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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Frostgrave => Topic started by: Malebolgia on August 17, 2016, 01:44:58 PM

Title: Dark Alchemy campaign - Game 3: The Spreading Flames
Post by: Malebolgia on August 17, 2016, 01:44:58 PM
After game 1 (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=92819.0) and game 2 (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=92921.0) me and my mate Raz played the third and last installment of the Dark Alchemy campaign: The Spreading Flames. Here's the report:

Having fought their way through most of the alchemical factory, the warband is now complete again. The wounded Dragos and his two soldiers found his Apprentice, Captain and Tunnel Fighter. Unfortunately, the Apprentice managed to knock himself unconscious…just when the whole building is starting to catch fire and the foundations itself seem to give way and start to collapse. Time to get out.

“Dragos looked at his Apprentice. “Pathetic man…” He looked at the Tunnel Fighter and Infantryman. “You two, make sure he gets out alive, or else I will destroy you. Me, Stanizlov and Matei will go through the central hall to find a way out of this hell-hole. You stay behind us and make sure you get him out. We will take out any other surprises this forsaken place has for us”. Stanizlov looked at him with his grin-like skull. “And don’t forget the treasssssuressssss….”. Dragos waved it away. “Yes, yes, of course. But if we don’t get out in time it does not matter how many treasures we might find. And you will get paid if we actually get out”. He stabbed his finger into the Captain’s chest. “YOU make sure to clear the way with that weapon of yours. Earn your pay Stanizlov. You might be a mighty warrior, but remember who is in charge here”. Stanizlov nodded. “Of courssssse…”
Dragos observed the building. They were getting close to the exit now, he could feel it. It was interesting to see how the factory itself changed with each hallway they crossed. Now that they were close to the main exit, the decorations around him became more exquisite and exotic. There were multiple mouldy tapestries, rotten paintings and smashed statues around him. Most of the treasures seemed to be looted, but chances were they would find some interesting things further on. In the distance he saw a large double door. The three ran for the doors through dust and ash and Stanizlov used his undead strength to open it. Looking through, Dragos saw a huge ruined chamber. In places the ceiling had come down or was about to. Walls had tumbled, pillars had smashed. But through in the gloom he could see glittering gold in the distance…and animated constructs…”


Dragos, Stanizlov and Matei arrived in the large chamber. Way in the distance they spotted daylight coming from beyond the ruined walls. They were almost out! On the other side of the chamber they saw the Elves coming from another door…also going for the exit. Dragos is hurt, but he would prevail. He sent Stanizlov to the centre and Matei to the flank. Hopefully they would collect some treasure and take out some of those fearsome constructs looming in the dark.

Dragos successfully raised a zombie from the dust. The creature slowly followed his master, while Stanizlov moved for the construct hovering down the stairs. Icy fire filled the thing’s crystal and Dragos calculated these are dangerous guardians. Stanizlov didn't seem to care and raised his large glaive as he was about to charge.

On the other side the Elves stormed through a ruined room. The Captain was magically boost and together with the Treasure Hunter he took on the first of the Fire Flingers. The teamwork proved to be very powerful and they quickly took the construct down.

Stanizlov took off and sprinted straight for the second Fire Flinger. With a furious charge he took a chunk out of the machine, but it kept on coming. Dragos sent his zombie minion after Stanizlov so he could support the Captain in the melee.

The combination of Stanizlov and the zombie worked well. The zombie grappled with the construct, giving Stanizlov the time to chop into the ice crystal. The machine died down and crashed to the floor. The Captain quickly moved up the stairs, going for the first treasure. Meanwhile, Dragos approached one of the treasures close to the fire. He saw one of the constructs coming for him, so he decided to play it safe and stay behind some crates.

The Fire Flinger spotted the zombie though and with a quick move it went for the undead creature. As it moved past Dragos it saw the Vampire. It turned around and shot a bolt of icy fire at Dragos. The Vampire jumped aside and returned fire with a Bone Dart which hit home. The construct was damaged but kept on going. Dragos quickly called for the zombie and it moved into melee to help its master. Dragos quickly moved around the crates towards the treasure.
Matei was on the flank, duelling with a Fire Flinger and then retreating from sight. He snagged one of the treasures from the pumping machine and saw another in a nearby boiler room.

