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Miniatures Adventure => Call of Cthulhu => Strange Aeons => Topic started by: Grumbling Grognard on October 07, 2015, 04:27:45 AM

Title: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on October 07, 2015, 04:27:45 AM
I have decided to make a thread for my Strange Aeons fig pics.  My "style" is (reasonably) fast painting with the cheapest materials possible.  It is a tried and true "style" I have honed over my last 40+ years of miniature's gaming.  I generally use a "dip" over a few base colors and some dry brushing before I call them "good enough to game with".

When I saw the artifacts, plot devices, etc in this game I had to start work.  And my first pic will be of the (not so) good Doctor Alexander Jackel being rudely interupted just as he is about to test his latest creation (is a "just" a resonator or is it a doomsday device...well the Doc is not too sure that is why we test things, right?!?)

Appologies, I finally figured out the gallery function here and have posted my pics there and will continue to do so.  You can see them here:

Link To Grumbling Grognard's Gallery (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?action=gallery;su=user;u=11035)

Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: forcedperfect on October 07, 2015, 05:30:11 AM
Cool machine! I Love the artifacts concepts also.
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on October 18, 2015, 01:54:31 AM
I have posted a dozen or so more pictures of my quickly growing horde of Strange Aeons figures.  I am afraid I have quite fallen in love with this game...  :-*

GG's Gallery (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?action=gallery;su=user;cat=788;u=11035)

Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: necrocannibal on October 20, 2015, 09:44:54 AM
Very nice and imaginative stuff you have there!
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: horridperson on October 20, 2015, 10:07:39 AM
Great stuff GG.  You have quite an eclectic collection of models.  Your lab is pretty neat.  I'm going to have to do some more reading on the forums so I can figure out how to start a gallery like you did.  Do people get mad about about posting pics in the forums rather than in a gallery? 
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on October 20, 2015, 03:35:37 PM
Great stuff GG.  You have quite an eclectic collection of models.  Your lab is pretty neat.  I'm going to have to do some more reading on the forums so I can figure out how to start a gallery like you did.  Do people get mad about about posting pics in the forums rather than in a gallery? 

Since when do we care if anyone on the internet is mad at us?!?  Hell, that would take 1/2 the fun out of the net! ;D  lol

I have no idea.  I just got here a month or so ago....  I just work from home 5 days aweek (in a damned easy job!) and post like an insane man when I have a new game I love (and this is one for sure!).

To start a gallery, just go to the link at the top (between "My Messages" and "Chess"), then click on "My Gallery" link (about 1/3 way down, on the right), then click on (I think...if I remember right...) "Add Category".  From there you just name you new gallery, give it an icon you like and load pics.  

I cheat.  I use both a gallery and a forum (to publish when I load a new pic).

Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: wulfgar22 on October 20, 2015, 03:56:22 PM
Just seen your gallery...what a fabulous assortment of characters, beasties and places! Great stuff!
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on October 20, 2015, 08:25:13 PM
Thanks for the positive feedback!  Face it, that is why we post our stuff, right?   ::)

I do not get to game as much as I would like (who does?), so it helps to keep me modivated.  Considering I have barely painted a dozen 25-28mm figs in the last decade prior to  Strange Aeons I think this game has done that quite well.

Thanks again
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: horridperson on October 20, 2015, 11:59:32 PM
Thanks for the tutorial GG.  I wasn't sure if there was, "pic etiquette" but I haven't been here long either so I thought I'd better ask.  I'm warded by cats in silly outfits so I'm not afraid of "internet mad"  :). I have a blog but I neglect it.  When I'm using my hobby time to make stuff I don't like cutting into it with photos and blogging but I enjoy having access to both the forums and a blog. 

The blog allows me to ramble more (long winded), tighten up my shoddy production values a little, and post higher resolution photos of stuff I'm working at.  It also give me a concise archive of my projects (if I get around to documenting them :) )  With the forum as nice immediate feedback and smaller photos I can present what I'm up to and if people are interested they can check the blog for elaboration.  For me the gallery would be a bit of a vestigial limb.
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Reviler on October 23, 2015, 05:45:10 PM
Your collection is outstanding. If I may ask, what is your technique for rebasing the d&d plastic minis? I usually end up butchering them in my attempts.
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on October 23, 2015, 06:20:50 PM
Thank you very much.

oh...boy will this "answer" be a bit of insight on how I do minis...   ;)

It depends.  Really, on alot.  Not the least of which is what I have on my painting table at the time in regards to glue (I hate running to the store for crap like that), and my whim...

