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Miniatures Adventure => Medieval Adventures => Topic started by: Captain Blood on September 09, 2015, 12:28:21 PM

Title: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on September 09, 2015, 12:28:21 PM
This new TV adaptation (the Beeb's answer to A Game of Thrones) was mentioned in a thread about the upcoming Guy Ritchie King Arthur movie (*shudders in horrified anticipation*)

I haven't read the Cornwell books, but I hear they're pretty good.
The TV series doesn't actually air for a month yet, but apparently the critics have been shown the first episode...

The review in today's The Independent is quite interesting (although it does contain one spoiler, so be warned).

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Cubs on September 09, 2015, 12:38:41 PM
I really enjoy the books (the series is still ongoing) and like the way Uhtred's divided loyalties are played out.

In the books he is more in character like a Dane (a blanket term for the Scandinavian Northmen) - straightforward, brutal, living life in the moment. Yet his blood is Northumbrian and his kin belong to the kingdom of Mercia, so although he often allies himself with Danes to achieve his goals, he is drawn again and again into the cause of the emerging 'England' by serving the powerful kingdom of Wessex.

His naivety and one-dimensional view of statecraft leads to him being manipulated again and again by devious characters, out for themselves or pursuing an agenda that Uhtred doesn't understand.

It's all good stuff, I just hope the TV adaptation doesn't ruin the books.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Dr. Zombie on September 09, 2015, 01:33:17 PM
I will have to wait judging this until I have actually seen it. But for now the square shields and weird fantasy fur clothing does not fill me with confidence.

I like the books. Especially the first 3 after that I feel the books become a bit samey. Uthred gets in trouble, defies orders, sets sail and saves England by staging a massive battle where he kills the Viking chieftain.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Damas on September 09, 2015, 01:33:59 PM
Well, just read the article and watched the clip, then threw up a bit in my mouth.  :'( >:(

Another chance for some nice history based visuals ruined by a producer who wants to stamp their own 'creative' mark on history. RECTANGULAR F**KING SHIELDS and FUR everywhere.  >:( >:( >:(

(This is entirely my own opinion based on a detailed knowledge of the period and should not detract from anyone's enjoyment of the series.)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: LeadAsbestos on September 09, 2015, 01:56:28 PM
Read the series and enjoyed it, though they are samey. I'll watch the series for entertainment too! Maybe tons of viewers will inspire them to do The Winter King series, and THEN I can get pissed off  abt inaccuracies!  ;)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Mason on September 09, 2015, 01:58:21 PM
Really looking forward to this, fur and square shields as well, as the more series like this that get made, the better, in my opinion.
I know it is loosely 'based on fact' but dont let that get in the way of a good story and, hopefully, a good visual version of it.

I love the books and take them for what they are: fiction.
I shall be looking forward to the series in the same way.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Lowtardog on September 09, 2015, 02:15:54 PM
Well, just read the article and watched the clip, then threw up a bit in my mouth.  :'( >:(

Another chance for some nice history based visuals ruined by a producer who wants to stamp their own 'creative' mark on history. RECTANGULAR F**KING SHIELDS and FUR everywhere.  >:( >:( >:(

(This is entirely my own opinion based on a detailed knowledge of the period and should not detract from anyone's enjoyment of the series.)

That was my thoughts too, I suppose they are trying for the general public to differentiate between saxon and Viking to show this
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Paul on September 09, 2015, 02:20:51 PM
though they are samey.
Great fun reads...but Slightly repetative, 
the same way the shieldwall from the Clip is.  :)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: cram on September 09, 2015, 02:22:41 PM
Have to echo others thoughts about the fur and shields.....especially the shields. Looks interesting otherwise. I hope they stay more faithful to the books than the 'Game of Thrones TV series, which seems to be moving more and more away from most of the books true events with every passing season.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Mad Doc Morris on September 09, 2015, 02:33:41 PM
Will still watch it, just to know what the cool kids are talking about. Hope I'll do better than with Vikings; never got beyond its third episode. lol

Another chance for some nice history based visuals ruined by a producer who wants to stamp their own 'creative' mark on history.

Sadly it's not even "their own creative mark" but merely a rip-off of Game of Thrones aesthetics – which are, in turn, heavily inspired by Lord of the Rings and some random 90s fantasy TV series. Add to that some Sons of Anarchy cliches (for some reason bikers became the new cool) and you've got all visual ingredients for a contemporary histotainment show.

That said, I enjoy GoT, more than the books actually. But perhaps I'm more readily accepting awkward costumes and all-too-obvious cultural references because it's a genuine fantasy setting. However, despite Cornwell's usual drift into fantasy, his novels are at least based on history, and that should be represented in any adaptation. There were a lot of flaws in Sharpe, not the least regarding uniforms, yet most of them were down to a silly script (wolf dragoons…) and a shortage of funds, and they didn't substitute shakos for some fancy dreadlocks look.
Perhaps the BBC should rather stick with period drama written by unknown authors. They're better at things which don't have to be a commercial success, it seems. (And to all BBC haters: Even their bad stuff is way ahead of the crap produced by German television and cinema these days…)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: WillieB on September 09, 2015, 02:58:50 PM
Really like the Uthred books despite them being indeed a bit repetitive and will certainly watch this series.
Let's hope they are successful so that the Warlord novels are also filmed.
Wonder who they would cast as my favourite hero Derfel? Well one of my favourite fiction heroes in fact. The other one is Kalliades but he's from another series of books :)

Maybe the BBC isn't all that it used to be, but they still produce series and mini- series light-years ahead of most the competition.
Anyone seen 'our' In Flanders Fields last year? Could have been a masterpiece but quickly degenerated into something truly abysmal.

Let's keep our fingers crossed for this one.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on September 09, 2015, 04:14:00 PM
Great fun reads...but Slightly repetative, 
the same way the shieldwall from the Clip is.  :)

Well spotted Paul.

Sadly it's not even "their own creative mark" but merely a rip-off of Game of Thrones aesthetics – which are, in turn, heavily inspired by Lord of the Rings and some random 90s fantasy TV series.

I so totally agree with you Mad Doc. Everything in this genre is so derivative of what has gone just before. It would be great to see a really original vision. Or in this case, a historically accurate one!

But I'm glad to hear that you and Willie are proud of the BBC's output - we Brits may not be very good Europeans as a rule, but we do have something for our neighbours to enjoy :)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: wulfgar22 on September 09, 2015, 06:57:50 PM
I had high hopes for this but they just took a bit of dive.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: THE CID on September 09, 2015, 07:07:38 PM
Bring back Arthur and the Britons, Oliver Tobias might be a bit past it now though ( a bit like me )  lol
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Romark on September 09, 2015, 08:55:07 PM
I'm a fan of the novels,watched the clip and was a little disappointed in the lead.Didn't Uthred have blonde hair,which more easily helped him pass as a Viking in many a situation in the books...I have a bad feeling about this  :(
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Mr.J on September 09, 2015, 09:24:51 PM
I had high hopes for this but they just took a bit of dive.

This. Massive fan of the books and have the next one on pre-order. Will watch these but that trailer doesn't fill me with confidence. We will have to wait and see I guess.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Gibby on September 09, 2015, 09:40:17 PM
The rule of cool + the persuit of emulating [financial] success (Game of Thrones seeming to be the benchmark for anything with swords and horses) means that this production was inevitably going to go in this direction. Like Vikings, I shall watch it for the entertainment value.

I used to get really wound up by things being historically inaccurate and/or unfaithful to the books - that somehow the integrity of the original works was compromised by bad adaptations. Recently however, I've come to think that those who really care about accuracy/faithfulness (to history/source material respectively) will know the truth of things, and those who don't care never will - even if you sit them down for a PowerPoint presentation about how wrong sofa-quality leather and faux fur outfits are for this period.

Uthred doesn't look right, though. Why does everyone have to be a psuedo-Orlando Bloom in these things?  ::)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: wulfgar22 on September 09, 2015, 09:44:30 PM
Didn't Uthred have blonde hair,which more easily helped him pass as a Viking in many a situation in the books...I have a bad feeling about this  :(

And surely no self-respecting warrior had such a scraggly beard!
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Skyven on September 09, 2015, 09:56:50 PM
Gave up on BBC doing historical after seeing a dress in White Queen with a zipper up the back.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Driscoles on September 10, 2015, 07:25:00 AM
I think we wargamers - we few, we happy few, we band of grumblers - are hard to please.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: guitarheroandy on September 10, 2015, 08:04:28 AM
I think we wargamers - we few, we happy few, we band of grumblers - are hard to please.

 :D You got that right!!!

Look, really...did anyone actually expect re-enactment/museum-quality accuracy here?? This is telly! I admit that it makes me a bit grumpy as well, as accuracy of fighting gear for Vikings etc, isn't hard to get right. But then Romans aren't exactly hard too find info on and when was THAT ever right either? Even on the 'mighty' BBC...

I shall watch it for the same reason I watched the Musketeers, Atlantis, Merlin, etc... A bit of light entertainment involving chaps with swords and stuff!!  :D
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Poiter50 on September 10, 2015, 08:41:40 AM
Have to agree with GHA, it is fiction and entertainment.

:D You got that right!!!

Look, really...did anyone actually expect re-enactment/museum-quality accuracy here?? This is telly! I admit that it makes me a bit grumpy as well, as accuracy of fighting gear for Vikings etc, isn't hard to get right. But then Romans aren't exactly hard too find info on and when was THAT ever right either? Even on the 'mighty' BBC...

I shall watch it for the same reason I watched the Musketeers, Atlantis, Merlin, etc... A bit of light entertainment involving chaps with swords and stuff!!  :D
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: tomrommel1 on September 10, 2015, 10:53:30 AM
I read the books and must say as a story you read during your holidays they are great . Not a history book but that is imo not the intention of Mr. Cornwell.
looking forward to the TV series. The only question for me is when will it be on TV in Germany / be available on DVD in English?
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on September 10, 2015, 05:44:04 PM
My attitude to these things depends on whether it's purporting to be history or not. I strongly disliked The White Queen because it was positioned as history, whereas much of the wardrobe and action portrayed was risible.

The Musketeers I rather liked because it didn't pretend to be historical - just a good old fashioned swashbuckling romp. Which means the ahistorical goofs in costume, weapons, vocabulary and so on, can't really be held against it...

This one - The Last Kingdom - I don't know. Having not read the books, is it meant to be accurate historically, or is it more of a 'fantasia on the theme of... ' ?
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Cubs on September 10, 2015, 05:47:08 PM
This one - The Last Kingdom - I don't know. Having not read the books, is it meant to be accurate historically, or is it more of a 'fantasia on the theme of... ' ?

No, it is definitely fiction in a historical setting, with historical characters. Plenty of the characters and events are either works of imagination or moved about in time and space to fit the narrative.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Mr.J on September 10, 2015, 06:09:30 PM
This one - The Last Kingdom - I don't know. Having not read the books, is it meant to be accurate historically, or is it more of a 'fantasia on the theme of... ' ?

