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Other Stuff => Workbench => Topic started by: white knight on January 25, 2009, 05:13:36 PM

Title: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: white knight on January 25, 2009, 05:13:36 PM
Still a few days to go, but since I won't paint anything else this month, I thought I'd kick this off.
Meager offerings this month, but still better than last month.



Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Calimero on January 25, 2009, 07:21:34 PM

I really like the way you re-painted all those Lucky Luke figures!  :-*
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Mancha on January 25, 2009, 08:52:42 PM
I love watching your progress with this project.
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Chairface on January 25, 2009, 09:49:46 PM
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: JollyBob on January 26, 2009, 10:49:56 AM
Those are excellent WK!  :-*

My total for this months stands at a big fat Zero. Just can't get back into it at the moment.  :(

Still, York show this weekend, I'm sure that'll revitalise my painting juices.
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Malamute on January 26, 2009, 11:04:46 AM
Those are excellent WK!  :-*

My total for this months stands at a big fat Zero. Just can't get back into it at the moment.  :(

Still, York show this weekend, I'm sure that'll revitalise my painting juices.

Make hay whilst the sun shines matey, coz it will all change once she gets that ring on your finger.... ;) lol
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: JollyBob on January 26, 2009, 11:13:21 AM
Yeah, I know. And I may have to give up some precious, precious free time to cover for the Chimp too, poor bugger hasn't slept for a fortnight.

I was helping him build cots yesterday and he had a giggling fit about being snuffled to death by tapirs. Boys gone wrong, I tell you.

Anyway, bring on York, and a shedload of lovely Chinese minis. In my defence this month, I did undercoat about twenty of the Black Hat ones. That don't count though, do it?
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Commander Vyper on January 26, 2009, 01:58:33 PM
Yeah, I know. And I may have to give up some precious, precious free time to cover for the Chimp too, poor bugger hasn't slept for a fortnight.

I was helping him build cots yesterday and he had a giggling fit about being snuffled to death by tapirs. Boys gone wrong, I tell you.

Anyway, bring on York, and a shedload of lovely Chinese minis. In my defence this month, I did undercoat about twenty of the Black Hat ones. That don't count though, do it?

No :)
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: JollyBob on January 26, 2009, 09:01:43 PM
Commander Vyper - telling it like it is.  lol
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: revford on January 27, 2009, 02:02:54 AM
A busy month painting wise for me, 81 models.  It helped that many of them were uniformed types so painted in large-ish batches.

More brave soldiers of the Workers Republic of Borkova, to follow on from the first squad
I posted last month, here is the rest of the infantry, the two HQ squads, four infantry squads and
the Sniper Team.  Also as objective markers, we have a pair of downed pilots.  All the Borkovan
troops are Cold War Russians from Mongrel Minis.

The beginnings of our Drug Dealers game, DEA Agents in SWAT type gear, plain
clothed Detectives and some uniformed Police Officers.  DEA from EM4 and Uniformed
and Detectives from West Wind.

Another Dalek Squad, this is my third now so the Dalek Forces are looking good.  Daleks
from Black Tree.

Another Uniformed Officer for our Geezers games, Inspector Gaffer.

All sorts of models for our Stargate .45 Adventure games, an extra GPMG Man, Geoff of the BBC,
Cpt Charlie Jessop and Members of the Lost Patrol in an alternate colour scheme.  The Camera Man
is from EM4, Charlie is from Warm Acre with weapons from TAG and Hasslefree and the GPMGs and Rifleman
are from TAG.

I posted the crew that I had finished for this one last month, now they have a Kubelwagen
to patrol in.

Another Wraith, this time a very old LoTR model of the Witch King from GW.  Sadly due to his iffy
"I'm a little teapot" pose he's already been dubbed the Witch Queen.

The Final miniatures for Skrote Uniteed, my Ice Goblin Bloodbowl team are complete, here to
round out the squad are two Snow Trolls, Yeti miniatures from West Wind.

From Impact! Miniatures, a set of Goblin Commentators marking the weather conditions for Bloodbowl;
Snow, Rain, Nice, Sunny and Hot.

