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Miniatures Adventure => Future Wars => Topic started by: Zombie Ste on July 26, 2016, 09:47:57 AM

Title: transformers in 28mm? Looking for help/inspiration (preferably G1)
Post by: Zombie Ste on July 26, 2016, 09:47:57 AM
Hi folks

Hopefully this is the right place for this, but has anyone here ever looked into doing a DIY transformers table top skirmish game in 28mm?

Now I know you should never get into scale (but always kind of have to)  when talking about transformers, so my preference for 28mm minis is 1/43 to 1/48 scale cars.

Now I have a lot of 28mm modern city terrain as well as various modern military and civilians from my zombie apocalypse gaming, that i want to put to good use here, so I'm kind of stuck with this scale.

So my main problem here is having very few (especially G1) character options available in that scale,  and fewer still, that are of a good enough quality to not look out of place on an otherwise fairly nice looking gaming table.  This only gets worse still when looking for the more fan favourite sports cars like Jazz, Prowl, Sunstreaker etc,  who almost always seems to be in 1/35 scale.

Now the big kid in me would be totally over the moon to have to physically transform the characters constantly throughout the game,  but alas,  this seems little more than a fantasy & I'm going to have to go the other route and mod/convert/scratch build the bots and buy scale vehicles for the alt modes.

I've ordered a couple of the old scf/hoc 3" figurines to have a play around with, but I'm doubtful they will be good enough, though they may prove useful just for heads on scratch built bodies.

What I'm looking for is any advice, tips,  toy & miniture lines to look at,  even specific figs/minis. Maybe (hopefully) one of you fine folks did something similar before and may have pics and construction tips to share, which would be most appreciated.

Some might advise just making a jump in scale to 1/35 so I can just use the toys, but given my terrain and mini collection, I'm kinda married to that scale.

I would also like to keep it G1, but the more I look at what's on offer,  the more I realise I'm probably going to have to commit heresy and use some movie design elements,  especially where the decepicons are concerned, fighter aircraft, walkmans & cameras
Title: Re: transformers in 28mm? Looking for help/inspiration (preferably G1)
Post by: Inso on July 26, 2016, 11:22:12 AM
I can suggest that, if you are after fighter jet transformers, you could do worse than check out the Macross/robotech range. I know they have 1/72 and 1/60 scale fighters/destroids (robots) but there may be 1/48 scale ones available too.

Also, try Orguss and Mospeada. They also have transformable kits of aircraft in a range of scales.

A lot of these kits are out of production but Ebay often has plenty to choose from.

You could also look at Hobby Link Japan. They have a wide range of transformer figures/kits that may be of use.
Title: Re: transformers in 28mm? Looking for help/inspiration (preferably G1)
Post by: Daeothar on July 26, 2016, 12:52:33 PM
Oh my... now that's one slope I'm not goung to brave, as it will be slippery indeed!  ;D

I love the idea though, but at 28mm, you've got your work cut out for you!

There are however, several aftermarket parts designers who specialize in creating bits to make existing toys more 'screen accurate' (whatever that means when talking about Transformers lol ).

They might be your best bet I think.

Too bad you're committed to 28mm with your terrain already, as I'd gather 15mm would be imminently more practical.

I'll be following your project closely: G1 Transformers are some of my favourite memories from back then... 8)
Title: Re: transformers in 28mm? Looking for help/inspiration (preferably G1)
Post by: YPU on July 26, 2016, 02:56:18 PM
Yes this idea has passed my mind as well.  :D

If you are going the scratbuilding route you might want to check out HLJ.com hobby supplies section, they have a lot of hands and other details that might be hard to make yourself.

Too bad you're committed to 28mm with your terrain already, as I'd gather 15mm would be imminently more practical.

