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Miniatures Adventure => Colonial Adventures => Topic started by: Lead Head on November 18, 2016, 12:01:53 AM

Title: Congo: 2 versus 2 or 3 versus 3
Post by: Lead Head on November 18, 2016, 12:01:53 AM

I'm new to colonial adventures.  Is Congo by Studio Tomahawk doable as a multi-player game?  I have yet to play.  I've been working on painting up miniatures and making terrains for the period.

Thank you in advance for any advice to gaming Congo with multiple players.
Title: Re: Congo: 2 versus 2 or 3 versus 3
Post by: gorillacrab on November 18, 2016, 04:39:58 AM
Congo is designed primarily as a 1 vs 1 game due to the way the card system works - and the official scenarios which are very well balanced but are designed for one faction vs one faction.

In addition, factions, or "columns" as they are called in the rules, only feature about 5-7 small units of 3-6 men each; again, not a big game.

However, I'm sure Congo would yield a very satisfactory game for 2 vs 2. The main thing to work out is how to select and manage the 3 activation cards each turn when 2 players are running a side. Aside from that, each player could move and roll for half the units.

I've also seen posts in which the Player Cards (activation cards and random-bonus Totem cards) were duplicated for a 3 player 1v1v1 game. This could be possible for scenarios of your own design.

Based on 7 games of Congo, I'd say it is best 1 vs 1, solid 2 vs 2, and probably challenging with more than 4 players.

One last thought, since you need such small forces and only a 3x4-foot playing area, playing 2 games at the same time on a club night could also work quite well.

Don't let the size of game deter you - it is a very entertaining and engaging system.
- GC
Title: Re: Congo: 2 versus 2 or 3 versus 3
Post by: Lead Head on November 18, 2016, 09:07:30 PM
Thank you Gorillacrab for the information.  I was aiming for the 3 versus 3 game size because I don't want to exclude anyone from our gaming group.  After reading your helpful suggestions, I will arrange for 1 versus 1 game and run multiple games at the same time instead.  Once we become well versed with the rules, I will try a 2 versus 2 player game -- first, with 1 deck per side then a second game of 1 deck per person to see the difference.

I just finished flocking some animals and adding a wash to the boat deck. Soon... soon...

Thank you again Gorillacrab for your reply.

By the way, how long did your 1 versus 1 game last on average?
Title: Re: Congo: 2 versus 2 or 3 versus 3
Post by: gorillacrab on November 30, 2016, 05:52:58 PM
This is a belated followup to my earlier post on multi-player games. I want to add that plowing through the 8 official scenarios, I did find a mission that officially allows up to 4 players - 5 if someone plays the small but devoted band of elite natives guarded a sacred site. Of course this means either having two game sets OR duplicating extra cards for the extra players. Anyway, something to consider.
- GC
Title: Re: Congo: 2 versus 2 or 3 versus 3
Post by: Lead Head on December 05, 2016, 12:34:32 AM
Update.  We played our first game over the weekend and it went well: 4 players, 2 versus 2, 2 White Man German expedition party of 70ish points each against 1 Forest Tribe (70ish points) and 1 White Man French expedition party of also 70ish points.  We played the river scenario on standard 4x3 game size mat using 2 sets of card decks.  Although this was our first CONGO game, it lasted roughly 3 hours playing time so not too bad time wise.

For initiative, we agreed on summing the values of the 2 cards played on each side.  The side with the higher sum won the initiative.  Both players on the same side carried out their corresponding card actions at the same time.  We also did not combine the stress tokens and had 2 sets of stress token bags to draw from.  Side 1 player 1 drew from the same bag that Side 2 player 1 used while Side 1 player 2 drew from the same bag that Side 2 player 2 drew.

As it turned out, 1 player from each side was disappointed by the rule.  One player thought the cards were too limiting in game decision regarding unit actions while another liked the limiting aspect created by the card, but thought the game did not provide enough of an "exploration feel".  I had suggested to that player to be adventurous and explore dangerous terrains more, but he did not want to face the possible perils.  Oh well, just cannot please some individual(s).

All in all, we had a fun time and will play more multi-player games in the future as we enjoy the social interactions.  As a group, we lost 1 man to a panther attack, 1 to a warthog attack, 2 to some killer insects, 12 to crocodiles so stay out of the river.  A dangerous adventure indeed.  Great fun :)


Title: Re: Congo: 2 versus 2 or 3 versus 3
Post by: gorillacrab on December 06, 2016, 09:07:04 PM
As you said, everyone will have different views on rules.

On the Dangerous Terrain issue, players should remember that it does afford far better cover than open terrain (d8 or d10 saving dice), that at times you can find beneficial encounters (or simply none at all) - and in some missions YOU MUST enter it. Finally, it does offer some welcome flavor (and scout units may enter at no risk).