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Miniatures Adventure => Weird Wars => Topic started by: Auton on February 01, 2009, 07:11:30 PM

Title: Panzerfauste
Post by: Auton on February 01, 2009, 07:11:30 PM
January ended up being a really weird war 2 month, after I found a pile of Panzerfauste figures I'd forgotten about in the Lead Mountain  o_o

For anyone who doesn't know the game, it's from Wessex Games & is WW2 meets fantasy. A lot of these figures are currently unavailable though (shows how long ago I bought them!)

A few more left to paint in February..

Orc Commandos

Gnome Infantry

Dwarven Infantry

Dwarven Sturmtruppen

Rat Infantry

Dark Elf Infantry

Dark Elf Scouts
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: Unforgiven on February 01, 2009, 07:20:52 PM
Those are awesome! :-*
Love the Dwarven Sturmtruppen!!  8)
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: revford on February 01, 2009, 08:06:01 PM
What a cool set, nicely done too.

Reminds of me the Flintloque fantasy naps game.  :)
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: postal on February 02, 2009, 01:27:03 AM
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: Captaingeneral on February 02, 2009, 11:08:47 AM
 :o So thats what the secret January Project was!! lol lol

Gotta luv those Sturm truppen!
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: richarDISNEY on February 03, 2009, 02:59:30 PM
Great looking paint jobs!

Where did you get the figs, and any review on the game system?  Does it play well, et. al...
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: aircav on February 04, 2009, 08:25:54 AM
They look Great. I used to love playing Panzerfauste.

The rules use the Guts system and are quick and simple & a fantastic fun game i would recomend them highly. Buy the rules Give Steve some money, he's a thoroughly nice chap.
OH and go and join the SFSFW http://www.sfsfw.org/  :D :D

They use the same mechanism as these:
http://www.blease.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/WG.zombiekrieg848.html without the solo play chart.

Keith  :D
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: Auton on February 04, 2009, 09:24:53 AM
Thanks for the comments and I agree with everything aircav has said

There is a stripped down free set of the rules available if you want to have a look

Hopefully Steve at Wessex will be getting more figures back into production sometime but the ones available are here

Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: Pappa Midnight on February 08, 2009, 05:09:38 PM
Really nice collection you've got there!!!

I haven't played Panzerfauste for years ( I'll have to dig my rules out).

I made a few extra Dwarf minis for my games.
A Grenadier, a Commander and "Herr Slick" of the Secret Police. They could do with a re-paint as I did these years ago!!


Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: postal on February 09, 2009, 11:52:27 AM
those are cool papa 8)
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: Auton on February 10, 2009, 05:16:07 PM
That 'Herr Slick' character is great!
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: rob_alderman on February 12, 2009, 11:35:22 PM
Papa, please can you put those pictures onto the WG yahoo group?

Panzerfauste is a game of excellent fun. You will require 2 players and 1 GM really. The game needs to have various objectives to be much fun, set up and shoot em up games of it are fairly boring.

A Mass battle game based in the same background are currently being devised. This will hopefully lead to more miniatures being made.

The miniatures are cheap (£5 for 4 Orcs, 5 Dwarves or 7 Gnomes) and there is currently a fairly wide range. Some of the sculpts are weaker than others, but the Sturmtruppen you all seem to love are still available, along with the Wehrmacht, Orc Infantry, Orc Marines, Gnome Foreign Legion, Gnome infantry and Gnome Chasseurs.

Steve is a throughroughly nice bloke, and one of the people who helped devise much of the ORIGINAL Flintloque background (the more imaginative fantasy version).

Your minis are really well painted mate, very nice. You have paid a lot of attention to little details which really make this lot stand out. Looks like you enjoyed painting them up!  :)
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: Overlord on February 14, 2009, 11:14:54 AM
A Grenadier, a Commander and "Herr Slick" of the Secret Police. They could do with a re-paint as I did these years ago!!

That 'Herr Slick' character is great!
If you do repaint them (not that I think they need it  8) ) how about adding a Von Smallbaggins as a diminutive sidekick!  :D
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: rob_alderman on March 09, 2009, 09:53:51 PM
Just bumping this thread up a bit!

Expect to see a new version of Panzerfauste soon, mass battle Panzerfauste.
It will be a simple, yet fun system that can be used for larger battles in the land between Orc, Gnome and Dwarf.
The first book will cover the Mon-Gehrahnt line (Blitzkrieg period) as these are the miniatures Steve still has out. If the book proves to be popular, he says he'll release the rest!

So please, show some interest, it is incredible fun!
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: BigMecha on March 12, 2009, 08:05:31 AM
that is very good!