Personally I was considering doing them as 20mm post apocalyptic, though I haven't actually taken a good luck at what scales is available mostly.
Title: Re: transformers in 28mm? Looking for help/inspiration (preferably G1)
Post by: Zombie Ste on July 26, 2016, 09:34:36 PM
Thanks for the advice folks
Some of the gundam,  robotech, macross stuff looks like it might be handy for seeker conversions and as it stands I'm gonna have to wait and pray these heroes of cybertron figures pan out, , when they arrive, for the cars and characters like soundwave.

But I reckon I'm going to have to go bigger (hoc figs are 3" tall) for the likes of prime, the seekers and such, probably around 4-5" tall.
Now there are some called mega scf, part of the same line,  but larger and more posable, with more accessories,  but then the prices start to climb and the range and availability of figs gets more limiting.

Scaling things is proving to be the biggest nightmare. I've spent the last few days trawling the Web reading about it and am opting to just go for what looks as close to acceptable from the G1 cartoon.
The idea of having to build and even play a game using a 1/48 scale starscream (the masterpiece is 1/60 lol) on a 28mm scaled board seems totally bonkers.
Will keep you posted as orders arrive with some scaling pics and crack-pot plans
Title: Re: transformers in 28mm? Looking for help/inspiration (preferably G1)
Post by: Elbows on July 26, 2016, 09:37:32 PM
Original generation Transformers is up there with the original line of GI Joes in "things I'd pay huge amounts of money for...if someone produced a comprehensive range of miniatures".

Title: Re: transformers in 28mm? Looking for help/inspiration (preferably G1)
Post by: YPU on July 26, 2016, 09:38:58 PM
TBH with all the 3d printing going on I'm surprised nobody has done so by now. At least a shapeways store or something.
Title: Re: transformers in 28mm? Looking for help/inspiration (preferably G1)
Post by: Zombie Ste on July 27, 2016, 04:35:41 AM
Original generation Transformers is up there with the original line of GI Joes in "things I'd pay huge amounts of money for...if someone produced a comprehensive range of miniatures".

Couldn't agree more,. In fact,  the next step of this project (once I've got 4-5 each of autobots & decepticons, plus suitable alt modes) is to convert up & paint some modern military into joes & cobra troops, for the ultimate in nostalgia war gaming crossovers.

Hasslefree already make a really nice cobra commander & it won't take much to turn the new project Z modern military minis into standard cobra blue-shirts.
Some of the more distinct looking Joes might be a bit tougher though, and as always,  ideas & pics of similar projects are welcome.

I've got Ironhide, bumblebee & soundwave from the regular SCF line winging their way to me in the post as i type this,  and I've just won an auction for one of the larger 'mega scf's' starscream, who should scale nicely with the smaller ones.
Once everything arrives I'll post some scale shots for anyone who's interested.
I'm still really surprised nobody else has already done this though to be honest ???
Title: Re: transformers in 28mm? Looking for help/inspiration (preferably G1)
Post by: YPU on July 27, 2016, 09:15:59 AM
I remember somebody doing a transformers war game, but in 6mm. He basically just used some 6mm vehicles and somewhat fitting mechs. Had rules for it also but they were pretty unconventional, used a d30 for starters.

I know that at least one forum member used to run a convention game of super-system (superhero rules) in 28mm with a lot of well known characters in it, including Optimus. Super-system has OK vehicle and transformation rules btw, might be worth checking out.

Ran into this amusing link: http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Scale (http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Scale) well worth the read of you are in need of a laugh. And we wargamers complain about scalecreep.  lol
Title: Re: transformers in 28mm? Looking for help/inspiration (preferably G1)
Post by: Zombie Ste on July 27, 2016, 09:56:25 PM
I remember somebody doing a transformers war game, but in 6mm. He basically just used some 6mm vehicles and somewhat fitting mechs. Had rules for it also but they were pretty unconventional, used a d30 for starters.

I know that at least one forum member used to run a convention game of super-system (superhero rules) in 28mm with a lot of well known characters in it, including Optimus. Super-system has OK vehicle and transformation rules btw, might be worth checking out.

