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Miniatures Adventure => The Second World War => Topic started by: James Morris on December 21, 2015, 12:28:35 AM

Title: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: James Morris on December 21, 2015, 12:28:35 AM
Last Thursday I met up with Keith and Matt at the newly-formed Lenton Gamers club in Nottingham for our first game of Iron Cross (Keith had managed to squeeze a game in two days earlier, but we shan't count that one...)  Iron Cross had been hotly-anticipated as (a) it suggested it could cope with larger than platoon-sized forces and (b) it was only 32 pages long!  ;)  In a previous game of Chain of Command, Keith and I had realised that we had collected way too many Italian tanks to use as simple platoon support, even in 'Big CoC', so would this fit the bill?


I got hold of my rulebook a week previously on a visit to Northstar, hot out of the box.  First impressions were that the rulebook layout is similar to Saga: slim, but very well-presented, full colour throughout, and with the mandatory period characters giving you tactical advice! (reflecting on my first game, I should have listened better...)  I read the rules through a few times and, though I think they could have benefitted from some clearer layout (there are some lists of situations that, IMHO, might have worked better in bullet points or a table), I felt confident to give them a go.


The rules are unashamedly simple, having just five unit types (heavy, medium and light vehicles, and infantry and support units) to make bigger games feasible.  The core of the rules is based around Command Initiatives - you get counters for these, which you spend to activate units, but you can also use them to react to enemy activations.  There is no casualty removal - units take hits up to their morale value, which when exceeded results in immediate loss of the whole unit. 

The rules contain 'Orbats' for Germans, British, US and Soviets in 1944-5 (these aren't really Orders of Battle per se, but stat lists you can use to create your force with points values.  If you want to model historical forces, you'll need to research your own.)  Based on these and a look at Too Fat Lardies' very detailed 'In The Footsteps of Legions' supplement, I knocked out some army lists for North Africa.  We tried a fairly simple game - unusually (but due to the large amount of Italian armour we had available), we decided to play an Italian attack against a British defence line - maybe the outskirts of Tobruk?

Playing on a 6x5' table, we had the following forces:

ITALIANS (Keith and Matt)
2 platoons of Infantry, each with 4 x squadra of 8 men [the rules suggest section sizes of 4-5 models, but we balked at this and decided to play with 8, nearer to the actual size]
1 troop of Light Tanks - 4 x L3 tankettes
1 troop of Medium Tanks - 3 x M11/39, commanded by 1 x M13/40
2 x 81mm Mortar Teams (support squads)
1 Command Unit

This made a total of 19 units.

BRITISH (myself)
4 sections of Infantry [8 men each again]
2 x Light Tanks - Vickers MkVI
1 x Medium Tank - Crusader
1 x Heavy Tank - Matilda
1 x Vickers MG Team [support squad]
2 x 2 Pounder Guns [support squads]
1 x Command Unit

For a grand total of 13 units.  We started the British behind barbed wire, and in sandbag defences, with the Italians on the attack.

Slightly out-of-focus shot of the start of the game: Italians at top, British at bottom.

We very quickly got down to business.  Matt took the Italian left flank , commanding the L3 'sardine tins', the mortars, and one platoon of infantry.  Keith took the rest, and overall command, dishing out Command Initiative counters to Matt as he saw fit!  Both wings made a rush for the wire, though not without loss.  I took some damage on my AT guns, but kept spending Command Initiatives to carry out a 'Company Morale Test' (this is the standard way to rally troops throughout the game - on a d6 roll of 3-5, a unit can remove 1 Morale marker, and on a lucky 6, it can remove all its markers). 



The first few turns turned into a vicious slugging match between the British AT guns and the leading Italian tanks.  Although some of the medium tanks had been able to advance unseen behind a low rise, the M11/39 nearest the wire quickly fell victim to the 2 pounder guns.  As my troops didn't need to move - apart from bringing up the tanks to firing positions - I could spend nearly all my Command Initiatives on firing round after round from my AT guns.  In the rules, you can activate a unit more than once, but you have to dice to do so, and I found myself getting lucky with most of these rolls (this is similar to the mechanic in Ancients rules To The Strongest, where you can activate more than once but have to keep scoring higher each time).


