaining in stock:

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: nickinsomerset on October 31, 2008, 11:47:12 AM
Helion and Co do superb 1866-70 Prussians,   lovely animated chaps, the Uhlans are superb,  large 28mm they go well with:
Baker Coy - 1866  Prussians and Austrians, again well animated + full of character. The Prussian Jagers do not have command so trying the Jager command from Ironclad (Enough said)

The Foundry Krupp guns are lovely, as are their Prussians and French who are about the same size, but not a good (Inter Unit) mix with,:
Casterway from Austrailia who also do Prussians and Foriegn Legion - Lovely figures.

German and Italian Colonials troops from Bicorne,

Still waiting for my British Lancers from Black Tree, 3 months and counting!

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: JollyBob on October 31, 2008, 01:15:16 PM

Dixon Miniatures make a very nice Dahomey Wars range of 'small 28mm' (compatible with Foundry). The range includes very nice 1890s French in tropical uniforms - both marine infantry and Foreign Legion in sun helmets. Perfect for central Africa, Indochina (Vietman) and other tropical climates.

Since they are sculpted by Mike Owen, they fit in extremely well with some of Artizan's Thrilling Tales line, and I have had no qualms about mixing them with Copplestone/Foundry Darkest Africa and Blue Moon pulp stuff. While they are slight by todays standards, I think that just makes them look fresh out of the boonies and riddled with dysentery.  ;)
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Gluteus Maximus on October 31, 2008, 02:34:19 PM
We needed this sticky very badly.  Especially for those who are on the edge as to whether or not to move into VSF.

You know its the sensible thing to do, go on give into temptation, join us....  ;)

I've been wanting to ask for a sticky for weeks now... but it only adds to the torture...   o_o

Stickies? Stickies? We don't need no steenkin' stickies!

Except, in this case, we do!

This is a very useful thread and needs preserving, so I agree with Ray.

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Ramshackle_Curtis on October 31, 2008, 04:11:06 PM
Erm, well obviously I have to put Ramshackle Games forward here.

I do a huge VSF spider tank

and most especially four VSF figures

Im working on a medium sized VSF armoured car at the moment too.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: nickinsomerset on October 31, 2008, 10:32:57 PM

I must agree to that having faced Bullshots finished Ramshackle spider across the table! (Did he tell anyone that with my skill and cunning I disabled it and was in the throws of delivering the final deadly blow when he had to go?!!)

I look forwards to seeing the VSF armoured car, thinking of going for wheeled armour for my French.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: nickinsomerset on November 01, 2008, 09:07:14 AM
I was looking at the TMP page last night and came across Anglian Miniatures, worth looking at, especially the two SCW armoured lorries, hopefully one will be on it's way soon. With a few modifications it should well suite my VSF French.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Auton on November 01, 2008, 10:02:51 AM
Some of the England Invaded range might be useful, especially the Germans in Pickelhaubes. Check the photos though, the later releases were no where near as good as the early ones

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Thunderchicken on November 01, 2008, 10:14:39 AM
This sticky is soooooooooooooo good and yet sooooooooooooo bad for all the right reasons. There are some great links, I'm supposed to be buying text books for my course but failing miserably. I need help! 
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Gluteus Maximus on November 01, 2008, 10:29:28 AM

I must agree to that having faced Bullshots finished Ramshackle spider across the table! (Did he tell anyone that with my skill and cunning I disabled it and was in the throws of delivering the final deadly blow when he had to go?!!)

I look forwards to seeing the VSF armoured car, thinking of going for wheeled armour for my French.

He's never mentioned it here  :?

Can't imagine why not  lol
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Dr DeAth on November 03, 2008, 06:02:40 PM
Is there anyone out there with sufficent information and inclination to produce a 'compatibility table'. Something that would put the various manufacturer's into groups of figures that blend in terms of height, bulk, style etc?

I for one would find such a thing very useful - assuming it's not already been done before, in which case a link would be useful.

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: nickinsomerset on November 05, 2008, 06:39:37 PM
I now have the Anglian Miniatures Armoured Lorry, the smaller one. It is a lovely bit of kit and with a little bit of work should fit in nicely in the VSF world. No piccies yet I am currently finishing off my Prussians before I start work En Frances!

Tally Ho!
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: answer_is_42 on November 05, 2008, 08:20:45 PM
Is there anyone out there with sufficent information and inclination to produce a 'compatibility table'. Something that would put the various manufacturer's into groups of figures that blend in terms of height, bulk, style etc?

I for one would find such a thing very useful - assuming it's not already been done before, in which case a link would be useful.