Some Dark Age villagers, ready to meet The Doctor on his travels, to populate strange worlds through
the Stargate and for some Broadsword Adventures.

I used one of the spare Yeti to create a Bigfoot for our Stargate .45 Adventure games, also
for the monsters are a pair of big cats that came in a tub of dinosaurs.  The flying dinos
were a gift, GW Lizardman minis.  Rounding out Monsters for this month, six alien looking Manx
Sheep from Gripping Beast.
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: JollyBob on January 27, 2009, 08:52:25 AM
Bloody hell Gav, did you not sleep this month?!  :o

Tremendous stuff!
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Svennn on January 27, 2009, 09:10:20 AM
Bloody hell Gav, did you not sleep this month?!  :o

Tremendous stuff!

You are just jealous Gaz spent more time making his post than you did painting - slacker :D
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Malamute on January 27, 2009, 09:27:51 AM
Bloody hell Gav, did you not sleep this month?!  :o

Tremendous stuff!

You are just jealous Gaz spent more time making his post than you did painting - slacker :D

 lol lol lol
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: JollyBob on January 27, 2009, 09:49:23 AM
Bah, rumbled.  :'(   lol
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Captain Blood on January 27, 2009, 10:09:15 AM
Come on Gav. You're slacking. What do you mean you only painted 80+ figures in January? You lightweight.  ;)

(Ruddy madman!  lol)

Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: revford on January 27, 2009, 11:36:36 AM
Cheers Guys, and not much sleep, no.  :)

It was partly driven by gaming needs, we've been having a weekly game of Stargate based .45 Adventure and that inspired me to dip into the bits box and get get load of spares painted up, as well as picking up a few new models.

Also we've been playing a lot of Bloodbowl for the last, well, almost a year now.
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: gamer Mac on January 27, 2009, 01:42:30 PM
Tell us more about the stargate .45 game please.
That sounds like a game right up my street.
Welll done of the painting tally.
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: dodge on January 27, 2009, 02:54:30 PM
Not much from me,


7 artisan cossacks,


5 russian ibzas

and 4 mouted cossacks from copplestone yet to be photo'd and posted

so all in all a slow month need to get back to 15 to 25 minis really.

Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: revford on January 27, 2009, 03:26:48 PM
Tell us more about the stargate .45 game please.
That sounds like a game right up my street.
Welll done of the painting tally.

I'll start a new thread with it in the Future Wars section.  :)
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Unforgiven on January 28, 2009, 01:07:40 AM
Sadly I havent finished anything this month. Currently I am Stripping the paint off of some Chaos Warriors..
So maybe the month of Feb and March will have some goodies from me :)
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Wirelizard on January 28, 2009, 02:21:44 AM
The bases still need flocking, but these guys are basically done:
Flickr Link for larger version (http://flickr.com/photos/wirelizard/3233130396/)
28mm Saurian Ugg Spearmen (spearsaurians, surely?) from Hydra; saurian idol from the same company; the greenery is also new this month and used to be an ugly plastic plant from a local craft store.
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Svennn on January 28, 2009, 04:41:24 PM
Well I did think I was doing very well this month, in fact its fair to say I was cock-a-hoop with my progress, until Gav posted nearly three times as much stuff >:( :D ;D. Oh well, still more than one a day which I never thought I would manage. Don't think anything else will get done so here they are
6 KAR, 10 Tigermen, 6 Imperial Chinese, 8 Tang Chinese, a Mongol, Elric in yellow, a Zulu and two buildings.

Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: answer_is_42 on January 28, 2009, 04:52:12 PM
Might as well post my meagre amount of work for this month;

A R.A. screw gun;

A R.N. Gardner (Or is it a Nordenfelt? I don’t know the difference...), with mounted naval commander;

And some deep-sea divers;

Figures from Perry, Perry and HLBS respectively
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: bruenor odinson on January 29, 2009, 07:55:10 PM
Hmmm January you say....lets see...




These Scrobbits for Bob Olley, the Texans are older, but there for scale.



These beastmen and Minotaurs.....the guy who's commissioned them does his own bases to match exsisting minis, hence the plain green ones.

This Hasslefree Dwarf with axe, for myself.

