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Miniatures Adventure => Interwar => Topic started by: Mason on August 29, 2015, 09:11:25 PM

Title: Royalist Navy reinforcements... (My VBCW) 18/02
Post by: Mason on August 29, 2015, 09:11:25 PM
I have decided that it is about time that I put together a VBCW force or two using the figures that I already have and building from there.
Seeing as how I have sculpted a few miniatures for the period and already have a fair sized collection of suitable figures for the genre it seems a bit of a no-brainer.
Also, my scenery collection is pretty much geared towards the time and setting, so why not?
The fact that the setting is very tongue in cheek also appeals to my sense of humour.

I shall be doing two forces, initially.
The first will be a Local Defence Volunteer force set in my local area, Penge and its environs, utilising local history and landmarks to add flavour.
The second will be a BUF force centred around Dulwich Village and its own particular flavour.

The first squad for my impending LDV (Penge).

The Watermen Section.


Formed around a core of volunteers from the local Royal Watermens Almshouses, built for retired freemen of the Watermen and Lighter-men's company of the City of London.

The bespectacled chap in the back row is local quack, Dr Lance deBoyle, who often accompanies them in action as he is a regular visitor to the Almshouses and has formed a solid friendship with the local veterans.

More info to follow.....

Title: Re: The Penge Local Defence Force (Watermen Section)
Post by: marianas_gamer on August 30, 2015, 01:44:00 AM
They look great!!
Title: Re: The Penge Local Defence Force (Watermen Section)
Post by: Elk101 on August 30, 2015, 08:31:54 AM
Will they have a boat?  Good start!
Title: Re: The Penge Local Defence Force (Watermen Section)
Post by: Mason on August 30, 2015, 11:28:28 AM
Thanks, chaps.
These fellas were painted by Jeff965, and I think he has done a great job on them.

Will they have a boat?  Good start!

No, they wont have a boat as there is no significant waterway in the immediate enviroment.
The Almshouses are local and it may seem a strange place, with no nearby water, for a location for the Watermen to be situated, but I believe that it was selected more due to local affiliations with Queen Alexandra than anything else.

A little more on the Almshouses:

The almshouses were built in 1840 - 1841 for retired freemen of the Watermen and Lighter-men's company of the City of London.

Watermen had the job of ferrying people across the Thames in the days when there was only a single bridge, while lightermen were pilots taking goods from large ocean going ships into port, using small boats or lighters.

As the number of bridges across the Thames increased, the prospects of the watermen grew worse and the demand for accommodation for those who had fallen on hard times grew.

Built in a Tudor style, popular at the time, on land donated by local landowner, James Dudin Brown, there was then accommodation for 60 residents in what would then have been a delightful rural location.

There will be a little more on this theme in a future post.

In the meantime here is a picture of the section on patrol on the edges of Penge where it borders Crystal Palace, a known target for the attentions of the local BUF contingent.


Title: Re: The Penge Local Defence Force (Watermen Section)
Post by: Mason on August 31, 2015, 09:29:16 AM
More detailed historical information on the Almshouses:

The land here, once part of Penge Common and known as Billet Field, adjacent to the Old Crooked Billet Inn, was given for the Royal Free Watermen and Lightermen’s Almshouses by local landowner John Dudin Brown of Sydenham, a freeman of the Company of Watermen, who was to become president of the Almshouses. His donation of 2 acres and 50 guineas is recorded on 24 January 1839, with a further £2000 raised within a month of this. Queen Adelaide, wife of William IV, agreed to become patroness on 26 June 1839 and donated 100 guineas; other donations were collected through the Royal Free Watermen and Lightermen’s Committee that was set up and eventually, by 29 June 1841, £10,500 had been collected of the estimated £13,000 needed. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert later become patrons following the death of Queen Adelaide, and made a donation of £100 on 4 August 1847. In 1839 fourteen plans by different architects had been exhibited to the Committee by the surveyor, and of the four that went forward, those of architect George Porter from Bermondsey were finally selected on 16 May. Porter's almshouses, described as ‘the most prominent building in Penge’ appear to be his most prestigious commission. His assistant was SS Teulon who built for the Dyers' Company in King Henry's Walk, Islington (since demolished). The foundation stone was laid by Sir Chapman Marshall, Lord Mayor of London. In June, Mr Hill of Lewisham paid for the brickwork and oak fencing to enclose the land, to be completed by 12 August. There were initially 30 houses, with 11 additional ones built with money donated by Dudin Brown, whose daughter was responsible for a small philanthropic development nearby, St John's Cottages (q.v.). Twenty-four tenders were received to build the first 30 almshouses and the contract for £7310 was given to Mr Harrison & Son of Bermondsey.

In June 1840 the committee resolved to build an additional 7 houses to front onto Penge Lane, which would hide the backs of the original almshouses from the street. These additional almshouses and lodge, and an extra 2 houses, were eventually built by Mr Harding in 1841, after two earlier contractors had gone bankrupt. In July 1840 a Mr Robins was contracted to supply and fix railings, gates and lamps for £470, and Mr Harrison submitted an estimate for £594 10s for a dwarf boundary wall. The Almshouses were built for 'Poor, Aged, Decayed, and Maimed Free Watermen and Lightermen of the river Thames, and their Wives and Widows'; they opened in 1841 with 76 candidates, 34 of whom were married couples, 10 single men and 32 widows. The buildings, in white Suffolk brick, are on three sides of a courtyard, originally with colonnades and glass roofs. Water was supplied from wells in the yards, with two pumps and three spouts; the pumps remain in the northeast and northwest corners. Each house had three rooms and there were paved walks with ornamental dwarf walling along the open end of the quadrangle, with three openings and heraldic beasts. In October 1841 there were plans for the space between the backs of the two rows of houses 'to be paved in Yorkshire stone with proper channel stones in the centre and the Terrace walk in front be in like manner, with squared edges laid in cement. The gravel would be continued underneath the committee Hall with Yorkshire paving on either side close to the Building and a curb of granite'. The contract for the two pumps and their alteration was £102 in 1841; ironwork was ordered from Messrs Kennard & Co, which was erected in December 1841, at which time 28 of the houses were occupied.