The Fire Flinger turned its eye on the zombie and burned him to a frozen crisp with a powerful blast. The zombie was reduced to frozen ash. Dragos cursed, he had to face the machine again. Summoning his magic again, he once again threw a Bone Dart at the Fire Flinger. This time the Dart shattered the crystal and the machine fell lifeless to the floor. Dragos carefully went for the nearest treasure, keeping an eye on the raging fire nearby.
Stanizlov had grabbed a treasure and was now working his way down the ruined building. Matei had evaded another Fire Flinger and stealthily worked his way into the boiler room. He found another treasure!

The Elves had managed to bring down a total of 3 Fire Flingers so far, but the Captain  was severely wounded. Seeing the risk, the Mage leapt the Treasure Hunter away to grab some treasures. This left the wounded Captain facing off against the last machine. As the Captain took shelter behind some rubble, he heard a hissing roar. Stanizlov jumped off the building and brought his glaive down.

The Elf Captain felt somewhat ashamed and decided to join the wight. Two Captains working together was too much for the Fire Flinger. The wight chopped the machine into the side and the Elf crashed his axe into the crystal.
Matei ran on, seeing even more treasure! Grabbing the third treasure he decided he had found enough. The building was shaking more and more and he decided to bail out. Dragos and Stanizlov followed his suit and all three had managed to escape the alchemical factory. The Elves secured the last treasures and made a run for it.

Post Game Thoughts
“With a deafening roar the alchemical factory came down. Towers toppled, walls came crashing down and alchemical equipment exploded in multi-coloured blasts. Raging fires, smoke and dust spread and for a short while it was actually warm in the ruins of Felstad. The factory had been a source of ancient treasures, but now it was all lost under tons of rubble.
Dragos observed from a short distance. He had high hopes when his warband set out for the factory. But the struggle with the Elves had thwarted those plans. Now all those treasures were lost once more. But still, it wasn’t for nought. Clutching his new magical staff tightly he could feel the power radiating from it. Yes, he had gained much and actually lost nothing. So all in all he could still call this adventure a success.
In the distance he saw the Elves moving to the east. He felt the rage again. Filthy creatures. If it wasn’t for them, he would have gained much more. But still, he wouldn’t have survived if it wasn’t for their unnatural partnership. But that was over now and Dragos was sure he would meet the Mage again soon. And then they would see who was the strongest wizard…”

What a cool game! This one was really different from the first two as our small warbands weren’t close to each other. We were both basically playing a solo game on the same board. It worked well and those Fire Flingers sure were scary. But we do think there ought to be more of them when playing with 2 players. 6 of them wasn’t a huge threat and we could make it off with 5 treasures each without too much hassle. My wizard took 3 damage from casting his last Bone Dart and his Captain was taken down to 1HP. But we suffered no casualties.
After the game we rolled for treasures and I found a good amount of gold, a Grimoire of Miraculous Cure, a Philtre of Fairy Dust , a Potion of Teleportation, a Magical Staff with +2 Damage (I named it the Staff of the Leech!) and a Bottle of Null (!)
I stored the Grimoire in my vault (not that interesting with a Necromancer), together with the Bottle of Null. I decided to settle down in an inn and added a Pigeon Roost. Then I sold my Grimoire of Bone Dart and I had more than enough gold for a Barbarian, Treasure Hunter and Crossbowman. I gave the Potion of Teleportation to the Barbarian and the Staff of the Leech to the wizard.