Agreed. One of these would be most useful indeed.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: argsilverson on November 08, 2008, 12:07:17 AM
Can we add the wagons from Blue Moon or it is rather early?

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: argsilverson on November 10, 2008, 01:17:16 PM
Dear All,
I tried to sort out whatever we have written here and provide the links. I got all your suggestions for this and try to avoid any duplications. I do not list exact items or ranges, just links, sorry if I missed something. The list is not at a particular order , the order is as they links  appeared in various posts within this particular thread. At the end I added a couple of links, I found in other threads. [Hope it works!]:

Ironclad miniatures:

Redoubt enterprises:

West Wind Productions:

The London War Room:

Scheltrum miniatures:

Brigade Games:


Jeff Valent studios:

Warrior miniatures:

Tiger Miniatures:

Old glory miniatures:

Copplestone castings:

Eureka miniatures:

Wessex Games:


Perry miniatures:

Scarlet and gold:

the little lead soldiers:

Tradition of London:

Front Rank:

Crusader Miniatures:

Pulp figures:

Chiltern miniatures:

Askari miniatures:

Renegade miniatures:

Great War Miniatures:

Ground Zero Games:

Frontier models:

Black Hat miniatures:

Comet miniatures:

HLBS company:


Star wars minis:

Ramshackle games:

Scale-link :

Blue moon :

Wargames factory:

Old crow models/ Ainsty:

Hirst Arts :

Wyrd miniatures :

Reviresco :

Helion Prussians :

Irregular Miniatures :

Second City - Martians :

Baccus :

Amazon Miniatures :

Fenris Games :

Mirliton of Italy:

Dixon Miniatures:

Price August:


Baker Company:


Anglian miniatures:

Kellerkind miniatures:

Mystic Spirals:

Artizan Designs:

Please free to add any other link you have. Please avoid duplication!

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Malamute on November 10, 2008, 01:31:33 PM
Well done Argsilverson for adding the list and links. Nice one :)
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: argsilverson on November 10, 2008, 01:35:37 PM
Thanks Malamute,
my small contribution to this excellent thread and forum!

[an off topic question: can another member use the same Avatar with me?]
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: answer_is_42 on November 10, 2008, 01:39:38 PM
I have a theory; argsilverson is not a real person. He is simply pure internets.  lol

I take my hat off to you sir, thankee kindly.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: argsilverson on November 10, 2008, 01:53:49 PM
I have a theory; argsilverson is not a real person. He is simply pure internets.  lol

I take my hat off to you sir, thankee kindly.

Alas, I am a real person.
I have another theory: Having not anymore enough money to spend on my hobby, I can spend more time on the net, watching your achievements -and always being envy of you, being capable to produce magnificent games/dioramas etc!
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Hammers on November 10, 2008, 03:00:29 PM
[an off topic question: can another member use the same Avatar with me?]

Yes. That's one drawback with using a forum stockpile avatar.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Dewbakuk on November 10, 2008, 03:47:59 PM
Another one for the list


Bronze Age Mini's - Warlord of Mars style Martians
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: JollyBob on November 13, 2008, 11:17:38 AM
One that I stumbled accross that may be of use:


They sell ready saddled terror birds for converting your own cavalry.


I expect I will be shelling out for a few of these at some point.  :)
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Hammers on November 13, 2008, 11:44:57 AM
Oh, another thunderchicken steed!
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Gluteus Maximus on November 13, 2008, 11:48:23 AM
One that I stumbled accross that may be of use:


They sell ready saddled terror birds for converting your own cavalry.


I expect I will be shelling out for a few of these at some point.  :)

Wonderful discovery!

I have some British mounted figures with no suitable 'osses. These are ideal, especially as I have some other prehistoric bird and animal models to use with them.

Tally Ho  :D
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: commissarmoody on November 13, 2008, 12:43:23 PM
I think I might just order a few of thouse myself
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Malamute on November 13, 2008, 12:46:13 PM
Oh, another thunderchicken steed!

well said sir, a great name for the bird  lol
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Thunderchicken on November 13, 2008, 12:54:35 PM
Oh, another thunderchicken steed!

well said sir, a great name for the bird  lol


Would be good for my avatar though.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Ray Rivers on November 17, 2008, 11:11:10 AM
Well done Argsilverson for adding the list and links. Nice one :)

Indeed... thanks for the links, very handy.

A question... after checking out the links, I have only been able to find Brits in Home Service kit by Ironclad and Redoubt (the ones with the spiky helmet).  Are there any other manufacturers that do these type of figures?
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Malamute on November 17, 2008, 11:32:35 AM
Well done Argsilverson for adding the list and links. Nice one :)

Indeed... thanks for the links, very handy.