According to the Almshouse Minute Books 1838-58, in March 1841 a Mr Buchanan, landscape and garden decorator, was paid £310 with upkeep for the first year and a promise of replacement shrubs and plants for two years, the total being £384 including extra work. Subsequently, from January 1851, Mr Wood, one of the residents, was paid as the gardener at £21 a year, raised to £30 in July 1856. The wall at the back of the housing was built in 1855 to replace a fence in poor condition and at the same time the gravel paths were cleaned at an extra cost of £12. All the paths were re-gravelled, the level raised and returfed, flowerbeds dug and replanted at a cost of £60 around the monument to John Dudin Brown. This grey granite obelisk was in the centre of the quadrangle, erected in 1855 by the Watermen and Lightermen’s Company in his memory, Committee-member Mr Young was reported as saying that in future 'the grounds should not get in their late condition and that it was desirable that the Gardener who had charge of the grounds should take them in keeping'. By November 1870 Mr Haynes had become the gardener and paid £30 a year, increasing to £40 in 1889; the accounts list 50 loads of manure, 200 shrubs, gravel removed and a 2nd layer of new at a cost of £36, with '200 plants 50/- from Mr Haynes' in 1890. By 1892 the gardener was N. Lucy.

A memorial to World War I was erected on the wall of the lodge.
The 1935 aerial photograph shows minimal tree cover but pollarded sycamores along the south and east boundaries, also the original houses on the north side.

Title: The Penge and District Womens Institute (The Penge Local Defence Force)
Post by: Mason on September 01, 2015, 03:48:14 PM
Righto then....enough waffle and back onto the pictures.

he next unit to be added to the Local Defence Force is the Penge and District Womens Institute.
It is time for the Ladies to make an appearance..... :D

The Penge and District Womens Institute:


Some close-ups....



Again painted by Jeff965 and based by myself.

Title: Re: The Penge and District Womens Institute (The Penge Local Defence Force) 01/09
Post by: PanzerKaput on September 11, 2015, 07:42:10 AM
I am loving these Mason and it is good to see more WI about
Title: Re: The Penge and District Womens Institute (The Penge Local Defence Force) 01/09
Post by: Dr DeAth on September 11, 2015, 08:33:38 AM
Great looking WI you've got there, unlike those that can be found in the Ugley Women's Institute


It's true, I drove through there myself and saw the sign.

http://www.thewi.org.uk/become-a-member/structure-of-the-wi/england/essex/find-a-wi/ugley (http://www.thewi.org.uk/become-a-member/structure-of-the-wi/england/essex/find-a-wi/ugley)
Title: Re: The Penge and District Womens Institute (The Penge Local Defence Force) 01/09
Post by: Mason on September 11, 2015, 10:00:14 AM
Great looking WI you've got there, unlike those that can be found in the Ugley Women's Institute

 lol lol lol
Ya mad bugger!

That did give me a chuckle, you naughty boy, you.

I am loving these Mason and it is good to see more WI about

Cheers, mate.
The Penge LDV are pretty much finished now, with the Platoon HQ and vehicles completed.
I shall see about some pictures when I get a chance.

I have also started on the BUF, based in nearby Dulwich Village.

Then there is the CPGB and Royal Navy factions that are chugging along nicely.....

To where does this road lead?
Madness, all of it....

Title: Re: The Penge Local Defence Volunteers - (VBCW) 15/09
Post by: Mason on September 15, 2015, 09:15:10 PM
I have pretty much finished sorting out the Penge Local Defence Volunteer force now....


They will have a support element, a mortar, added very soon however.

A round up of this faction, along with closer shots of all the elements will be posted tomorrow.

Title: Re: The Penge Local Defence Volunteers (VBCW) 15/09
Post by: Elk101 on September 15, 2015, 09:18:24 PM
They're a motley bunch! That's a nice collection of figures mate.
Title: Re: The Penge Militia (LDV)- Close-ups of the sections (VBCW) 16/09
Post by: Mason on September 16, 2015, 11:19:27 AM
They're a motley bunch! That's a nice collection of figures mate.

Cheers, mate.

Yep, they are a rather motley crew, as befits a bunch of local volunteers.
Or so I reckon, anyway.

Here are some close-ups of the various sections.

Starting with the first infantry squad, The Watermen...


(Not the best of pictures, but they are seen earlier at the beginning of the thread).

Followed on by the Ladies of the Womens Institute...


And the last of the infantry sections, the High Street Militia...


They are joined by Dr deBoyle and his team from the local Beckenham Cottage Hospital....


They have commandeered a Salvation Army mobile canteen into service as an ambulance.

The Platoon is led by Lord and Lady Baxterville and driven by their daughter, Betty.
They are always accompanied by their manservant and bodyguard, Finners, and their two Afghans, Archie and Oscar.......


The LDV of Penge, so far....

Trench mortar to be added soon.

Title: Trafalgar Legion or Royalist Naval Division (VBCW) 17/09
Post by: Mason on September 17, 2015, 06:24:38 PM
And some opposition for the LDV force....

Royalist Naval Division troops....


I already had the sailors, I just needed to add a few to the Command Section and rebase the lot for cohesion with the rest of the collection.

A close up of the Command Section....


The chap on the left will have his pistol replaced with a standard at some point and the fella on the right will become a doctor with the addition of a medical bag when I either find one or make it.

They may be amalgamated into my BUF force as 'Trafalgar Legion' troops but I am keeping my options open at the moment as I an undecided, hence the delay on the banner.

