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Miniatures Adventure => Age of Myths, Gods and Empires => Topic started by: SiamTiger on July 09, 2016, 09:15:52 AM

Title: Victrix Iberian Armoured Warriors
Post by: SiamTiger on July 09, 2016, 09:15:52 AM
Victrix Ltd started with a huge range of napoleonic sets, and recently entered the ancient armies. A bit of a niché range among those are the Iberians, the ancient spanish tribes, of which today the armoured warriors will be reviewed.

(http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWBag-200x133.jpg) (http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWBag.jpg)

Iberians is a collective term, for the ancient tribes that lived on the iberian peninsular, todays Spain and Portugal, of which the most were Iberians themselves, Lusitanians (todays Portugal) and Celtiberians (north-western tribes). The tribes were involved in the military conflicts of Rome and Carthage, their conquests and the punic wars. If you want to know more about the Iberians, or simplified ancient spanish armies, i can suggest Ospreys Men at Arms #180 "Romes Enemies Part4 - Ancient Spanish Armies 218 bc - 19 bc" (https://ospreypublishing.com/rome-039-s-enemies-4-pb).

The iberian range by Victrix covers armoured and unarmoured Warriors and balearic slingers. The warriors come in sets of 40 and cost 26,95 GBP. From what i know (i wasnt able to obtain any unarmoured warriors for this review), both sets cover the same miniatures, the armoured ones carry - you guessed it - armour. Same poses etc. just additional breast armour / plates.

The sets have 36 regular warriors and 4 command miniatures, so you get 6 large warrior sprues and 2 smaller command sprues.

(http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWSprue1-200x133.jpg) (http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWSprue1.jpg) (http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWSprue2b-200x133.jpg) (http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWSprue2b.jpg) (http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWSprue2a-200x133.jpg) (http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWSprue2a.jpg)

Casting is properly done. Only minor mold lines, easy to clean from the sprue and decent options.

In this set you basicly have eight different bodies, of which two already have heads on their torso. The miniatures have small round or oval bases on their feet.

(http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWBld1-200x133.jpg) (http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWBld1.jpg)

As with the weapon options, i decided to build three Caetrati, three Scutarii and two command miniatures. Beginning with the Scutarii, named for their large oval shield (scutum) und usually wielding a falcata (sword). Easy to build, good fit and the helmets can be individualised with crests.

(http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWBld2-200x133.jpg) (http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWBld2.jpg) (http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWBld5-200x133.jpg) (http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWBld5.jpg)

The light infantry were the Caetrati, named for the smaller round shields (caetra) and usually carrying javelins. These would most likely better start with the unarmoured warriors.

(http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWBld3-200x133.jpg) (http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWBld3.jpg) (http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWBld6-200x133.jpg) (http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWBld6.jpg)

The troops of course needed somebody to lead them, so a set of two command miniatures was equiped with falcata and a small standard. Caetra for the standard bearer and a scutum for the noble.

(http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWBld4-200x133.jpg) (http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWBld4.jpg) (http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWBld7-200x133.jpg) (http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWBld7.jpg)

So far, an easy build, with dynamic poses and good fit. Its a bit sad that two of the eight bodies have fixed heads, but you can still give the rest enough diversity, that it wont show to clearly.

About the size, they are proper 28mm heroic scale and fit well with other companies ranges, beside of the more delicate Perry ranges. But thats no problem, as they currently dont carry ancient ranges (most of their ancient sculpts are with Foundry).

(http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWScale1-200x133.jpg) (http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWScale1.jpg) (http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWScale2-200x133.jpg) (http://www.chaosbunker.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/VX_AIWScale2.jpg)


It is a nice set, and the only range available in plastic. So basicly they lack "recent competition" - the only other companies offering 28mm ancient spanish are Crusader, 1st Corps and Foundry - all of which only
offer metal casts, that have aged a bit and are not as dynamic.