A question... after checking out the links, I have only been able to find Brits in Home Service kit by Ironclad and Redoubt (the ones with the spiky helmet).  Are there any other manufacturers that do these type of figures?

Ray, The only other ones I know of are Honourable Lead Boiler suit company and Wessex Games. HLBS figures are not shown on the website or listed there either. A phone call to them is needed to get them to send you a list and a sample.They have a comprehensive collection of figures including household cavalry, but the poses are static at attention poses and the castings are not the best sculpts around.

The Wessex games ones a small range of Home service Brits, guards and and rifles units. Not the finest sculpts either in my opinion, quite small and they have very large helmets. I think your best bet is Ironclad or Redoubt, but thats only my personal view.

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: argsilverson on November 17, 2008, 11:40:28 AM
Wessex games minis painted look excellent. anyhow is very hard to find them, [I think they are OP at the moment at least], so they do not count.

for spiked helmets brits: there is also a hussar regiment with spiked helmets in perry's sudan range, you might look at them. also foundry has natal constabulary with spiked helmets- again mounted. I do not know both ranges just have seen their ads and website. [as mentioned before redoubt has also mounted -I think- again Natal mounted police?- in the Zulu war range].
for RHarillery you can find some in scarlet and rose range of ceremonials, not spiked helmets but with busby.

So, the best or only choice is ironclad and redoubt.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Malamute on November 17, 2008, 11:52:56 AM
Wessex games minis painted look excellent. anyhow is very hard to find them, [I think they are OP at the moment at least], so they do not count

They are still available, he casts them to order.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Ray Rivers on November 17, 2008, 07:02:53 PM
Thanks guys.

Just what I wanted to know.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: argsilverson on November 26, 2008, 11:52:27 PM
I add a new link


technically is not VSF, since actually is WW1, but the officers with the cap sounds very interesting and cry to be used in VSF, too.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Ray Rivers on November 28, 2008, 04:28:36 PM
Don't think  Castaway Arts (http://www.castawayarts.com.au/catalog/catalog_main.php?cmd=groupload&group=0) has been listed.

Anybody have an idea how these mini's scale with other manufacturers?
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: nickinsomerset on November 29, 2008, 02:06:04 PM
I have some Castaway French Troops and mounted Prussian commanders. The figures are nice, slightly more slender than Foundry,  they will not mix well in a unit, but my Foundry and Castaway units sit nicely together.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: matakishi on December 04, 2008, 05:47:06 AM
I found this today, steam powered elephant, not my period (yet) so I'm just passing it on, apologies if it's been mentioned before.



edit: Sorry for the pic size, poor coding on their part, having a big original and resizing on the page (buggered if I'm going to resize it and host it myself though)
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Dewbakuk on December 04, 2008, 05:49:18 AM
Nope, new one on me, cheers. Looks kind of Turkish.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Malamute on December 04, 2008, 08:32:32 AM
Oh My, wait 'til Sir Henry Bullshott see's this...awesome :)
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: argsilverson on December 04, 2008, 02:36:33 PM
Nice, do they have some european distributor?
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: nickinsomerset on December 04, 2008, 05:16:38 PM

This just arrived, I have been looking at it for a while, bought last week for £9.99 from ebay - TRACKED STEAM POWERED
ASSAULT GUN, LARGE NAVAL GUN ON TURNTABLE and 2 STEAM BOILERS, it is by PMCGAMES who make some superb buildings and terrain. A simple kit, made of resin and I have a feeling it will steam under French colours!
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Malamute on December 04, 2008, 06:17:32 PM

This just arrived, I have been looking at it for a while, bought last week for £9.99 from ebay - TRACKED STEAM POWERED
ASSAULT GUN, LARGE NAVAL GUN ON TURNTABLE and 2 STEAM BOILERS, it is by PMCGAMES who make some superb buildings and terrain. A simple kit, made of resin and I have a feeling it will steam under French colours!

Got one already ;) :) mine will represent Britain :) yes they make some jolly nice stuff. Fastolfrus has a rocket battery pulled by  steam tractor. I have been looking for one, but it hasn't shown up on Evilbay for a while.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: answer_is_42 on December 04, 2008, 08:09:00 PM
Oh My, wait 'til Sir Henry Bullshott see's this...awesome :)

My thoughts exactly...
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Bullshott on December 09, 2008, 01:21:44 PM
I found this today, steam powered elephant, not my period (yet) so I'm just passing it on, apologies if it's been mentioned before.