It has it's roots in history but it is certainly a work of fiction; dates, places and characters are moved around regularly to suit the story. Definitely more of a nod towards than a narrative history. Good nonetheless and if you get the chance I would thoroughly recommend the books.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Hatemonger on September 10, 2015, 07:13:19 PM
Agreed with Cubs and Mr. J - they are good, fun reads that try to remain at least somewhat "real", and give a nod to historic characters and events, but freely manipulate them for the sake of the story. To his credit, the author always includes a little historic afterword, in which he confesses what he knows, and which bits were less true than others. You'll often see things like, "The site of battle xxxx is commonly disputed to be near either modern-day X-burg or Y-town, so I went with Y since it was more focal to the story." Or, "the battle at the Saefern in which [spoiler] was killed actually happened two years later, but I moved it forward because I wanted my characters to be elsewhere at that time."

It's enough to give a good impression of the period, and get me excited about Vikings and Saxons and ships and shieldwalls, and tell a good story along the way. By that measure, the TV series can work as well, even if I have to ignore some funny-shaped shields.

Does anyone know more about what the series will cover? Will they be covering one book each season, or is this a one-off thing for this year?

- H8
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: THE CID on September 10, 2015, 07:14:43 PM
It's just like Sharpe, events happen around historical fact. Come on did anybody really think Sharpe shot the Prince of Orange at Waterloo.  >:D
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Paul on September 11, 2015, 08:35:07 AM

Does anyone know more about what the series will cover? Will they be covering one book each season, or is this a one-off thing for this year?

If its first season is successful, BBC America can also count on the possibility of longevity for The Saxon Stories
Another Preview vid (mild,  very quick, nudity)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on September 11, 2015, 10:58:29 AM
History? Arse!!

Will I watch it, of course..... with all the usual reservations.....

In the words of the great man himself, Sitting Bull, "That is all I have to say".

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Hu Rhu on September 11, 2015, 06:16:34 PM
In the words of the great man himself, Sitting Bull, "That is all I have to say".

I thought it was Forest Gump who said "And that's all I want to say on that subject".  :D :D

As for the TV Show - life is like a box of chocolates.  You don't know what you are going to get till you open it.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Cubs on September 11, 2015, 06:26:18 PM
And by the time I get to it, there's only praline left.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: wulfgar22 on September 11, 2015, 07:00:03 PM
And by the time I get to it, there's only praline left.

Mmmmm...I like Praline. Swap you for these Strawberry and Orange Cremes.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Cubs on September 11, 2015, 07:07:47 PM
Mmmmm...I like Praline. Swap you for these Strawberry and Orange Cremes.

Vile ... no trade.

Trying to claw things back somewhat, has anyone seen an extended clip or know in what context the hated rectangular shields appeared? If they were just peasant rabble, I don't see anything wrong with them having some hastily-constructed board shields.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: monkeylite on September 11, 2015, 09:18:27 PM
Vile ... no trade.

Trying to claw things back somewhat, has anyone seen an extended clip or know in what context the hated rectangular shields appeared? If they were just peasant rabble, I don't see anything wrong with them having some hastily-constructed board shields.

The Lord Uthred of Bebbanburg (Matthew MacFadyen) has got one, so not really a rabble.

I guess they just wanted us to be able to tell the Saxons and the Danes apart.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Mr.J on September 11, 2015, 10:18:18 PM
It would seem the squares are going to distinguish the Vikings from the Saxons.
Having watched a different trailer I am slightly less offended, I'm certainly going to go into this with an open mind and hope for the best.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: rumacara on September 12, 2015, 12:45:16 AM
It's just like Sharpe, events happen around historical fact. Come on did anybody really think Sharpe shot the Prince of Orange at Waterloo. 

Didnt he? :o :o

I read the books and i loved it appart from the historical mistakes and changes.
I will watch the series with interest even if it serves to take some crazy ideas for wargames.
I did the same with Vikings, Spartacus, GOT, etc...
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Dr. The Viking on September 12, 2015, 08:42:59 AM
Well. Read the books before this show destroys them forever.

The first few are good.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Malamute on September 12, 2015, 08:49:16 AM

As for the TV Show - life is like a box of chocolates.  You don't know what you are going to get till you open it.

Yep, I'm going to reserve judgement until I have actually watched it.  ;)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: wulfgar22 on September 12, 2015, 09:31:34 AM
Having watched a different trailer I am slightly less offended, I'm certainly going to go into this with an open mind and hope for the best.

The other trailer posted a bit further up is certainly better than the OP one.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Cubs on September 12, 2015, 10:43:13 AM
The Lord Uthred of Bebbanburg (Matthew MacFadyen) has got one, so not really a rabble.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Gibby on September 12, 2015, 02:04:12 PM
I mildly prefer square shields to the stupid "team colour" uniforms/helmet shapes of the Saxon kingdoms in the TV series Vikings. Frankly, shieldwall fights should make it easy to tell which side is which, but with the chaotic action packed swirling melees of these tv shows, I can see why some might want team markers, so to speak.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on September 13, 2015, 06:16:35 AM
Frankly, shieldwall fights should make it easy to tell which side is which

I reckon that's what the directors be it art directors and/or the actual designers were thinking unfortunately :(

I have given up on ever seeing anything near a 'true' historical drama. I'm not saying that they cannot be good, but it seems that the less one knows about the actual history the less one will be disappointed.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: tyrionhalfman on September 13, 2015, 08:15:55 AM
I'm going to watch this but having read the books I'll just try to see it as a separate entity and not compare them, as I've ruined many good films by analysing them too closely in relation to the book and my imagination. I'll also try to ignore all the artistic licencing that ignores historic evidence and try to enjoy the drama etc. as I've ruined many good programmes or films by niggles - such as the Eagle (Picts that look more like the American woodland Indians) and Vikings - both the programme and the Kirk Douglas film for the way they portray Saxons
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Bullshott on September 13, 2015, 08:35:26 PM
Really looking forard to this. I just finished book 4 todat and will buy the next as soon as I see it on a shelf. This is what has been inspiring my to make my Saga terrain :)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on September 14, 2015, 05:52:54 AM
Really looking forard to this. I just finished book 4 todat and will buy the next as soon as I see it on a shelf. This is what has been inspiring my to make my Saga terrain :)

Be prepared for a lot of Bullshot  ;) :D

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on October 13, 2015, 09:19:16 PM
Interesting piece in today's Independent...

Basically Bernard Cornwell launches PR offensive for his new adaptation by slagging off Game of Thrones  ::)

Nothing like a bit of niggle / controversy to stoke up the news coverage...


Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Littlearmies on October 14, 2015, 03:16:35 PM
Cornwell, a former BBC executive who discovered a talent for writing historical novels after emigrating to the United States, said he writes to a strict formula, honed from his Sharpe novels.

“Kick off with a battle – gets the book off to a nice, fast start. Lots of dead Frenchies. Introduce the plot, right? Plot begins to sag? Wheel on 40,000 Frenchies and start slaughtering them. Keep it moving. More plot. Finish with a set-piece battle that ties up all the plot ends and kills off the four villains. Works every time.”

And that is why he should never write more than two or three books in a series (repetition) - but the moneys too good not to. Good luck to him and all that but don't ask me to read any more of that series.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Bugsda on October 14, 2015, 03:23:33 PM
“Kick off with a battle..............

You forgot "falls in love with a dodgy posh bird"  ;)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Mr.J on October 14, 2015, 03:28:17 PM

“Kick off with a battle – gets the book off to a nice, fast start. Lots of dead Frenchies. Introduce the plot, right? Plot begins to sag? Wheel on 40,000 Frenchies and start slaughtering them. Keep it moving. More plot. Finish with a set-piece battle that ties up all the plot ends and kills off the four villains. Works every time.”

True but a little bit insulting. It does seem this way with the new Saxon story, just finished it and I have to admit as a big fan of the series it was a bit lackluster. This is one of the reasons I gave up on the newer Sharpe series too.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Altius on October 14, 2015, 03:30:50 PM
I saw the first episode last weekend, which aired on BBC America, which is really odd because I expected it to air in the UK before us.

Anyway, great show! I really enjoyed. I hear what you're saying - wrong shields, wrong helmets, etcetera, etcetera. All true. Didn't care in the least. I didn't tune in to watch a frigging documentary, after all, I tuned in to see a story.

As opening episodes go, this was not a plodding foundation-building episode as you often see with other series. There was a lot of action in this, some of it fairly spectacular, yet it deftly built the framework of the story and the characters' relationships with one another.

I haven't read Cornwell's The Saxon Stories yet, but I'm a fan of his Winter King series. I'll have to buy the books now.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Mad Doc Morris on October 14, 2015, 04:29:57 PM
Anyway, great show! I really enjoyed. I hear what you're saying - wrong shields, wrong helmets, etcetera, etcetera. All true. Didn't care in the least. I didn't tune in to watch a frigging documentary, after all, I tuned in to see a story.

Well, that may be a point but certainly not the point for most critical voices here (and elsewhere). It's not about wrong details as such, but about laziness and repetitiveness. As Littlearmies put it so neatly, stories by Mr Cornwell might be particularly prone to that.

Very few people – most likely those who don't watch movies or TV series in general – would really expect a 'documentary' here. But if producers and directors claim artistic license, they should at least try to develop something artful and independent. Instead they repeat or copy-paste any cliche or successful trend available. "Because that's what sells!"

I think that's the main issue here, because a different approach wouldn't necessarily result in artsy, confusing and awfully boring shows. ;)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Altius on October 14, 2015, 05:23:46 PM
I suppose we all have to draw that line between tolerance and pedantry in our own minds, wherever we feel most comfortable. For myself, I reserve most of my nit-picking and obsessiveness for my own little armies. I'm far, far more forgiving of a network program that is dependent upon the whims of the general audience, as long as the story itself holds my interest.

Here's a hint: There is no wrong answer. If you like it, you like it. If the costumes on the performers are too much to bear, then there are plenty of deadly serious depictions of more accurate period costumes around, though not so much on tv. I happened to like the first episode very much.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on October 14, 2015, 05:37:42 PM
Well that sounds promising :)

I'm looking forward to it.

I too get irritated by needless historical inaccuracy in TV shows - I mean if they were going to make all those costumes and weapons, why not make them right?

But then I generally overlook that and become immersed in the story and characters, leaving the nit-picking as a minor niggle in the back of my mind.

Cornwell has always been blatant about the avowedly formulaic nature of his books, irrespective of their setting,
I remember reading an article 25 years ago about how he started out by (literally) breaking apart a book he liked, sticking all the pages up around the walls of his room, scribbled all over them to work out what happens in the plot and to the main characters at each point in the book - then used that as a blueprint for every single book he's ever written since.
Either he's admirably honest or highly cynical. Maybe both.

It's one of the reasons why I've never read any of his books since.

Not that it seems to have done him any harm. He's been top of the bestseller lists for 4 decades.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Paul on October 14, 2015, 06:25:04 PM
I saw the first episode last weekend, which aired on BBC America, which is really odd because I expected it to air in the UK before us.