For all "clix" figures the base has to go.  No doubt.  So, I use a new, very sharp Xacto and slice them free at the soles of their feet being very careful not to to hack off part of the foot (which I too have done a few times).  If this happens, I can generally fix it with some creative flocking on the base or something of the sort...   ;)  But, to be honest, it has been months since I did that, and it was simply because I was in a rush.  I then use GW bases I have added mags to or GaleForce9 mags (my new favorite).

For the Patherfinder and D&D stuff I have been keeping many bases and just gluing mags to the bottom.

Since I mag the bottom of all of my figures, I then generally glue my magnets to the bottom of the figure.  Then I will then wash the figures with soapy water (rince very, very well, soap and paint do not mix well).  Then I "prime" using a clear, plastic varnish.  This allows me to use the paint from the manufacturer as a "rough outline" and they almost always work fine for that (and I am just not that great a painter anyway!)....but I digress you asked about basing.   :D

The glue is the hardest part for these "bendy" plastic bases.  But, I have found that my favorite glue on the planet, good, old white "Elmer's Glue" works almost every time.  A good heavy coat on the base.  Sometimes another light brush over the top if I think it is needed (but to be honest, almost never).  Then, they get a varnish coat.  I don't flock, etc until after I am done with all painting, so it never has any time to lose *any* flock/sand.

Super glue works even better.  The problems with super glue are: Cost, Toxic Odor, difficulty handling as opposed to white clue and the fact super glue will cause a color shift in sand, or flock (to the darker, much darker).  All are not show-stoppers, but should be kept in mind.  I do like super glue for when I am in a big hurry (of course) and for a base for which I am not entirely trusting my white glue (generally the former, I really do love white glue).

For materials I use whatever cheap flock is at the hobby store when I run out, and a bag of "play sand" from Walmart and a bit of cat litter and plastic plants every now and again.  Pour glue on base, then stick it into the baggie of flock/sand/whatever....repeat with 2 or 3 baggies...move to the next one.

Last warning: Seriously, if you try super glue, be careful when you use enough for an entire large monster base or they will find you on the floor under your table some night.   :(

Hope this helps,
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Argonor on October 23, 2015, 06:58:44 PM
I like your stuff very much!

Your approach adds to the SA world in a way that many of us wouldn't have thought of.
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on October 23, 2015, 07:59:03 PM
I like your stuff very much!

Your approach adds to the SA world in a way that many of us wouldn't have thought of.

Lol why thank you very much.   :D

But, just wait.  When you get to be "old men", jaded, cheap and lazy....you will then completely understand.  Keeping in mind "old" is in the mind (I am "only" 51)  ;)

Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Reviler on October 24, 2015, 02:57:17 AM
Thanks for letting us into your methodology for basing! You do a great job with your miniatures and basing. You have given me a lot of food for thought as I approach basing miniatures. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on December 24, 2015, 06:19:45 PM
Added a few pics as well as some (quick, easy) rules for climbing in Strange Aeons to my gallery and sub-galleries.

Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on January 18, 2016, 11:30:05 PM
Updated a few things, added a rule for special ammo: If you jam using it, your out of it now.   >:D
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on January 27, 2016, 09:17:42 PM
Added a few pics from a game I ran last night with my newest terrain, a set of pieces for a ruined temple in the jungle.  When I was looking for good material at my local big box hardware (one of my favs), I spotted some tile back-splashes on clearance and decided that white marble, would stand out quite nicely.

Finally got a pic of my "Spheres" up as well.

And yes, I made a 3rd Dark Altar out of marble (it was too easy to resist and fits nicely IMO).  Must get to work on a real stage someday for the King In Yeller'...  ::)

GG's Game Play Pics Gallery (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?action=gallery;su=user;u=11035;cat=800)
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Bloggard on January 28, 2016, 09:04:10 AM
looks great.

what are those trees - I really like the look of them?
Title: Video for Huge Trees
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on January 28, 2016, 04:42:37 PM
Several of the pictures have direct links to the YouTube video by a gent who goes by "DM Scotty" that inspired me, but I failed to add them last night to the ruins pics I added (corrected now).  His trees were not "tropical" but adding the vines, flowers, and picking a different type of leaf was all the changes I had to add to make my uber-sized Costa Rican forest.