Thanks for posting this - it may be perfect for my Grand Turk army
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Malamute on December 09, 2008, 01:31:51 PM
I found this today, steam powered elephant, not my period (yet) so I'm just passing it on, apologies if it's been mentioned before.


Thanks for posting this - it may be perfect for my Grand Turk army

We thought you might like it... ;) :)
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: BlackStatic on December 12, 2008, 04:18:55 AM
Hi, just thought you guys would be interested in this:



(I've had it for around two years so the painting isn't the best)


With a 28mm mini:



It's from a small local company (no website) called Inquisition Miniatures and is supposed to be a not40K orc walker thingo

Its solid white metal and from memory it was only about $30-$40 (ozzy dollars)
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Malamute on December 12, 2008, 08:19:45 AM
Thanks for sharing, thats an impressive piece. :)
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Doc Twilight on January 20, 2009, 11:43:07 AM
Just a mention, boys, that I've got my grubby hands on one of the Stonehouse Miniatures Steam Elephants. They are definitely smallish - not massive African type elephants, nor as small as the African Forest Elephant either, somewhat in between. I hesitate to say Indian elephant sized, as I imagine those as being slightly larger, but anyway...

It's a very nice model, certainly works well with both my 25s and 28s, but again, not the massive beast you might think it to be. Very appropriate for use in Turkish or "Native" forces. I suspect that the Great Sultan of Al'Salahan will bless his armies with one, two, or three of these beasties as I revisit my old VSF stomping grounds.

By comparison with my other landships, my opinion would be that these beasties would rate as "light" or "medium" vehicles. Armament could be whatever you'd imagine it to be, as the turret has firing slits, but no barrels. Could easily be remedied, or left as is.

Again, well, worth the money. When I get my example painted up, I'll try to get some photos.


Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: argsilverson on January 20, 2009, 02:02:35 PM
looking forward to your pics
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Doomsdave on August 06, 2009, 04:35:54 PM
Spotted this while at Toys 'R' Us.  It has definite airship potential.  It's US$20 right now as it's new. 

You can purchasefrom their online store as well. 
http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3504329&camp=PPC%3A379972611 (http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3504329&camp=PPC%3A379972611)
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Dewbakuk on August 06, 2009, 08:24:00 PM
Doesn't really say VSF to me with that shape. Would work well for a Pulp one though.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Thunderchicken on August 24, 2009, 11:37:38 AM
Thought I'd add a link to this thread as many of the figures produced by Design 28 Miniatures can be used for VSF:

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Fjodin on September 27, 2009, 09:25:09 AM
I want to but some 15mm figures (I own Aeronef and land Ironclads games, but want to expand), so which are thouse manufanturers in this topic makes best detailed 15mm VSF and Colonials???
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: JollyBob on September 27, 2009, 10:18:42 AM
which are thouse manufanturers in this topic makes best detailed 15mm VSF and Colonials???

I don't know if they've already been mentioned, but for 15mm, you may want to look at Black Hat's Martian Empires range:


Soon to be expanded with Prussians as well.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Fjodin on September 27, 2009, 12:05:44 PM
WOW! Great martians! But... They are 18 mm? Are this ok for 15 mm figures?
By the way, thanx for helping, because I am new in large scales :)

By the way, my painted 2mm scale Irregular Miniatures train for Land Ironclads

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: JollyBob on September 27, 2009, 04:57:20 PM
No problem Fjodin.  :)

The Black Hat martians etc are called 18mm, but that is just Mike being honest. Most modern 15mm figures are more like 18mm anyway I am led to believe. There is a picture of how they measure up to other companies halfway down this page:


From when I asked a similar question myself a few months ago.

And that is a lovely train. Such detail on such a small model!  :o
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Fjodin on September 28, 2009, 12:57:44 AM
Thanx for pic of 15mm! Even id Black Hat is 18 mm I am certainly going to get that GREAT Martians!
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Fjodin on September 28, 2009, 01:01:27 AM
By the way what do you think about Irregular Miniatures 15 mm range? (I like their 2mm and 6mm infantry/cavalry)

2mm Cuirassiers with painted hoofs and palms on hands. (I am terrible macro photographer. For example base should be transparent...)
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Fjodin on September 29, 2009, 06:21:48 AM
And does anyone tried Old Glory 15mm? Are they good? Is it real that for 20 dollars you can get 50 INDIVIDUAL TROOPS ?  :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: elysium64 on September 30, 2009, 02:56:46 AM
I wave just found these miniatures to be released at end of October by Micro Art Studios for the Polish RPG "Wolsung"



Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Fjodin on September 30, 2009, 04:34:33 AM
WOW! Now I am totaly confused with scale :(
15 mm is great, but there are plenty VSF designed figures in 28mm and only a few in 15mm :(
Does that mean I should chouse 28mm to have thouse beautiful VSF figures?
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Mancha on September 30, 2009, 05:25:32 AM
Don't feel too bad if you can't fit them into your gaming world; they cost 10 Euro each.    :(
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Fjodin on September 30, 2009, 09:27:17 AM
I am just cant decide which scale to use...
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Chairface on October 01, 2009, 03:40:07 AM
I am just cant decide which scale to use...