Scratch one M11/39...

Keith then had some shocking (but funny :o) luck when he tried to drive two of his medium tanks through the wire.  On consecutive turns, both got stuck, resulting in the crews having to jump out and push (at least, that was my excuse for deploying my large collection of Italian tank crew figures for a photo opportunity!)  This delayed the Italian advance somewhat and allowed my Matilda time to drive up the rise and begin taking out the L3s.  This section of the table became something of a turkey shoot, as the Matilda gunner had a field day firing into the flank of the 'arrigoni' tankettes.  As the lightest-armoured vehicles can suffer damage from MGs, my HMG and Vickers tank also opened up, adding to the carnage.

Push, Salvatore, push!

The Matilda makes short work of the L3s

Despite winning the tank battle, my luck was turning.  The Italians now concentrated their fire on my infantry and support squads.  The two mortar units rained bombs on my sandbagged positions; mortars become more accurate firing repeatedly at stationary targets, and by spending all his Command Initiatives on this, Matt destroyed several of my infantry sections in one turn.  Looking back at the tactical advice offered in the rulebook, I should really have tried to interrupt this mortar fire with some rallying attempts, but was far too fixated on blowing up all the Italian armour!

Italians pour through gaps in the wire created by the tanks.

Suddenly I found myself with most of my infantry units broken, and both AT guns lost.  Not only that, but an Italian infantry unit had managed to sneak up the side of my Vickers tank and take it out with grenades (infantry have a low AT value that they can use against the flank or rear of vehicles at point blank range).   

Goodbye Vickers MkVI !

Having freed it from the wire, Keith sent his Italian commander's M13/40 tank round the side of the hill, where it failed to hit the Crusader and was promptly blown up by another display of accurate British shooting (the modifier for moving and shooting is a minus 2 on a d10, which can be a killer if the enemy is lying in wait - as happened in this case.  There is no 'overwatch' rule, you simply spend a Command Initiative and make a dice roll if you want to interrupt your opponent and fire first).

The Crusader takes out the Italian commander's M13/40 - the gold counters at the side are Command Initiatives, showing he has activated twice so far this turn.

However, the game was up.  We decided that the surviving tanks couldn't hold the ground without infantry support, so the Brits withdrew, leaving the ground to the Italians. (There are 4 scenarios and some ideas for force break points in the rule book, but we were quite happy working these out ourselves).

A (fuzzy) shot of the end - the British positions (sandbags to left) have mostly been evacuated, and the wire is breached in two places.

We were all agreed we'd like to play again.  Iron Cross does indeed provide a quick game - our battle between 32 units on a 6x5' table had taken about two hours, including looking things up.  It feels like you have a lot of Command Initiatives at the start of the game, but you have to think carefully about where to use them, and when to interrupt your opponent's turn.  If you over-focus on one area of the battle (as I did with the AT fire, trying to take out all 8 Italian tanks), you will fail in another (not rallying morale at the critical moments).  The damage system is refreshingly simple - all units just take Morale markers, which affect their ability to carry out orders - so there's no faffing around with vehicles having 'broken track' or 'gunner dead' results. 

Although I don't think the authors have been as clear as they could be about game size, your minimum is probably a platoon of infantry plus some tanks, but bigger is probably better, especially if you want to get lots of tanks on the table.  There isn't a lot of 'granularity' with the infantry (all units in the suggested Orbats are the same with Morale 5, though it wouldn't be hard to reduce unwilling Italians to a Morale of 4, or put highly motivated Kiwis on a Morale of 6 as a special rule), and much of the detail (such as it is) is in the tank rules - so you probably don't want to play Iron Cross as a purely infantry vs infantry game.
But it's most certainly something new in the WW2 market - a big game that feels plausible without being bogged down by too much detail.