EDIT: These have since had their allegiance changed to the Anglican League.
Communication during this period of civil strife can sometimes be misleading.....
Title: BUF transports (VBCW) 19/09
Post by: Mason on September 19, 2015, 11:55:47 AM
Ok, even if no-one is interested in VBCW over here, I shall persevere with posting my stuff if only as a project log.

Next up some transports for my BUF squads...


Their 'contents' shall be joining them shortly....

Title: Re: BUF Transports (VBCW) 19/09
Post by: Kommando_J on September 19, 2015, 01:58:49 PM
I'm loving it, keep going, it's giving me something to ogle while I sit a out today painting up my own recent vbcw acquisitions.
Title: Re: BUF Transports (VBCW) 19/09
Post by: marianas_gamer on September 19, 2015, 02:21:59 PM
Hell Paul,
What are you not into these days?  lol  lol
The transports look great. Mind you they would look better mostly stripped of paint servicing some Chinese warlord troops on one of my Back of Beyond boards! lol
Title: Re: BUF Transports (VBCW) 19/09
Post by: joekano on September 19, 2015, 04:01:35 PM
Great looking forces, especially the work on the vehicles!
Title: Re: BUF Transports (VBCW) 19/09
Post by: Oldgamer on September 19, 2015, 07:52:35 PM
Looking forward to seeing the BUF soon.
Title: Re: BUF Transports (VBCW) 19/09
Post by: Mason on September 19, 2015, 09:29:59 PM
I'm loving it, keep going, it's giving me something to ogle while I sit a out today painting up my own recent vbcw acquisitions.

Glad that there are a few of us doing VBCW on here.
I look forward to seeing what you are up to.

Hell Paul,
What are you not into these days?  lol  lol
The transports look great. Mind you they would look better mostly stripped of paint servicing some Chinese warlord troops on one of my Back of Beyond boards! lol

 lol lol
Don't say that, Lon.
You may give me ideas......
Back of Beyond, you say.....?

Great looking forces, especially the work on the vehicles!

Thank you, sir.
The vehicles are actually pretty easy as it is mostly a coating of Modelmates that does the dirty on them.

Looking forward to seeing the BUF soon.

The first of those daft buggers should be up tomorrow.....
Title: Re: BUF Transports (VBCW) 19/09
Post by: Kommando_J on September 19, 2015, 11:55:38 PM
Glad that there are a few of us doing VBCW on here.
I look forward to seeing what you are up to.

You'll see! you'll all see! AHAHAHA!
Title: Re: BUF 'Elites' (VBCW) 20/09
Post by: Mason on September 20, 2015, 09:53:47 AM
I decided to opt for some Pulp Nazis to use as my Dulwich Village BUF 'elites'....


....as I see these clowns as attempting to copy the forces of their 'hero' with the silly moustache, but ending up looking just slightly ridiculous in their lovely new uniforms.
In-game they will be considered as 'inexperienced' as they will be idiotic public schoolboys playing at soldiers.... ;)

They are led by two twin brothers, who are the sons of the local BUF commander.
More about him later  as I am just finishing off his new motor.....
Title: Re: BUF 'Elites' (VBCW) 20/09
Post by: Phil Robinson on September 20, 2015, 10:33:32 AM
A grand idea, they certainly look to be playing the part well.
Title: Re: BUF 'Elites' (VBCW) 20/09
Post by: Blofeld on September 20, 2015, 10:34:09 AM
Fantastic set of miniatures there!
Title: Re: BUF 'Elites' (VBCW) 20/09
Post by: PanzerKaput on September 20, 2015, 01:37:30 PM
Great idea and well done
Title: Re: BUF 'Elites' (VBCW) 20/09
Post by: Constable Bertrand on September 20, 2015, 01:53:26 PM
Cracking work Paul, the rides look very good. Great weathering.  8)

The 'ugley' women's institute has a very pretty bullnose  :-*  :-* Very pretty  :-*

Sadly I am very disappointed with the choice of vehicles these facists use. I would have expected a nice large daimler or something with armour plating, not tiny little trucks. The ethnic minorities 'obviously' have control of all the gold in the banks, and must be unapproving all their attempted car loans. Poor sad Nazis. :(

I like their little black bucklers, very medieval of them ;)  ;D

Sillily yours
Title: Re: BUF 'Elites' (VBCW) 20/09
Post by: Mason on September 20, 2015, 02:07:19 PM
Thanks, chaps.
Much appreciated.

As for Bertie....

Sadly I am very disappointed with the choice of vehicles these facists use. I would have expected a nice large daimler or something with armour plating, not tiny little trucks. The ethnic minorities 'obviously' have control of all the gold in the banks, and must be unapproving all their attempted car loans. Poor sad Nazis. :(

Flash motors, eh...?
Watch this space.

I like their little black bucklers, very medieval of them ;)  ;D

Stupid boy!
 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: BUF 'Elites' (VBCW) 20/09
Post by: Hu Rhu on September 20, 2015, 06:00:54 PM

Just picked up on this thread.  Loving your work with the Penge LDV especially the back stories.  The motors are pretty cool too.  Keep it up. Any chance of seeing these in the flesh at BLAM?
Title: Re: BUF 'Elites' (VBCW) 20/09
Post by: Mason on September 21, 2015, 06:37:00 AM

Just picked up on this thread.  Loving your work with the Penge LDV especially the back stories.  The motors are pretty cool too.  Keep it up. Any chance of seeing these in the flesh at BLAM?

The LDV back stories are all true, so I cannot claim any credit there.
As for bringing them to BLAM: I had not planned to, mate, but if you want me to just remind me closer to the time.

The local BUF commander shall be making an appearance later this afternoon.....watch this space.

Title: Re: BUF Commander and Staff (VBCW) 21/09
Post by: Mason on September 21, 2015, 08:54:47 AM
Time for the Dulwich Village BUF Commander to make an appearance.