When in doubt, go with 28mm. You'll have far more variety to choose from.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Thunderchicken on October 01, 2009, 09:29:01 AM
I play in both scales but there's far more choice in 25/28mm and more gamers to play against and swap ideas with.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Fjodin on October 07, 2009, 02:32:28 AM
Where can I find comparisson pictures of 28mm Colonial British and Continental Prussians? I know Eurika make good vsf :)
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: leadfool on October 11, 2009, 08:52:57 AM
Guys, I just found a new item to use for VSF.  Sorry no photos.  CVS pharmacy, (Formerly Longs) here in the US has a halloween decoration that is great.  It is a Spider, votive candle holder.  Simple steel 8 legged spider, which has a body designed to hold one of those small flat candles.  I figure put a boiler on the back a machine gun armed crew in place of the votive candle, paint over the spider eyes. and you have a spider "Machines that walk".  best part is they are only $2.99.  I bet on Nov. 1 they will be even cheaper. 

I will try to post photos, especially if I actually make something with them.

On another note, if there is Micheals store near you, try their halloween stuff.  They have a pirate ship that I know there is some potential for, but I can't figure it out.  They also have small "pile o skulls" that I am going to use for my cannibal village.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Fjodin on October 11, 2009, 12:03:35 PM
WOW! It will be great to see this Spider :) :) :)
Please post a photo!
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Fjodin on October 11, 2009, 11:27:34 PM
I was searching in the net. Do you mean this one?

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: leadfool on October 12, 2009, 06:31:23 AM
Fjodin, Those aren't the ones but they are pretty cool as well.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Sinewgrab on October 12, 2009, 04:39:47 PM
I am betting these...

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: leadfool on October 16, 2009, 06:21:40 AM
sinewgrab, Those are very much the same except the ones I found had green or orange strips painted on the legs and eyes painted on the "face".  Bothe of which I will be painting over anyway. 
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: The Bajhi of Nadiasawalla on November 04, 2009, 10:45:20 AM
Not really my "period" - but was in Toys'R'Us (Edinburgh) a week or two back and they were selling off 'collectables' tied to the Golden Compass film - horse-less carriages, airship, etc., all looked close to 28mm and all at 99p !!

I should have bought some.

 The Bajhi

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: gamer Mac on November 04, 2009, 11:16:42 AM
I will need to drag the kids to Toys'R'Us at the weekend then.
Bullshot has one of those that he uses as a staff car for his VSF Prussians
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Gluteus Maximus on November 04, 2009, 05:16:37 PM
Aarrggh! They are lovely models with loads of VSF potential. I shall have to pop into my local Toys R Us.

Thanks for posting  :D
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Mancha on November 04, 2009, 06:35:55 PM
The two robots from the movie Astro Boy are available at McDonalds.  I've been eyeing one of them for a while:

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: chantyam on November 06, 2009, 12:19:17 PM
The golden compass carriages are 99p and the twin bag airships are 49p at least they were 04/11/09 in Toys R Us Gateshaed MetroCentre got loads already but got three each and picked up a twin pack of Terminators tied to last film for £2.99 because the bulker of the two had a mini gun!! the slimer one seems to be armed with a crowbar?
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Argonor on November 19, 2009, 02:19:24 PM
Anyone seen this (if already mentioned, sorry, I did not have the time to look through all the posts):

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: gloriousbattle on June 10, 2010, 08:38:01 PM

Nice cheap clockwork soldier with a big hammer.  You can find them online for around $1.50 apiece.  What's not to love?
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Argonor on June 11, 2010, 09:36:21 AM

Nice cheap clockwork soldier with a big hammer.  You can find them online for around $1.50 apiece.  What's not to love?

What's it called?
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: gloriousbattle on June 11, 2010, 01:09:54 PM
What's it called?

Somewhat unimaginatively, it's called a Hammerer.  :)
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Argonor on June 11, 2010, 01:38:37 PM
Somewhat unimaginatively, it's called a Hammerer.  :)

Well, then I'll buy one, paint it in Swedish colours, and call it 'Peder'.

