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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: Globlin on January 04, 2016, 07:55:42 PM

Title: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain - More Goblins
Post by: Globlin on January 04, 2016, 07:55:42 PM
In the spirit of New Year resolutions I’ve decided that 2016 is the year where I actually try to paint some of my lead mountain, rather than just increase its size. Due to the time constraints of a young family, job and the joys of commuting, I just don’t have the time (or necessary willpower!) to assemble and paint a full blown army. Therefore I have settled on the modest aim of painting one new figure a week, with the aim of constructing some war bands for use in skirmish rule-sets such as Song of Blades and Heroes and Otherworld Skirmish. I already have about 20 or so minis partially painted, so if I can complete these as well by the end of the year I should have sufficient resources to play some of the larger scale rule-sets such as Dragon/Lion Rampant. That’s the plan anyway….

I’ve focussed on fantasy minis as this is where the bulk of my current collection sits and these are drawn from a variety of different manufacturers. Whilst I’m happy to use newer models, a lot of them are drawn from the more “old school” camp, so hopefully this thread will interest lovers of old lead. A word of warning though for readers of a nervous disposition, my painting leaves a lot to be desired and I’m hoping this endeavour will raise my current skill level – practice makes perfect right?

Any way enough of the blah, blah, blah, time to get the lead out! Here’s pics of some minis I managed to finish over the Christmas break to get the ball rolling, a small adventuring party (all citadel I think, bar the half orc who is by Otherworld):

Citadel Barbarian "Arslan"

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0160_zpsjn6fuwom.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0160_zpsjn6fuwom.jpg.html)

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0163_zpscbgjke18.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0163_zpscbgjke18.jpg.html)

Otherworld Half Orc - I have the boxed set of female adventurers from OW and asked my 5 year old daughter which one her favourite was. I expected her to choose an elf or one of the fighters (she likes knights), so was a bit surprised when she plumbed for an orc!

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0167_zps3ivety2o.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0167_zps3ivety2o.jpg.html)

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0168_zpsqxigudgy.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0168_zpsqxigudgy.jpg.html)

Citadel Elf - not sure which collection he comes from though

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0171_zpsyvigqvk3.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0171_zpsyvigqvk3.jpg.html)

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0172_zpsu4jw2rz7.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0172_zpsu4jw2rz7.jpg.html)

Citadel Wizard "Cassilog Wandbearer"

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0169_zpszwk2iwne.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0169_zpszwk2iwne.jpg.html)

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0170_zpsbbmapq37.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0170_zpsbbmapq37.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain [Pic Heavy]
Post by: DeafNala on January 04, 2016, 09:11:28 PM
That is an EXCELLENT start to your project. All four painted up SPLENDIDLY...the Wizard is an old favorite of mine. Keep up the GREAT WORK; you'll have a collection in no time at all!
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain [Pic Heavy]
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 04, 2016, 09:58:08 PM
Great stuff! I remember some of those miniatures well from my first gaming "career". You've certainly done them justice! And is that gloss varnish I see? If so, hooray! I think it always looks best - especially on the tabletop.

You've already got a pretty decent Song of Blades warband there, especially if you ignore the restrictions on personalities. And you could stat them up so that only one or two have "personality traits": the wizard (Magic-User, of course) and either the half-orc (the Assassin trait?) or the barbarian (Hero!). That way, you could field them as a 50% personalities force (as in ASoBH). If you were playing the basic rules, with just one-third in personalities, you could do something like this for 300 points:

Wizard - Personality
Points:80   Quality:3   Combat:2   
Leader, Magic-User
Points:76   Quality:3   Combat:4   
Dashing, Fearless, Forester, Free Disengage, Savage, Steadfast
Points:52   Quality:3   Combat:3   
Free Disengage, Poison, Shooter: Short (throwing axe), Stealth
Points:88   Quality:2   Combat:3   
Forester, Free Disengage, Lethal, Sharpshooter, Shooter: Long

Something seems to be up with the warband builder, as it doesn't have Unerring Aim and Good Shot at the moment, but you could do something very similar by replacing Sharpshooter with those. Anyway, that would give you a perfectly legitimate Song of Blades warband - so now you just need some baddies!

One miniature a week sounds a great plan. If I could make a suggestion, though, I'd say that you could probably paint trios of similarly attired villains (orcs or whatever) in about the same time as it takes to paint a single adventurer. Best of luck with the project - and keep us posted!
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain [Pic Heavy]
Post by: Globlin on January 05, 2016, 09:13:08 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys, they're not on the same level as some of the masterpieces on this forum, but they look ok on the table-top.

