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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: Gabbi on December 27, 2015, 12:49:03 PM

Title: 7th Voyage or Otherworld Skirmish..?
Post by: Gabbi on December 27, 2015, 12:49:03 PM
As thread title suggest, I'm curious about 7th Voyage and Otherworld Skirmish. If I've correctly understood, both are built on the 7TV engine. I would lean a bit more toward 7th Voyage for the setting (love mythological Greece and love old stop-motion movies), and because it's not the "same old" fantasy. Also I already own some sprues of greece/spartan soldiers I've got because Of Gods And Mortals. But also the "back to roots of fantasy gaming" claim of Otherworld Skirmish has a strong grip on me.
So I thought it would be better to investigate :) Anyone here that has played (or at the very least read) both can give some insight? What are the differences between the two games? Their best parts? What's the focus of the two rulesets?

Thanks in advance :)
Title: Re: 7th Voyage or Otherworld Skirmish..?
Post by: Arundel on December 27, 2015, 03:11:54 PM
I only own 7th Voyage, and so can't speak on Otherworld Skirmish, but you are correct in saying they are essentially the same system, just tweaked for the settings they are made to cover. I can't think you'd be disappointed in 7th Voyage; the rulebook reads well, is nicely laid out, and is full of inspiring photos. It even has a nice PDF supplement if you'd like to cover Odysseus' journey or the Labours of Hercules. If you decide to go that far, I'd also highly recommend the cards and tokens you can buy from Crooked Dice: they aren't that expensive and are beautifully done.

The truth is, all the above can probably be said about Otherworld Skirmish as well (though I don't think it has a supplement. Yet?). Again, they are worked up from the same design philosophy, which can actually be traced back to GW's old Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game. It's a robust system and can work in almost any genre. It sounds like what you have to decide--if decide you must (you could always buy both!  :D )--is which "atmosphere" you'd prefer for your games. I agree there is something very attractive about gaming Greek mythology: it is a little off the beaten track and so is a refreshing change from the usual fare, and of course has all the glories of Ancient Greece to tap into. And Harryhausen. The Arabian setting has some appeal also, though I don't game that one myself. But then, there is a strong nostalgia factor about old school dungeon bashing as well, and some cracking miniatures from countless manufacturers--Otherworld for starters--to tempt your painting skills.

It's a tough decision, no question. My guess is you'd be pleased with both.

Good luck with your deciding, and keep us posted on what you choose!
Title: Re: 7th Voyage or Otherworld Skirmish..?
Post by: affun on December 27, 2015, 04:18:52 PM
Im in the opposite booth - Having received Otherworld Fantasy Skirmish as a Christmas present.
It's a simply beautiful product and has my head brimming with ideas for things I want to do. You could probably easily fit in "off the beaten path" fantasy, but it obviously draws mostly from old school D&D.
It's magic system seems quite robust and fun to play around with, which is something I gather isn't in the 7th Voyage versions of the system (Though they probably has their own cool subsystems anyways)

It really is down to preference I guess. I'll give a thumbs up to OFS :)
(And a supplement is apparently currently in the works)
Title: Re: 7th Voyage or Otherworld Skirmish..?
Post by: PhilH on December 27, 2015, 06:26:49 PM
I have the Otherworld game and can honestly say I had a great time playing. The rules aren't too difficult to master and once you've played a couple of turns you'll find the game runs along at a good pace, without having to delve into the rule book to often.
I find the D&D world also presents lots of different gaming scenarios and factions. Lots of scope to keep playing the system for a long time to come.
Title: Re: 7th Voyage or Otherworld Skirmish..?
Post by: Gabbi on December 27, 2015, 07:06:13 PM
You're NOT helping (>.<)
There's already a voice behind my nape whispering I should get both...
Title: Re: 7th Voyage or Otherworld Skirmish..?
Post by: PhilH on December 27, 2015, 07:53:37 PM
You're NOT helping (>.<)
There's already a voice behind my nape whispering I should get both...

It's the only way to be sure  ;)
Title: Re: 7th Voyage or Otherworld Skirmish..?
Post by: LeadAsbestos on December 27, 2015, 09:36:53 PM
I've got to agree abt both. I'm enjoying Otherworld, but I'm sure I'll get 7th Voyage soon. Isn't there a King Arthur supplement too?
Title: Re: 7th Voyage or Otherworld Skirmish..?
Post by: Andym on December 28, 2015, 09:09:38 AM
They're both interchangeable. Characters/monsters in 7th Voyage can be used in Otherworld Skirmish game and vice versa. 7th Voyage has many supplements. As well as the greek mythos, theres also a European one covering King Arthur, Robin Hood and Beowulf, a pirate suplement and I'm sure there's more but my brain ain't working. The Otherworld book, I believe, is getting a  supplement soon.

My opinion is go with what minis you have or what minis you want to buy/play with and buy the book accordingly.

Hope that helps.

Title: Re: 7th Voyage or Otherworld Skirmish..?
Post by: psullie on December 28, 2015, 10:54:39 AM
I'd echo Andym's advice, go with what ever matches your minis. Essentially the same game but with a different gloss and tweaks added to reflect each setting. I have a review of Otherworld on my blog: http://www.posullivandesign.com/content/otherworld-fantasy-skirmish

7th Voyage does have a few expansions already and Otherworld will be brining out a Minion Manual next year.

Were both games, and their supplements shine is the added materials. The rules are simple and take up less than a third of either book. 7th Voyage provides profiles for many of the Greek myths and scenarios as well as Sinbad the sailor. Otherworld taps into classic dungeon crawls such as Scourge of the Slave Lords and the Drow series with all our favourite monsters listed.
Title: Re: 7th Voyage or Otherworld Skirmish..?
Post by: Gabbi on December 28, 2015, 12:36:38 PM
Thanks everyone for replies.

This single sentence could had sold me both:
They're both interchangeable. Characters/monsters in 7th Voyage can be used in Otherworld Skirmish game and vice versa.

Now it's easier to pick one as it's just a matter which one to get first :)