Maybe they had first shout on it,
A Carnival Films*  and BBC America co-production for BBC Two
Carnival Films UK is owned by NBC ( = Comcast) who have Distribution rights on it..overiding the commisioners (not the makers) of the series, BBC2 UK.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Mr.J on October 15, 2015, 02:24:36 PM
Right, I have watched the first two episodes now and I'm finding it a bit average. I think it's potentially a grower though so will persevere with it. I would definitely say if people are vaguely interested then it's worth a watch. I'm quite enjoying the Danish characters so far, more so than the Saxons.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Vermis on October 15, 2015, 04:37:19 PM
It's one of the reasons why I've never read any of his books since.

My reason was the first book of his that I read.

But I don't think he's too wrong about GoT. ;)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: LeadAsbestos on October 16, 2015, 05:09:04 AM
The Winter King books were great, and the Saxon stories were just those stretched out my sell more copies. I read every one, happily, and I am none the better for having done so, but I enjoyed them. The show looks good, and I'm about halfway thru episode 1. Not quite up to what I imagined, but very entertaining.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: westwaller on October 16, 2015, 10:37:49 AM
Considering the year, they really should have adapted his novel 'Azincourt'. I think the Grail Quest trilogy would possibly make a good series too.

I hope The Last Kingdom does well, and 'historical' stuff continues to be made.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Mad Doc Morris on October 16, 2015, 02:11:53 PM
Considering the year, they really should have adapted his novel 'Azincourt'. I think the Grail Quest trilogy would possibly make a good series too.

Indeed. But there's one serious flaw in those 5th and 15th century stories: no Vikings™! ;)
I do wonder, what may have instigated the adaptation of the Sharpe novels back in the 90s? Think what you like of the series, but I can't remember any Napoleonic trend in particular which it could've been aimed at.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Garanhir on October 21, 2015, 09:15:17 PM
Sometimes a show starts a trend rather than follows one.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Thew1 on October 21, 2015, 10:02:14 PM
Lot of good points both for and against here. Haven't read this series by Cornwell but I have enjoyed some of his others (though I would agree with some of the comments regarding his formulaic writing style). I will probably give it a go when it's aired in the UK. Just to throw my tuppence in too, the dividing line between pedantry and accuracy is always going to be a personal choice but I find the attitudes within the film and tv industry rather frustrating. I don't see why historical accuracy should detract from a great story. In many cases I think a bit more attention to detail and some basic research would vastly improve these kind of shows and films. The thing I hate most about braveheart for instance is not the total disregard for the timeline or the political realities but the way the studio threw away the opportunity to bring the spectacle and mayhem of a medieval battlefield to the screen and opted instead for a bunch of extras in leather and bad fancy dress rolling around in the mud and sloshing red paint over each other. I could have forgiven a lot of the other stuff for just one decent pitched battle.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on October 22, 2015, 08:47:52 AM
Lot of good points both for and against here. Haven't read this series by Cornwell but I have enjoyed some of his others (though I would agree with some of the comments regarding his formulaic writing style). I will probably give it a go when it's aired in the UK. Just to throw my tuppence in too, the dividing line between pedantry and accuracy is always going to be a personal choice but I find the attitudes within the film and tv industry rather frustrating. I don't see why historical accuracy should detract from a great story. In many cases I think a bit more attention to detail and some basic research would vastly improve these kind of shows and films. The thing I hate most about braveheart for instance is not the total disregard for the timeline or the political realities but the way the studio threw away the opportunity to bring the spectacle and mayhem of a medieval battlefield to the screen and opted instead for a bunch of extras in leather and bad fancy dress rolling around in the mud and sloshing red paint over each other. I could have forgiven a lot of the other stuff for just one decent pitched battle.

Seriously? The Saxon's have small Roman Scutums..... It's hard as a wargamer and someone who's very into Medieval and Ancient history for that not to put one off a little.

I've watched the first two episodes and whilst the story is OK (it's not brilliant!) I've managed to grind my way through. I'll keep watching, it can only improve right? One I've become accustomed to the weird historical representations that is. :)

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Thew1 on October 22, 2015, 11:46:54 AM
That's the point I was trying to make. In this instance a historically accurate shieldwall would surely look more impressive on the screen and be a lot more evocative of the period. My frustration is at those in the entertainment industry who seem to view historical research and detail as detracting from a story when instead it should help sell it.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on October 22, 2015, 03:49:42 PM
That's the point I was trying to make. In this instance a historically accurate shieldwall would surely look more impressive on the screen and be a lot more evocative of the period. My frustration is at those in the entertainment industry who seem to view historical research and detail as detracting from a story when instead it should help sell it.

I utterly concur.


Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Sir_Theo on October 22, 2015, 10:10:17 PM
I enjoyed the first episode.  I do like the books although the series does seems unnecessarily drawn out, even for Cornwell.

My choice for an adaptation would have been the Winter King/Arthur ones.  I still rate those as the best set of novels he has written . 
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: wulfgar22 on October 22, 2015, 10:13:57 PM
I quite enjoyed it...as I quite enjoy the books...but...

I don't see why historical accuracy should detract from a great story.

This! I couldn't agree more!
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Elk101 on October 22, 2015, 10:27:17 PM
At least the Danes didn't have horned helmets just so people would know they were 'vikings' (I'm looking at you Doctor Who!).

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: clibinarium on October 22, 2015, 10:33:49 PM
Just watched it; quite enjoyed it. The issues with shields and so on gave occasion for tutting, probably the producers thought people needed to see an easily graspable visual difference between the two sides (or the shots of the rear attack would have been confusing) and chose the square shields. Can't say I agree; they should give people more credit.
But the story moved along  at a fair clip and kept my interest, dialogue was usually to the point. I'll be watching next week.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Burnin Coal on October 22, 2015, 11:27:58 PM
Well...just an opinion.....you can't kill a good story....but apparently you CAN give it a damn good kicking...
I enjoy the books immensely and have been following this thread in anticipation of watching...having been duly forewarned of square shields etc and not wanting to be a button counter I tried to approach it with an open mind...
Whilst appreciating beforehand that on a visual level it was never going to be able to compete with HBO historical dramas like Rome,Deadwood,Borgias which all had budgets in the region of $1,000,000 per episode,let alone G.O.T. Running an average of $5,000,000...despite all that within a short space of time I still found myself completely non plussed as to why,with the depth of historical advice available,they ultimately chose a look for the show that made Oliver Tobias's  "Arthur Of The Britons" look like a cutting edge,fly on the wall documentary...
I really wanted to like it no matter what and will try to watch the series hoping the storyline itself will gloss over the mediocrity of the production values (the sets really looked the part I thought)...apart from Rutgers Hauer's gnarly cameo role colour me somewhat underwhelmed  :(

My $0.002 just expired
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Dags on October 22, 2015, 11:37:55 PM
I didn't hate it as much as I thought I would despite the obvious inaccuracies
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: tyrionhalfman on October 23, 2015, 01:23:07 AM
Thanks for the heads ups about historical accuracy issues. Forwarned is Forwarned. I'm happy to say I quite enjoyed it, having approached it with a just enjoy the action and ignore the accuracy issues attitude.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Paint Pig on October 23, 2015, 08:36:23 AM
Thanks for the heads ups about historical accuracy issues. Forwarned is Forwarned. I'm happy to say I quite enjoyed it, having approached it with a just enjoy the action and ignore the accuracy issues attitude.
That is the only way to approach it in my book, it is entertainment.... entertainment for the masses, and the masses need to grasp the story and be able to tell oo's who hence the dodgy shields etc.  Same as Vikings, if the Saxons looked near exact as the Norsemen... well the masses get lost. When they start turning over the money dries up and we are left with painfully accurate bugger all, nothing, zip!

Thankfully these things make it to telly nowadays and that is the important part surely, at least some historical entertainment is on the box .....that isn't a friggin period drama or bloody upstairs downstairs or it's ilk.  >:(
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on October 23, 2015, 10:12:49 AM
That is the only way to approach it in my book, it is entertainment.... entertainment for the masses, and the masses need to grasp the story and be able to tell oo's who hence the dodgy shields etc.  Same as Vikings, if the Saxons looked near exact as the Norsemen... well the masses get lost. When they start turning over the money dries up and we are left with painfully accurate bugger all, nothing, zip!

Surely simply having different coloured shields would have sufficed?

I think you have to give folk a bit of credit (barr TV producers that is).

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: charla51 on October 23, 2015, 03:32:43 PM
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Paul on October 23, 2015, 07:41:30 PM
At least no-one carries a  sword strapped across thier....Oh....
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on October 23, 2015, 10:27:02 PM
Just watched episode 1 on iPlayer...


Things I liked...

- The kid playing young Uthred. Most child actors are shit (cf. Harry Potter movies). I thought this lad was spot on. Really quite believable (despite the hokey storyline).
- The muddy, washed-out, slightly gritty, grotty look to the whole thing. It looked like, well.. the North of England.
- The after-battle party. Rape, murder and pillage at its finest. No-holds barred. Slightly gratuitous but all good fun.
- That the girls were ordinary-looking - not super glamorous and slathered with make-up. Felt right.
- There were a few nice lines, where I thought 'ooh, that's neat'. But I can't remember what they were... So maybe not that good after all.

Things I didn't like...

- The Red Indian wailing on the theme tune. There seems to be quite a habit of conflating primitive north European cultures with aboriginal native American cultures (cf. 'The Eagle' with picts as Mohawks). It's nonsense and needs to be stopped.
- The silly-sing song accents affected by some of the Vikings. Clearly a shtick they have copied from, well.. 'Vikings'. (Interestingly though, two of the other leading Vikings seemed to be American. All a bit peculiar).
- Matthew MacFadyen, who played... Matthew MacFadyen. He plays exactly the same character in exactly the same way, with exactly the same voice and mannerisms, in every single thing I see him in. Thankfully, he was killed off halfway through.
- There were a few shit lines (Vikings greeting each other after a long voyage... 'How are you?', 'Good to see you', 'How have you been?' It sounded like Sunday morning at the golf club... Ludicrous... )

The shonky historical stuff pretty much passed me by, square shields and all.
Some of the helmets were a bit silly (but not as silly as the Anglo-Saxons in 'Vikings' wearing late C16th Elizabethan era burgonets.
Actually, the one thing that really jarred with me was the Saxon fort, which looked like a cross between a French & Indian Wars stronghold, and something vaguely 'Rus', that you might find halfway down the River Dnieper... And a bit obviously CGI'd in the long shots.

I'll certainly keep watching. Not unenjoyable - in a largely predictable, formulaic kind of way.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Nord on October 23, 2015, 11:28:45 PM
Oh dear, I can't decide which is worse, the wooden shields or the wooden acting.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on October 24, 2015, 08:49:31 AM
Oh dear, I can't decide which is worse, the wooden shields or the wooden acting.