Great stuff! I remember some of those miniatures well from my first gaming "career". You've certainly done them justice! And is that gloss varnish I see? If so, hooray! I think it always looks best - especially on the tabletop.

I used a gloss dip on these for the shading as I find it hides a multitude of sins and also helps protect against chipping, (I game with my 5 year old daughter and she can be a bit over enthusiastic sometimes!). I did give them a thin coat of matt varnish too, but they're still quite shiny. I didn't used to like the gloss effect but it's starting to grow on me.

Thanks for the suggested stats (I'm currently using basic SoBH, but have Fightin Fungi on order). As well as painting a new skeleton this week, I've also got some partially painted orcs and goblins that I'm finishing off, so I'm hoping to be able to road test them soon!
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain [Pic Heavy]
Post by: Little Odo on January 06, 2016, 08:58:40 AM
Nothing wrong with your painting there - it is of a great tabletop standard. A lovely selection of figures and I am looking forward to seeing many more on a weekly basis  ;)
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain [Pic Heavy]
Post by: Globlin on January 06, 2016, 10:48:19 PM
Thanks for the support so far. Despite my baby son keeping me on my toes with teething pains I've managed to finish some orcs that I had started last year. Again some vintage citadel sculpts. Nothing too wild with regards to the paint scheme, but I think they have that "lowly foot soldier of evil" look that suits orcs so well.

Apologies for the slightly blurry pics, it's my wife's camera and I'm still trying to get the hang of it! They're also a bit shiny, I've since given them another coat of matt varnish (sorry Hobgoblin!).

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0182_zpsguqvre54.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0182_zpsguqvre54.jpg.html)

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0184_zpsjc9cffhm.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0184_zpsjc9cffhm.jpg.html)

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0180_zpssiz5shrp.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0180_zpssiz5shrp.jpg.html)

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0181_zps7i3lf2ad.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0181_zps7i3lf2ad.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain [Pic Heavy]
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 06, 2016, 10:58:37 PM
Thanks for the support so far. Despite my baby son keeping me on my toes with teething pains I've managed to finish some orcs that I had started last year. Again some vintage citadel sculpts. Nothing too wild with regards to the paint scheme, but I think they have that "lowly foot soldier of evil" look that suits orcs so well.

Apologies for the slightly blurry pics, it's my wife's camera and I'm still trying to get the hang of it! They're also a bit shiny, I've since given them another coat of matt varnish (sorry Hobgoblin!).

As you haven't painted them the dreaded green, all is forgiven! ;) They look great - that's a really good skin tone, and the dip complements it perfectly. It also removes any trace of the goofiness that sometimes hangs around late-80s orcs; these guys look nasty and menacing, rather than comic. I like the brass armour too - it creates a nice contrast.
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain [Pic Heavy]
Post by: Globlin on January 09, 2016, 09:07:36 PM
Another two orcs. A boss and a second archer. Both are citadel and both are (I think) sculpted by the Perrys. The boss figure was called "Brugzod". Like the ones before they've since had another coat of matt varnish to bring the shine down a bit. As hobgoblin mentioned these early citadel orcs can look a little bit goofy, but I still prefer them over the bucket jawed gorillas that seem to be the current fashion.

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0174_zps6fmmq1uy.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0174_zps6fmmq1uy.jpg.html)

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0179_zps2mkydpbk.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0179_zps2mkydpbk.jpg.html)

Currently on the painting tray are some goblins and skeletons. Hoping to get those posted up later this week. Then I better paint up an evil overlord to lead these minions into battle. Can't decide on whether it should be a wizard or some sort of chaos warrior, decisions, decisions!
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain [Pic Heavy]
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 09, 2016, 10:50:46 PM
Another two orcs. A boss and a second archer. Both are citadel and both are (I think) sculpted by the Perrys. The boss figure was called "Brugzod". Like the ones before they've since had another coat of matt varnish to bring the shine down a bit. As hobgoblin mentioned these early citadel orcs can look a little bit goofy, but I still prefer them over the bucket jawed gorillas that seem to be the current fashion.

Brugzod's by the Perrys; the archer is a Kevin Adams one. I don't think the Perry orcs are goofy, but the Adams ones are bit goofier or more comic, depending on taste. My preference is very much for the Perry ones: the solid-based ones and the first range or two of slottabased ones (like Brugzod - great figure, and one that I've coveted since he first came out, but never laid hands on). Great job on both - and I very much agree that both Perry and Adams orcs are far superior to the gorillas!

Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain [Pic Heavy]
Post by: Globlin on January 09, 2016, 11:30:25 PM
Ha Kev Adams of course! I should have realised the archer was from the Goblin Master, Kev does favour a more comic style. As you say both styles have their charm though and I like to see a bit of variety in my goblinoids. The solid bases were slightly before my time and I've had a tendency to dismiss them during my trawls of ebay. Your thread has really opened my eyes to some of the gems in these early minis though. I must remain disciplined though and resist the urge to further increase the lead pile, I'm supposed to be reducing it!!
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain [Pic Heavy]
Post by: Daniel36 on January 12, 2016, 01:45:43 PM
Wonderful job so far. I found the same to be true for me, so I sold all of my remaining mass war miniatures (Warhammer) and have found it to be a very liberating thing. I have painted a lot already, since I am no longer bogged down by models I really have no desire to paint any more.

Keep it up!
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain
Post by: Globlin on January 14, 2016, 03:33:58 PM
Thanks for the support so far folks - the long painting war continues! I've managed to finish some more minis.

First off some Citadel goblins. I actually started painting these back in the summer last year, but never got round to finishing them. While I'm pleased with how they've turned out, if I did them again I don't think I'd have gone with the green skin. Still they're done and varnished and the lead mountain is a bit shorter, so that's what counts!

One of the things I like about "golden age" citadel miniatures is that they were individually named. These were usually comic in nature, with particular emphasis on groan inspiring puns - much better than the OTT names them appear to go for now e.g."Skar Bloodwrath". I've trawled back through the Stuff of Legends website to identify them and have modified my first post with the names of the barbarian and wizard - if anyone knows which collection the elf is from, please say so!

Here we have Blart, Splat and Gutkut - I especially like how Gutkut has got a bunch of shrooms on his belt, after battle treat or something to get the fanatics all fired up?

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0192_zpskr0embsf.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0192_zpskr0embsf.jpg.html)

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0195_zpscihwncl2.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0195_zpscihwncl2.jpg.html)

I've also painted up a skeleton swordsman. I'm especially pleased with this guy as he's the first truly new model I've finished this year. All the one's before have been models that I'd started last year and never got round to finishing. I've another two skellies on the go and am hoping to finish them this weekend.

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0203_zpsjj3yzf9a.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0203_zpsjj3yzf9a.jpg.html)

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0205_zpsen7bdh83.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0205_zpsen7bdh83.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain
Post by: FramFramson on January 14, 2016, 06:32:04 PM
Those goblins rock! Especially like the middle one!
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain
Post by: Justin Buck on January 14, 2016, 07:34:04 PM
Those look sweet.  I've always liked the older sculpts, so much character.  I always felt that a goblin by itself is very serious, but the more there are together the more "Three Stooges" like they get.  Love these figures, keep them coming.

Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain
Post by: Globlin on January 16, 2016, 11:09:23 AM
Thanks for the feed back guys! I've got another three partially finished sat on my paint tray and a load more in the lead mountain, so expect more of the little blighters soon.
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain
Post by: Pappa Midnight on January 16, 2016, 01:11:00 PM
Looking good so far! I really like the Gobbos ( always had a soft spot for the little green gits). I've got some really old Citadel stuff stored away somewhere, including a crazy looking Goblin Witchdoctor......

Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain
Post by: DeafNala on January 16, 2016, 01:47:55 PM
EXCELLENT WORK! All the COOL Old Minis painted up in FINE fashion...I do have a warm spot in my heart for the Goblins however.
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain
Post by: Globlin on February 28, 2016, 09:59:18 AM
Phew it's been a few weeks but I'm finally back with an update! Although I haven't had chance to post in the last month or so, luckily I've still managed to keep up with the painting.

To kick of this bit of threadomancy it's probably fitting that that I start with some undead - some citadel skeletons:

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0447_zpsqf8hv7ok.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0447_zpsqf8hv7ok.jpg.html)

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0448_zpsyuifsej6.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0448_zpsyuifsej6.jpg.html)

And seeing as though the first three went down so well, some more citadel goblins - Um-Bag (axe), Hagbagg (sword) and a spear wielding goblin that I couldn't find the name for - the gobo with no name!