I have done another 10 minis but aren't allowed to show them as they haven't been released by the two different companies yet. :'(
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Calimero on January 29, 2009, 08:28:24 PM

Some pretty cool minis again this month.

@ bruenor odinson, I can't say that I love the Bob Olley stuff but your painting is pretty amazing!   :-*
I do like the sculpt of the Hasslefree Dwarf and, of course, the way you painted it!  8)

@ revford, 81 figures in a month! WoW! I really like the “Goblin Commentators for Bloodbowl” these are cool, original minis!  lol
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Grimm on January 29, 2009, 10:04:53 PM
bruenor odinson wow that is painting ,realy amazing .

Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: bruenor odinson on January 30, 2009, 08:16:44 AM
Thanks guys, have some more on the go now.  lol
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: dodge on January 30, 2009, 08:44:21 AM
I like the scrobbits, very quirky on the 40k board as imperial guard types,

totally excellent painting bruenor  :-*

Like to see some more if you have some.

Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: bruenor odinson on January 30, 2009, 11:26:22 AM
Thanks, working on some unreleased Monkey King minis at the moment, hopefully I'll be allowed to show them once done.
The greens were shown on Frothers a while back, so here's hoping.

If you follow the link in my signature theres loads more to see.
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: DFlynSqrl on January 31, 2009, 05:44:00 AM
Most mini's I've ever painted in a month.  29 for me.

19 Heer Grenadiers...


10 Protectorate Zealots for Warmachine


Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: bruenor odinson on January 31, 2009, 09:20:15 AM
Wouldn't mind a few closer pics DFlynSqrl, but those Zealots look  :-*!!!
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: capthugeca on January 31, 2009, 10:11:56 PM
Quite a fruitful month - a few 28mm but mostly 15mm.

Firstly two more for Broadsword Adventures:


Then three for Pulp:



Then some for Fantastic Worlds which I'm doing in 15mm:








And finally some hordes for my HOTT Crusader army. There's actully seven of them. If you want to see the rest go to http://s249.photobucket.com/albums/gg236/capthugeca/Hordes%20of%20the%20Things/ (http://s249.photobucket.com/albums/gg236/capthugeca/Hordes%20of%20the%20Things/)


I doubt I'll be quite so prolific next month.
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Argonor on January 31, 2009, 10:17:55 PM
Well, I just flocked the bases of 2 Uruk-hai I started today, bringing my January total up to 20 models. Personal record since I started working full-time, I think....  8)
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Calimero on February 01, 2009, 12:14:39 AM
This is the figures I painted in January…

Some SWAT, Police, Criminals and Hostages (that I’ve already sold)…


This one is a color test for a unit of Cuirassiers…


And some War of Spanish Succession French cavalry…


Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Dan on February 01, 2009, 02:03:01 AM
Just a few things painted for my Future Wars project . I will post finished pictures there once I have done the bases.
First up some Daleks done in a very simple scheme as I could'nt be bothered painting all their pimples.
I did'nt think basing them on anything else but a flat surface would look ok.
Next some mounted and dismounted Bike Riders loosely based on a MotorCycle Show . ;D
I need to flatcoat them before mounting the riders on the bikes.
I think my Truck mounted team will be based on Dog The Bounty Hunter . :o
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: The Gonk on February 01, 2009, 03:51:08 AM








Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Col.Stone on February 01, 2009, 04:08:09 AM


and a load of figures that i haven't based and wont take pics of since they're not really finished :D
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: bruenor odinson on February 01, 2009, 11:41:59 AM
Bloody hell, you've all been very busy, with some  :-* :-* :-* stuff!!!
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: The_Wisecrack on February 01, 2009, 01:28:31 PM
capthugeca. where are your greens/gray aliens from?
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: capthugeca on February 01, 2009, 03:51:33 PM
capthugeca. where are your greens/gray aliens from?

They're from http://www.15mm.co.uk/Grey_Aliens.htm (http://www.15mm.co.uk/Grey_Aliens.htm)
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Overlord on February 01, 2009, 03:53:35 PM
This month I have mostly been constructing buildings!

