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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Frostgrave => Topic started by: Jockjay on February 05, 2016, 09:27:32 AM

Title: Starting a campaign, question on supplements.
Post by: Jockjay on February 05, 2016, 09:27:32 AM
Hi all,

Just a quick one: we are just about to set off a campaign of FG in the very near future. How hard is it to integrate the following add ons (thaw and sellsword so far, breeding pits later) into a current campaign?

Is it 'new supplement = new warband', or is it a lot more fluid than that?

Any help appreciated.

Title: Re: Starting a campaign, question on supplements.
Post by: joe5mc on February 05, 2016, 11:37:55 AM
All of the supplements are designed to be 'add ons' that can be used by existing players. There is nothing in any of them, including Breeding Pits that would be exclusive to starting characters. There are some things, like the Captain, people might want to take from the beginning as they would have more time to gain levels, but if it is being added into a campaign, everyone will have access to them at the same time.
Title: Re: Starting a campaign, question on supplements.
Post by: Duncan McDane on February 05, 2016, 12:51:07 PM
Hi Joe,

do you know if ( or rather, when ) Nick N. is planning to release a few Captains? Don't own Sellsword yet ( I only buy dead trees  ;) ) but my wallet is itching for more FG at the moment...
Title: Re: Starting a campaign, question on supplements.
Post by: Jockjay on February 17, 2016, 12:21:38 PM
Sorry to bring this back up. But I am looking to get some creatures etc for npcs. In Thaw of the lich, I gather that there are more things to kill. In all what/ how many NPC creatures etc do i require? I know there is 6 statues in one scenario, a genie,  and some others?

Any help appreciated.
Title: Re: Starting a campaign, question on supplements.
Post by: sniperbait on February 18, 2016, 07:43:10 PM
So, in the adventures in Thaw, you will need;

Mission 1 - nothing specified.
Mission 2 - nothing specified
Mission 3 - 4 cultists and 4 ghouls
Mission 4 - 6 armoured skeletons and a few Revenants
Mission 5 - 6 rangifers 1 wraith knight
Mission 6 - 4 cultists and 1 zombie troll
Mission 7 - 1 Ghoul King and 'some' ghouls (perhaps 7 should do)
Mission 8 - 5 cultists
Mission 9 - 1 banshee per warband
Mission 10 - lich lord, 6 cultists,12 armoured skeletons, 2 wraith knights