Both as bad as one another  lol lol lol

Funny though, I'll still watch it, for now anyway  lol

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on October 24, 2015, 08:57:07 AM

- The Red Indian wailing on the theme tune. There seems to be quite a habit of conflating primitive north European cultures with aboriginal native American cultures

There are quite a few Scandinavian artists who play traditional music that sound quite a lot like what you have described. I'm not at all sure how actually traditional the music is but there's quite a bit out there. My ex used to love it so I'm quite familiar with it :)

 (cf. 'The Eagle' with picts as Mohawks). It's nonsense and needs to be stopped.

- Matthew MacFadyen, who played... Matthew MacFadyen. [/quote]

Funnily enough he was cast brilliantly in Ripper Street bu one of my old school friends who directed the series and really gets into character in said series. He probably didn't get too much of an opportunity to get into character(?). Benefit of the doubt and all that  lol

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Silent Invader on October 24, 2015, 09:08:44 AM
......the wooden acting.

Must admit I gave it less than 10 minutes. The acting didn't engage me.

Edit: btw, no probs with historical inaccuracies in programming that is intended to entertain rather than inform
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: gamer Mac on October 24, 2015, 09:16:22 AM
It wasn't X Factor or big brother so count me as impressed. I liked it and I also liked the books.
Unusual to get something watchable on normal primetime TV and not having to pay for it through Sky or Amazon ETC
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Littlearmies on October 24, 2015, 10:15:18 AM

- There were a few shit lines (Vikings greeting each other after a long voyage... 'How are you?', 'Good to see you', 'How have you been?' It sounded like Sunday morning at the golf club... Ludicrous... )

I'll certainly keep watching. Not unenjoyable - in a largely predictable, formulaic kind of way.

In my mind's eye I now see a bunch of blokes called Ragnar and Harald Bluetooth discussing the merits of a nine iron or pitching wedge when playing the 14th hole....very Monty Pythonesque. But what do you actually imagine them talking about? It can't be all "been to any good gang rapes lately?" or "You missed a good massacre last week, claret everywhere"

I thought it was fine overall - Bebanburgh didn't fit in with what I'd created in my mind's eye, and the guy who is playing Uhtred is much too pretty - I see him him as a barely tolerated thug to be taken out of the cupboard in case of emergency not what we saw in the first episode. But then I had the same issue with Orlando Bloom in Kingdom of Heaven...
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Emir of Askaristan on October 24, 2015, 10:41:07 AM
I quite enjoyed it.

The accents weren't that bad, the sing song element didn't bother me one bit, I'm just back from a week in Norway with work and am currently on Skye at the moment - both full of accents like that.

Helmets, costumes and armour and weapons - far better than The Vikings. Perhaps the look of the men from beddamburg looked more early medieval at times, but not too bad. Square shields, pah, minor point and means of easily recognising the two sides if you don't know your history I spose.

Overall I thought it was good, far better than a lot other of pseudo historical drama. I can see why it's on after 9 tho....

Good work...carry on!
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: charla51 on October 24, 2015, 10:43:46 AM
In the case of Bebbenburg, do we really KNOW what palisaded Saxon forts looked like above archeological level?
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on October 24, 2015, 10:48:02 AM
Matthew MacFadyen, who played... Matthew MacFadyen.

Funnily enough he was cast brilliantly in Ripper Street bu one of my old school friends who directed the series and really gets into character in said series. He probably didn't get too much of an opportunity to get into character(?). Benefit of the doubt and all that  lol

Hmm. 'Fraid not Darrell. My point was precisely that he was exactly the same character with exactly the same deadpan delivery as Inspector Reid i9n Ripper Street. His Northumbrian kinglet was identical to Edmund Reid except for the skirt and absence of a bowler hat.
All actors play to type to some extent, but this guy is so absolutely the same in every role he plays (or at least the half dozen that I've seen him in) that it's almost comical.

In my mind's eye I now see a bunch of blokes called Ragnar and Harald Bluetooth discussing the merits of a nine iron or pitching wedge when playing the 14th hole....very Monty Pythonesque. But what do you actually imagine them talking about? It can't be all "been to any good gang rapes lately?" or "You missed a good massacre last week, claret everywhere"

It was more the ever-so-modern casual turns of phrase, rather than the subject matter :)
It's a fine line for a scriptwriter to tread between irritatingly cod 'period-speak' dialogue and jarring modernisms. That little exchange just felt wrong to my ear. I was waiting for one of them to cry 'Wassup?!'  ;)

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Paul on October 24, 2015, 10:50:24 AM
Matthew MacFadyen, who played... Matthew MacFadyen. He plays exactly the same character in exactly the same way, with exactly the same voice and mannerisms, in every single thing I see him in. Thankfully, he was killed off halfway through.
As Prior Philip would have said, "there´s a Blessing"
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on October 24, 2015, 10:53:00 AM
As Prior Philip would have said, "there´s a Blessing"


Yep. Exactly the same in that one too - swap the bowler for a tonsure... carry on.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: tyrionhalfman on October 24, 2015, 10:55:20 AM
Could have been worse. "Mate, traffic was a nightmare, stuck behind some old fella rowing so bloody slow" or "my wife's gonna kill me, I'm not supposed to be out out, I was only supposed to go down the fjord for a couple with the lads but you know how it goes".  
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Silent Invader on October 24, 2015, 11:06:47 AM
Could have been worse. "Mate, traffic was a nightmare, stuck behind some old fella rowing so bloody slow" or "my wife's gonna kill me, I'm not supposed to be out out, I was only supposed to go down the fjord for a couple with the lads but you know how it goes".  

Sounds like some reenactment events I've been to  lol
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Gibby on October 24, 2015, 12:52:59 PM
Watched half of it and had to give up. It's garbage, pure and simple. Considering how EASY it would be to get some of the wrong stuff right, I can't forgive it. It's no less "cool, dude!" to portray things with at least some level of accuracy. The worst thing about it though is the music. That wailing shitty "oooh so tribal!" vocalist did my bloody head in!
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Paul on October 24, 2015, 01:45:12 PM

Yep. Exactly the same in that one too - swap the bowler for a tonsure... carry on.

At 0.15 Philip aka Uhtred aka Darcy aka Athos aka Sherrif of Nottingham etc "looses his beads"
At least the bog-awefull Jack "I just I know when my when my chisel hits the rock, that the rock's in tune" (possibly the cheesiest most cringe worthy  Scene ever) isn´t in the last kingdom
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on October 24, 2015, 01:55:09 PM
I actually like him. He's a very nice looking chap with a pleasant, open face, and a lovely soothing voice.

It's just that he's exactly the same in every blinking thing he does.

You can hear the casting directors brains ticking... 'We need a solid, handsome, dependable, slightly conflicted but self-evidently good man... No need to waste time: Send for MacFadyen... '

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Paul on October 24, 2015, 02:08:12 PM
I actually like him. He's a very nice looking chap with a pleasant, open face, and a lovely soothing voice.

It's just that he's exactly the same in every blinking thing he does.

I like him as well..his voice is soothing..they should get him reading childrens bedtime stories..theyéd be snoring in seconds..but It´s his eyes...like a dead fish..he never changes the Expression in his eyes..."stick a sword through his neck"..they widen a bit but then go back to normal... o_o
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: shadowking1957 on October 24, 2015, 04:04:32 PM
I have rerad all the books and always considered this would make great TV, this is average so far i hope it  improves episode2 was better than i thought it would be, the  historical stuff ? well its TV, and i agree Arthur of the Britons was  always watch able TV. we will see ?
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Old Guy on October 24, 2015, 05:27:55 PM
Why do we always wail that there is nothing on TV for us and when something is put on we trash it, sure The White Queen was dreadful and deserved a thrashing but in the main the shows are historical fiction not historical fact and if they offer at least a half decent story just enjoy it.

I did enjoy it and I am particularly bad at pointing my eyes to the ceiling and letting rip with "that armour is six months too soon" comments, at least I feel I am getting something for my licence fee at last.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Nord on October 24, 2015, 11:23:11 PM
Gotta say that tonight's Strictly was more riveting.  :o
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: rumacara on October 24, 2015, 11:42:18 PM
Gentlemen, for those with "historical problems" in movies and tv series may i recomend the movie "Faint Heart", a uk made film?
Probably the best historical portrait of the Dark Ages at the begining of the movie. ;)  ;)  :o  ::)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Little Odo on October 25, 2015, 08:14:53 AM
I ignored the historical inaccuracies and just plumped to watch it as a "fantasy" tale. I quite enjoyed it to be honest, and so did the rest of my family who decided to give it a go. I also enjoyed the books (well, I've read the first 5 of the series so far anyway) but in a different way.

We, as gamers or re-enactors, may not like the inaccuracies but, as sort of stated previously in this thread, if we didn't watch these programmes the powers that be would not commission any more and we'd have nowt to watch at all. Maybe the popularity of these historical dramas will eventually lead to a niche, historicaly accurate series that would please us on all fronts? Until then, let's enjoy the Game of Thrones stylee series for what they are - entertainment.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Bodvoc on October 25, 2015, 06:05:04 PM
I thought that episode 1 got better as it progressed. However why isn't Bebanburgh on a big rocky outcrop?
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Cubs on October 25, 2015, 06:11:24 PM
All actors play to type to some extent, but this guy is so absolutely the same in every role he plays (or at least the half dozen that I've seen him in) that it's almost comical.

I thought he was really good in the Enfield Haunting (and not typecast). He played a slightly suave and egotistical famous psychic investigator who (initially) is only interested in taking over and making a name for himself.

He's also quite good in 'The Ambassadors' as the Foreign Office boss who is continually tearing one off the incompetent embassy staff.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on October 25, 2015, 06:46:13 PM
Fair enough. I haven't seen those ones. Certainly as Mr Darcy, Prior Phillip, Inspector Reid, and Northumbrian minor king, the characterisation and delivery is pretty much indistinguishable.

There again, apart from his first outing in Zulu, Michael Caine has had a stellar career playing more or less the same character in almost every movie, so maybe I shouldn't knock it ;)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Elk101 on October 25, 2015, 07:53:32 PM
I haven't read the books but I can see it being a bit of an 'anguish' piece as the lead fellow struggles between his Saxon blood and Danish upbringing (?). I do think it is a nice change to see something that isn't just cheap 'follow 'X' vocation/minor celebrity/cat' around with a camera programmes.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Cubs on October 25, 2015, 09:22:45 PM
There again, apart from his first outing in Zulu, Michael Caine has had a stellar career playing more or less the same character in almost every movie, so maybe I shouldn't knock it ;)

Funny enough, I watched 'The Rite' the other day and thought much the same about Anthony Hopkins!

I haven't read the books but I can see it being a bit of an 'anguish' piece as the lead fellow struggles between his Saxon blood and Danish upbringing (?). I do think it is a nice change to see something that isn't just cheap 'follow 'X' vocation/minor celebrity/cat' around with a camera programmes.