Introducing Lord Crispin Orville Mode (known as 'Lord Commode' by his enemies) and his command section posing with their staff car.......


He is accompanied everywhere by his faithful terrier 'Ripper' and his personal Nurse, Matron Manly-Bild.

Title: Re: BUF 'Elites' (VBCW) 20/09
Post by: Constable Bertrand on September 21, 2015, 08:55:45 AM
As for Bertie....

Stupid boy!
 ;D ;D ;D

 lol  lol  lol

Looking good mate.
Title: Re: BUF Commander and Staff (VBCW) 21/09
Post by: Mason on September 21, 2015, 06:13:26 PM
 lol  lol  lol

Looking good mate.

Cheers, mate.

I have to admit that I do like this command group myself.
It makes me smile, the thought of His Lordship being accompanied by 'Nursie'...

Title: Re: BUF Commander and Staff (VBCW) 21/09
Post by: PanzerKaput on September 21, 2015, 06:41:49 PM
Looking great there
Title: Re: BUF Commander and Staff (VBCW) 21/09
Post by: Hu Rhu on September 21, 2015, 08:23:23 PM

He is accompanied everywhere by his faithful terrier 'Ripper' and his personal Nurse, Matron Manly-Bild.

Love Ms Manly-Bild.  lol lol

Great theme you have there Paul.  Keep it coming.
Title: Re: BUF Commander and Staff (VBCW) 21/09
Post by: Mason on September 22, 2015, 12:51:17 AM
Thanks, chaps.

Love Ms Manly-Bild.  lol lol

Should I let her know how you feel?

Great theme you have there Paul.  Keep it coming.

The BUF shall be left alone for a little while as I have got some Anglicans jostling for position in front of the camera next and the LDV trench mortar is almost ready too....

Title: Penge LDV Trench Mortar (VBCW) 23/09
Post by: Mason on September 23, 2015, 08:03:06 PM
The LDV of Penge get some much needed artillery support in the form of a 'Toffee Apple' trench mortar....


Messrs Heath and Robinson don their old uniforms not worn since the Great War as they do their bit in the defence of Penge from the ravages of all aggressors.

Title: Re: Penge LDV Trench Mortar (VBCW) 23/09
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on September 24, 2015, 10:02:46 AM
Love that, Paul...A one-off or for production?

Title: Re: Penge LDV Trench Mortar (VBCW) 23/09
Post by: pocoloco on September 24, 2015, 10:04:38 AM
Great work on all of the units  8)

Great idea to use the inexperienced stats for the menacing looking BUF lot :D (serves them right) Which rules set you will be using btw?

Will there be armour appearing at some point? Cavalry?
Title: Re: Penge LDV Trench Mortar (VBCW) 23/09
Post by: Mason on September 24, 2015, 10:48:56 AM
Love that, Paul...A one-off or for production?

It is from Great War Miniatures, mate.


It just seemed so apt for the LDV.
I do need to add another crew member, I think, but this one will be a lady.

Great work on all of the units  8)

Great idea to use the inexperienced stats for the menacing looking BUF lot :D (serves them right) Which rules set you will be using btw?

Will there be armour appearing at some point? Cavalry?

Cheers, Antti.

There are a few armoured units in the pipeline, first one should be up soon, but only one cavalryman at the moment.
I am sure that I will add a few later, I just need to find the right figures.....

Edit: Rules....thinking of using Went The Day Well, with  maybe a few modifications, or adapting my own rule set....not sure yet.
Title: Re: Penge LDV Trench Mortar (VBCW) 23/09
Post by: Jeff965 on September 27, 2015, 10:11:15 PM
Painted this lady? for Mason as the start of another unit for his VBCW games, I call her "Big Shirl". All I can say is you wouldn't stop her if she bolted lol.
Title: Re: Penge LDV Trench Mortar (VBCW) 23/09
Post by: Mason on September 27, 2015, 10:25:06 PM

She should fit in just fine with the Anglican League figures that I already have.
Nice one, mate.

Title: Re: Penge LDV Trench Mortar (VBCW) 23/09
Post by: Jeff965 on October 01, 2015, 12:34:41 PM
Big Shirl and the rest of her squad, ready for action as soon as Paul bases them up.
Title: Re: Penge LDV Trench Mortar (VBCW) 23/09
Post by: pocoloco on October 01, 2015, 12:44:01 PM
That's a fine looking squad, Anglican side will surely be proud to have them :D
Title: Undressed Ladies (VBCW) 01/10
Post by: Mason on October 01, 2015, 02:03:18 PM
Nice one, mate.
They look just the ticket.

I have given these Lasses the title of Undressed Ladies as their bases are not yet finished.
It should prove quite amusing to see how many of you reading that title visit this board who normally wouldn't.
 ;)  :D

Title: Re: Undressed Ladies (VBCW) 01/10
Post by: Romark on October 04, 2015, 01:20:17 PM
Nice work on big Shirl and her mates Jeff,like the colour scheme you used  :)
Title: The Ladies have got Dressed! (VBCW) 15/10
Post by: Mason on October 15, 2015, 01:02:37 PM
The Ladies are now Dressed!


Title: Re: The Ladies are Dressed(VBCW) 15/10
Post by: Belisarius on October 15, 2015, 01:27:21 PM
Just discovered this mad post and have to say  about the Woman,s Institute squad  ( to paraphrase the Iron Duke )  " I d,ont know what effect they,ll have upon the enemy, but by G** they frighten me "  , especially the big one in the blue jumper....  I would,nt like to give her two Bob short in her wages ...  Have you considered electric shock therapy btw .
Title: Re: The Ladies are Dressed(VBCW) 15/10
Post by: Mason on October 16, 2015, 12:51:11 AM
Just discovered this mad post and have to say  about the Woman,s Institute squad  ( to paraphrase the Iron Duke )  " I d,ont know what effect they,ll have upon the enemy, but by G** they frighten me "  , especially the big one in the blue jumper....  I would,nt like to give her two Bob short in her wages ...  Have you considered electric shock therapy btw .

 lol lol

I think that I am beyond therapy.