Ran into this amusing link: http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Scale (http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Scale) well worth the read of you are in need of a laugh. And we wargamers complain about scalecreep.  lol

Yeah that's one of the many things I've read recently on the subject.  I also found a massive thread onTFW2005 tthat's over 60 page's long and has catalogued almost every transformer released vehicle scale.

I'm going to use savage worlds show down rules as they are free, lend themselves well to rpg style skirmishes (being in fact a trimmed down version of the main savage worlds rpg) and because we're already using them for Zed or alive,  so we're pretty familiar with them.
We'll treat the bots as wild cards and the cobr/joe squads as regular infantry.

Also the first batch of bots arrived today so as promised here's some scaling pictures.
1st up, ironhide and some wargames factory/warlord games survivors
(http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w477/steven_norris3/Mobile%20Uploads/20160727_221335_zpsyom2zz9d.jpg) (http://s1077.photobucket.com/user/steven_norris3/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160727_221335_zpsyom2zz9d.jpg.html)

Next Soundwave with survivors
(http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w477/steven_norris3/Mobile%20Uploads/20160727_221359_zpsfrx5aenm.jpg) (http://s1077.photobucket.com/user/steven_norris3/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160727_221359_zpsfrx5aenm.jpg.html)

And now Bumblebee
(http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w477/steven_norris3/Mobile%20Uploads/20160727_221424_zpsnxpry7pd.jpg) (http://s1077.photobucket.com/user/steven_norris3/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160727_221424_zpsnxpry7pd.jpg.html)

All in all i think they turned out better than expected.  Sure an extra inch or 2 in height would have been nice, but it's not too jarring.

Now a picture with ironhide next to some 1/43 vehicles. Was originally going to use this people carrier for his alt mode, but may have to take some creative licence and use the SUV instead,  as it's a better overall fit, size wise
(http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w477/steven_norris3/Mobile%20Uploads/20160727_221457_zpsvstonrec.jpg) (http://s1077.photobucket.com/user/steven_norris3/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160727_221457_zpsvstonrec.jpg.html)

And lastly, a group shot
(http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w477/steven_norris3/Mobile%20Uploads/20160727_221636_zpsansphyee.jpg) (http://s1077.photobucket.com/user/steven_norris3/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160727_221636_zpsansphyee.jpg.html)

I reckon this could actually work.  Only figure I'm not happy with is Bumblebee,  but even he's pretty bearable.
I'm just waiting on my 5" starscream and I'll get some more shots up. In the meantime, it's time to crack on with the painting. :D
Title: Re: transformers in 28mm? Looking for help/inspiration (preferably G1)
Post by: Elbows on July 27, 2016, 09:58:35 PM
Scaling looks fine...are these Japanese "gashapon" toys or what?
Title: Re: transformers in 28mm? Looking for help/inspiration (preferably G1)
Post by: Zombie Ste on July 28, 2016, 12:03:42 AM
Scaling looks fine...are these Japanese "gashapon" toys or what?

They were available in Japan a few years back as super collection figurines or SCF for short,  and were sold blind packed.
Later they were offered on western markets, none blind carded blister packs under the name Heroes of Cybertron.
Both lines are now out of production,  but are readily available on eBay fairly cheaply.  I paid £15 for all 3 of these including shipping.
The mega, 5" ones are a lot more pricey though.  I've just paid about £16 for a starscream and that was a bargain... The Optimus Prime & Megatron are going for around £35, but the 3" ones just won't cut it for those characters & the seekers, so it looks like this is about to get pricey!

Once I've got mega starscream in hand I'll be able to make a more informed decision on whether it's worth getting a 2nd & 3rd to repaint as skywarp & thundercracker
Title: Re: transformers in 28mm? Looking for help/inspiration (preferably G1)
Post by: SotF on August 02, 2016, 04:55:25 AM
If you're looking for rules stuff, you might want to take a glance at Spycraft 2.0 with it's Transmech rules.