Yeah, that's very much his driving ambition and his dilemma. He uses that 'foot in both worlds' very much to his advantage, but it also means neither side really trusts him.

I just saw the first episode on iPlayer and I was happy enough to let the inconsistencies slide - both historical (not knowing all that much about the era I probably missed most) and literary (I suppose change is inevitable when adapting from page to screen). I quite enjoyed it, a decent 8 out of 10 on the Cub-ometer.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: thebinmann on November 06, 2015, 05:30:57 PM
I liked it and it guided me back to the Gripping Beast website, so that was an added bonus...
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on November 06, 2015, 05:37:41 PM
Now on episode 3.
Got to say, I don't think it's getting any better.
I can't take dapper little David Dawson at all seriously as King Alfred The Great.
I'll probably stick with it through to the end now, but it's all a bit lame...  :?
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Harry Faversham on November 06, 2015, 06:41:05 PM
:? Game of Thrones it 'aint, boring, wordy dross... it is.  :?
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Silent Invader on November 06, 2015, 07:13:34 PM
I tried it again last night, having last dipped in on episode 1. 

Was somewhat dull, both in plot and colour (yes, I know I am being anachronistic ;-)) so I think I have been spoiled by the likes of GOT, Vikings and Black Sails (I haven't seen Outlander but have heard good things).

It is a bit like Sharpe, which at the time seemed so vibrant but now pales in comparison to more current offerings.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: thebinmann on November 06, 2015, 07:23:28 PM
Funny what you say about Black Sails, I saw a bout five mins the other day and it looked quite poor (dialogue, acting and characterwise). Is it good?
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on November 06, 2015, 07:42:05 PM
Quite divisive, Black Sails. Personally I love it, but some people find it a bit slow going. Not to me, but it's not all action, that's for sure. In terms of conjuring up the pirate milieu, I think it hits all the right notes.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Mr.J on November 06, 2015, 09:12:33 PM
Just seen episode 4 and I'm still not enamored. I will see it through now but it's just dull.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: thebinmann on November 07, 2015, 04:49:30 AM
Maybe I'll try Black Sails again from the start then...
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Silent Invader on November 07, 2015, 06:42:14 AM
Maybe I'll try Black Sails again from the start then...

I thinks it's great and therefore worth a go  :D
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on November 07, 2015, 10:41:42 AM
I just watched the Arn (TV series not the film) last evening and the difference in quality between the Swedish offering and the BBC's is embarrassing, for a UK citizen at least!




Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Cubs on November 07, 2015, 11:27:45 AM
I think The Last Kingdom is ... okay ... but the shortcuts and plot revisions made in the adaptation have robbed it of a lot of its flavour.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Gibby on November 07, 2015, 01:29:57 PM
I just watched the Arn (TV series not the film) last evening and the difference in quality between the Swedish offering and the BBC's is embarrassing, for a UK citizen at least!




Completely agree. Arn is such a brilliant series. Don't explore that user's channel though! Eek!
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: AdamTheGreat on November 08, 2015, 03:17:36 AM
I personally did not like it all too much, especially after the reading all the books to date. I'm always annoyingly pointing out differences to the family. Will still continue on for now.

What is up with you and long threads, Blood?   lol
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: THE CID on November 08, 2015, 09:28:24 AM
I think the last Kingdom is quite good. I know historically its poor, but is still better than most the crap on TV.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Paul on November 08, 2015, 11:36:46 AM
I just watched the Arn (TV series not the film) last evening and the difference in quality between the Swedish offering and the BBC's is embarrassing, for a UK citizen at least!

Arn is pretty good and the books by Jan Guillou are well worth the read....None of the repetitive Story lines ...and (considering an uncalled for, innacurate and IMHO, mildly racist comment on page one of this thread) made in conjunction with Denmark, Norway
Finland and Germany
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on November 08, 2015, 11:41:47 AM
None of the repetitive Story lines ...

Which is my point- it's a more creative and imaginative writing style, that combined with the more historically accurate kit makes for a much more engaging show.

Don't get me wrong, I still make my annual pilgrimage to Stratford to the RCS and usually really enjoy the historical anachronistic costume, but the RSC do Shakespeare (among other plays) and not Historical Drama.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Ninefingers on November 08, 2015, 11:58:48 AM
I haven't read the books but I can see it being a bit of an 'anguish' piece as the lead fellow struggles between his Saxon blood and Danish upbringing (?).
That's a Cornwell trope, Sharpe was a common soldier made an officer, Starbuck was a Northerner fighting for the South, Derfel was a Saxon raised as a Briton etc. etc.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: swiftnick on November 16, 2015, 03:25:10 PM
Have finally caught up with the series on I player. Not too bad by God that theme tune us hellish.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Brian Smaller on November 24, 2015, 04:49:39 PM
Well. Read the books before this show destroys them forever.

The first few are good.

I have to take issue with comments like this. I read the books and have watched the series so far. If I am unhappy with the series as a whole will my books spontaneously ignite? How do they get get 'destroyed forever'?

The books are still there with their historically dodgy story line that I have thoroughly enjoyed. I like the TV series too - biker leather jackets and all. Now I hope someone makes Robert Low's Oathsworn series.

A comments on the TV series and the Saxon's use of rectangular shields - there is film precedent - 1969 movie Alfred the Great.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Mr.J on November 24, 2015, 05:22:01 PM
I have to admit, I watched the first four episodes and then ran out of steam. O have just seen the adverts for ITV's Beowulf and have to admit this looks far more appealing. Might pick it up again but I am unlikely to now.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on November 24, 2015, 05:43:04 PM
To summarize, I've watched all of the episodes and I can't help but feel that real history gets in the way of enjoying the story.

It just does- at least for me.

It can be a bit slow then jumpy too.....

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Jeff965 on November 24, 2015, 06:01:14 PM
Read all the books and enjoyed them, watched the first episode and haven't bothered since. It's going to sound stupid but the lead actor isn't how I pictured Uhtred in my minds eye when reading the books and it's put me off.  (I know weird  ;D)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: frank xerox on November 24, 2015, 06:11:55 PM
I'm going to miss Ubba, easily the best character so far. As for the rest of it, it's Ok, the books were Ok nothing more. I always found Uhtred an unlikable character compared with Derfel and his adventures got awful repetitive. Still, so so Vikings are better than no Vikings.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on November 24, 2015, 11:18:56 PM
Episode 5, a bit better I thought. Things happened. More drama, more action. Now some of the Saxons have acquired teardrop shields. Things are looking up  ;)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: LeadAsbestos on November 25, 2015, 03:46:22 AM
I am up to date with reading the books, still waiting on getting the very latest one, and have enjoyed them all, some more than others, but still, they are pretty entertaining.

I'm enjoying the series quite a bit too. Agreed that Uhtred does not look like I imagined him, but it is pretty damn good.

Black Sails? Having trouble sleeping? If so, watch it.  :)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on November 25, 2015, 07:26:05 AM
Black Sails? Having trouble sleeping? If so, watch it.  :)

It is that good? What am I missing?!?!

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: WillieB on November 25, 2015, 09:41:02 AM
I am up to date with reading the books, still waiting on getting the very latest one, and have enjoyed them all, some more than others, but still, they are pretty entertaining.

I'm enjoying the series quite a bit too. Agreed that Uhtred does not look like I imagined him, but it is pretty damn good.

Black Sails? Having trouble sleeping? If so, watch it.  :)

If by the latest one you mean Warriors Of The Storm you're in for a very pleasant surprise as it is IMHO one of the best in the series.
Agree that Uthred doesn't fit the book description at all. Still, the actor isn't all that bad either. I would have expected Leofric to play a more prominent part.
If they (eventually) downplay Finan to the same degree I'll be cross.

Again agree on Black Sails, Parley, talking, intrigues, hardly any action, but occasionally jolted awake by a shapely... ( fill in favourite female bodypart) :)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Gracchus Armisurplus on November 25, 2015, 10:31:12 AM
I have to take issue with comments like this. I read the books and have watched the series so far. If I am unhappy with the series as a whole will my books spontaneously ignite? How do they get get 'destroyed forever'?

I guess it's like pouring barbecue sauce on your sponge cake. The cake isn't destroyed, but it's no longer the same either.

Once you associate both things (the show and the books together) it takes a superhuman effort of mindfulness to ever disassociate them. I read the LotR many, many years before I saw the peter jackson films, but forever more Aragorn will look like Viggo Mortensen, Gandalf will be Ian McKellen, etc. The memories of one, colour the other.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on November 25, 2015, 11:28:23 AM
Very well put Gracchus Armisurplus.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on November 25, 2015, 01:56:34 PM
I guess it's like pouring barbecue sauce on your sponge cake. The cake isn't destroyed, but it's no longer the same either.

Once you associate both things (the show and the books together) it takes a superhuman effort of mindfulness to ever disassociate them. I read the LotR many, many years before I saw the peter jackson films, but forever more Aragorn will look like Viggo Mortensen, Gandalf will be Ian McKellen, etc. The memories of one, colour the other.

I think this is a good analogy.
Game of Thrones is another good example. A lot more people have watched the HBO series than have read the books, and they therefore have a view of that world which (in some cases) is a very long way from what Martin actually describes in the books. But hey, that's ever been the case with adpatations. I remember my dad moaning about the movie of Ice Station Zebra, and how much better the book was...  :)

Black Sails: Well, for what it's worth, I like it a lot. It's not to everybody's taste I understand, in that it's not all out and out action - there's quite a lot of politicking, scheming, copulation and back story. But the difference (for me anyway) between Black Sails and something like The Last Kingdom, is that (despite the far fetched storyline) the setting and characterisation of Black Sails feels inherently believable. It's exactly what I imagined the world of pirates to be like and it's very well realised in every respect and detail. Unlike The Last Kingdom, which just looks like a load of people in fancy dress. Essentially not believable as 'this is what it was ike in C9th Britain'.

But, as ever, you pay your money and take your choice  :)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Vermis on November 25, 2015, 03:33:34 PM
I read the LotR many, many years before I saw the peter jackson films, but forever more Aragorn will look like Viggo Mortensen, Gandalf will be Ian McKellen, etc. The memories of one, colour the other.

... and Arwen and Legolas are incredibly wooden, and Bilbo actually turns into some kind of goblin-vampire for a split second, and uruk-hai are somewhere about seven feet tall, and Treebeard is a bumbler who has to be tricked by Hobbits, and Faramir is a jobsworth, and dwarves get tossed, and elves go shield surfing, and armies of the dead are seas of green oliphaunt-eating army ants or something, and... and...

Yup. I get the feeling. In fact...

Game of Thrones is another good example. A lot more people have watched the HBO series than have read the books, and they therefore have a view of that world which (in some cases) is a very long way from what Martin actually describes in the books. But hey, that's ever been the case with adpatations.

"The book is better" happens to me a lot; so I made a conscious decision to avoid ASoIaF until I watched the first season of Game of Thrones, to prevent the books colouring my view.