As for the more 'robust' ladies: I try to get a more realistic representation of the actual population in my figures rather than all of the girls being the same.
A variety of body shapes and heights.
I think it looks better.

Anyway, back to the thread....

The Militia Ladies are the first unit of my Anglican League forces.
I have another couple of squads ready to parade for pics and a few transport vehicles almost finished.
I shall get them posted up as soon as I get the time.

Title: The Anglican League (VBCW) 30/10
Post by: Mason on October 30, 2015, 05:57:17 PM
The Anglican League detachment sent to bolster the defences around Crystal Palace in an attempt to pin back the BUF from advancing into Kent again.
Based at Beckenham Hospital, where many casualties suffered by the League have been treated, they are tentative allies of the Penge Defence Force.
Each squad has a dedicated transport vehicle in order to respond as quickly as possible to any threatened advance of the Fascists.

A platoon command squad, with a heavy Anglican Church theme.


These are not finished but I have cunningly hidden the bits that need work.
I shall sort that out over the weekend.

The Male Militia squad...


...with their dedicated tender transport.

The Female Militia with their modified van.


and the transports in column...


....all bearing the arms of the Archbishop of Canterbury.

And finally, a group shot of the platoon....


I still have a support weapon, probably an anti-tank rifle, and another unit to add but they are nearly finished.

Title: Re: The Anglican League (VBCW) 30/10
Post by: pocoloco on October 30, 2015, 08:05:36 PM
What a good looking force! You have such a pace with this project, no need to encourage you to hurry up with this :)

The priests in command squad and male militia squad are a nice extra touch, excellent.
Title: Re: The Anglican League (VBCW) 30/10
Post by: Constable Bertrand on October 30, 2015, 09:17:54 PM
Fantastic work there mason.

I assume the Anglicans are not theologically pacificts then, but identify England as God's Kingdom. ;)

I haven't seen many ministers take up arms - but yours look the part sir. Nicely done. 8) 8)


Edit: but did you miss a letter out on the flag? Shouldn't it read ALAM: Anglican lead adventure meet  ;D
Title: Re: The Anglican League (VBCW) 30/10
Post by: Hu Rhu on October 30, 2015, 09:45:26 PM
Brilliant work.   :-* :-*  I love the finish you have put on the vehicles especially. 

Did you manage to get Legionnaire Bert to join in?
Title: Re: The Anglican League (VBCW) 30/10
Post by: PanzerKaput on October 31, 2015, 06:54:14 AM
Wonderful leaguers there Mason, my God shine on your forces my brother!
Title: Re: The Anglican League (VBCW) 30/10
Post by: Mason on October 31, 2015, 08:05:31 AM
Thanks, chaps!

What a good looking force! You have such a pace with this project, no need to encourage you to hurry up with this :)

Well, I have had a head start with all of this bearing in mind that I already had a fair portion of it to begin with.
And Jeff painted a fair bit too.

The priests in command squad and male militia squad are a nice extra touch, excellent.

I figured that would look good and it just seemed 'right' too.

Fantastic work there mason.

I assume the Anglicans are not theologically pacificts then, but identify England as God's Kingdom. ;)

I haven't seen many ministers take up arms - but yours look the part sir. Nicely done. 8) 8)

Edit: but did you miss a letter out on the flag? Shouldn't it read ALAM: Anglican lead adventure meet  ;D

Someone has to put a stop to that man and his fascist followers.

Wonderful leaguers there Mason, my God shine on your forces my brother!

Thank you, sir.

Brilliant work.   :-* :-*  I love the finish you have put on the vehicles especially. 

Cheers, mate.
I am pretty happy with them too.
I do enjoy working on vehicles as they are pretty quick and easy and the results can be quite rewarding.

Did you manage to get Legionnaire Bert to join in?

He IS interested.
I think I shall be able to entice him into a game in the next week or two.

Title: BUF Regular Platoon (VBCW) 01/11
Post by: Mason on November 01, 2015, 11:54:22 AM
I also got around to finishing off my regular BUF platoon.....


The platoon with the rest of the force....


The armoured car in the background of these pictures is not finished yet, that should happen today with a bit of luck.

I also finished off the Womens Section but the wash of dark shade that I applied over the black has created a rather shiny surface and they do not photograph well.... :-[
I shall slap some matt varnish on later and see if that helps.

Title: Re: BUF Regular Platoon (VBCW) 01/11
Post by: pocoloco on November 01, 2015, 01:07:10 PM
Dang, another fine force!  :o

Good to see some armoured "might" on the table... even if it belongs to the evil BUF side.

Any field pieces for any of the forces planned?
Title: Re: BUF Regular Platoon (VBCW) 01/11
Post by: Mason on November 01, 2015, 02:30:16 PM
Dang, another fine force!  :o

Good to see some armoured "might" on the table... even if it belongs to the evil BUF side.

Any field pieces for any of the forces planned?

Cheers, Antti!

The plan at the moment is to build several small forces (Anglican League, BUF and Local Defence Volunteers are almost finished, with Communists and Royalists to follow).

Each force will be composed of a platoon composed of two or three infantry squads and a command section.
Each platoon will also have a support weapon; HMG, mortar or AT rifle, and also have a 'special' unit attached to it.
In the case of the BUF it is the armoured car.

I am trying to theme the 'special' units to the 'style' of the faction in question, hence the Penge LDV have a Toffee Apple mortar as it looks a little improvised and old fashioned, thus matching the feel of the force.

I will be getting on to these more interesting units for the three almost complete forces soon before moving on to the remaining factions properly.