That was the Dark Alchemy campaign. It was a great experience with three cool scenarios and me and my mate had some nice experienced warbands now. We’re planning on doing the ‘Thaw of the Lich Lord’ campaign next. Time to kill some Elves…

Link to the PDF
Title: Re: Dark Alchemy campaign - Game 3: The Spreading Flames
Post by: jp1885 on August 17, 2016, 08:58:23 PM
Another excellent batrep - great stuff!
Title: Re: Dark Alchemy campaign - Game 3: The Spreading Flames
Post by: Raz on August 18, 2016, 09:22:09 AM
A nice end to a great campaign! 8) Dark Alchemy is a nice way to kick off playing Frostgrave. The three scenarios each provide an interesting twist to the game and reflect the setting really well in my opinion. As Malebolgia said, the last one could do with a few more adversaries and/or less time to get off the table. Ten turns seemed quite generous to us. Maybe eight turns, eight constructs and an optional rule about the place collapsing at the start of every turn? Perhaps a cave-in all along the starting board edge 3"/d6", with each miniature in this zone automatically being knocked out of the game, or one or two 3"x3" pieces of the ceiling coming down with the same effect, determined by rolling a d20 with the 'arrow' of the die facing used from the direction and the result for the distance from where the die lands (although this might be too random). Finally we decided that instead of being able to flee from any board edge, we needed to exit from the edge opposite to the one where we deployed.

We both found some great treasure this last scenario; my elves found a grimoire of fog, a poison potion, a magic shield and a nice amount of gold. After the battle my mage immediately took to reading the grimoire, while the captain helped himself to his righteous reward and eyeing the magical shield conspicuously. As well as learning the fog spell, my mage gained +1 shoot, +1 on casting bone dart and +1 on casting elemental hammer. I forgot to mention that after the last game my captain gained another trick: sprint. My mage and his companions found an old inn in which to settle down, get their gear in order and plan their next move. Carrier pidgeons were bought and my mage contemplated about hiring a few more hands, maye a second warhound, a thief and an infantryman. But a knight or barbarian might be a nice additional also. As he considered who to hire he had an ominous feeling and a shiver crept down his spine. He had a feeling Frostgrave had a lot more in store for him and his men... :D

Title: Re: Dark Alchemy campaign - Game 3: The Spreading Flames
Post by: LiamFrostfang on August 18, 2016, 02:03:55 PM
really well done bat reps...keep em coming!!!  :D
Title: Re: Dark Alchemy campaign - Game 3: The Spreading Flames
Post by: Brummie Thug on August 18, 2016, 04:04:25 PM
Awesome third installment :D Really enjoyed the trio of reports.
Title: Re: Dark Alchemy campaign - Game 3: The Spreading Flames
Post by: Nasca on August 19, 2016, 07:21:19 AM
Nice battle report!
Hope for more in the future.
Title: Re: Dark Alchemy campaign - Game 3: The Spreading Flames
Post by: joe5mc on August 19, 2016, 09:47:36 AM
Great looking table!
Title: Re: Dark Alchemy campaign - Game 3: The Spreading Flames
Post by: Bishop Cockthrottle on August 19, 2016, 01:10:40 PM
I played this solo and found 10 rounds too comfortable as well - agree with 8

In a co-op game agree with 8 Flame Flingers to make it nasty

Think I misread the skeleton random move rule as had about 6 sitting in a corner at one point because they couldn't see anyone. Added the rule that any fighting or "explosive" spell action would cause them to move towards that spot for a round - soon became interesting  ;-)
Title: Re: Dark Alchemy campaign - Game 3: The Spreading Flames
Post by: Ingmar on August 20, 2016, 09:27:24 AM
Great games Malebolgia! Entertaining to read! Just out of curiosity; how much levels did you and your mate gain? I actually played the full campaign solo last weekend and found it very cool, but was surprised my wizard actually came away with 9 levels!

As for the rounds being comfortable: I don't think less rounds will make more stress. The biggest difference between the last scenario and the first 2 is the fact you can actually exit from any side of the board. So in my last battle the wizard, archer and ranger (the ranged detachment) where all skirting around the outside of the map, and the barbarian with movement 7 (and no restriction because of the expansion treasure rules) could easily fetch treasure and "run for the exit".
Limiting the exit options will make for a lot more stress!

Can't wait to see more!
Title: Re: Dark Alchemy campaign - Game 3: The Spreading Flames
Post by: Raz on August 21, 2016, 03:29:25 PM
If I recall correctly, Malebolgia's wizard got to level 9. Mine reached level 10. So that's about where your wizard ended after the campaign.