I still think the book is better. ;)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: THE CID on November 25, 2015, 03:46:32 PM
STOP MOANING, it's better than im a celebrity crap and Soaps all the time. Beowulf looks good, Black Sails is OK and I also like the Frankenstein chronicles. Things are looking up, who knows what next year brings.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Jeff965 on November 25, 2015, 05:28:28 PM
STOP MOANING, it's better than im a celebrity crap and Soaps all the time. Beowulf looks good, Black Sails is OK and I also like the Frankenstein chronicles. Things are looking up, who knows what next year brings.

I'm lucky Mrs Jeff isn't in to all that reality tv or the soaps, the couple of small clips I've seen of the new "War and Peace" looks like a good adaption though. Starts in January  :)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Charlie_ on November 25, 2015, 05:35:23 PM
"The book is better" happens to me a lot; so I made a conscious decision to avoid ASoIaF until I watched the first season of Game of Thrones, to prevent the books colouring my view.

I still think the book is better. ;)

I put off reading the books until I was fourth seasons in, and glad I did, as it meant I really enjoyed those first four seasons. Now, after having read the books.... The books are better!!!!!! The show is still great, but oh my, what good books...
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Vermis on November 25, 2015, 08:01:51 PM
What was the last season of GoT? Fourth? Fifth? I was all geared up to watch that, but when the time came I couldn't summon up the enthusiasm. Still looking forward to the Winds of Winter, tho!


I think that was my second post in this topic. :D

it's better than im a celebrity crap and Soaps all the time.

That's not a massive achievement, though. ;) Especially when half the cast of some historical/fantasy dramas almost look and sound like they stepped out of some of those soaps and reality shows. The Only Way Is Essex with extra hair, swords and grimdark. Sometimes not even that. (http://www.gstatic.com/tv/thumb/tvbanners/185269/p185269_b_v8_ae.jpg)

(Okay, maybe that comparison was too cruel to TLK...)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on November 27, 2015, 08:29:08 AM
Gotta love those 'Celtic' square shields with a hole cut in them(!!) on last nights episode lol lol lol lol lol

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: WillieB on November 27, 2015, 09:05:03 AM
Gotta love those 'Celtic' square shields with a hole cut in them(!!) on last nights episode lol lol lol lol lol


I bet they have an Egyptian 'historical' series coming up soon.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: nozza_uk on November 27, 2015, 09:20:24 AM
Just discovered this thread, so I apologize for being late to the party!

As someone who's knowledge of this period is somewhat lacking, I quite enjoy it. Does strike me as being a Game of Thrones lighter version, although it's nice that it is focused on one character. I treat this series like I treated Sharpe when it first aired - ie it's supposed to be historical but I won't let the inaccuracies bother me.

I don't game this period, but this series has prompted me to buy the first book but also a couple of reference books on King Alfred and the Vikings. I might even create a Viking warband for Frostgrave.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: nozza_uk on November 27, 2015, 09:32:31 AM
At least the Danes didn't have horned helmets just so people would know they were 'vikings' (I'm looking at you Doctor Who!).

You expect historical accuracy in Dr Who?  ;)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Elk101 on November 27, 2015, 04:43:48 PM
You expect historical accuracy in Dr Who?  ;)

I expected them at least to stop propagating outdated stereotypes!   lol
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on November 27, 2015, 08:27:07 PM

Moaning? It's artistic criticism, darling.

I'm off to watch episode 6.

Anyone been watching The Man In The High Castle, by the way? Now that is simply effing brilliant. The detail is stunning. Everything about it. Stunning. I couldn't even find the tiniest thing to  moan about with that.
Well, that's not strictly true, because they've buggered about fairly majorly with Philip K Dick's cult 1960's novel - but the result is an absolute work of art. Love it.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Charlie_ on November 27, 2015, 08:31:41 PM
I bet they have an Egyptian 'historical' series coming up soon.

I dunnop about a TV series... but how about this film trailer?


Pretty shocking stuff, no? Granted, it's supposed to be Egyptian mythology not history, but still..... Wow.

"Only one God can save us. But not without his eyes."
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: gamer Mac on November 27, 2015, 10:15:42 PM
Moaning? It's artistic criticism, darling.

I'm off to watch episode 6.

Anyone been watching The Man In The High Castle, by the way? Now that is simply effing brilliant. The detail is stunning. Everything about it. Stunning. I couldn't even find the tiniest thing to  moan about with that.
Well, that's not strictly true, because they've buggered about fairly majorly with Philip K Dick's cult 1960's novel - but the result is an absolute work of art. Love it.

where is the man in the high castle on Richard?
I dunnop about a TV series... but how about this film trailer?


Pretty shocking stuff, no? Granted, it's supposed to be Egyptian mythology not history, but still..... Wow.

"Only one God can save us. But not without his eyes."
I like the look of that
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on November 27, 2015, 10:43:57 PM
where is the man in the high castle on Richard?

It's an Amazon Studios original series on Amazon Prime / Amazon Instant Video. But it looks like several hundred million dollars. Makes the poor old beeb's efforts look horribly third rate  :(
Just watched the final episode, and my goodness. What a treat for the eyes, as well as tense and intriguing. Ridley Scott was one of the executive producers, and it shows.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Silent Invader on November 28, 2015, 03:28:15 PM
TBH I've now given up with The Last Kingdom. There's too much on satellite and download that is more compelling (and having just discovered that younger daughter has Amazon Prime means that there are series of Vikings and Blacksails to catch up on plus The Man in the High Castle).
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on November 28, 2015, 04:08:31 PM
Yes, lots of very good stuff on Amazon Prime, Steve. Enjoy  :)

Episode 6 of the Last Kingdom has just taken a distinctly Monty-Pythonesque turn, as Uhtred goes off to plunder Cornwall, where it turn out the residents 'the Britons' are a bunch of primitive hippies in (literally) tie-dyed smocks and with ribbons wrapped through their dreadlocks. Armed only with sticks and small square shields with holes in them...
Somehow, I don't think this is even slightly what the surviving C9th British Kingdoms were really like, does anyone?
There's an especially boggle-eyed comic turn from their local king, Peredur, complete with comedy wife worthy of a Black Adder episode. I really can't work out if this is still meant to be taken seriously, or if the producers got halfway through and decided to make the whole thing more tongue in cheek.
Having despatched one outlandish OTT Viking baddie in episode 5, episode 6 sees the immediate introduction of an even more OTT, outlandish and downright camp Viking baddie, complete with Jack Sparrow eyeliner, fetching plaits, and bloodied fake teeth. Surely none of this is meant to be a serious portrayal any more, is it?

The same plotline has now been replayed through the last three episodes: Uhtred does something for the best intentions that goes wrong, he gets misunderstood, dragged before the King, doesn't get the chance to put his side of the story, loses his temper, pisses the King off, and duly gets punished - somehow managing to escape with his life. All very repetitive.

Ah well, only two more episodes to go. I shall stick with it to the bitter end now...
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Lowtardog on November 28, 2015, 05:00:56 PM
Moaning? It's artistic criticism, darling.

I'm off to watch episode 6.

Anyone been watching The Man In The High Castle, by the way? Now that is simply effing brilliant. The detail is stunning. Everything about it. Stunning. I couldn't even find the tiniest thing to  moan about with that.
Well, that's not strictly true, because they've buggered about fairly majorly with Philip K Dick's cult 1960's novel - but the result is an absolute work of art. Love it.

Fully agree, they are slaughtering the books but I am persevering despite that, only where is Steappa! Isnt that who he should be fighting if memory serves me.

Man in the high castle is great, loving it. The frankenstein series with sean bean on itv encore is ok too. Now next to watch out for is Beowolf coming soon and I may dip my toe into davincis demons!
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: gamer Mac on November 28, 2015, 06:59:32 PM
Got to try davincis demons, I love it
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on December 11, 2015, 02:23:46 PM
I'm going to sound like a right grouch but phew! Thanks Thoth that is over with for a while!

Though, if I'm to be honest, I must admit that I did watch every episode  :)

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Harry Faversham on December 11, 2015, 07:38:08 PM
Wot a bollik, Putrid son of Putrid, dropped shagging his virgin queen the night before the battle!!!
Getting slipped a crippler made her lose her second sight type thingy. Consequently she never saw it coming when some stropping great Dane baddy chopped her turnip off with his axe.
Funniest bit of the series by a mile, watching her melon bouncing through the sheildwall to land on Putrid's big toe... a very poor man's Game of Thrones!

:o  ;D  :o
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: THE CID on December 12, 2015, 09:48:41 AM
STOP MOANING,,,,Still by far better than most other crap on the box. I really enjoyed the last episode, although not historically correct, so what.  Get back to watching X factor and I'm a Celeb.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on December 12, 2015, 10:26:42 AM
STOP MOANING,,,,Still by far better than most other crap on the box. I really enjoyed the last episode, although not historically correct, so what.  Get back to watching X factor and I'm a Celeb.

Yeah, but I don't watch crap TV, except The Last Kingdom!  lol

It's a bit tenuous to predict what folk might be watching instead of a second rate historical drama too.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Gibby on December 12, 2015, 10:27:16 AM
Right. I guess things are above criticism now so long as they aren't the worst thing on TV.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on December 12, 2015, 10:44:18 AM
You're happy enough to label X Factor and I'm a Celebrity as crap. Millions of people happen to think those are perfectly good entertainment. Same as you feel about 'The Last Kingdom'.
The fact that one thing is less crap than another doesn't make it any good. People are entitled to criticise. Everyone has different standards.

I don't really care all that much about historical accuracy - either of the events portrayed, or the details of arms, armour, dress and culture (although The Last Kingdom was average to poor on both counts).
What I do care about is the fact that, like most BBC attempts at drama set-pre 1700's, it's a lame, pantomime portrayal. It's not BELIEVABLE. It's dumbed down. It's got no dramatic weight or self belief. Essentially it's no good because it's not serious about what its doing. Just watch the extras cheering in the battle scenes: they're like really bad actors in a really bad school play.

Despite moaning, of course I watched it all, and it wasn't awful. Parts of it were enjoyable. The main actors were pretty good. One or two were excellent. But it doesn't make it any good overall.

How come the BBC (and ITV) can produce endless drama programmes set in the Regency, or Dickensian times, or the Victorian / Edwardian era, and make them look and feel utterly believable in every detail. And yet as soon as they go near anything from earlier periods, they end up as pap like this? It's just very odd. It's almost like they approach it having already given up on any attempt to try to do it properly or seriously. They're happy with a panto approach to the whole thing: characterisation, dialogue, production design. One notable recent exception was Wolf Hall, which was subtle, adult, brilliantly done in every detail, as well as sublimely acted. That's the difference we're talking about.

If it's serious, make it seriously, like Wolf Hall. If it's going to be a bit tongue in cheek, and an out and out romp, like The Musketeers, then fair enough. Play it like that. But I think, like so much historical drama, The Last Kingdom fell exactly into that trap of being neither one thing nor the other, and just ends up feeling lame as a result.