Title: Re: BUF Regular Platoon (VBCW) 01/11
Post by: pocoloco on November 01, 2015, 04:11:05 PM
You will need a bigger table soon!  :D
Title: Re: BUF Regular Platoon (VBCW) 01/11
Post by: Constable Bertrand on November 01, 2015, 08:17:28 PM
You will need a bigger house soon!  :D

Fixed that for you Pocoloco ;)

Title: Re: BUF Regular Platoon (VBCW) 01/11
Post by: Mason on November 01, 2015, 11:34:34 PM
You will need a bigger table soon!  :D

Luckily the new dining room table has extendible wings.... ;)

Title: Re: BUF Regular Platoon (VBCW) 01/11
Post by: Constable Bertrand on November 02, 2015, 08:39:42 AM
I doubt that was due to "luck" Paul.. its for the "extended family" right ;)  ;)

Title: Re: BUF Regular Platoon (VBCW) 01/11
Post by: Dr DeAth on November 02, 2015, 09:07:32 AM
The project is coming on nicely there Paul, like how the red hats set off the black uniform on the BUF
Title: Re: BUF Armoured Car (VBCW) 03/11
Post by: Mason on November 03, 2015, 06:46:47 PM
I doubt that was due to "luck" Paul.. its for the "extended family" right ;)  ;)

 lol lol

The project is coming on nicely there Paul, like how the red hats set off the black uniform on the BUF

Cheers, Mark.
I was hoping that the contrast would help identify them on the table.
The ladies have red on their hats too, but they are too camera shy at the moment....damn that shade wash!

In the meantime, here is the finished armoured car that was sitting in the background in those earlier pictures...


That is the 'special' unit for the BUF sorted.
Just the HMG to do and they are done.

Title: Re: BUF Armoured Car (VBCW) 03/11
Post by: pocoloco on November 03, 2015, 08:07:08 PM
And that's a very fine car indeed!  :-*

Packs quite a punch, too! Is the BUF symbol a decal?
Title: Re: BUF Armoured Car (VBCW) 03/11
Post by: Constable Bertrand on November 03, 2015, 08:34:41 PM
lol lol

I thought as much!  lol

Nice Rolls! the flag decal is a nice touch 8)

Title: Re: BUF Armoured Car (VBCW) 03/11
Post by: Mason on November 03, 2015, 08:42:08 PM
Thanks, chaps.

Is the BUF symbol a decal?

It has been cut out from a flag that panzerkaput made for my Militia ladies, I just overpainted a few bits on it.
The same with the small symbol on the turret hatch.

I thought as much!  lol

Rumbled..... ;)

Title: Re: BUF Armoured Car (VBCW) 03/11
Post by: Kommando_J on November 05, 2015, 04:21:47 AM
How does the brigade games ww1/interwar stuff compare to the empress/footsore stuff?
Title: Re: BUF Armoured Car (VBCW) 03/11
Post by: Mason on November 05, 2015, 09:33:51 AM
How does the brigade games ww1/interwar stuff compare to the empress/footsore stuff?

I have no idea really, mate.
I do not think I have any Empress/Footsore stuff to compare with.
I dont worry too much about things being too similar as people are different sizes and shapes in reality so that quirk in design I see as an advantage, unless the difference is massive and would be weird, then I would not mix them in the same squad.

Title: Re: BUF Armoured Car (VBCW) 03/11
Post by: Kommando_J on November 06, 2015, 12:25:28 AM
I have no idea really, mate.
I do not think I have any Empress/Footsore stuff to compare with.
I dont worry too much about things being too similar as people are different sizes and shapes in reality so that quirk in design I see as an advantage, unless the difference is massive and would be weird, then I would not mix them in the same squad.

The two priests from your command squad are footsore(formerly musketeer) and I do believe the two chaps at the back of the buf command squad are both empress from their mutton chop range, all by Paul Hicks.
Title: Re: BUF Armoured Car (VBCW) 03/11
Post by: Mason on November 06, 2015, 06:49:10 AM
The two priests from your command squad are footsore(formerly musketeer) and I do believe the two chaps at the back of the buf command squad are both empress from their mutton chop range, all by Paul Hicks.

I had no idea.... ::)

I shall take a shot of them with some of the Brigade boys over the weekend at some point.

Title: Re: BUF Armoured Car (VBCW) 03/11
Post by: verd on November 06, 2015, 01:41:14 PM
Splendid work!  :-* :-*
Title: Re: BUF Regular Platoon (VBCW) 01/11
Post by: Mason on November 12, 2015, 08:43:11 PM
I also finished off the Womens Section but the wash of dark shade that I applied over the black has created a rather shiny surface and they do not photograph well.... :-[
I shall slap some matt varnish on later and see if that helps.

I have been rather busy with other things lately but I finally found the time to get some varnish on the BUF lasses today (along with 35 other figures that had not been done either... ::)).

I shall take some pictures of them tomorrow along with those comparison pics that are a little slow forthcoming.

Oh, and work has begun on the Communists.....
Title: Re: BUF Womens Section (VBCW) 14/11
Post by: Mason on November 14, 2015, 01:10:28 AM
Here is a quick picture of the Dulwich Village BUF Womens Section....


Really happy with the difference that the matt varnish has made as the wash really put a shine on the black.
Not the best paint job ever and an even worse picture.
I shall attempt another when I next take some photos....

Title: The Communist Party of Great Britain. (My VBCW) 18/11
Post by: Mason on November 18, 2015, 12:52:45 PM
I have started putting together some figures from my collection to represent the CPGB forces on the London/Kent border.
They mostly just needed rebasing to help them blend more easily.
I am not going to add anything specially 'Communist' to the infantry, that way they can be used for other factions as militia when needed.

Here is a group shot of what I have managed to muster together, they should form the basis of the command section and three squads very nicely.
I do, of course, need to add squad support weapons...