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0445_zpsbs92igqo.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0445_zpsbs92igqo.jpg.html)

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0446_zps8no5jtbu.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0446_zps8no5jtbu.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain
Post by: DeafNala on February 28, 2016, 01:31:50 PM
The Orcs, Goblins, & Deadite are all BEAUTIFULLY painted creations...the Orcs brown skin tones are a nice touch. GREAT WORK!
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain
Post by: Spooktalker on February 28, 2016, 06:08:14 PM
Great figures in this thread just to my taste! I like the new batch and looks like you sorted out the shine issues of the early ones.
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain
Post by: Globlin on February 28, 2016, 09:22:46 PM
Thanks for the support guys! More to follow hopefully.
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain
Post by: Globlin on March 06, 2016, 01:32:44 PM
Afternoon all, managed to get some more painting done this week. Nothing too special, but it's another two finished!

First up a Marauder Miniatures dwarf, who I've christened "Purple Beard" for obvious reasons! Apologies the first pic is a little blurry.

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0482_zpsvhvs0cdg.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0482_zpsvhvs0cdg.jpg.html)

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0486_zpsanwrv60t.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0486_zpsanwrv60t.jpg.html)

The next one is a Citadel/Gamesworkshop mini from the Lord of the Rings range - Saruman in his guise as "Sharkey" during the scouring of the Shire. I picked him up cheap from ebay and have chosen a paint scheme, which I think would work for either a good guy or bad guy.

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0484_zps1dww0z5w.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0484_zps1dww0z5w.jpg.html)

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/IMG_0485_zpskjlylbz0.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/IMG_0485_zpskjlylbz0.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain
Post by: DeafNala on March 06, 2016, 01:39:23 PM
Two FINE additions to your collection...VERY WELL DONE once more!
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain
Post by: barbaric splendor on March 07, 2016, 07:25:37 AM
Really like what you did with Saruman - nice work!

Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain
Post by: Globlin on July 15, 2016, 06:50:15 PM
Bit of a while since I last posted, but I've not been idle! Some Citadel Imperial Dwarfs this time.

Brond, Weazy and Thombear, all ready to bust some goblin heads! Really like this range, lots of character, although Thombear on the end is a tad goofy looking....

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/Brond%20Weazy%20Thombear%20-%20Front_zpsyrm561s2.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/Brond%20Weazy%20Thombear%20-%20Front_zpsyrm561s2.jpg.html)

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/Brond%20Weazy%20Thombear%20-%20Back_zpstntniqiz.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/Brond%20Weazy%20Thombear%20-%20Back_zpstntniqiz.jpg.html)

Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain
Post by: Globlin on July 17, 2016, 08:11:40 AM
Some more vertically challenged types. Again Citadel Imperial Dwarfs, this time Ulfar and Mordin.

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/Ulfar%20and%20Mordin%20-%20Front_zpsdztmcem7.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/Ulfar%20and%20Mordin%20-%20Front_zpsdztmcem7.jpg.html)

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/Ulfar%20and%20Mordin%20-%20Back_zpsjgphdhif.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/Ulfar%20and%20Mordin%20-%20Back_zpsjgphdhif.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain
Post by: Globlin on August 10, 2016, 05:10:55 PM
Another update! Nothing too special, an Otherworld Miniatures Mercenary Swordsman and a Ral Partha Knight.

Sir Jon of Tewkesbury and his loyal retainer Dickon. Sir Jon claims to be both a Knight of the Round Table and a Knight of the Garter. An outrageous claim that only Sir Jon's lethal skill with a sword deters others from questioning!

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/Mercenary%20Swordsman%20amp%20Sir%20Jon%20-%20Front_zpsnjinwjcq.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/Mercenary%20Swordsman%20amp%20Sir%20Jon%20-%20Front_zpsnjinwjcq.jpg.html)

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/Mercenary%20Swordsman%20amp%20Sir%20Jon%20-%20Back_zpsfkr3dlle.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/Mercenary%20Swordsman%20amp%20Sir%20Jon%20-%20Back_zpsfkr3dlle.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain
Post by: Moshes on August 10, 2016, 07:23:45 PM
Lovely minis indeed! And truly funny piece of background you wrote for Sir Jon.  lol
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain
Post by: Globlin on August 18, 2016, 02:32:45 PM
Lovely minis indeed! And truly funny piece of background you wrote for Sir Jon.  lol

Thanks Moshes!

Here's some more completed minis. First of what I think may be a Heartbreaker Fantasy Orc. Some of this range are still available from Ral Partha Uk: http://www.ralparthaeurope.co.uk/shop/heartbreaker-miniatures-28mm-c-115/heartbreaker-fantasy-c-115_192/ (http://www.ralparthaeurope.co.uk/shop/heartbreaker-miniatures-28mm-c-115/heartbreaker-fantasy-c-115_192/) As you can see he's quite a big old lump. I'm using him as a thug henchman for the wizard posted earlier.

