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Other Stuff => Workbench => Topic started by: aircav on November 07, 2008, 08:42:21 AM

Title: What’s the definitive Dullcote replacement???
Post by: aircav on November 07, 2008, 08:42:21 AM
Basically as the heading say's, has any body found a definitive Dullcote replacement?

I'm down to my last can now so i need top be thinking about a replacement!

Title: Re: What’s the definitive Dullcote replacement???
Post by: JollyBob on November 07, 2008, 09:50:09 AM
Do you need spray or will brush on do?

I followed RedZed's advice and tried Windsor & Newton Galleria Acrylic Matt Varnish from the art shop. Absolutely flat, great finish. Doesn't need to be done outside either, which is good news. Needs shaking quite a lot to mix, and takes a while to dry enough to be touched up, but it's well worth it. Not too expensive either. 
Title: Re: What’s the definitive Dullcote replacement???
Post by: Svennn on November 07, 2008, 09:55:22 AM
I have always used W&N or Daler Rowney bottled stuff but the spray from Warlord Games is getting very good reports - not tried personally though.
Title: Re: What’s the definitive Dullcote replacement???
Post by: aircav on November 07, 2008, 11:01:04 AM
Do you need spray or will brush on do?

I followed RedZed's advice and tried Windsor & Newton Galleria Acrylic Matt Varnish from the art shop. Absolutely flat, great finish. Doesn't need to be done outside either, which is good news. Needs shaking quite a lot to mix, and takes a while to dry enough to be touched up, but it's well worth it. Not too expensive either. 

I need spray, way too lazy for the brush on stuff  :D

Is the Windsor & Newton Galleria Acrylic Matt Varnish spray or brush?

Title: Re: What’s the definitive Dullcote replacement???
Post by: JollyBob on November 07, 2008, 11:06:28 AM
Brush on.

Looks like you might have more luck with the Warlord Games spray Svennn suggested, then. Unless W&N can be fed through an airbrush? I've never tried, but I could imagine it might lead to all sorts of stickiness if you didn't clean it out properly.
Title: Re: What’s the definitive Dullcote replacement???
Post by: Gluteus Maximus on November 07, 2008, 11:33:34 AM
Do you need spray or will brush on do?

I followed RedZed's advice and tried Windsor & Newton Galleria Acrylic Matt Varnish from the art shop. Absolutely flat, great finish. Doesn't need to be done outside either, which is good news. Needs shaking quite a lot to mix, and takes a while to dry enough to be touched up, but it's well worth it. Not too expensive either. 

JB, does it withstand rough handling on its own, or do you need to gloss varnish first for toughness and then overcoat with the W&N for the matt finish?

Like Keith, I'm also down to my last can of Dullcote  :(
Title: Re: What’s the definitive Dullcote replacement???
Post by: Captain Blood on November 07, 2008, 11:44:45 AM
Pat (Theoldschool) converted me to W&N Galeria. I don't know how tough it is, but I generally apply two coats and it does give a very good, flat finish. So far, not a single episode of 'white bloom'... It's cheap, readily available (even in W H Smith) and water soluble so easy to use. Only slight drawback as JollyBob says is that it does take several hours to dry - but I think this is probably a good thing, as it means it's curing somehow and 'going off'.

Title: Re: What’s the definitive Dullcote replacement???
Post by: JollyBob on November 07, 2008, 11:56:05 AM
I usually gloss varnish first, as I am a ham-fisted chimp and drop things quite a lot so I prefer a tougher finish.

That said, the Galleria stuff does seem to be pretty tough on its own. I would recommend two or three very thin coats of it, and let it dry thoroughly between them. Might take you a week, mind...  lol
Title: Re: What’s the definitive Dullcote replacement???
Post by: Gluteus Maximus on November 07, 2008, 12:44:45 PM
I usually gloss varnish first, as I am a ham-fisted chimp and drop things quite a lot so I prefer a tougher finish.

Exactly my problem  :(   lol
Title: Re: What’s the definitive Dullcote replacement???
Post by: Grimmnar on November 07, 2008, 01:17:54 PM
Why not just another can of Dullcote? Or are you opposed to useing it any more? :-)

Title: Re: What’s the definitive Dullcote replacement???
Post by: aircav on November 07, 2008, 01:45:11 PM
Because you can't by it in europe due to the toxins or some other such thing! that won't pass EU regs  >:( >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: What’s the definitive Dullcote replacement???
Post by: theoldschool on November 07, 2008, 07:48:34 PM
For brush on I definitely recommend W&N Galleria. It's tough enough not to need a gloss underneath. As the Captain says though it is best left overnight to cure.
For spray the best I've found is the varnish from Figures in Comfort, absolutely dead flat. Never had a problem with it and even more matt than Dullcote.
Title: Re: What’s the definitive Dullcote replacement???
Post by: Cosmotiger on November 08, 2008, 04:52:55 PM
I use the W&N Galleria Matt sometimes also.   It is a good brush-on flat coat.  Right out of the bottle it dried a little bit shiny for me.  I'm not sure if that was just a random incident because of humidity, temperature, or something like that,  but a tiny bit of distilled water seems to make it go on more smoothly and dry flatter.   Just my two cents.
Title: Re: What’s the definitive Dullcote replacement???
Post by: rob_alderman on November 09, 2008, 12:09:16 AM
I have this problem too.
Bloomin' EU!

Ahh well.

I have hundreds of figures to varnish, but I hear a lot of varnishes make the metallics go very dull (Silver goes grey, gold goes Yellow ochre) which I woul dreally get annoyed about.
Because of the amount of stuff, I'm guessing the warlord games stuff, but perhaps with a gloss varnish first (I have been told this helps retain the shine to metallics). ???
Title: Re: What’s the definitive Dullcote replacement???
Post by: Captain Blood on November 09, 2008, 09:10:27 AM
Matt varnish of any kind will take the shine off your metalwork as well as all the bits of a figure you want to look matt.

I tend to retouch stirrups, buckles and so on with metallic colours after varnishing. For larger areas like plate armour or gun barrels, I give them a watered down coat of gloss varnish.
It's important to thin the gloss varnish, because whilst you want a bit of a sheen on your metalwork, I think a really high gloss finish - on armour in particular - looks even more crass than matt armour.

'Historically' of course, armour was often painted precisely so that it didn't shine! (But I appreciate this doesn't always look so good on the tabletop!)
Title: Re: What’s the definitive Dullcote replacement???
Post by: Thunderchicken on November 09, 2008, 09:18:33 AM
As Captain Blood said. That's the process I follow and it works nicely.

With regards to the HMG spary beware as it is a very effective matt and will turn your metallic colours dull; gun metal to grey etc. Also it only needs a very thin coat, I'm still paying the price of a thick layer on some 28mm figs who now have the appearance they slept out in the frost!!     
Title: Re: What’s the definitive Dullcote replacement???
Post by: Grimmnar on November 09, 2008, 10:04:21 AM
Because you can't by it in europe due to the toxins or some other such thing! that won't pass EU regs  >:( >:( >:( >:(
Aye, didnt pay attention to your location on your sig.
I rememeber it was recalled and not sold period. But here in the States i saw it on the shelf last month so i figured it was being reciculated.
I thought the point of the "recall" was to reformulate the formula so i can be resold world wide again?
Guess it wasnt corrected then. :-(

Title: Re: What’s the definitive Dullcote replacement???
Post by: Gluteus Maximus on November 09, 2008, 11:42:16 AM
Yes, dear old Europe.

Much as I love the different countries and their culture, history, talented wargamers and alchoholic beverages, the deranged monster that is the EU definitely p****s me off  >:(