Then Hammers will probably have something nasty for me the next time we meet  lol
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: gloriousbattle on June 11, 2010, 03:37:03 PM
Well, then I'll buy one, paint it in Swedish colours, and call it 'Peder'.

Then Hammers will probably have something nasty for me the next time we meet  lol

In my VSF game, Germany is almost wiped out (catastrophe involving a poison gas factory), and only a few mad aristocrats and madder scientists survive.  Krupp and Bismark rule the country now, which is mostly blasted wastes.

Still, the Germans are the strongest nation on the planet, as Herr Krupp's automated factories turn out armies of automata including the above-mentioned Hammerers, these guys for infantry:


and half a dozen land leviathans:


The whole army includes only three human figures from Brigade Games: a mad scientist (Krupp), a Prussian aristocrat (Bismark) and a shady figure in long trench coat and peaked cap known only as Herr Kapitan...


Other than that, all I have are a few German Imperial flags, and the whole thing is ready to go, and give my VSF British and Russians no end of fits.

Some day, I'll figure out how to work a camera  :( , and put up some photos.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: gloriousbattle on June 11, 2010, 05:55:37 PM
What's it called?

One thing though.  While it's a nice model, the piece is badly balanced, and has a tendency to fall over.  Unless you are going to remount it, the easiest thing is to glue a penny under it's base.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Onebigriver on July 13, 2010, 04:39:55 PM
Don't think anyone has mentioned Gary Mitchell's mini's here. I think the the Cepholod might be of special interest, but there are other aliens that might be of interest.

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Thunderchicken on July 13, 2010, 06:26:10 PM
Ooooooh! I haven''t seen this site before. I like.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Argonor on July 15, 2010, 11:34:02 AM
Our nearest Toys'r'Us has a whole bunch of the Golden Compass carriage at about £5 a piece. That's discounted.... pretty steep, like anything else in this darn country...   :?
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: gloriousbattle on July 15, 2010, 02:32:33 PM
Our nearest Toys'r'Us has a whole bunch og the Golden Compass carriage at about £5 a piece. That's discounted.... pretty steep, like anything else in this darn country...   :?

Some of those look pretty good.  You could make a nice aero-fleet out of the dirigibles and balloons.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Pappa Midnight on July 22, 2010, 11:36:21 PM
Whilst working on my VSF scenery I decided to look for some street lamps.
I've got some Westwind ones which are very nice but I found these I think the price is brilliant especially as they can be lit by a 6v source:

They are listed as HO scale but they measure 60mm should look pretty good with 28mm minis.
I ordered 20 of each off Ebay from WEHONEST_CN. They came to just over £15.00 with FREE shipping!!!
Not bad for 40 lights!!!!!!

They also do some really nice wall mounted lamps aswell as modern lights.

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Thunderchicken on July 24, 2010, 10:38:15 AM
I use these chaps for quite a bit of my 20mm terrain, everything from trees to phone boxes. As PM says some of their stuff can be used for 28mm, I've got a pile of those lights but no idea where I put them  ::). The always deliver the goods so they are honest  ;). They rotate their stock too so worth going back to them from time to time.

I ordered some railings from them recently, bargain at £5 for a meter!
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Thunderchicken on August 05, 2010, 08:39:04 AM
Design 28 has a new website, at the moment dedicated to VSF. Nice stuff too!  :)

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: shakespear on September 02, 2010, 11:25:56 PM
not sure if this one has been mentioned:

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Jonas on September 07, 2010, 03:08:34 PM
I have been trying to contact Scheltrum for several months now, but their email doesn't work anymore (not for me at least) and I have had Thunderchicken to try and send a fax, but also with no luck.

If anyone has a working email to Scheltrum or another (working) way to contact, please share.

Edit: I guess my next try should be by regular post.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Nazrat on September 07, 2010, 03:22:31 PM
I have one of these Rourke's Command Cars from Disney's Atlantis movie if anybody is interested in it.  http://www.figurerealm.com/actionfigure.php?FID=4334&figure=rourkescommandcar  I bought it years ago and never used it at all so it's still in the package.  I'd like ten bucks plus shipping.  Reply here or write me at jfrazee AT carolina.rr.com  Thanks!

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Sterling Moose on September 07, 2010, 03:41:36 PM
Email sent Nazrat.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Jonas on October 24, 2010, 09:46:02 PM
I have been trying to contact Scheltrum for several months now, but their email doesn't work anymore (not for me at least) and I have had Thunderchicken to try and send a fax, but also with no luck.