Tanner the Half-Ogre. Once a member of the infamous warband "Da Bloo Rinse Boyz", Tanner has fallen on hard times since the Bloo Rinse Boyz were destroyed by the High King's army at Bredon Hill. Tanner now makes ends meet by petty brigandage and bodyguard work for petty evil masterminds 

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/Half%20Ogre%20-%20Front_zpsrfz1zrho.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/Half%20Ogre%20-%20Front_zpsrfz1zrho.jpg.html)

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/Half%20Ogre%20-%20Back_zpsd91jamp1.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/Half%20Ogre%20-%20Back_zpsd91jamp1.jpg.html)

The next two are a pair of Ral Partha Men-at-Arms. Nothing too special and fairly basic paint jobs, they'll do as arrow fodder. They're a little on the small side, more true 25mm than 28mm.

Gilbert and Sullivan, mercenaries for hire. Ideal for those times when an adventuring party needs a bit of extra muscle or a merchant's caravan needs protecting

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/Gilbert%20amp%20Sullivan%20-%20Front_zpsqhskw0rv.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/Gilbert%20amp%20Sullivan%20-%20Front_zpsqhskw0rv.jpg.html)

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/Gilbert%20amp%20Sullivan%20-%20Back_zpspcn6al4u.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/Gilbert%20amp%20Sullivan%20-%20Back_zpspcn6al4u.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain - Half Ogre & Men-at-Arms
Post by: Brummie Thug on August 18, 2016, 04:03:05 PM
Wow some awesome paintjobs here :D I love that female Half orc its on my to get list but I really love that Half ogre mini he looks a beast!
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain - Half Ogre & Men-at-Arms
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 18, 2016, 04:18:12 PM
Great stuff - especially the half-ogre and the mercenaries with the painted wallets!

The goblin with the spear that you couldn't identify above is a Marauder one: I think he's the wolfrider shown bottom-left here (http://solegends.com/marauder/mm3234gobwolf.htm).
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain - Half Ogre & Men-at-Arms
Post by: Globlin on August 18, 2016, 06:48:53 PM
Wow some awesome paintjobs here :D I love that female Half orc its on my to get list but I really love that Half ogre mini he looks a beast!

Cheers, you're too kind! To be honest most of my painting is just base coat, a wash of army painter strong tone and maybe a bit of highlighting if I can be bothered.

The goblin with the spear that you couldn't identify above is a Marauder one: I think he's the wolfrider shown bottom-left here

Good spot Hobgoblin - I wondered why he was a bit bandy legged - I just put it down to rickets brought on by a poor diet of rats and mushrooms! I think I've got two more of those wolf riders already based up on foot and awaiting painting. Maybe I should chop them off their bases and see if I can find some suitable mounts for them.
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain - Half Ogre & Men-at-Arms
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 18, 2016, 11:33:09 PM
Good spot Hobgoblin - I wondered why he was a bit bandy legged - I just put it down to rickets brought on by a poor diet of rats and mushrooms! I think I've got two more of those wolf riders already based up on foot and awaiting painting. Maybe I should chop them off their bases and see if I can find some suitable mounts for them.

Quite so (re: rats and mushrooms).I wouldn't worry - so many of the orc/goblin models from that period are interchangeable foot/cavalry types. Lots of those sold as cavalry had the same bodies as models sold as infantry.
Title: Re: Globlin’s Fantasy Warbands – Reducing Lead Mountain - Half Ogre & Men-at-Arms
Post by: Globlin on January 26, 2017, 02:22:20 PM
Apologies for the threadomancy, but I realised I had a few more goblins painted that I hadn't shared. They are Citadel C-Series Goblins:

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/Glaag%20Rag%20Ogglod%20-%20Front_zpshiss4ben.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/Glaag%20Rag%20Ogglod%20-%20Front_zpshiss4ben.jpg.html)

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/Glaag%20Rag%20Ogglod%20-%20Back_zpsrrtcviih.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/Glaag%20Rag%20Ogglod%20-%20Back_zpsrrtcviih.jpg.html)

These happy trio are Glaag, Rag and Ogglod.

I've also painted up a Crusader Miniatures crossbowman. Nothing special, just base coat and a dip, but good enough for a henchman!

(http://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a446/roundheadjohn/Crossbow%20Henchman_zpsa8n7ihzo.jpg) (http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/roundheadjohn/media/Crossbow%20Henchman_zpsa8n7ihzo.jpg.html)