One note only to add to his great step-by-step video is that this process takes quite a long time.  I use/used/have-always used white glue, so I was ready, but to allow these to dry 100% in-between steps may require days (as mine did when I did them in the Fall).  If you fail to allow them to fully dry, it may take they will never be as strong as they would have been otherwise and it really is worth the wait.

A direct link is here:
Video By DM Scotty on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJ-ZvGMnTIM)

Title: Re: Video for Huge Trees
Post by: Bloggard on January 28, 2016, 08:24:38 PM
cheers Scott.

had a feeling they'd be custom jobs. great stuff - but beyond my skills and patience.

Several of the pictures have direct links to the YouTube video by a gent who goes by "DM Scotty" that inspired me, but I failed to add them last night to the ruins pics I added (corrected now).  His trees were not "tropical" but adding the vines, flowers, and picking a different type of leaf was all the changes I had to add to make my uber-sized Costa Rican forest.

One note only to add to his great step-by-step video is that this process takes quite a long time.  I use/used/have-always used white glue, so I was ready, but to allow these to dry 100% in-between steps may require days (as mine did when I did them in the Fall).  If you fail to allow them to fully dry, it may take they will never be as strong as they would have been otherwise and it really is worth the wait.

A direct link is here:
Video By DM Scotty on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJ-ZvGMnTIM)

Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on February 11, 2016, 05:10:24 AM
Could not resist posting a few "approval pics" from my batch of figures off at the painters in my gallery.  Bases are not done, and I will almost surely do some detailing on these as I can never resist...

Two teams of good guys, one based out of London, the other is based out of Spain that depends on 3 chief weapons that nobody expects and lastly a nemesis for the "Cardinals from Spain", an odd Bishop who may be either a high priest or a corrupted character either way he will have very strong connections with the Sicilian mafia below.

[ In case you lived in a cave for the last 30 years and have no idea what I am on about:
Monty Python's Spanish Inquisition (https://youtu.be/Nf_Y4MbUCLY)
Monty Python's The Bishop (https://youtu.be/gDnE-5lD7w8) ]



Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Mason on February 11, 2016, 09:14:33 AM
I love those Spanish Inquisition figures (an I certainly didn't expect them!  ;)).
 :-* :-*

Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Mr. Peabody on February 12, 2016, 04:37:29 PM
Wow, those are show stoppers.  :-* :-* :-*

They will make a heck of a cool Threshold team.
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on March 19, 2016, 02:46:15 AM
Finally got my figures in hand and ready to play this weekend (game pics next week with any luck).

I have updated a few of my custom critters and added a lizardman high priest in anticipation of the games I have planned for Sunday.

They are in the "Custom Races" sub gallery:   GG's Custom Critters and Pics (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?action=gallery;su=user;u=11035)
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Uncle Mike on March 19, 2016, 03:40:50 AM
Dammit Mason! You beat me to the joke... :'(
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on March 22, 2016, 09:46:27 PM
Updated my Spanish Cardinals as I finally got around to flocking them, etc...  Pic has a few other figs now too.  That is still "below" and also in my gallery as well...

I also added my witches and self-lighting cauldron to my gallery...   ;)


Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on April 06, 2016, 08:25:46 AM
Life is brutal right now.  As in, once in a life time brutal...but I paint to relax a bit so got these done tonight...  I decided to do my degenerates in red.  Meh...they just stand out better.  Besides, I like the classic devil look.   :P

Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Mason on April 06, 2016, 08:44:33 AM
Nice work, sir.
That banner is great!
 :-* :-*

Nice find too, what a result!

Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Big Frank on April 06, 2016, 06:03:34 PM
Some really great stuff on your gallery,
The trees look particularly nice. The gent drawing his sword's from Black Pyramid games?
Got a few of them for my EoTD Gentleman faction. Lovely minis had at lot of fun painting them.
Hang in there mate and hope your circumstances change soon.
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on April 06, 2016, 07:45:53 PM
Some really great stuff on your gallery,
The trees look particularly nice. The gent drawing his sword's from Black Pyramid games?
Got a few of them for my EoTD Gentleman faction. Lovely minis had at lot of fun painting them.
Hang in there mate and hope your circumstances change soon.

Black Pyramid...  perhaps, that rings a bell.  I do remember Uncle Mike forcing me up late several (i.e. many) nights trying to find good figures.  I own several metric tons of lead, but up until last year not an ounce of pulpy stuff. 