If anyone has a working email to Scheltrum or another (working) way to contact, please share.

Edit: I guess my next try should be by regular post.

After some time having trouble to contact Scheltrum I finally made contact, apparently they have changed their email from .com to .co.uk

Thunderchicken found this post on the miniature page for me.

http://theminiaturespage.com/news/649500/ (http://theminiaturespage.com/news/649500/)

I thought I would post it here if others have experienced the same problems as me.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Belgian on May 16, 2011, 08:14:49 PM
One that I stumbled accross that may be of use:


They sell ready saddled terror birds for converting your own cavalry.


I expect I will be shelling out for a few of these at some point.  :)

Hi, does somebody know where you can buy this miniature? most preferable in Europe.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Gluteus Maximus on May 16, 2011, 10:00:11 PM
Yes, I dimly remember seeing this first time round, making a mental note to buy some, then promptly forgetting all about it >:(

I'd also like to know if they are still available  :)
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Melnibonean on October 01, 2011, 05:38:21 AM
Greetings Folks,

Fiendish Fabrications have a range of unusual miniatures in our Gothica Miniatures range as well as a range of modular buildings suitable for VSF/Steampunk settings.

Gothica Miniatures: http: //www.fiendishfabrications.com.au/html/gothica_miniatures.html

Cityscape Modula Buildings: http://www.fiendishfabrications.com.au/html/cityscape.html

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: jscottbowman on October 13, 2011, 02:40:14 AM
Thanks for the heads up on the streetlights PM, I am tempted to get some to use as stern galley lamps for my pirate ships.

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: XCIV on February 26, 2012, 03:48:07 PM
That terror bird would be a good buy for me as well. Anyone got it found out yet? The original linked location no longer has them on their web catalog. I may try emailing them in regards to it, though.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Gary Mitchell on February 26, 2012, 05:04:24 PM
I do VSF minis in my range www.spacevixensfrommars.com   Bretahing conversion set plus Human adventurer, Martian princess and four-armed green martian, he says, shamelessly self-plugging
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Chairface on February 27, 2012, 05:55:20 PM
I do VSF minis in my range www.spacevixensfrommars.com   Bretahing conversion set plus Human adventurer, Martian princess and four-armed green martian, he says, shamelessly self-plugging

No need tp appologize, self promotion is encouraged. Lovely looking figs.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Thunderchicken on February 27, 2012, 09:57:26 PM
I've purchased figures from Gary in the past. Great guy to deal with and recommended.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Gary Mitchell on March 11, 2012, 05:13:49 AM
I do some not-carters and a bretahing app set for coverting minis. Visit www.spacevixensfrommars.com
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: sculptingfool on March 16, 2012, 07:30:44 PM
Starting Sunday, March 18 and lasting through Sunday, April 1, all TinMan merchandise will be 30% off regular retail prices.

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Chairface on March 18, 2012, 12:33:47 PM
Starting Sunday, March 18 and lasting through Sunday, April 1, all TinMan merchandise will be 30% off regular retail prices.


Made an order last night
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: RepublicsFury on September 05, 2012, 09:46:33 PM
After poking around it looks like Jeff Valent astudios bit the dust.  Or are they being sold by someone now, or did he go work for someone and I can go to that website?

I understand he had a line of very nice Victorian women, but no luck for me yet.

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: RepublicsFury on September 10, 2012, 08:00:03 PM
Found out Jeff Vallabt is now with Black Pyramid Gaming
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: KevinH on March 15, 2013, 09:49:11 AM
Don't know if anyone else has already posted this but here goes.

I just spotted these robots on the coming soon page at Spartan Games.  Would make a fine adversary for Victorias finest I reckon!

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: RepublicsFury on March 15, 2013, 01:37:39 PM
Nice catch!
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Allen on April 20, 2013, 01:20:01 PM
I am resurrecting my Space 1889 universe using the Battles by GASLIGHT rules.  Does anyone make 25/28mm infantry figures suitable for use as Belgians?


Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Jonas on April 20, 2013, 03:39:49 PM
Foundry have a line of Belgians, but it is Darkest Africa, so mostly made up of Askari.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Sinewgrab on April 20, 2013, 03:52:55 PM
You can use the WW1 Belgians from Brigade Models.  I use them for my Norwegians ( http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=51127.0 ).
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Fitzlyon on May 27, 2013, 10:14:15 PM
stonehouseminiatures.com has a gunboat line of parts for air or sea ships. 
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: The_Beast on June 06, 2013, 02:05:17 PM
Either my search fu has failed me utterly, or I'm the first to include Tobsen77, purveyor of fascinating resin and metal conveyances.


Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: XCIV on June 20, 2013, 06:58:24 PM
Does anyone know of a source for Nubian Guardsmen, for the Servants of Ra Company in In Her Majesty's Name?
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: ink the troll on June 30, 2013, 08:47:11 PM
Does anyone know of a source for Nubian Guardsmen, for the Servants of Ra Company in In Her Majesty's Name?
Maybe this one: http://www.darkswordminiatures.com/shop/index.php/featured/george-r-r-martin-masterworks-dsm5072-strong-belwas.html

If topless Guardswomen would be ok as well, Hasslefree have  these:
1. http://www.hfminis.co.uk/shop?product=akanke~hfh021&category=miniatures~fantasy-humans
2. http://www.hfminis.co.uk/shop?product=nubian-female-with-hide-shield-and-assegai~hfh026&category=miniatures~fantasy-humans
3. http://www.hfminis.co.uk/shop?product=nubian-female-with-spear~hfh025&category=miniatures~fantasy-humans
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: lou passejaire on September 03, 2013, 11:12:17 AM
nice submarines from flagship games :


a bigger one is the "orca"


i have buy those years ago
but seems that flagship is now sold by http://www.scalecreep.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=55490scale creep miniatures (http://www.scalecreep.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=55490scale creep miniatures)
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: twrchtrwyth on November 24, 2013, 07:19:50 PM
Does anyone know what's available in terms of 6 and 8 legged creatures?
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Curufea on December 23, 2013, 10:54:07 PM
Nice.  I've also started compiling a resources thread on a local forum here- http://www.wargamerau.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=162411 for anything steampunk/VSF related.

Of notes is that I've been putting miniature suppliers in a number of pinterest boards based on scales manufactured.  I'll add the links here if they're not already included.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: The_Beast on February 06, 2014, 06:53:58 PM
"VSF weapons and conversion parts"  thread...


Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: JohnDSD2 on February 01, 2016, 09:58:39 AM

What is the state of play with John Carter of Mars figures etc?
Parroom Station, Tin Man and others seem to be out of business unavailable, or is it that I'm not looking in the right place?

Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Pijlie on March 01, 2017, 05:35:52 AM
Bronze Age minis is very much alive!

http://bronzeagemin.com/ (http://bronzeagemin.com/)
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Sir Barnaby Hammond-Rye on July 28, 2017, 10:27:30 PM

What is the state of play with John Carter of Mars figures etc?
Parroom Station, Tin Man and others seem to be out of business unavailable, or is it that I'm not looking in the right place?


The Tin Man shop is still open, and they are available from Iron Wind Metals.

Parroom Station *are* currently OOP.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: tsofian on October 01, 2017, 05:08:19 PM
http://www.gamodls.com/Scripts/Steampunk.html (http://www.gamodls.com/Scripts/Steampunk.html)

They make a large number of nice 15mm resin cast vehicles





Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: tsofian on October 02, 2017, 12:46:50 AM
In addition Arun my cowriter's Shapeways store has a number of very cool 3D printed machines from out VSF world!

https://www.shapeways.com/shops/objects?section=HQC+15mm+Ground+Vehicles&s=0 (https://www.shapeways.com/shops/objects?section=HQC+15mm+Ground+Vehicles&s=0)



Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Terayon on February 24, 2018, 09:07:48 PM
Looks great! Thanks for the info!
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Tesla knight on September 17, 2019, 01:50:44 PM
Blotz have turned some of the original 28mm Aeronef designs …

https://blotz.co.uk/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=23_29_217 (https://blotz.co.uk/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=23_29_217)

into 15mm for those of a more diminutive persuasion!  ;)

https://blotz.co.uk/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=23_28_298 (https://blotz.co.uk/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=23_28_298)
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: leadfool on December 25, 2019, 09:44:38 AM
thanks those look great.  have you ordered any?
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: Cat on November 08, 2020, 12:05:25 AM
Things From the Basement has launched a 28mm VSF line, starting with Aphid and Locust airships, complete with 3D printed weapons.
Title: Re: Where to buy VSF goodies?
Post by: The_Beast on May 27, 2024, 08:26:10 PM
The Tin Man shop is still open, and they are available from Iron Wind Metals.

Parroom Station *are* currently OOP.

As I mentioned in a regular thread, Parroom Station is being carried by Ral Partha Legacy.

Response was divided into complaints about cost (you are warned) and some thrill at availability at any price.

FYI, seemingly under the radar, a heck of a lot of Space 1889's metal is still available at RAFM, labelled as 'Victorian'.
