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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Frostgrave => Topic started by: Rakky on December 06, 2015, 02:03:29 PM

Title: Rakky and Markdienekes' Frostgravery (updated with Lich Lord battle report).
Post by: Rakky on December 06, 2015, 02:03:29 PM
So my brother and I decided to start two new warbands. I opted for the Summoner this time and he for the Enchanter. We both decided we'd rather go for a monster-based warband and so I opted for my Summoner to lead a warband of water-based monsters: Yuan Ti, Sauhagin and Troglodytes, with various other types for demons (kappa for imps).

Here's my new warband (Denizens of the deep) led by The Drowned Lady, her bio will be put beneath the pictures.


In the middle is The Drowned Lady, with her apprentice. Madame Venom, to her right.
Front left are Growlgrin and Copperhead (Infantrymen)
Far fron right is Prowling Claw (treasure hunter)
Back line has 2 javileneers (Dart and Screwtail), 1 crossbowman (Slimey) and 1 thief (Hopper)

Bio: The Drowned Lady has no recollection of her life prior to the thaw of Felstadt. She awoke on the banks of a lake outside the city as the ice began to melt. She was rescued by Madame Venom and a group of river creatures as they sensed great power in her. Possibly coming from a point in time when Felstadt was still a bustling city, her adventures into its frozen ruins are both a search for magical power and to her own origins.

Here are the creature she can summon:


A greater demon, 2 minor demons and 2 imps.

My brother's enchanter warband

Made up of Kobolds, hobgoblins and bugbears, with a couple or savage orc archers. He tried twice to create a large construct but is using a class advanced dungeons and dragons stone golem when he eventually does.

Middle Kobold is Rugrpg Ruktag (Enchanter)
to his right is his hobgoblin apprentice (Rarpug Dubzug)
The two orc archers are Gulm and Umug
The Kobold with the spear (infantryman) is called Skang
The hobgoblin with the halberd (infantryman) is called Akgor
The other hobogblin with the sword pointing out (infantryman) is called Algob
the Bugbear javileneer is Abhush and the Bugbear thief is called Ghorzog.

We decided their first foray into Felstadt should be at the start of the Lich campaign so began with scenario 1
Here is the set up:

Lich Lord scenario 1

We opted to play the first scenario of the Lich Lord campaign as we thought that the line of sight rules made a nice change to our normal games where ranged attacks decimate the board. The enchanter's warband rolled to set up first and we began to set up our bands. I grouped my summoner with Copperhead (my infantryman), Hopper (my thief) and Screwtail (javileneer) around the centre of the deployment zone, planning on getting her to a point where she could hide and start summoning demons and imps to harass the opponents. On the right flanl I had my apprentice, alng with another javileneer and my remaining infantryman (Growlgrin), intending to flank my opponent and claim the treasure behind the mound. My left flank was guarded by my lone crossbowman.


My brother spread his out simialrly, however, he only placed one soldier on my right flank, and his apprentice was positioned along with 2 infantrymen and an archer on my left flank.


So it began. I won the initiative and moved my forces forward. My thief managed to stand on top of a treasure but would have to wait to pick it up. The Drowned Lady got behind a pillar for cover, where she would spend most of the game, and attempted to summon a demon (she failed and hurt herself).


The enchanter's apprentice came round my left flank and his main force headed towards the middle, completely ignoring the treasure to my right, where my apprentice and three men were heading to secure. Evidently, he planned on getting a foothold on the centre of the table.



Winning the initiative again, I sent my javilneer to pick up the treasure next to the thief. Unfortunately (and amusingly), this caused a worm to appear right next to where my apprentice and his group were heading. The group were taken aback by the sudden appearance of such a foe. I quickly cast leap on my javileneer to get him to a safe location to retreat off the board.


Sensing immediate danger, my apprentice and infantryman fled for cover and my javileneer ran up to claim the treasure by the old statue, hiding away from the worm.


By this point, RugRog Ruktug's warband had advanced on the centre and were in a good position to hold it. To make matters harder, Rugrog and his apprentice had begun casting strength on their soldiers, getting them revved up for a fight. Abhush (his javileneer) began to throw javilens at Copperhead but missed.


On the creature phase, the worm came straight at my infantryman, who managed to injure it for a large chunk of its health


On my left flank, Algob (a hobgoblin infantryman) had picked up a treasure and was about to start making his way off the table. My crossbowman was behind a wall trying to return fire at the large mass of enemies (he would eventually injure his thief and take his javileneer out of combat). Meanwhile, Prowltail and Copperhead had run, rather crazily, into combat with Akgor (the other hobgoblin infantryman). They injured him but failed to take him out. On his wizard's next turn, he would throw a genade into the combat and injure my treasurehunter, taking him down to 5 health.


In the next turn his infantryman would fall at the hands of Copperhead, who would then fall victim to an arrow himself.


Prowltail headed right, to join up with my infantryman who had finally defeated the worm.


There goal was to move back to the mound to claim the treasure. By this point, both of my javileneers had left the field with treasure. Unfortunately, both my wizards had consistently failed to summon demons and had lost health attempting to do so. Turn 5 was approaching and due to being shot at by both archers, even when in heavy cover, they were both wounded.

My theif attempted to abscpnd with the treasure behind the statue and was reqarded with an elemental bolt to the face, taking him out.


On turn 5, both my wizard and apprentice managed to cast heal on themselves, mostly due to the +6 to all spells for the turn ability. However, the enchanter's apprentice had flanked round and proceeded to blast my summoner with an elemnetal bolt, taking her out of the game.


Meanwhile, there was a race to get the final treasure, my treasurehunter and infantryman got there first


Prowltail took an arrow from Umug, but Growlgrin escaped with the treasure. My apprentice fled the field, and only my crossbowman remainded, in close combat with his stength boosted archer.


Luckily, Skang (the Kobold infantryman) then walked off with the last treasure and the game was over.


We'd both made it off with 3 treasures and each advanced to level 2. Both of us recieved an eye of Amoto and a fair amount of gold.

Title: Re: Rakky and Markdienekes' Frostgravery (battle reports, miniatures, scenery etc..)
Post by: Timeshadow on December 06, 2015, 02:17:15 PM
Great minis and background. I love it  :D
Title: Re: Rakky and Markdienekes' Frostgravery (battle reports, miniatures, scenery etc..)
Post by: CthulhuPunk on December 06, 2015, 03:18:07 PM
Some lovely Oldhammer miniatures in there - great stuff!
Title: Re: Rakky and Markdienekes' Frostgravery (battle reports, miniatures, scenery etc..)
Post by: Rakky on December 06, 2015, 04:03:40 PM
I love the old miniatures as they seem to have more character than current games workshop ones. Mind you, I like the Frostgrave Northstar figures as well, but there are just so many old ones that I've wanted to use for years.
Title: Re: Rakky and Markdienekes' Frostgravery (updated with Lich Lord battle report).
Post by: Rakky on December 07, 2015, 07:59:42 PM
Battle report added if anyone's interested in reading it  :)
Title: Re: Rakky and Markdienekes' Frostgravery (updated with Lich Lord battle report).
Post by: jp1885 on December 08, 2015, 11:31:40 AM
Great figures and battle report - I especially like the last photo, of the Kobold giving a 'mission accomplished' thumbs-up!