The trees were a labor, but it was a fun project that will serve in many games for a long long time.  Odd what I have learned to do with a glue gun in 6 months and I owned one for 20 years and barely used it.

Thanks for the post,
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on April 07, 2016, 08:37:21 PM
Texicon (http://texicon.net/) is our only real miniatures convention locally and it is ramping up.  I will be running games all weekend again, and this year most will be "Strange Aeons".  I have created a folder to contain stuff for this convention.

So far, only a couple of hand out sheets, posters, fliers to "pimp" the game to the uninformed victims players.

 GG's Gallery  (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?action=gallery;su=user;u=11035)
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on April 10, 2016, 04:26:31 AM
Well...when stressed I do paint more...

Gotta love getting old in some respects.  Having been through some 'crap'...you can generally find the "bright side" in any situation if you really look.  I can make you laugh at yourself if nothing else.   lol

I have a real problem with familiars too....and I'll be Damned if Uncle Mike did not 'rig' his game to where I love playing witchs...using the cauldron and yes...you get a crap load of familiars with a handful of witches at 3pts each.

An old succubus that I have had in my needing to paint bucket for over 30 years along with some GW walking books I got last week and did a repaint on and "Tiny", who I have no idea where he came from...if you know who made Tiny I would love to know as well. [yes...I saw and removed that pesky hair on the walking book...never see those until I photo them!   :-[)

...And pair of "mechanical flies" I got at the same time as "Tiny" for practically nothing at a convention (fill a ziploc for 2 bucks...can't beat that with a stick!).  I have no idea where these came from so if anyone knows spread the knowlege please.

Lastly we have another guy I got in the ziploc special Mushy who looks to me to be a GW figure, but I have no clue.  NOW, the scroll caddy and the jester are Citadel pre GW 25mm (before 28mm existed!)

Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Mason on April 10, 2016, 11:18:41 AM
Nice one, mate.
Gotta love the 'fun' things in a Strange Aeons project.
I know that I did
 8) 8)

Tiny, I think, is one of these fellas...

I have a pack of them that I have never gotten around to..... ::)

Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on April 11, 2016, 01:22:22 AM
hmmm..no.  I do like those monkey men, but "Tiny" is about 1/2 that size (I can tell by the base on that monkey guy).

Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Ballardian on April 11, 2016, 01:49:10 PM
I think that the 'mechanical flies' may be the original, pewter GW Necron Scarabs, (which were called 'Tomb Spiders' at the time).
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on April 11, 2016, 11:39:28 PM
Thanks!  :D  Yep, those are spot on...  Spyders is what GW called them eh?  Sure look more like a Flie to me.  ::)

edit: fwiw, it seems most people on ebay and the 'net call them scarabs.  Not sure what GW called them when they came out, but they fit the bill now in size next to the current scarab so if you are looking for them, they are in ebay under that name (mixed in with the newer ones I like not at all).

Thanks again!   :)

Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on June 28, 2016, 09:14:32 PM
A few new pics added in the last week or so in the "Figures" sub-gallery, finally got my Wendigo on the table.  Missing links are next (I think one brown and one white will do nicely):

GG's Gallery (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?action=gallery;su=user;u=11035)
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on July 20, 2016, 02:46:16 PM
With me finally able to get the exwife out of my house (...don't ask!), my life is starting to get to a more normal level now...  And I have a huge load of "Summer Painting" to catch up on!

Posted a few pics of my 25 followers of "The Crimson Cowl".

Fun and quite easy to paint!  Now on to rest of my cultists!


More can be seen in my gallery:
GG's Figure Gallery (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?action=gallery;su=user;cat=798;u=11035)

Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: ojdota on July 20, 2016, 05:44:15 PM
Nice work on those cultists  ;), may I ask who makes the children cultists?
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on July 20, 2016, 09:55:40 PM
Nice work on those cultists  ;), may I ask who makes the children cultists?

Hmmm.....gee....I cannot for the life of me remember.   I have a load more of that "crap" to paint on my table now.  Just getting started on these....but I think I will be a bit smarter and prime them in freaking red this time!   lol!   One would think I would learn.   

I have some fish-faced ones in civies too!  Those will take a bit more care I think.  BUT they are sweet!

Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on July 31, 2016, 12:47:45 AM
New aquistions for arctic adventures (next of course)...

Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Reed on July 31, 2016, 01:28:57 PM
Some Elder Things would be a nice addition for that arctic (well, antarctic) expedition  :)
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on July 31, 2016, 07:32:28 PM
I have one...but cannot find a pic of the repaint.  I really like the plastics I have found and another is dirt cheap.  Two is a hell of alot of nasty in SA.  I have a few gug as well and a shoggoth and another to paint and even a Yithian.  All are plastic re-paints and quite easy and cheap to get.

(http://leadadventureforum.com/gallery/23/11035_07_10_15_5_50_48.jpg) (http://leadadventureforum.com/gallery/23/11035_18_10_15_2_47_37_4.jpg) (http://leadadventureforum.com/gallery/23/11035_18_10_15_4_50_03_2.JPG)

There is no lack of supernatural baddies.  I think I need a few "natives" however.  Maybe a polar bear...

Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on August 02, 2016, 05:59:08 AM
Modified our custom items again a bit. 

Title: The Boys In Blue Arrive
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on August 11, 2016, 07:28:46 PM
Long over-due "The Boys In Blue" have arrived.  My all-purpose police force for pulpy gaming.  These guys were orginally going to be a local, Threshold-type team for Strange Aeons...but lately I have been thinking more and more of making "The Boys In Blue" the cultists.  ;-)   But, we all know, they can and will be both.

Title: A trio of carniverous plants
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on August 17, 2016, 01:02:37 AM
A trio of resin carniverous plants of unknown manufacture that I found on eBay with a modest repaint:


My polar bears have arrived along with my igloos and my snowcat/snow crawler so maybe I will shift to making my snow terrain and just paint a bear or two...  we will see where the old man's mood takes him tonight...

Title: Dark Nuns do some gardening
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on August 19, 2016, 05:00:59 AM
Dark nuns take a strole in their garden of lost souls that protects their sanctuary

Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Mason on August 19, 2016, 08:36:56 AM
I have not seen many of them coloured-in.

I like the colour scheme you have chosen.

Title: Re: A trio of carniverous plants
Post by: matakishi on August 19, 2016, 09:01:00 AM
A trio of resin carniverous plants of unknown manufacture that I found on eBay with a modest repaint:

Available from Scotia Grendel if you wanted to add to them.
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: DeafNala on August 19, 2016, 02:00:11 PM
You've done a SPLENDID job on both the Stump & Mushroom Fiends...BEAUTIFULLY painted in a FINE selection of colors. VERY WELL DONE!
I did those years ago. They may very well be the source of my own Tree/Stump/Mushroom Creatures. It's always nice to have some one to blame.
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on August 19, 2016, 07:08:08 PM
Thanks guys, esp for the link to more plants.

The cloak's "color" on the nuns is quite unique and I doubt I could "reproduce" it.    :) They started as red...then were blue...then I decided...purple....then I said to hell with it and did them in a black wash hoping some of the color would still show and...it worked.   Yeeeaahhh...  I planned it that way, like I always do.   ::)

edit: I should note these were a joy to paint-repaint.  They were such that they were all folds, etc and washing, inking were a joy.

Title: Hunched Back Grunches
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on August 19, 2016, 09:07:11 PM
These are just too cool not to use in every game possible.  I think they may appear in the depths of the artic for Strange Aeons...

A pair of very old Heritage figures I found on eBay.  I have had 2 others since the late 1970s that are also posted here and painted by myself in oil based paints many, many moons ago.   These I tried to do in as arse-ugly paint scheme-combo as I could imagine.  My 19 year old son suggested the veins which helped as otherwise they were just too "tame".   I am still not sure I like the way they came out...

(i have since based them btw  ;))
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Hobby Services on August 19, 2016, 10:48:23 PM
How nostalgic.  That Grunch sculpt was the very first miniature I ever painted.
Title: Custom Race - Evil Trees
Post by: Grumbling Grognard on August 22, 2016, 04:05:18 AM
I had to whip up a race of critters for my new evil-looking plants.  I wanted something both, scary, unique, and immobile.  I think this will work, but to be honest, I have not tried it out yet so "balance" (always vastly over-rated IMO) cannot be warranted whatsoever.   8)

As always, this is also posted in my gallery here on the site as well.


Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: WallyTWest on September 26, 2016, 01:37:42 AM
I love the evil plants entry- that's a solid idea and a terrific horror trope. (Evil Dead, Wizard of Oz, exc.)
Title: Re: Grumbling Grognard's Pics
Post by: Mason on September 26, 2016, 01:45:35 PM
Nice idea.
I really like the 'surprise' element.
 8) 8)