I am yet to decide on background and a 'base' for them to operate from so am open to suggestions.
Title: Re: The Communist Party of Great Britain.. (My VBCW) 18/11
Post by: Kommando_J on November 18, 2015, 02:12:20 PM
Go mobile  ;) http://www.warlordgames.com/new-gaz-aaa-radioworkshop-truck/
Title: Communist Party of Great Britain Infantry Platoon.. (My VBCW) 19/11
Post by: Mason on November 19, 2015, 10:21:55 AM
Go mobile  ;) http://www.warlordgames.com/new-gaz-aaa-radioworkshop-truck/

That is certainly worth considering, a mobile command.
I have plenty of period vehicles, I am sure that I could convert one easily enough.

Here are some (slightly) better pictures of the infantry squads that are still awaiting their Lewis guns and NCO's....




Title: Re: Communist Party of Great Britain Infantry Platoon.. (My VBCW) 19/11
Post by: Hu Rhu on November 21, 2015, 12:37:24 PM
Looking good Paul.  Might I suggest that the various docks around the Medway could suit your purpose as a base.  Might Chatham be the answer??
Title: Re: Communist Party of Great Britain Infantry Platoon.. (My VBCW) 19/11
Post by: Mason on November 21, 2015, 02:52:02 PM
Looking good Paul.  Might I suggest that the various docks around the Medway could suit your purpose as a base.  Might Chatham be the answer??

Cheers, Gary.
Chatham is certainly a possibility but I may use that option for a base for the Anglican League Naval Platoon featured earlier.

Here is a closer shot of the Command Section of the CPGB platoon...


....although I think the chap on the right may well be moved over to lead an infantry squad as he has the same kind of aesthetic as the other two squad leaders that I have located.

Title: Re: CPGB Infantry Platoon Command Section.. (My VBCW) 20/11
Post by: Constable Bertrand on November 22, 2015, 10:18:42 AM
 :-* cracking figures and paintwork there mate

They would make a good cast for a pantomime too  ;)

Title: Re: CPGB Infantry Platoon Command Section.. (My VBCW) 20/11
Post by: archiduque on November 22, 2015, 12:57:35 PM
Excellent work!! ;)
Title: Re: CPGB Infantry Platoon Command Section.. (My VBCW) 20/11
Post by: Elk101 on November 22, 2015, 01:03:19 PM
:-* cracking figures and paintwork there mate

They would make a good cast for a pantomime too  ;)

Oh no they wouldn't!
Title: Re: CPGB Infantry Platoon Command Section.. (My VBCW) 20/11
Post by: Constable Bertrand on November 22, 2015, 08:07:50 PM
Oh no they wouldn't!

Oh yes they would!

Title: Re: CPGB 'Vezdekhod'. (My VBCW) 21/11
Post by: Mason on November 23, 2015, 08:14:32 AM
 lol lol
Thanks, chaps!
That did make me chuckle.

Fair point, though, Bertie, they do look a little camp like that.
Maybe they need separating.... ;)

Back to the CPGB.
This time it is the Platoon support armour, in the form of a Vezdekhod....



More info on this curious little beast here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vezdekhod

How this little beast ended up in the hands of the CPGB is anybody's guess, but it has and is not the only form of srmour that they will take to the field with them....

Title: Re: CPGB 'Vezdekhod' (My VBCW) 23/11
Post by: Elk101 on November 23, 2015, 11:09:43 AM
That's a cool little model.
Title: Re: CPGB 'Vezdekhod' (My VBCW) 23/11
Post by: Constable Bertrand on November 23, 2015, 11:13:41 AM
Nice weathering Pablo, the stuck grass in the chassis is a nice touch 8)

The operatic ladies on the left must know a good number of songs from the motherland to sing and encourage the workers forward.

Might you make as 'fiddler on the roof' figure from your banjo player? ;)

Title: Re: CPGB 'Vezdekhod' (My VBCW) 23/11
Post by: Mason on November 27, 2015, 12:46:15 PM
That's a cool little model.

Nice weathering Pablo, the stuck grass in the chassis is a nice touch 8)

Thanks, chaps!
I picked it up on the Bazaar recently or would never have known anything about the model.
Very quirky, which really appeals for my VBCW setting.
I just removed its base, added a little more weathering and 'mud' and debris and scrawl the lettering on the side.
I think that I will leave it just as it is as I am happy with it like that.

The operatic ladies on the left must know a good number of songs from the motherland to sing and encourage the workers forward.

Or maybe just 'Knees up, Comrade Brown...' as it is a very British civil war.

Might you make as 'fiddler on the roof' figure from your banjo player? ;)

You have given me a couple of ideas with that comment.

Title: Re; Communist reinforcements... (My VBCW) 03/12
Post by: Mason on December 03, 2015, 08:23:11 AM
Some reinforcements for the Communists....


Two Lewis gun teams and section leaders. I still have another LMG to do for the other infantry squad.
And I must get a new bulb for the lamp as this one gives a rather strange colouring to the figures.

Title: Re: Communist reinforcements... (My VBCW) 03/12
Post by: pocoloco on December 03, 2015, 11:19:13 AM
Maybe give the CP command squad a proper revolutionary banner? The lady with red bandanna seems to able to hold one? :)

That armour looks vicious! :D
Title: Re: The Penge Local Defence Force (Watermen Section)
Post by: Bugsda on December 03, 2015, 04:04:21 PM
More detailed historical information on the Almshouses:

I've been wondering what that building was by the crooked billet since I was a kid, Thanks Paul   :)

Great paintwork Jeff. 8)
Title: Re: Communist reinforcements... (My VBCW) 03/12
Post by: Mason on December 03, 2015, 11:49:59 PM
Maybe give the CP command squad a proper revolutionary banner? The lady with red bandanna seems to able to hold one? :)

That armour looks vicious! :D

The CPGB have a banner in the works but I am afraid that the lady with the red headscarf is most likely defecting to the Penge WI as their banner bearer so the CP will have to look elsewhere.