I think I have seen this before....these miniatures
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: rob_alderman on March 12, 2009, 03:38:14 PM
I believe they are Mike Owen sculpts.
They are very similar to the old flintloque sculpts as I also think he did them around the same time (back when AA had big plans for other settings).
Luckily, Steve has been able to release them under his own company name which at one time supported AA.
The miniatures are so much fun to paint up, they practically paint themselves. I'd love to see what Mike would sculpt this sort of stuff like now, but as Steve told me, it'll be a cold day in hell before he sculpts anything almost nearly flintloque related.

Oh Panzerfauste has a different background to Flintloque as well, it's set in a totally different world. Veyr fun though.  :)
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: BigMecha on March 12, 2009, 08:05:09 PM
I believe they are Mike Owen sculpts.
They are very similar to the old flintloque sculpts as I also think he did them around the same time (back when AA had big plans for other settings).
Luckily, Steve has been able to release them under his own company name which at one time supported AA.
The miniatures are so much fun to paint up, they practically paint themselves. I'd love to see what Mike would sculpt this sort of stuff like now, but as Steve told me, it'll be a cold day in hell before he sculpts anything almost nearly flintloque related.

Oh Panzerfauste has a different background to Flintloque as well, it's set in a totally different world. Veyr fun though.  :)

YES!  that is it
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: rob_alderman on April 04, 2009, 12:47:59 AM
Hey guys, I spoke to Steve, from Wessex games at Salute...

Looks like I'm gonna be doing a little bit of light sculpting for him.
Our latest project, Panzerfauste Legion is going incredibly well too. Based on the rather unfortunate BF:Evo rules, but we are managing to turn them into a very fun game to play.

So... Any ideas and I will see what I can do. I am currently doing some Gnomish Partisans and watching 'allo 'allo for reference. Pappa, I really love your herr slick character. May I do a similar one? I wonder if anyone would be interested in a 'scenario' pack involving 'not' allo allo characters?  :)
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: fastolfrus on April 04, 2009, 11:37:17 PM
Gnome Artois and gang sound great, but apart from Herr Slick, how about a Dwarven Gruber too ?

Have you any thoughts on the orcs of Walmington on Sea ?
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: rob_alderman on April 05, 2009, 08:07:06 PM
Been thinking about that one too.
Perhaps in the future, yes.  :D
Currently trying to fill the big gaps in the range though.  :)
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: fastolfrus on April 05, 2009, 11:01:05 PM
Currently trying to fill the big gaps in the range though.  :)

Looking forward to seeing any new pieces - there are probably more gaps than range at present.
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: Auton on April 06, 2009, 09:16:51 AM
It would be nice to see some US light elves as well, to be honest any new figures would be great to see  :)
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: rob_alderman on April 06, 2009, 10:17:54 AM
Currently trying to fill the big gaps in the range though.  :)

Looking forward to seeing any new pieces - there are probably more gaps than range at present.

That's true, very true.

It would be nice to see some US light elves as well, to be honest any new figures would be great to see  :)

You might be in for a nice surprise quite soon. I spoke to Steve at Salute about his future plans (and indeed OUR) future plans for Panzerfauste Legion... It would appear he has had some inspiration from the writing I have been doing for him...  :D

Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: richarDISNEY on April 06, 2009, 02:57:40 PM
Yes! Please keep us informed. 

I like the look of the line...
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: rob_alderman on April 06, 2009, 03:59:17 PM
Keep me inspired and I shall keep you informed!  :)
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: TwoGunBob on April 06, 2009, 05:04:59 PM

Always suffered from so many minor things that kept me from getting into it. Initially I was playing in a group that lived and died by the 40K sword so I'd have had no one to play with. Forgot about it for some time and found a group of like minded gamers that play crazier games finally and now I'm reminded of this game AFTER my gaming budget for 2009 is blown. Wife will kill me if more metal shows up in the house right now. Hell, only reason I got away with two orders this year was I showed her some minis on special and another I had to win a friggin competition. She eyes my lead pile and keeps count on such things cause the unpainted pile never seems to shrink but I want Panzerfauste!!!
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: rob_alderman on April 06, 2009, 07:13:55 PM
Tell the wife that the company will go bust if you do not!


It's a seriously excellent game and background which definately requires a certain amoutn of 'crazy'.  :)
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: rob_alderman on April 15, 2009, 11:35:31 AM
Steve has just painted up 2 Ogres for PZF which he converted from GW ones. You can see them here.

Hopefully, he should be painting up some more minis for the new PDF version which will go up soonish.

WE are also both working on sculpts, spekaing for myself, I have finished 1 Gnome Partisan and I am working on 2 others ("listen very carefully, for I shall say this only once"). I'd also like to do a Gestapo character, some Orcish Onion Sellers and a variety of other Dwarf characters.  :D
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: myincubliss on April 15, 2009, 09:38:58 PM
The link gos to this post...

("listen very carefully, for I shall say this only once").

I do hope that's an 'allo 'allo reference...
Title: Re: Panzerfauste
Post by: rob_alderman on April 16, 2009, 11:10:06 PM

"oooh the flashing knobs!"