I did get the first row of terraced houses painted:

The only miniatures (this year  ::) ) were these Geezers:
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: gamer Mac on February 01, 2009, 07:15:46 PM
Not painted very many figures this month. Been building jungle terrain and bits and pieces.





Did paint these

Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Auton on February 01, 2009, 07:17:01 PM
Throwing my output into the list, I have the following

Four more Blacktree gladiator figures

A Skeg pulp sci-fi figure from Gary Mitchell's Space Vixens from Mars system (50mm tall)

Plus all the Panzerfauste figures from this thread

Total output 61 figures  :D
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Calimero on February 01, 2009, 07:38:08 PM
... Total output 61 figures  :D ...

Not bad at all.

I really like your painting style Auton   :-*
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Sinewgrab on February 01, 2009, 07:45:25 PM
Been working myself to death, so output really went down for me. Besides, I started working on scratchbuilding an Aeronef - see thread in Workbench.

These are the first half of my Swordsmen unit of the Pirate Army. Still trying to finish that unit.

Some vicious sharks - made from some Dreamblade models I had sitting around.

My cannons, the Guns of the Lucretia's Revenge.

My Warrior Priest, Kraken, messenger of the Sea Gods - a Bathalion Pirate from Reaper.

The other half of my deadly Dudley Maneaters, Bubba Ray.

That's all we have for January.
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Chambersofminiatures on February 01, 2009, 07:53:38 PM
Here are the miniatures that I painted in January. Thanks for looking!

(http://<a href="http://s252.photobucket.com/albums/hh25/chambersofminiatures/Misc%20Fantasy/?action-view&current=other_moore_femaleelfmage.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh25/chambersofminiatures/Misc%20Fantasy/other_moore_femaleelfmage.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>)
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Captain Blood on February 01, 2009, 09:06:54 PM
Beautiful work Chamberofminiatures.
Particularly like the Not-Dirty-Harry  :)
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Malamute on February 02, 2009, 11:58:29 AM

The walker (not the crew) and ten Warrior Miniatures VSF Prussians, who have not yet posed for the camera.
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Argonor on February 02, 2009, 01:22:46 PM
Beautiful work Chamberofminiatures.

Yay, that! Your style made me check if these were actually 40 mm or 1:48.

Who makes that cuddly teddy?
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Faust23 on February 08, 2009, 06:13:21 AM
I'll be posting three figs tomorrow.  More TYW stuff and a surprise!
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Argonor on February 08, 2009, 12:42:26 PM
Is that bear a D&D plastic repaint??? I SO want one!!
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Chambersofminiatures on February 08, 2009, 10:57:51 PM
Yes, it is a D&D repaint. I tried to keen up the mold lines and just sprayed an undercoat of the existing paint job. (lots of drybrushing)
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Faust23 on February 09, 2009, 05:44:54 AM
Only 2 pieces in January, both conversions.  First up is my Imperialist Cuirassier on foot.  I added the pistol.


Here's my Blue Moon Space Woman in suit with converted weapon for my Traveller crew.  First without helmet, then with.  Use a non CA glue to avoid fogging on the plastic helmet. I should have.



Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Rabbitz on February 09, 2009, 11:14:45 AM
Not so much figures painted but i did pull my finger out and get this done.

I gave it a working, lockable door and some removable roofs.  The figure is a renegade miniatures Early WW1 German that I use for VSF Prussians.
I have also made a rickety platform leading upto the main gate, much in the style of the landing jetty seen in our last battle report.

I imagine this will end up being a fortified trading outpost on Mars, maned by the British and Drunes.


I also did a few bits of scenery that can be found in our latest battle report
The battle for Horst ferrry crossing in the VSF section.
Namely the tower and landing jetty.

Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Overlord on February 09, 2009, 11:32:08 AM
I like that. :-* :-* :-*
Very nice building.  Makes me want one, even though I have absolutely no use for it!
Any info on how you built it, WIPs, etc?  8)
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: Ray Rivers on February 09, 2009, 12:03:56 PM


This is an outrageous piece of terrain!

Well done!
Title: Re: What I painted in January (2009)
Post by: gamer Mac on February 09, 2009, 01:06:32 PM
Very nice.
Love the detailed stalls and the gate.