I've been wondering what that building was by the crooked billet since I was a kid, Thanks Paul   :)

Glad to be of service.
Another helpful tip is that is where to get off the bus when you pop round for a game in future....hint, hint... ;)

Great paintwork Jeff. 8)

Jeff has turned out quite a few lovely paintjobs earlier in this thread, but I have managed to actually paint quite a lot of the last few posts myself, ya know...?

Title: Re: Communist reinforcements... (My VBCW) 03/12
Post by: Bugsda on December 04, 2015, 12:07:16 AM

Jeff has turned out quite a few lovely paintjobs earlier in this thread, but I have managed to actually paint quite a lot of the last few posts myself, ya know...?

So you did, especially the redhead with the Mauser, just about my favourite Copplestone woman  ;D
Title: Re: Communist reinforcements... (My VBCW) 03/12
Post by: Mason on December 04, 2015, 12:10:49 AM
So you did, especially the redhead with the Mauser, just about my favourite Copplestone woman  ;D


My favourite is the bint with the fur hat and cigar in the command squad.
 ;D ;D

Title: Re: Communist reinforcements... (My VBCW) 03/12
Post by: marianas_gamer on December 04, 2015, 12:16:30 AM
I love this current group Paul and especially the armor! Strike a blow for the workers of the world!!  lol  lol
Title: Re: Communist reinforcements... (My VBCW) 03/12
Post by: Bugsda on December 04, 2015, 10:39:39 AM

My favourite is the bint with the fur hat and cigar in the command squad.
 ;D ;D

Nah! Too much of a dilettante poseur, the redhead means business. up the workers!  lol
Title: Re: Communist reinforcements... (My VBCW) 03/12
Post by: Captain Blood on December 04, 2015, 10:52:37 AM

My favourite is the bint with the fur hat and cigar in the command squad.
 ;D ;D

Who doesn't love a bint in a fur hat that smokes cheroots? ;)

She's one of my absolute fave Copplestone figures too. (And I know the Prof's very fond of her as well ;))

She's an iconic tabletop character and she pops up all over the place.
Title: Re: Communist reinforcements... (My VBCW) 03/12
Post by: Mason on December 04, 2015, 04:35:38 PM
I love this current group Paul and especially the armor! Strike a blow for the workers of the world!!  lol  lol

 lol lol
Cheers, Lon.
Much appreciated.

Who doesn't love a bint in a fur hat that smokes cheroots? ;)

She's one of my absolute fave Copplestone figures too. (And I know the Prof's very fond of her as well ;))

She's an iconic tabletop character and she pops up all over the place.

So many ways to incorporate that great figure into projects.
The same can be said for a fair few of Mr C's selection, many of those in the Gangster range are brilliant, versatile sculpts in a similar way.
 8) 8)

Nah! Too much of a dilettante poseur, the redhead means business. up the workers!  lol

I notice that you make no comment on her less glamorous mousy twin sister two pictures up.
Did you even notice her?
I bet you didn't!
 ;D ;D

Title: Re: Communist reinforcements... (My VBCW) 03/12
Post by: Bugsda on December 04, 2015, 09:40:39 PM
I notice that you make no comment on her less glamorous mousy twin sister two pictures up.
Did you even notice her?
I bet you didn't!
 ;D ;D

No I didn't, I'm embarrassed to appear so shallow  :(
Title: Re: Communist reinforcements... (My VBCW) 03/12
Post by: Bullshott on January 04, 2016, 07:35:04 PM
Great stuff Paul  :-*

I totally missed this thread until now, but will be keeping a eye on your progress. I've just returned to my own VBCW forces and, like you, will also be bsing my forces on my local area. First elements are on the paiting table ...

Title: Re: Communist reinforcements... (My VBCW) 03/12
Post by: Mason on February 16, 2016, 11:54:32 AM
Thanks, Dave.
Much appreciated.

Some new recruits have recently arrived for the Royalist Navy.

Piccies later......

Title: Re: Communist reinforcements... (My VBCW) 03/12
Post by: Captain Darling on February 16, 2016, 09:41:10 PM
Hi All,

Some cool VBCW figures and accessories on show here, well done!

The model of the Vezdekhod Russian tank shown on an earlier post I think may be from TOBSEN77.

This vehicle was never produced and some argue was the first tank...

http://www.tobsen77.de/products/vezdekhod.php (http://www.tobsen77.de/products/vezdekhod.php)

"Russian tank prototype from 1915. Single track, two man crew. Google \Vezdekhod\ for further information. 28mm scale, 6,3cm long."

Title: Re: Communist reinforcements... (My VBCW) 03/12
Post by: Mason on February 18, 2016, 02:14:49 PM
Well, they must have made at least one as the CPGB have one in their possession.

And: Yes. It is from Tobsen77.
Title: Royalist Navy reinforcements... (My VBCW) 18/02
Post by: Mason on February 18, 2016, 02:21:02 PM
Some reinforcements for the Royalist Navy arrived a while ago and I have just gotten around to tarting them up and rebasing them to fit in with the rest of the force.

The new squad, wearing antique uniforms and equipment looted from the Naval supply stores in Greenwich....


Along with a couple of new members for the platoon command squad....


And the platoon, as it stands at the moment...


As the platoon lacks squad support weapons they will be getting some heavier firepower and transport soon(ish).

Apologies for the crap pictures. I have not gotten the hang of taking photos under the new light yet.
Title: Re: Royalist Navy reinforcements... (My VBCW) 18/02
Post by: pocoloco on February 23, 2016, 06:18:07 PM
Yet another excellent faction for your AVBCW  : :-*

When does the campaign start? You have terrain started, how about campaign map and such extra tidbits?