I look forward to more material for Iron Cross being published and getting some more games in!

Game over - although the tanks have come to grief, Italian infantry are flooding through the wire.

Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: Youngster on December 21, 2015, 12:38:18 AM
Great review, thanks for that. A mate has ordered the rules, will be keen on giving them a shot.

Nice Desert War collection too, by the way  :)

Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: Marine0846 on December 21, 2015, 02:48:32 AM
Great looking figures and terrain.
Thanks for the write up of the rules.
They do sound interesting.
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: TaskForceTerrain on December 21, 2015, 08:10:48 AM
Fantastic photos and figures, looks like a great game
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: Driscoles on December 21, 2015, 11:23:55 AM
Minis, vehicles and table looks absolutely brill !
Merry X-Mas
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: James Morris on December 21, 2015, 02:04:51 PM
Thanks Bjoern! Funny where that old Abyssinia project ended up...😀. Froehliche Weihnachten!
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: Helen on December 21, 2015, 05:41:03 PM
Thanks James for your gaming report and photos. Love the idea of using alot more armour and not getting bogged down with over complicated rules. Will look at these rules next year.
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: Ray Earle on December 22, 2015, 01:02:05 PM
Great looking game.   :D
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: Belisarius on December 22, 2015, 03:26:34 PM
Superlative . Figures, vechiles and terrain all of the highest quality , not to mention the review of the rules and the AAR , outstanding. I,d love to see more of your desert pics, please keep posting.
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: Keith T on December 22, 2015, 03:30:41 PM
It was a good game, looking forward to a few more and maybe with more players.

I suspect if their were 2 or more players per side, each would need a company commander who would look after the units under his command, spending tokens and rallying units.
 Nice system with lots of room for house rules, as James mentioned elite troops become a morale 6 and poor a 4 for example.

Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: nevermore on December 22, 2015, 03:43:23 PM
We got the rules, seem pretty simple from what my mate has read so far and we look forward to having a large game
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: James Morris on December 22, 2015, 10:24:20 PM
Superlative . Figures, vechiles and terrain all of the highest quality , not to mention the review of the rules and the AAR , outstanding. I,d love to see more of your desert pics, please keep posting.

Thanks, that's extremely kind of you. The terrain is little more than a fleece cloth with a paint job and a few rocks and trees, but it does the job (It's been recycled from
my Keren 1941 project of last year). I'll try to do a similar write up next time I do a game.
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: coopman827 on December 22, 2015, 11:55:44 PM
Beautiful figures and a great report.  Thanks for posting this!
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: Captain Darling on December 23, 2015, 03:30:31 AM
Great looking game well done!

I've been keeping my eye on these rules they look pretty good for what I want to do WW II wise your review comments were very helpful.
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: Phil Robinson on December 23, 2015, 07:32:52 AM
Splendid report and superb looking toys, rules look interesting.
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: Remgain on December 23, 2015, 11:40:27 AM
Splendid collection of shiny toys!!!  :-* :-*

And great battle report!!!

Merry Christmas!!
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: Corporal Chaos on December 24, 2015, 12:25:14 AM
Thanks for this first look. Very good AAR and wonderful collection.
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: Schogun on January 04, 2016, 11:22:33 PM
Very nice figs and table!

I'd be very interested in your stats for North Africa as I have recently started this theater.

Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: James Morris on January 13, 2016, 10:12:31 PM
Armour stats for this game:


Matilda (medium vehicle) armour 13/11; weapon 6; morale 5; note: heavy
A10 Crusader (medium vehicle) armour 11/10; weapon 6; morale 5
Vickers mkVIb (light vehicle) armour 10/9; weapon MGs only; morale 4
2 pounder AT gun (support) weapon 6; morale 3; gun shield