Looking forward to season 2  ;)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on December 12, 2015, 11:07:33 AM
Right. I guess things are above criticism now so long as they aren't the worst thing on TV.

Well put, it's wide of the margin to compare a historical drama to the X-Factor!  o_o o_o o_o

A comparison to something like Sharp might be more constructive. They got the uniforms more or less right in
sharp yeah? So why not an Early Medieval series?

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Silent Invader on December 12, 2015, 11:46:15 AM
In a rather large nutshell, this:

don't really care all that much about historical accuracy - either of the events portrayed, or the details of arms, armour, dress and culture (although The Last Kingdom was average to poor on both counts).
What I do care about is the fact that, like most BBC attempts at drama set-pre 1700's, it's a lame, pantomime portrayal. It's not BELIEVABLE. It's dumbed down. It's got no dramatic weight or self belief. Essentially it's no good because it's not serious about what its doing.

I like pantomime when that's what it's meant to be. :)

It was almost like the BBC had the book and a budget which they thought they could work with, then subsequently realised that on another channel was this hugely popular, big money, long running, high quality fantasy medieval series which it suddenly felt compelled to try and compete with but couldn't.  I haven't read the books - and to be honest didn't persevere with the TV - but I do wonder if a smaller, tighter production might have been better. 

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Lowtardog on December 12, 2015, 12:31:33 PM
I just think historical issues aside, they would never be able to capture the first person narrative from the books. Yep watched it through may give vikings and black sails another try after this
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: smirnoff on December 12, 2015, 12:35:26 PM
I enjoyed it
A soap when not many people used soap
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: THE CID on December 12, 2015, 01:58:34 PM
I should take up fishing, got some real good bites there. Lol
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: LeadAsbestos on December 12, 2015, 03:25:35 PM
I enjoyed the series, and will watch season 2 if there is one. Nice to watch between seasons of Vikings!
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Driscoles on December 12, 2015, 07:07:14 PM
I really look forward to watch this series soon. I was never really dissapointed by British TV shows except Broadchurch which was only ok for me.
We rarely have great tv shows in Germany. We have a very exciting history but when we try to bring it on the screen we mostly fail grandiosely. You should be much more grateful !
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: westwaller on December 12, 2015, 07:56:10 PM
Didn't realise it had finished last Thursday... I reckon it was quite good in the end actually. Ignoring the rectangle shields/surcoats/mail coifs/Viking biker jackets/offensively simple Britons debates. It was much better than The White Queen, and more exciting than Wolf Hall, which was brilliant but a bit dull (sorry)

Hopefully there will be a Season two...
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Mason on December 13, 2015, 12:00:13 AM
I just think historical issues aside, they would never be able to capture the first person narrative from the books.

Sums it up nicely.
I thoroughly enjoyed the books and realised after the first episode that it would not live up to them as so much is missing when you dont have a characters thought process available, which is where the books work for me.
Still, I cannot complain as I really began to quite enjoy it the longer it went on.

And, 'Yes', I did watch every episode and probably will do so again.
It was entertaining, and that is all that I was hoping for.

Looking forward to the next series too.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: wulfgar22 on December 13, 2015, 10:18:28 AM
What I do care about is the fact that, like most BBC attempts at drama set-pre 1700's, it's a lame, pantomime portrayal. It's not BELIEVABLE. It's dumbed down. It's got no dramatic weight or self belief. Essentially it's no good because it's not serious about what its doing. Just watch the extras cheering in the battle scenes: they're like really bad actors in a really bad school play.

Despite moaning, of course I watched it all, and it wasn't awful. Parts of it were enjoyable. The main actors were pretty good. One or two were excellent. But it doesn't make it any good overall.

How come the BBC (and ITV) can produce endless drama programmes set in the Regency, or Dickensian times, or the Victorian / Edwardian era, and make them look and feel utterly believable in every detail. And yet as soon as they go near anything from earlier periods, they end up as pap like this? It's just very odd. It's almost like they approach it having already given up on any attempt to try to do it properly or seriously. They're happy with a panto approach to the whole thing: characterisation, dialogue, production design. One notable recent exception was Wolf Hall, which was subtle, adult, brilliantly done in every detail, as well as sublimely acted. That's the difference we're talking about.

If it's serious, make it seriously, like Wolf Hall. If it's going to be a bit tongue in cheek, and an out and out romp, like The Musketeers, then fair enough. Play it like that. But I think, like so much historical drama, The Last Kingdom fell exactly into that trap of being neither one thing nor the other, and just ends up feeling lame as a result.

This perfectly sums up my feelings.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Sir_Theo on December 13, 2015, 10:45:07 AM
I enjoyed the series, and will watch season 2 if there is one. Nice to watch between seasons of Vikings!

That's my feelings too! I even became ok with thw wierd costume design (as I did with Vikings) in fact the only bit I didn't really like was the unecessarily long catch up at the start of each episode. It fits into the Vikings slot, great fun historically based (but not historically accirate) tele. I look forward to future series.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on December 13, 2015, 11:37:25 AM
I would say there's a quantum leap in design and production quality between Vikings and The Last Kingdom. I wouldn't personally put them in the same bracket at all.
I'm sure they're both full of historical, wardrobe and cultural inaccuracies as far as experts in the period are concerned.
But in terms of pure TV drama, which is the more fully realised, believable world, and which of these can I take seriously - Vikings is in a different league. It's not quite A Game of Thrones, but it's a credible attempt at the epic genre. The Last Kingdom feels like low-grade stuff by comparison.

Probably - sadly - it just comes down to money. The BBC can't (or won't) make the kind of investment necessary to compete with commercial producers like HBO, on this kind of epic subject. (Although as I say, they clearly managed it with a showpiece product like Wolf Hall).
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Mason on December 13, 2015, 12:55:35 PM
Yeah, but it probably did not cost them too much when they made Wolf Hall as they already had all the cozzies from Blackadder to fall back on.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Hu Rhu on December 13, 2015, 06:31:05 PM
Yeah, but it probably did not cost them too much when they made Wolf Hall as they already had all the cozzies from Blackadder to fall back on.

 lol lol

Actaually, I rather enjoyed it.  But then my taste is awful.  ;)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: LeadAsbestos on December 14, 2015, 10:52:05 AM
I would say there's a quantum leap in design and production quality between Vikings and The Last Kingdom. I wouldn't personally put them in the same bracket at all.
I'm sure they're both full of historical, wardrobe and cultural inaccuracies as far as experts in the period are concerned.
But in terms of pure TV drama, which is the more fully realised, believable world, and which of these can I take seriously - Vikings is in a different league. It's not quite A Game of Thrones, but it's a credible attempt at the epic genre. The Last Kingdom feels like low-grade stuff by comparison.

Agreed on all points, but it was still entertaining to me. I liked Atlantis too, if that explains my standards! ::) ;)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Mason on December 14, 2015, 11:08:28 AM
lol lol

Actaually, I rather enjoyed it.  But then my taste is awful.  ;)

Enjoyed which?

Last Kingdom, Wolf Hall or Blackadder?
Or was it just the cozzies...?

If yours is, then mine is too, as so did I.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: WillieB on December 14, 2015, 03:45:02 PM
Loved every minute of it and I seem to be in good company taste-wise.

Now if we could just 'complain' hard enough to the BBC perhaps in season 2 the Saxons will have round shields, the Britons/Welsh won't look like runaways from a comic opera, and all furry animals will sigh with relief as extinction is averted, since Danes suddenly invented cloth.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Volleyfire! on December 14, 2015, 04:26:13 PM
I watched all the series, and whilst I might not be quite up to speed on some historical points, I enjoyed it and thought it entertaining. It fell down in places thanks in part to the BBC's tight budget I presume, and their attempt to make a screenplay out of a novel which is never an easy thing to do. I wonder, not having read Cornwell's books, how many volumes were covered in this series? Poldark managed to cover two books I believe in it's first series which left enough for another 3 -4 series. A friend told me there are 9 (?) books in Cornwell's series so I presume we could be in for quite a lot more episodes?
Even if it wasn't up to the standards of Vikings, of which I have taped 18 episodes but never remember to watch  ::)
at least it was better than the seemingly endless food/cookery/baking programmes, reality tv, pottery, antiques etc and made a welcome change from the footie.  :)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on December 14, 2015, 08:43:48 PM
A friend told me there are 9 (?) books in Cornwell's series so I presume we could be in for quite a lot more episodes?

Apparently it hasn't been renewed for a second season - yet...
I think if it had proved an instant ratings smash, GoT-like, the usual process in TV-land is for an ensuing season to be announced as the first season is ending. Or immediately after.
Which would tend to suggest that - like we, the mixed bag of pro- and anti- LAF critics - the jury's still out.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Mason on December 14, 2015, 09:01:14 PM
I am pretty sure that the eight episodes shown cover the first two books.
I am hoping for more.

Apparently it hasn't been renewed for a second season - yet...
I think if it had proved an instant ratings smash, GoT-like, the usual process in TV-land is for an ensuing season to be announced as the first season is ending. Or immediately after.
Which would tend to suggest that - like we, the mixed bag of pro- and anti- LAF critics - the jury's still out.

There is always the chance that someone who makes the decision could be reading what some people see as wrong with it and correct some or most of the anomalies and everyone's a winner.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on December 14, 2015, 09:27:37 PM
Damn you, Paolo, with your relentless good humour and positivity - you are ruining Christmas  >:D  lol  lol
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Little Odo on December 14, 2015, 10:25:39 PM
I watched the final episode at the weekend from a recording and the voice-over person at the end mentioned that there will be a second series. Not sure what that means in terms of whether it is definite or not, but I hope they do make a second (and third etc.) series. I found it to be great fun although accuracy left a little to be desired.

From some of the other comments above: I think the BBC try to make their medieval/fantasy series include some of the fantasy tropes that ruin (for me) almost every other fantasy film and series I watch. I think they feel that they have to do things a certain way or no-one will watch the programmes, or directors are very stuck in their ways for this kind of drama. One day someone will make something that is either accurate to the book or history - i.e. take a chance. Until then, I will enjoy any historical or fantasy series as a bit of fun telly.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Grumdril on December 20, 2015, 04:49:43 PM
Interesting thread this.

I came to the TV series having read book 7 (The Pagan Lord) and hopefully having a bit more understanding of the period than the average viewer, but nothing like the knowledge of some people in this thread. We then got diverted onto The Bridge and so I've only just got around to episode 5, but my take on it so far -

So I'm giving it a bit more credit than some - it's entertainment rather than documentary, but like a good pseudo-historical novel (here I'm thinking of Cornwell's books, or Guy Gavriel Kay's fantasy-inspired-by-history stuff) it does make you think a bit and hopefully want to find out more.

