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Miniatures Adventure => Pulp => Triumph & Tragedy => Topic started by: TWD on August 25, 2016, 09:55:44 PM

Title: First Game and a few questions
Post by: TWD on August 25, 2016, 09:55:44 PM
We played our first game of T&T last night.
Really enjoyed it and it all seemed to go fairly smoothly.
We played the Ivory Gauntlet scenario and I GMed and got a few things wrong (only -1 for moving and shooting instead of -2, forgot to give the Askari a leader) but mostly it was great and I'm looking forward to more games. really like the mechanics and it feels great for small scale skirmishing.

Some questions we had:
Close Combat
If a unit loses combat and doesn't run away do you fight the next round immediately? Or do you wait until the next game turn? We played that you carried on immediately, but it took ages for the two spearmen to kill the one Askari (who kept passing his morale check).
The Askari had but a single man left but four suppression markers - is he at -4 to hit?
If so as he's trained and normally needs a 7 does that mean he can't hit, or do rolls of a 10 always hit?

Do suppression markers do anything apart from trigger the morale test? It seemed a bit odd that a unit with a single suppression marker was no more or less likely to pass than a unit with seven. We wondered if each marker meant a -1 to the test, but couldn't find the rule if so.
Recover seems quite powerful - one roll and you're back to normal - I suppose though it's double edged and failing can be quite bad (I don't think we had anyone fail all game).

I think that was the only questions we had.
If you want to read the game report you can find it on my blog:
Title: Re: First Game and a few questions
Post by: NurgleHH on August 26, 2016, 12:53:13 PM
Here you find a "new" rule for supression: http://www.triumph-tragedy.de/downloads/T&T_New_Rules_04_06_08.pdf
Title: Re: First Game and a few questions
Post by: TWD on August 26, 2016, 01:30:25 PM
However I had already read that and I don't think it addresses any of the questions I asked - it just modifies what happens with bigger units fighting (which wasn't the case here)
Title: Re: First Game and a few questions
Post by: Driscoles on August 27, 2016, 11:35:27 AM

thanks for sharing the game report with us  in your other thread.
Glad you had fun.

Lets see if I can get you out of confusion  :)

Close Combat :
You fight it out immediately.
If the unit is reduced to one model use the last man standing rule on page 17 in the rule book.
You apply only -1 to the model ( not - 4 ) If its two soldiers and five suppression you can reduce the suppression markers down to 3
They are only an indicator that the unit has taken suppression and one more suppression marker  indicates that they have to check morale for pinning.
In your example he hits on an 8 ( 7 plus 1 sm )

I dont know which T&T printing you have.
I think the 3rd printing is pretty understandable with explaining the morale checks.
You test morale only when the no. of sm is higher than the number of active soldiers.
If you fail you are pinned.
If you were succesful you can play on.

You must repeat a score check on morale when you are hit again and taking sm ( suppression marker )
you want to activate the unit.

Suppression Markers are no modifiers during the morale phase.
Modifiers are added or subtracted  by leaders or heroes or the unit quality.

If you play a recover order you can do nothing else except recover. That can be bad when a game is on its edge.

But I understand your thoughts on recover and morale as a whole.

When we wrote the rules we wanted a fast game. Now years later we see things different and make our " house rules "
for  our own rules  :)

We tried a - 1 modifier for every 3 suppression marker during morale chacks. ( A unit with 6 sm marker mut test with - 2 )

We also experienced with the combat modifier for suppression. During a game it can be tricky  to count the sm.
Only when a unit reaches 50 % ( rounded down ) of sm all figures in the unit get the -1 modifier on ranged or close combat.
Below 50% no one gets a modifier.

Thanks again for playing and for your report. Do not hesitate to ask me. I like to help.

Best regards to you and your gaming group

Title: Re: First Game and a few questions
Post by: TWD on August 28, 2016, 09:53:08 AM
Thanks Bjorn.
Looks like we played it mostly right then :)

Missed the last man standing bit, don't think it made much difference but will be useful in future!

No problem with the morale - it was nice and simple and quick, just making sure we hadn't missed anything.

Currently planning a rescue mission scenario as a follow up. Will let you know how it goes.

Thanks for the response and a fun set of rules.