M11/39 (medium vehicle) armour 11/10; weapon 5; morale 5
M13/40 (medium vehicle) armour 11/10; weapon 6; morale 5
L3 (light vehicle) armour 9/8; weapon MGs or flamethrower or AT rifle (4)
65/17 gun (support) weapon 4; morale 3; gun shield
47mm AT gun (support) weapon 7; morale 3
20mm AT rifle (support) weapon 4; morale 3

All other statistics as per the book. I think we are possibly slightly low on the armour values, but they gave a good enough game while we are waiting for official lists.
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: David on January 13, 2016, 10:42:35 PM
I have the rules and will try a game soon, using my Greeks and Italians.
Just need to work out the Statistics for a Pak 35 and a 75mm gun, plus a 65mm mountain gun.
I can use all the Italian above, except M13/39 since they were never in Greece.
They were all sent to Africa.
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: Schogun on January 14, 2016, 12:30:44 PM
Thanks, James!
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: matiec on January 15, 2016, 11:24:58 PM
Great looking battle at hanks for sharing....
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: Beast of Bukhara on January 16, 2016, 01:17:45 AM

I like the look of this a lot  ;D ;D ;D

The game looks fantastic  :-* :-* :-*

Thanks for sharing

Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: darrylmorton on January 26, 2016, 05:33:37 PM
Love the write up, James.  :)

Official stats for the Italians and other armies in North Africa are currently being worked on!


Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: dhtandco on March 09, 2016, 01:10:53 AM
We played our first game last night and thoroughly enjoyed it.even Malc (never more) who doesn't play WW2 was enthused to the point where we will play a large tank battle next week and post a report up

These are a very interesting,well tested and intuitive set of rules
We like 'em a lot!!!
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: craig2 on March 09, 2016, 12:31:47 PM
Great table and figures, congrats.
Is there a PDF version of the rules ?
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: Cecil Gaybody on March 09, 2016, 07:10:34 PM
Dear Boy,
Bravo , a wonderful set up .
Clarence and I play tested an early version of the rules a couple of years ago
at our Kamp town club , Brighton . We found that the game bogged down
in one main area and other parts did nothing .
I am sure these have been ironed out know .

Keep it up
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: Volleyfire! on March 09, 2016, 09:23:06 PM
Very nice looking figures and table. You've given me a quandary of sorts, albeit a pleasant one  :D. I was thinking of gaming this sort of thing using either CoC or Bolt Action, but now you've given me another set of rules to study before I can finally decide which to go with for small battles/large skirmishes..
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: Mr. Peabody on March 10, 2016, 12:20:39 AM
Great table and figures, congrats.
Is there a PDF version of the rules ?

Gosh, a .pdf would be a welcome thing. With the current state of exchange plus postage, the net cost for the book is a deterrent.

Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: craig2 on March 10, 2016, 12:17:18 PM
Gosh, a .pdf would be a welcome thing. With the current state of exchange plus postage, the net cost for the book is a deterrent.

Indeed, since two years I try to get all my rules in PDF and have all of them on my tablet. Very useful and light. ;)
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: dhtandco on March 12, 2016, 12:41:15 AM
Hi Volleyfire
Not just small skirmishes we are using 31 Tanks and a/t guns a side on Monday we will post a report.
The best thing to do for multiplayer games we found is to split table and play in zones player v player with defined objectives
Title: Re: Iron Cross - first game battle report (Western Desert)
Post by: Captain Blood on January 29, 2017, 05:07:05 PM
Sorry for the wilful act of threadomancy, but a/ I thought it was worth boosting those lovely pics of James's game again, and b/ I'm interested in these rules... Anyone have any further / more recent experience of them?

They launched with quite a fanfare a couple of years back (a full episode's coverage/plug on Meeples & Miniatures and so on). But they don't seem to have gained the traction of Chain of Command, Bolt Action, etc... You rarely seem to hear about them. Although I see they have added various books of army lists for them... But not a PDF version as far as I can see...

Interested in people's thoughts / experiences of Iron Cross...  :)

They do seem admirably simple, and I'm sure I can make some suitable scenic markers to avoid the proliferation of command / morale counters littering the table...