Speaking of which, would anyone be able to recommend any good "everyday" histories of the period, by which I mean no so much what happened when, but for example settlement patterns, how people lived, etc. (but also ideally covering arms and armour)?
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Mason on December 20, 2015, 06:25:09 PM
Damn you, Paolo, with your relentless good humour and positivity - you are ruining Christmas  >:D  lol  lol

Sorry, Mr Scrooge, Sir.
I didn't mean it, honest!
 :'( :'(

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: rumacara on December 21, 2015, 12:33:36 AM
Grumdrill i can recomend the following books as a good sorce of information although they are more technical:

Anglo-Saxon weapons & warfare - Richard Underwood
The viking art of war - Paddy Griffith

I´m sure that any English LAF fellow can recomend better books but i found these two good Reading.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: smirnoff on December 21, 2015, 07:50:32 AM
According to this there is a 2nd series
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on December 21, 2015, 08:14:36 AM
According to this there is a 2nd series

Featuring the The Welsh with their totally authentic shields with a hole in the middle.... a real "cunning plan" if there ever was one  lol lol

Sorry, couldn't help myself!

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: thebinmann on December 21, 2015, 06:06:22 PM
I must admit I was disappointed with it and was almost disappointed I might have to watch again... hoping it gets better....
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on December 21, 2015, 07:21:41 PM
Go here and compare......


OK, I admit that the BBC only had £10,000,000 to execute the Last Kingdom, but, with a little care over the history they might just have produced something worth while.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: westwaller on December 25, 2015, 10:31:37 PM
It looks like ITVs upcoming Beowulf is going to be worse, by the looks of the trailer...!
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on December 26, 2015, 12:06:31 AM
It looks like ITVs upcoming Beowulf is going to be worse, by the looks of the trailer...!

Well, at least our TV licence fee didn't pay for it...... not that this is much consolation.....  >:(

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Bullshott on December 29, 2015, 12:53:15 AM
EDIT: Despite the obvious inaccuracies in clothing, armour and shields, I liked the series as a good semi-historical romp. Beocca and Arthur Alfred were the best portrayals for me, whilst Brida was the most annoying. However, my wife eas annoyed because they hade written Steppa Snotta (her favourite character) out of the series.

Major plus point - this has energised me to making more dark ages terrain :)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: THE CID on December 29, 2015, 03:57:06 PM
Beowulf looks atrocious by the look of the trailers.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: WillieB on December 30, 2015, 10:13:11 AM
Despite the obvious inaccuracies in clothing, armour and shields, I liked the series as a good semi-historical romp. Beocca and Arthur were the best portrayals for me, whilst Brida was the most annoying. However, my wife eas annoyed because they hade written Steppa Snotta (her favourite character) out of the series.

Major plus point - this has energised me to making more dark ages terrain :)

Absolutely agree on Beocca! Splendid actor! By Arthur you probably mean Alfred? Negative comments notwithstanding I really DO hope BBC will eventually do the Winter King series too!
Indeed too bad about Steapa If they write Finan (my favourite character) out of the sequels I'd be quite annoyed too.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Atheling on December 30, 2015, 11:02:24 AM
Just seen a trailer for the BBC's adaptation of War and Peace.

Looks spot on to me which leaves me in no doubt that they would have made the effort with The Last Kingdom.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: DCallan on January 03, 2016, 03:20:25 PM
Looking forward to season 2.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Commander Carnage on January 03, 2016, 07:01:10 PM
It had plenty of issues but I enjoyed it. I'm hoping Steppa and Finan are added to season 2.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Shamash-Bel on August 19, 2017, 07:45:15 PM
I was directed to resurrect this instead of making a new thread!

I will ignore the warning above:
"Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 120 days.
Unless you're sure you want to reply, please consider starting a new topic."

I just finished the second season and really enjoyed it. It's a lot better than the weird historical revisionism the BBC has been putting out lately but that goes without saying. The characterisation was really strong and the conversations between characters on point for the most part.

As everyone else has said, Uhtred's outfit is irritating as hell (he's been wearing that fucking thing for about 7 years now?!) but this is a really solid show and it's got me thinking about going into Dark Age warfare.

EDIT: Here's a video with someone complaining for 10 minutes about minor historical inaccuracies if you want to get it out of your system. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCJUDdEirco) lol
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Antonio J Carrasco on August 20, 2017, 06:51:09 AM
I've tried to watch it, twice. Both have failed after a few episodes. Can't stand the characters. Still worst: it is boring. Not as boring as Game of Thrones or Vikings, but almost as much.

Since Rome -there you have a show that is entertaining despite its historical innaccuracies- I haven't enjoyed a "historical" TV show.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Harry Faversham on August 20, 2017, 09:31:04 AM
If nothing else it's given me the name for the leader of mi' marauding warband for 'Blood Eagle'...

'Putrid son of Putrid'

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on August 20, 2017, 10:08:28 AM
I was directed to resurrect this instead of making a new thread!

I will ignore the warning above:
"Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 120 days.
Unless you're sure you want to reply, please consider starting a new topic."

In some cases, when one arrives late to a particular topic on which a long conversation on the forum has already taken place, it's better to revive the lapsed thread rather than having the same conversation all over again. Opening a new thread on the same subject usually entails the same people feeling obliged to weigh in and restate the same comments and points they made in the original thread. So you usually end up with a duplicate thread. All of which takes up a lot of time and hot air which has been spent once already on the original discussion.

So in cases like this, a little judicious threadomancy is preferable to re-running an entire conversation all over again.
It is, in the immortal words of Lucky Jack, the lesser of two weevils.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Shamash-Bel on August 20, 2017, 11:09:13 AM
If nothing else it's given me the name for the leader of mi' marauding warband for 'Blood Eagle'...

'Putrid son of Putrid'


Boot Tread the Soleless. lol

In some cases, when one arrives late to a particular topic on which a long conversation on the forum has already taken place, it's better to revive the lapsed thread rather than having the same conversation all over again. Opening a new thread on the same subject usually entails the same people feeling obliged to weigh in and restate the same comments and points they made in the original thread. So you usually end up with a duplicate thread. All of which takes up a lot of time and hot air which has been spent once already on the original discussion.

So in cases like this, a little judicious threadomancy is preferable to re-running an entire conversation all over again.
It is, in the immortal words of Lucky Jack, the lesser of two weevils.


I get you, I just felt I should add that addendum in there. :p
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on August 20, 2017, 11:57:58 AM
No problem  :)
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: westwaller on August 20, 2017, 12:00:53 PM
I enjoyed both series, although series two reached its peak in the middle of the run and then didn't really have many episodes to conclude the new storyline imho.

I enjoyed series two more though.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: THE CID on August 20, 2017, 01:19:48 PM
I enjoyed both series, although not historically correct, better than the normal crap on the box.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: bergschotten on August 21, 2017, 08:57:52 AM
I have to be honest I enjoyed both series for what they were; rattling good stories.  Having just read the White Knights excellent thread on his Robin Hood project I am reminded that the majority of us came to this hobby through films and books that would not stand any level of scrutiny-The Vikings anyone!  I also enjoyed the link to the history pedant's review which I though excellent.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Phil Portway on August 21, 2017, 12:50:15 PM
Even My Wife watched it!  :o :o :o :o :o

I was half through the first series, when she started to watch it, so we had to watch it from the beginning.

I asked her if she thought any of it was not historical, and the only thing she mentioned was the sword slung on the back was a bit Lord of the rings, but she enjoyed both series very much.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: mweaver on August 23, 2017, 03:05:02 AM
I am just now on the second series (almost done episode 6) and I am enjoying it reasonably well.  I do like season 2 better than season 1.  I like the portrayal of Alfred best, I think.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Phil Portway on August 23, 2017, 11:21:55 AM
I am just now on the second series (almost done episode 6) and I am enjoying it reasonably well.  I do like season 2 better than season 1.  I like the portrayal of Alfred best, I think.


Has he burnt the cakes yet? or was that series 1?
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: mweaver on August 23, 2017, 12:43:22 PM
He went spying on the Danes in season 1.  I can't remember if he burnt cakes.  I think maybe he did.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: westwaller on August 24, 2017, 04:54:59 PM
Alfred did burn the cakes in the first series but it wasn't a big part of the plot and I think it was bread anyway IIRC.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: mweaver on August 24, 2017, 11:09:25 PM
Shamash-Bel: "EDIT: Here's a video with someone complaining for 10 minutes about minor historical inaccuracies if you want to get it out of your system. Laugh"

Not available in my country, it says.  I will have to imagine it.

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: MartinR on August 25, 2017, 07:07:50 AM
Alfred did burn the cakes in the first series but it wasn't a big part of the plot and I think it was bread anyway IIRC.

Yes, when the Saxons were hiding in the marshes. Anyway, my wife and me thought it was great, a rattling good story and never mind any historical inaccuracies. Who can't love Alfred, standing just like his statue, while Utred mutters some insanity about destiny.

It's a story, not a documentary.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Shamash-Bel on August 25, 2017, 07:25:04 AM
Yeah, and it's put a bit of interest in me for playing Arthurian / Dark Ages games so there's that.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Arlequín on August 25, 2017, 02:54:19 PM
I'm no expert, but I gather the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings actually looked very similar in the main. While they could probably tell each other apart by details, I'm sure most TV audiences would be flummoxed if they had gone for 100% accuracy. Had that been the case only Rant Guy and his ilk would probably be watching and it would have been axed.

I'm more inclined to button-counting than most, but it is indeed a TV show, I want to sit back and be entertained, which it does.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: mweaver on August 26, 2017, 05:21:41 AM
You can always spot the Viking bosses by the eye-liner is season 2.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Harry Faversham on August 26, 2017, 08:45:42 AM
If memory serves, they gave one side round shield and the other oblong ones...
so the thickos among us could tell who woz who!

Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Little Odo on August 26, 2017, 12:03:23 PM
I have enjoyed both series so far, historical inaccuracies aside. But, the main thing is, so have my kids - the next generation of potential gamers and historical re-enactors. We need things like this on TV to draw the kids in and get them interested in history, and then they will hopefully seek out 'real' books about the period themselves, or at least discuss it with their teachers at school like my 8 year old son does.
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Captain Blood on August 26, 2017, 04:52:31 PM
I guess so.
Good if it gets youngsters interested.
The flip side, unfortunately, is that the other 95% of the population just takes it all at face value and goes: 'oh, well, I suppose that's what it must have been like' - and there are their opinions formed, right there.
The execrable 'The White Queen' was a perfectly reasonable and accurate representation of history as far as my wife was concerned... I had to explain that Edward IV almost certainly did not ride to the battle of Towton with his 'army' of three extras, and all wearing lycra leggings, pixie boots and faux-leather bomber jackets...
TV companies continue to produce this fancifully costumed tosh, and people think 'that's how it was...'
Title: Re: Bernard Cornwell's 'The Last Kingdom' episode 1 review
Post by: Arlequín on August 26, 2017, 09:41:11 PM
I had to explain that Edward IV almost certainly did not ride to the battle of Towton with his 'army' of three extras, and all wearing lycra leggings, pixie boots and faux-leather bomber jackets...

It's not been so long ago that that would have described the typical group of 'authentic' Medieval re-enactors.  ;)

At least there was no knitted 'chain mail' sprayed silver.  :)