Victrix seems to be aware of that, as the 40 warriors are priced at 27 GBP, which is compared to other plastic Ranges like Gripping Beast (44 miniatures for 22 GBP), Agema (40 miniatures for 25 GBP), Warlord Games (40 miniatures for 22 GBP) or the Perrys (~40 miniatures for 20 GBP), a bit expensive. And that is not even talking about the direct exclusive balearic slingers, that are 12 GBP for 12 plastic miniatures.
Odd choice for skirmishers of which you would field larger units. The pricing is irritating, as Victrix themself offers in their napoleonic range a lot of boxes with 60 miniatures at 23 GBP.

Never the less, later this year the iberian cavalry is announced, which should be a great add to the range. The iberians make a great army for themself or as mercenaries for roman and carthaginian armies.
Title: Re: Victrix Iberian Armoured Warriors
Post by: kuba on July 09, 2016, 09:51:12 AM
Great review, all the necessary facts and clear pictures of sprues and models + scale comparision. Looking forward for more, especially reviews of other victrix ancients -I was a bit disappointed when I saw that's the only ancient models review on Your blog, but hopefully that's just a start:-)
Title: Re: Victrix Iberian Armoured Warriors
Post by: SiamTiger on July 09, 2016, 10:08:15 AM
Thanks for the feedback :)

I did some other reviews on the Hail Caesar range back in the late 200x, but they are not on the level that i am heading for today. I'll probably do one on the iberian cavalry and as soon as I get to it on Gripping Beasts late roman infantry as well as Warlord's Caesars Legion Romans for Saga.
Title: Re: Victrix Iberian Armoured Warriors
Post by: DivisMal on July 09, 2016, 10:21:02 AM
Now if Victrix would quickly (!) release more sets to build a nice army out of those, I might be tempted, but i still have sets here bought more than five years ago (greeks), which were never again supported.

Would be okay, cause there are lots of models out there, but as the nice review pointed out, modern plastics do look different than 90s metals.
Title: Re: Victrix Iberian Armoured Warriors
Post by: 3 fingers on July 09, 2016, 01:02:35 PM
I really need to stop coming on here ,I see stuff i like but possibly would never use ,lol
Title: Re: Victrix Iberian Armoured Warriors
Post by: Warboss Nick on July 09, 2016, 07:57:12 PM
Thanks for the great review! I find your website always to be an excellent resource for reviews.

Gripping Beast used to have iberians along with their Carthaginians (all metal) which are unfortunately no longer on their website.
Title: Re: Victrix Iberian Armoured Warriors
Post by: mrtn on July 09, 2016, 10:09:57 PM
Thanks for the review, always appreciated.
Title: Re: Victrix Iberian Armoured Warriors
Post by: jambo1 on July 10, 2016, 09:11:18 AM
Super review, always interested in reading what people make of various figures on the market. :)
Title: Re: Victrix Iberian Armoured Warriors
Post by: DoctorPete on July 10, 2016, 10:52:32 PM
Thanks for the useful review.  Was thinking about getting a box....now I'm decided.   :)
Title: Re: Victrix Iberian Armoured Warriors
Post by: Furt on July 10, 2016, 11:01:59 PM
Excellent coherent review with all the necessary information - thanks.
Title: Re: Victrix Iberian Armoured Warriors
Post by: delbruck on July 11, 2016, 12:49:02 PM
All the figures are given an assortment of chest plates for armor. It would have been nice to see the commander figures in scales and/or mail for variety.
Title: Re: Victrix Iberian Armoured Warriors
Post by: SiamTiger on July 11, 2016, 05:19:19 PM
Thanks a lot for the superb feedback :) I am currently tinkering on the renedra tower (and inspired by the great projects of Jimbibbly and Captain Blood, so that one is most likely going to be the next review / build.

All the figures are given an assortment of chest plates for armor. It would have been nice to see the commander figures in scales and/or mail for variety.

Absolutely, at least for the nobles that would've been a nice option. As the lusitanians wore heavier armour - at least from what i read in some osprey books - they would be better represented by some miniatures in scales or mail. Crusader Miniatures covers them.