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Miniatures Adventure => Call of Cthulhu => Topic started by: Ballardian on November 25, 2016, 03:46:02 PM

Title: 80's Grenadier CoC investigators now with 100% more added Cthulhu!
Post by: Ballardian on November 25, 2016, 03:46:02 PM
I volunteered to paint a friends collection of 80's Grenadier CoC minis & began with these, they're cute little (very little) models & while the sculpts are of varying quality, enjoyable to paint.
 Also have a RAFM Chtulhu from the same period to assemble (which, typically for a large pewter piece from the 80's will be an arseache) & paint (which I'm rather looking foward to - I've always liked the models peculiar proportions).  
Title: Re: 80's Grenadier CoC investigators
Post by: AJ at the Bank on November 26, 2016, 08:26:16 AM
Very good work...and nice palette selection too.

Grenadier are always difficult due to their size - which makes doing faces particularly tough....but very rewarding if done well!
Title: Re: 80's Grenadier CoC investigators
Post by: Ballardian on November 26, 2016, 04:54:13 PM
Cheers, they were nice to paint, though the size meant I had to get the magnifying glass out to do the finer detail (faces etc) - frankly they look rather better in real life, my excuse being that I used the camera on my ancient mobile (I really have to sort out a better mini photography set up).
Title: Re: 80's Grenadier CoC investigators
Post by: Mr. Peabody on November 26, 2016, 05:16:49 PM
You really brought out the best in those minis. Kudos.  8)

Title: Re: 80's Grenadier CoC investigators
Post by: Sterling Moose on November 26, 2016, 05:17:05 PM
Nice job, surprised to see the girlie with a cell phone.  Is she taking a selfie or gathering evidence?
Title: Re: 80's Grenadier CoC investigators
Post by: Ballardian on November 26, 2016, 05:30:24 PM
Mr Peabody, Sterling Moose, cheers - I believe that she's the archetypal CoC reporter character, she's got a notebook in her left hand & a pen in her right, but with my indifferent photography... I like the mini, she's got a really nice face to paint (the features are quite clear & pronounced without being exaggerated too much - fairly rare for the time - was she a Bob Murch one?).
 I left the original molded on bases on, in case the owner ever wanted to go back to 'original spec', they're only attached to the lipped base with PVA, so would be easy to peel them off.
 The legionnaire - type mini had lost the end of his rifle at some point so I replaced it with the end of a WG Kar 98k from the PzGr box ehich I had going spare & don't think it looks too bad.
 I've got a bunch more of them to do & will post as I go, thanks all for the compliments!
Title: Re: 80's Grenadier CoC investigators
Post by: Mr. Peabody on November 26, 2016, 06:07:20 PM
The tip of the rifle on those 'Legionnaires' were always fragile. Good job on the recovery!
Title: Re: 80's Grenadier CoC investigators (more added 15/1/17)
Post by: Ballardian on January 15, 2017, 01:26:11 PM
Painted some more of my friends Grenadier minis - sculpturally they're a mixed bag - the investigator with his coat over his shoulder has a Mr Garrison sized head - but it is characterful. My favorite of the bunch is the guy in the Bowler/Derby & raincoat combo, who for some reason I saw as Walter Moseley's character 'Easy' Rawlins.
Title: Re: 80's Grenadier CoC investigators now with 100% more added Cthulhu!
Post by: Ballardian on May 27, 2017, 06:13:33 PM
I finally found time to hurl some paint at my friend's RAFM Cthulhu model, the sculpt's qualities have definately grown on me (it was still a sod to assmble though, as ever, please excuse my indifferent photography).
Title: Re: 80's Grenadier CoC investigators now with 100% more added Cthulhu!
Post by: Mr. Peabody on May 27, 2017, 09:01:30 PM
A thing of beauty!
Title: Re: 80's Grenadier CoC investigators now with 100% more added Cthulhu!
Post by: supervike on May 28, 2017, 12:31:49 AM
There are certainly different takes on ol Squidhead, but this old sculpt is still something to behold!

Awesome job.
Title: Re: 80's Grenadier CoC investigators now with 100% more added Cthulhu!
Post by: Shahbahraz on May 28, 2017, 02:30:01 AM
I volunteered to paint a friends collection of 80's Grenadier CoC minis & began with these, they're cute little (very little) models & while the sculpts are of varying quality, enjoyable to paint.
 Also have a RAFM Chtulhu from the same period to assemble (which, typically for a large pewter piece from the 80's will be an arseache) & paint (which I'm rather looking foward to - I've always liked the models peculiar proportions).  

I recently did some of those as well. Fun. http://aleadodyssey.blogspot.co.uk/2017/04/call-of-cthulhu-miniatures.html (http://aleadodyssey.blogspot.co.uk/2017/04/call-of-cthulhu-miniatures.html)
Title: Re: 80's Grenadier CoC investigators now with 100% more added Cthulhu!
Post by: Ballardian on May 29, 2017, 04:31:32 PM
Shahbahraz - I particlarly like the Proto-shoggoth you did, the multi-coloured effect is great.
Title: Re: 80's Grenadier CoC investigators now with 100% more added Cthulhu!
Post by: The Dozing Dragon on May 29, 2017, 04:32:36 PM
Lovely work. I love seeing the old school minis on the new display type bases. Suits them so well.
Title: Re: 80's Grenadier CoC investigators now with 100% more added Cthulhu!
Post by: Ballardian on May 30, 2017, 02:40:01 PM
 Many thanks for all the kind comments, TDD - being such a big lump, old Squidly demanded a big base - it's got bits (in the rather soft pewter of the time) sticking out in all directions - so the bases size was an attempt to make it harder for it to fall over & end up in a new & interesting shape!
Title: Re: 80's Grenadier CoC investigators now with 100% more added Cthulhu!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on June 01, 2017, 08:36:52 PM
Nice work - takes me back to my Grenadier days. Incidentally, I think you'll find the "rather soft pewter of the time" is due to it being mainly lead. In the eighties, we certainly used to cast bigger pieces with a lot more lead than the human sized figures.

Title: Re: 80's Grenadier CoC investigators now with 100% more added Cthulhu!
Post by: Curt on June 02, 2017, 07:39:43 PM
Wow, that Cthulhu model is fabulous! Well done!
Title: Re: 80's Grenadier CoC investigators now with 100% more added Cthulhu!
Post by: chicklewis on June 03, 2017, 07:38:46 PM
Just what, pray tell, is your LUCKY friend for whom you are painting, doing for you in recompense?
Title: Re: 80's Grenadier CoC investigators now with 100% more added Cthulhu!
Post by: Ballardian on June 04, 2017, 03:52:51 PM
 Cheers all, as to the recompense, well summoning circles don't build themselves! (Or more mundanely, adding a few figures to the never ending queue doesn't make an appreciable difference & I hadn't painted anything like the Grenadier minis in probably more than twenty years - so they made for an attractive change .)
Title: Re: 80's Grenadier CoC investigators now with 100% more added Cthulhu!
Post by: Captain Blood on June 04, 2017, 06:25:35 PM
Splendid. I've done a fair few of these myself. And yes, the RAFM Great Cthulhu was a bugger to assemble. Much heavy duty expoxy cement required...
Still a very nice model at the end of the day though  8)